Marvel Heroes 2016 1.16 Patch Notes
3-Year Anniversary Event Continues
This week kicks off our 3-Year Anniversary Tournament! For the remainder of the Anniversary event, this Tournament will reward points for participating in a wide variety of Marvel Heroes content, with the reward being sweet, sweet cake slices! You can earn points in the Anniversary tournament in the following ways:
Complete Danger Room Scenario — 1 Point
Holo-Sim Waves — 1 Point
- Patrol Civilians Saved — 1 Point
- Patrol Mode Bosses — 1 Point
- Terminal Bosses — 1 Point
- X-Defense Waves — 1 Point
- Cosmic Patrol Mode Bosses — 2 Points
- Terminal Bosses (Cosmic) — 2 Points
- Legendary Quests — 3 Points
- Complete Cosmic Danger Room Scenario — 5 Points
- GLF Daily Missions — 10 Points
- Daily Shared Missions — 15 Points
- Complete Age of Ultron — 15 Points
This tournament will reset every 4 hours, and award players with the following based on their ranking in the Tournament leaderboard:
Top 10% — 50 Cake Slices, 3 Random Anniversary Cupcakes
Top 20% — 30 Cake Slices, 2 Random Anniversary Cupcakes
- Top 50% — 20 Cake Slices, 1 Random Anniversary Cupcakes
- All remaining participants — 10 Cake Slices
The 3-Year Anniversary Tournament leaderboards will open at 12:00 PM PDT, June 10th!
Event Vendor Price Adjustments
The following items have been reduced in cost at the Special Event Terminal in Avenger’s Tower:
Marvel Heroes 1st Birthday Cake — 100 Cake Slices
Marvel Heroes 2-Year Anniversary Cake — 200 Cake Slices
- Crimson Box — 200 Cake Slices
- Mysterious Blue Box —150 Cake Slices
- Danger Room Black Box — 200 Cake Slices
- Mysterious Civil War Items Box — 150 Cake Slices
- Spider-Man Spray Paint — 25 Cake Slices
- Punisher Logo Spray — 25 Cake Slices
- Daredevil Logo Spray — 25 Cake Slices
- Random Industry City Signet — 50 Cake Slices
Danger Room Tournament
Alongside the Anniversary Tournament, this week will also host a new Danger Room Tournament with a new unique challenge scenario against the devious Brood!
This week-long Danger Room Tournament will track your best completion time in both the Epic and Cosmic versions of the scenario, and award prizes at the end of the week based on your position on the Tournament leaderboards.
The leaderboards for this Danger Room Tournament will open at 12:00 PM PDT, June 10th!
Week-Long Event Bonuses
In addition to all of the above, the following event bonuses will be active for the entire week:
Cosmic Chaos — Bonus rewards in Cosmic content, and faster Cosmic Prestige leveling!
Wealth of King's County Returns — This time, the Maggia have stolen CAKE SLICES!
- 50% bonus XP in Industry City Patrol!
- 150% Server-side XP Bonus!
Updated Raft Section
Continuing to improve on our new player experience, this update brings an overhaul to the Raft section of the Prologue!
The updated Raft section has been completely revamped with a new layout, all-new tutorials and tips to better teach new players about how to play Marvel Heroes, and even a couple new supervillain appearances as players battle the HYDRA agents attempting to free some of the most dangerous criminals contained within the Raft.
New players will be automatically sent to the Raft upon completing the Times Square introduction. Existing players that wish to see the updated Raft can access it via any Waypoint under the Prologue section.
Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
The following powers will now correctly receive their listed damage bonus:
Magik — Spirit Fangs, Vengeful Spirit
Juggernaut — Earthquake
- Punisher — Magnum (also fixed to grant 50% bonus damage as stated on the tooltip)
- Rocket Raccoon — H7 Fleetslayer
- Rogue — Supersonic Cyclone
- Spider-Man — Web Barrage, Web Sling
- Venom — Web Cannon
- Winter Soldier — Pistol Takedown
Fixed an issue where tooltips would display a 0% bonus, when it was in fact more.
Fixed an issue where bonus damage from Scarlet Witch’s Disruption powers was not functioning correctly.
Fixed an issue where some Mystery Boxes could not be opened.
Fixed an issue where mouse wheel would have issues scrolling vendor lists.
Fixed an issue where power tooltips would become ‘stuck’ on screen.
Fixed an issue where the “new item” highlight would persist.
Fixed the source of some client crashes that would happen on startup. Please let us know if you are still affected by this issue.
Fixed an issue that prevented interactions with NPCs under certain circumstances such as saving civilians. They should be more cooperative now.
Fixed an issue that prevented Danger Room Scenarios from correctly scaling in difficulty with the number of players in the zone.
Updated Captain America’s unlock image to correctly display his new visual update.