Just Viewed / Most Viewed
Just Viewed
- 289 Something about uru going away after Omega-gear patch?
- 328 Couple questions [3x UPDATED]
- 3k+ What are Acorns for?
- 252 Does damage by summons trigger Power Doop & artifacts?
- 310 How long will items stay in the delivery box / when will gaz start removing all [..]
- 354 Need to know everything about Infinity points
- 530 price check my items pl0x
- 265 About Daily Login Cards' Rewards
- 280 Help with working out damage formulas
- 329 Perfect Idea To Add A Bunch of Pets in Game & New Heroes
- 417 Do you guys think Elektra will ever become playable?
- 279 Marvel's CA: CW Loot Box Now Available!
- 1k+ Good Gaming Laptop?
- 278 What counts as "Vulnerable"?
- 4k+ What do I do with SHIELD delivery manifests?
- 680 Agamotto omega node
- 273 Not sure if the new civil war artifact has this updated or not....
- 360 Marvel Heroes Omega 2.16 Patch Notes
- 327 Trade Legendary for Odin marks @ crafter not working
- 416 One last patch or maybe reset the old codes for one last blowout. To anyone left[..]
- 269 March 2016 BOGO Sale!
- 310 Please explain what this means about omega prestige
- 594 Cannot find the 'Invaded Office' in East Side
- 330 Question regarding Uniques and Bounty Hunter's Box!
- 522 Question and Discussion: Quicksilver? Has this been asked? Sorry ... ;)
- 344 Confused about damage rating.
- 1k+ Crafting Molecular Power Cells?
- 306 Big 10 Caches o' Loot & Bounty Hunter Boxes, post Omega?
- 373 Just got a Liz Serum, What Hero to Use it on?
- 326 Team-Up with Agent Venom!
- 184 Haven't played in a long time, trying to figure out what I should be doing right[..]
- 334 The last of the 52 Reviews
- 560 Is there a way to control pet stat rolls?
- 311 Achievement Question
- 317 Team Up Synergy only while away? Why?
- 201 Secrets of Latveria
- 372 Nova Black Vortex Costume
- 1k+ Does Juggernaut still drop the Unstoppable Force recipe?
- 418 What can you do with extra cybernetic pets?
- 296 Cosmic Rerolling
- 385 Do team-ups benefit from hero stats?
- 177 Latency jump ?
- 349 Worst/Best RNG Fakeout Moment
- 134 Can Buff Powers Turn The Icon Of The Power Gold (or some other color)?
- 412 Sam Wilson Captain America Team-Up Now Available!
- 554 Legendary Pot of Gold: permanent recipe?
- 444 power cubes
- 314 Fastest Way to Farm Unstable Molecules?
- 389 How do server-side multiplicative bonuse work?
- 678 Need some clarification about "conditional" damages. (slow, knockdown etc)
- 238 How to get a new default costume?
- 416 Drops of flag an gok
- 283 [Answered] Whats the process for buying a Hero via Steam
- 223 Explain Prestige.
- 230 Should I buy the EXP Boost bundle or Winter Fortune Cards?
- 333 Black Bolt Now Available on Console!
- 447 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Event
- 399 [Edit: Midtown Madness is This Week]
- 222 Doop Event - What was that, what happened to it, is there going to be anything d[..]
- 350 Lags
- 292 a thought on any hero uniques
- 391 Pet Cybernetics Epic tier question.
- 433 Advance Pack 3 Returns!
- 380 ordinary enchanced genome
- 349 Elektra Ultimate Costume
- 300 What do XP boosts effect?
- 243 New Player - Current Level is Way Ahead of Story Mode Content
- 214 Recent Green Goblin Newsletter: link to Beast?
- 417 Auto-Vaporize Gear 1-5: What Exactly Does It Do?
- 390 Noob Q: Melee + Energy + Crit + Dodge = Who?
- 180 List of events and how they work?
- 313 How to contact Forum Moderators?
- 316 Omega Jean Grey/Phoenix
- 234 Completed Quests Whats Time Available In?
- 178 Loot drop beams are graphically intensive
- 280 PLS HELP ME !!!!
- 174 Team Ups: Glitch or No?
- 297 Which are the artifs that worth something?
- 385 Need help on level 9
- 320 Old Man Logan Event!
- 453 "remove visual effect" recipe
- 1k+ Arnim Zola's ESP Box.. does it drop?
- 267 10 Days of Guardians of the Galaxy: 4 Days: Costume BOGO
- 264 When should I upgrade legendary?
- 386 Unbinding Legendary
- 380 Which are the starter heroes?
- 304 Are Omega Items In-game?
- 390 Farming insignias?
- 159 Questions about xp and boosts
- 326 Marvel Help Line on Discord
- 294 Holo-Sim 50 Wave Question
- 1k+ Surtur Rune
- 231 Tyr, Odin and Thor Runes
- 375 Dev Blog: The Infinity System
- 469 Let's Get This Done Already
- 234 Event vendor items?
- 260 What to do with extra team-ups
- 369 Why Friday?
- 1k+ Raids : how does a player who is outside of Muspelheim join us ?
- 403 Developers changing stats on items needs to stop.
- 328 Best i80 legendary for hybrid heroes?
- 967 Chase and Halloween Costumes Back for a Limited Time
- 356 Are the boss artifacts capable of being sold by the weapon vendor?
- 373 Venom or Eddie Brock?
- 262 [Black Cat] 9 Lives Restore Slower Than Ultimate Power Cooldown
- 376 Questions about lvl 20 ult and ultimate guardian and/or +2 to ultimate powers on[..]
- 463 76 Card not up to snuff
- 299 New to 60. Noon Questions
- 1k+ RiF & SiF question(s)...
- 594 Taskmaster Avengers World Costume
- 1k+ Arachne Team-Up Swings Into Marvel Heroes!
- 246 New Artifacts?
- 286 Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0a Patch Notes
- 915 Coat of the skull is bis for?
- 457 Pre-Order Blade!
- 356 The Age of Ultron Arrives
- 266 Login Error message
- 208 starting hero
- 358 A few chapter 6 questions...
- 364 How to recognize what class your hero is and build accordingly?
- 162 Does Casket of Ancient Winters proc the energy portion of the power doop?
- 1k+ Question regarding the reroll Unique recipe.
- 1k+ Cosmic prestige levelling questions
- 271 Question on Yellow Prestige
- 175 Adam Warlock not displaying Hero tokens for Eternity Splinter exchange
- 306 Returning Player Story Issue [ANSWERED]
- 417 Where to farm bloodstone demonband?
- 353 October 26, 2015 Guide to commonly traded items
- 387 Splinter buff not working like it used to??
- 2k+ Cyclops Age of Apocalypse Costume
- 383 New chat font: sizing, scaling & 'fit'.
- 326 Mysterious concoction results
- 389 Test Server - Is Single Green Female (Jeans Variant) a ingame store purchase?
- 379 Team-Up with Ms. Marvel!
- 359 Base Damage
- 334 Getting a pet?
- 391 best artifacts?
- 324 Spirit of Ymir?
- 499 Epic lack of rune diversity in runewords so far
- 598 "Unique - Any Hero" how would you improve them?
- 157 Where did my costume visuals go?
- 270 Chapter 1 Rewards
- 429 August 22, 2015 Guide to commonly traded items
- 322 The grind for the cloak has broken my spirit.
- 302 What is the current limit for a Supergroup?
- 296 Roleplay (RP) Guilds and Playerbase?
- 240 Game crashing?
- 452 No news on Angel
- 452 Commendation Cap Reset
- 1k+ Where is Punisher's Omega Effect costume?
- 1k+ Team Up with Angel!
- 256 Coming back after a year or so.
- 764 Mr. Fixit Achievement Question
- 344 farming toon
- 396 Insignia of Quake + ARMOR M-26 Anti-RealityGrenade
- 246 ? about "+ x energy dmg after using phys dmg"
- 242 Bronx Zoo Figurine Collection
- 353 Who is the most "improved" hero?
- 261 Where to find Malekith?
- 223 Game causing loss of internet, please help.
- 246 June 8, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items
- 364 Alternative Thoughts Regarding (Starktech, Blessings, and Other)
- 355 How to use the Questions and Answers subforum
- 250 This a bug or did they just change location?
- 496 Armored Bifecta vs Trifecta
- 322 Help please, can't get back to Asgard
- 176 Big 10 loot box, no Icon
- 334 Spiritless Artifact Suggestions?
- 457 Any plans to allow recipes for Upgrade Slot Unique or Cosmic to item grades to b[..]
- 319 Boss drop question
- 423 Midtown Mondays without 59% Boost?
- 234 Not asking for it to be given.
- 371 Thor and Tyr
- 341 Odin Marks disappearing....
- 337 Advance Pack 2 back for a limited time!
- 165 Marvel Heroes Omega Beta UK
- 439 Can you get rid of the spray paint?
- 266 How many powers should I have equipped?
- 461 Boss Artifacts to the same power level please!
- 887 Brutal Strike Damage Rating
- 428 who should bugs be reported to
- 1k+ Bounty Hunter Boost Bundle Sale
- 469 Hero Token Cosutme Questions From A Noob
- 470 Visual Effects stacking?
- 1k+ Quicksilver Team-Up Now Available!
- 287 Just wondering...
- 306 curious if GAZ will ever expand on there servers?
- 1k+ Age of Ultron Artifacts
- 347 Can't Decide: Keep Old Account or Start New?
- 459 Level requirement to drop boss arts and boss uniques?
- 334 Howard the Duck Achievement - How do you unlock him?
- 1k+ Can raptor stone drop during Odin event?
- 335 What makes for a "Keeper" Bloodstone Ring?
- 1k+ April Midtown Madness!
- 315 A question about duplicate team-ups
- 344 Hero Specific Stashes...Again
- 347 Missed 2 patches - broken game?
- 553 Marvel Heroes 2016.exe çalışmayı durdurdu / Marvel Heroes 2016.exe has stopp[..]
- 141 The Age of Ultron its working?
Most Viewed
- 7k+ GLF Influence Ranks/Rewards info?
- 5k+ Where is Hersir Astella?
- 4k+ Leveling Crafter + Enchanter (Guide)
- 4k+ Cupid's Bow - Spirit of Valentines Day drops
- 4k+ Cosmic Worldstone - What are they?
- 4k+ Marvel Heroes Omega Now Live on Xbox One and PlayStation 4
- 4k+ What do I do with SHIELD delivery manifests?
- 4k+ What exactly is rerolling a pet, and How do you do it?
- 3k+ Cosmic Upgrade Token and Doop Rune.
- 3k+ Visual Artifacts
- 3k+ Midtown Signet Exchange
- 3k+ Black Panther Doom War Costume
- 3k+ We need that "Upgrade Insignia to level 60" recipe
- 3k+ What are Acorns for?
- 3k+ God of Mischief recipe
- 3k+ Omega Access Files for Coulson’s training mission
- 3k+ Will special vendor Jocasta come back with same non refresh items? I don't want [..]
- 3k+ Runes Guide : Rarity Levels - Prices
- 3k+ Costume affixes: Consolidated list for level 1 and level 60 costumes
- 3k+ God of Mischief runeword still exists? (FOUND ONE!!)
- 2k+ Hyde/Lizard Potion Drop rate.
- 2k+ Best in Slot (or viable options) Any Hero Unique List
- 2k+ Solo farming tier list?
- 2k+ What are cosmic worldstones?
- 2k+ Farming One Shots -- specifically Red Skull
- 2k+ Cybernetic Vacuum for creds just isn't worth the loss.
- 2k+ getting max skill points
- 2k+ Farming Cosmic Sauron Medallion (lvl 60)
- 2k+ Good solo hero now?
- 2k+ About The power doop runeword
- 2k+ How easy is it to get the Giant Ant pet?
- 2k+ Is there any damage meter addon or will anything like that be implented into the[..]
- 2k+ Marvel Heroes still missing from NVIDIA Experience
- 2k+ Best melee raid hero for casual player? (no hard equipment reuiqrements)
- 2k+ What does Vaporize do?
- 2k+ chapter 10 locked
- 2k+ What Secret Achievements have I missed?
- 2k+ Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Friday, August 15th,[..]
- 2k+ Does Octobot Controller drop from Doc Ock terminal?
- 2k+ Best way to farm doop runes?
- 2k+ Future Foundation Communication Device Question
- 2k+ Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Sunday, August 10th,[..]
- 2k+ Quest "Send the Bugs Packing"
- 2k+ Best Terminals to farm for Artifacts and Boss Uniques
- 2k+ Bug with Power Doop Runeword
- 2k+ Best ranged damage at the moment?
- 2k+ Where's the dangerous tech (Sentinel Head) mission now?
- 2k+ Cosmic Medallion Farming ?
- 2k+ How does the damage formula exactly work?
- 2k+ Surtur Rune - Bit of Research
- 2k+ Can we get an upgrade Medallion to Cosmic level?
- 2k+ Crafting Recipe for Cosmic Medallions?
- 2k+ Verifying Email issue?
- 2k+ Cyclops Age of Apocalypse Costume
- 2k+ Swapping enchantments of uniques?
- 2k+ Site config not available due to http request error 1
- 2k+ When to reroll Artifacts
- 2k+ Item level 66 upgrades
- 2k+ S.H.I.E.L.D. Omega Access Files
- 2k+ Unbinding Medallions, Rings, Uru-forged?
- 2k+ Rerolling Epic Insignia crafting recipe
- 2k+ Limited Time Halloween Costumes!
- 2k+ Where to Harvest Eradicator King
- 2k+ How long will it take to get 1000 Omega files?
- 2k+ Any way to unbind uru-forged items?
- 2k+ Which is better for farming GotK- red or cosmic terminals?
- 2k+ Spirit of Ymir
- 1k+ How to get the 64bit client working (using Steam)
- 1k+ Is it possible to reset a ONE-SHOT instance?
- 1k+ Change to Stark Tech Cubes?
- 1k+ Will I still get Eternity Splinters from Dr. Doom?
- 1k+ Rare Chase Costumes Return!
- 1k+ will we ever be able to re-roll cosmic med. or rings?
- 1k+ Halloween Half-Off All Costumes Sale
- 1k+ Is there a way to reroll variables on a cosmic item? Clea's reroll cosmic recipe[..]
- 1k+ Spider-Clone Serum is seriously underwhelming.
- 1k+ How to get a title from achievement(s)
- 1k+ Fragment of Twilight question
- 1k+ Best way to get Gem of Kursed?
- 1k+ Can raptor stone drop during Odin event?
- 1k+ Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie-Inspired Packs
- 1k+ "Your comment will appear after it is approved" - suddenly; what is this?!
- 1k+ What's best level to open green xp box for cosmic prestige?
- 1k+ Here's my haul after 8 hours straight of cosmic Doom farming (in a group)
- 1k+ abit confused on the new lvl 80 legendary. how do you get them?
- 1k+ free 250G
- 1k+ Guardians of the Galaxy Arrive!
- 1k+ StarTech Power Cubes
- 1k+ The Cosmic Trial - What is the reward, actually?
- 1k+ How Do I Get New Heroes & Level Up My Current Heroes?
- 1k+ Recovering missed skill point reward from story quests after doing prestige...
- 1k+ Best way to use Commendations?
- 1k+ Iron Legion Armor Sheath - top 4 artifact on a non-summoner?
- 1k+ Challenge bonus recipes!
- 1k+ Celebrate Spider-Man with the Spider-Verse Bundle!
- 1k+ Can lvl 50 Industry City Signet ring roll max affixes?
- 1k+ planing to farm for Loki Runes and God of Mischief Recipe...help pls
- 1k+ Who would you choose between Rogue and Dr. Strange?
- 1k+ Cosmic Buddies/Prestige Levels
- 1k+ Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Tuesday, August 19th[..]
- 1k+ Which Hero to purchase?
- 1k+ Is armor of the Apocalypse random drop or does it only drop from specific boss o[..]
- 1k+ Have Runes for Doop Inspiration, Still Need Runes for The Power Doop!
- 1k+ Marvel's Avengers Age of Ultron Costumes
- 1k+ stone of jordan for new player
- 1k+ Odin's Bounty is Back!
- 1k+ Missing 2nd anniversary gift.
- 1k+ Add Power Cube to Blessed Artifact?
- 1k+ Cosmic terminal XP amount per boss
- 1k+ New Rogue & Thor Costumes!
- 1k+ How do I get the 24hour Genosha Influence buff?
- 1k+ A better way to farm Artifacts and Uniques?
- 1k+ Level 80 legendaries (all screenshots up)
- 1k+ Can we have a way to upgrade level 60 normal medallions to cosmic please?
- 1k+ What is the Command Line?
- 1k+ Where/when do Alternate Reality Runes drop?
- 1k+ How do I get my party together in Midtown?
- 1k+ Gem Of The Kursed - I am the Kurse :D
- 1k+ Eternity Splinter drop rate
- 1k+ Chase Costumes are Back!
- 1k+ Reroll Cosmic Item
- 1k+ Market watch: current prices list for Artifacts / Runes / Cores (updated weekly)[..]
- 1k+ Chapter 4 - No Brute Left Behind
- 1k+ Artifacts reroll
- 1k+ Daredevil Man Without Fear
- 1k+ Sinister's bioengineered cuirass droprate?
- 1k+ Missing Lore Mission
- 1k+ Marvel Heroes Launcher won't Play
- 1k+ Is there a pattern to the weekly event rotation?
- 1k+ Doop Ectoplasm Artifact
- 1k+ Magneto Uncanny Avengers
- 1k+ How do i swap start tech cubes in arti
- 1k+ Surtur Rune
- 1k+ How Can I Dismiss The Team-Up Hero?
- 1k+ Cosmic and regular Dr. Doom Medallion now procs stun instead of cower?
- 1k+ Bullseye Glitch
- 1k+ Batroc's Savate Boots
- 1k+ Hey, about Nate Grey's Psionic Armor..
- 1k+ Hand of Nimrod only during Midtown Madness?
- 1k+ Two New Costumes!
- 1k+ Pre-order Nova Now!
- 1k+ Vision Uncanny Avengers
- 1k+ Spoiler - Raid Unique Review Teaser - Fragment of Twilight!
- 1k+ Rogue Has Arrived!
- 1k+ Advanced Circlet of Cyttorak just dropped by Juggy at MM, below lvl 60
- 1k+ Genosha dailies
- 1k+ A.R.M.O.R. Incursion is Back
- 1k+ How do I go about changing my temporary Password?
- 1k+ New Costume for Storm!
- 1k+ New Venom Costume
- 1k+ Hogun - add challenge bonus to any item grade 63 or higher locked?
- 1k+ Cosmic Chaos Returns!
- 1k+ costumes from achievements
- 1k+ Is there a cap on credits you can have?
- 1k+ When I'm Don't Login For Daily Will I Miss The Login Reward?
- 1k+ Doctor Doom God Emperor
- 1k+ Whats the current best way to farm splinters?
- 1k+ Where is Punisher's Omega Effect costume?
- 1k+ Discover Midtown Patrol Mission in Story Mode
- 1k+ Wasp Team-Up Now Available
- 1k+ Juggernaut Presale Now Available!
- 1k+ Large/Small Box of Runes Results
- 1k+ How do I unlock these branches of Omega Specialization?
- 1k+ ARMOR Alternate Reality Chaos Portal Roll
- 1k+ Psylocke Lady Mandarin
- 1k+ Kraven's Lion Vest
- 1k+ Valentine's Day with Marvel Heroes 2015!
- 1k+ Bloodstone Demonband vs. other Rings [Math Inside]
- 1k+ Venom Presale Now Available
- 1k+ New Scarlet Witch Enhanced Costume
- 1k+ The Uncanny Fortune Card
- 1k+ Legendary re-leveling
- 1k+ The Bobby Drake Cometh… Pre-Order Iceman Now!
- 1k+ unable to reach game server. please check your internet connection?
- 1k+ 15% Bonus G for Big Ten
- 1k+ Reset high health dummy
- 1k+ What's Max Boost of XP/RIF/SIF ?
- 1k+ No Stark Tech sockets on vendor Artifacts?
- 1k+ Why is Unbind Medallion so expensive?
- 1k+ Can you turn blessings back to Odinmarks?
- 1k+ My Cosmic Medallion Colletion
- 1k+ Nova Now Available!
- 1k+ How do you beat Madame Hydra? (March to Axis)
- 1k+ Ms. Marvel Enhanced Mar-Vell Costume
- 1k+ (Problem Solved)Where's the Maggia Hideout in Chapter 2?
- 1k+ Question regarding the reroll Unique recipe.
- 1k+ Age of Ultron Artifacts
- 1k+ Marvel Heros - Useful Links
- 1k+ Earth's Mightiest Romance
- 1k+ New Hawkeye Costume
- 1k+ Introducing Variant Costumes!
- 1k+ Advanced metasensory array, what am I missing?
- 1k+ Latverian Monarch Cloak
- 1k+ raid dummy ttk to complete at green
- 1k+ Wakandan Casing
- 1k+ Noob Question: Why are some Omega nodes locked? (Molecular Adjustment)
- 1k+ Ancient Forgotten Device's
- 1k+ Magneto Presale Now Available