Marvel Heroes 2016 1.04 Patch Notes
New Hero: Green Goblin
Green Goblin joins the hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016!
Norman Osborn was never a very sane man. Growing up under an abusive father and the loss of his wife was enough to push any man over the edge, but Norman Osborn had much further to fall still. While reverse-engineering an experimental serum Norman created a volatile concoction that exploded in his face and finally drove him to become the violent madman, The Green Goblin!
Always thirsting for power the Green Goblin has made a career out of being stopped by his least favorite Super Hero, the Amazing Spider-Man. Yet ever the sly one, Osborn has always eluded punishment for his crimes as the Green Goblin, even becoming leader of the Thunderbolts and eventually being promoted to Director of H.A.M.M.E.R., S.H.I.E.L.D.'s replacement. Norman Osborn has a long and cruel list of crimes to atone for, but maybe, just maybe, he can do some good while he's trying to fool everyone.
Omega System Update
System Changes
The Omega Point Cap has been raised from 7,500 to 10,000!
The total amount of experience points (XP) needed to gain the next Omega Point increases on a curve as you progress through the Omega System, similar to how the XP requirement per level increases when leveling a hero from 0 to 60.
The total amount of XP needed to go from 0 to 7,500 Omega Points remains exactly the same, it will simply feel much faster at lower levels of Omega and a bit slower as you near 7,500. Again, total time to 7,500 Omega Points is exactly the same as before.
Omega Orbs no longer grant a guaranteed single Omega Point, instead granting XP equivalent to 1 Omega Point in the previous system. For example, at 0 Omega Points, 1 Omega Orb worth of XP can get you 28 Omega Points, while above 3,500 Omega Points, it will grant less than 1 Omega Point.
Every single account will have their total Omega Points recalculated based on this new Omega XP Curve. Anyone with under 7,498 Omega Points will GAIN more points when they login under the new system. Those with 7,498 to 7,500 Omega Points will remain the same.
Due to the fact that Omega Points can be gained in chunks, there will be a banner message that shows you exactly how many Omega Points you gained, if more than 1 at a time.
Omega Orbs will still exist as described above, but they will no longer drop when you have enough XP to gain an Omega Point. You no longer need to worry about picking up an orb to gain an Omega Point; you will automatically gain the point when you have enough XP, and you will see a visual effect and banner message when that happens.
Existing Omega Node Changes
Each currently existing Omega Division (Mutation, Nanotechnology, Psionics, Radioactive Origins, Special Weapons, Human Augmentation, Molecular Adjustment, Neural Enhancement, and Arcane Attunement) has been updated with the following changes:
Cost per rank no longer scales with each rank. E.g. if a node used to cost 200, 225, 250, ..., it might now cost 225, 225, 225 ...
Exception to above might be if there is a non-scaling benefit at the first rank, in which case the first rank will cost more, but subsequent ranks will have a flat cost. E.g. 300, 200, 200, 200, ...
Costs were greatly reduced for less popular nodes, and reduced for almost all nodes in general when compared to the average previous cost per rank.
Maximum ranks in each node have been reviewed and lowered in many cases. All nodes are now able to attain their maximum rank when at 10,000 Omega Points.
New Interstellar Exploration Division
At the right side of the Omega Program page, you will find the new Interstellar Exploration Division. This Division focuses on research into the many locations in the Marvel Universe beyond (and including) Earth.
We're excited that these new nodes will fill in some holes in the existing nodes, particularly Hybrid options, Ranged/Melee, Attributes, and Deflect Rating. In addition, these are some very unique proc effects that can significantly alter gameplay when they occur.
Cosmic Hightown
Cosmic Hightown is now available! In line with our other two Cosmic Patrols, Cosmic Hightown brings a new, more challenging version of Hightown Patrol to endgame players.
Access to Cosmic Hightown Patrol requires having successfully completing the Cosmic Trial, found in the southern side of level 60 Midtown Manhattan Patrol.
Kirigi and Gorgon have heard of the happenings in Madripoor and have arrived to try to thwart our heroes! These two villains can be found in different areas of Hightown Patrol in both difficulties. The Mandarin has taken notice of the power vacuum left in Industry City Patrol and has moved in in attempts to fill it. He also can be found in both Normal and Cosmic difficulties of Industry City Patrol.
Our goal with Cosmic Hightown rewards is to give players rewards that are commensurate to the difficulty of the content, without cluttering the screen or inventory with lower level/lower quality items. Upon playing, you will immediately see a vastly different loot experience compared to Cosmic Midtown in the volume of loot. There will be far less loot than you currently see in Cosmic Midtown, but better quality loot.
Shared Boss Loot Table
All patrol bosses share a loot table that controls all the loot that drops aside from their boss specific items and their boss specific medallions. Here are the different various types of loot that has a chance to drop from each boss encounter:
Experience Orbs - We are trying something new with spawning less XP orbs, but the ones we spawn have higher XP values. This is to help reduce ground clutter as well as system performance.
Credits - 4-6 piles of ~1000 credits
- Crafting Elements - A stack of 1 to 5 elements
- Cosmic Reliquary of Rarity - A new version of the reliquary that drops either a Cosmic Medallion, Epic Insignia, Cosmic Team Up Item, 4 Affix Costume Core, Stack of 5 Crafting Elements or an Unstable Molecule.
- Random Unique
- 4 Affix Costume Core
- Starktech Cube
- Relics
- Danger Room Scenario - Epic or Cosmic rarity only
- Runes
- Epic Insignia
- Unstable Molecule
- A new Unique Medallion, Skrull Medallion of Bravery - This medallion can drop from any boss in the zone, but only in Cosmic difficulty. The goal is to give you a reason to do any encounter, even if you do not want the boss specific items from that encounter(Bonus points to anyone who gets the reference)
- A New High Value Credit Item - Agent Nikki’s Special Ketchup Blend
Boss Loot Tables
There are several changes to how boss loot functions in Cosmic Hightown Patrol
Cosmic Medallions have a higher chance to drop
Boss Specific Items have a higher chance to drop
New Items!
The following items have been added to the respective boss loot tables and can drop in either Normal or Cosmic difficulties:
Gorgon - Godkiller - New Leveling Legendary!
Infernal War Skrull - Orders From The Emperor - New Summoner Artifact!
- Infernal War Skrull - Infernal War Skrull Medallion (Normal and Cosmic Versions)
- War Skrulls Boss Trio - War Skrull Medallion (Normal and Cosmic Versions)
The Skrull Communication Device that drops from Skrull Elektra has had a new power added to it to make it more attractive for mental damage heroes.
Crafting Updates
A review of some crafting recipe costs has been made, and the following recipes have had their costs adjusted:
Defense Affix II
Cost Change from 1 Astral and 1 Genome to 1 Ionic and 1 Nano
Offensive Affix II
Cost Change from 1 Astral and 1 Genome to 1 Ionic and 1 Nano
Reroll Costume Affix Value Grade II
Cost Change from 1 Astral and 1 Genome to 1 Ionic and 1 Nano
Random Unique Affixes
Cost change from 1 Nano, 1 Genome, 1 Astral and 2 Unstable Molecules to 1 Nano, 1 Genome, 1 Astral, 1 Ionic and 2 Unstable Molecules
Unique Transformation I
Cost Change from 1 Astral, 1 Genome, 1 Ionic and 1 Nano to 1 Astral and 1 Genome
Unique Transformation II
Cost Change from 1 Astral, 1 Genome, 1 Ionic and 1 Nano to 1 Ionic, 1 Nano and 1 Unstable Mole
Unbind Gear
Cost Change from 1 Mandarin Medallion and 1 Ionic to 1 Ionic and 1 Unstable Molecule
Create Unstable Molecule
Cost Change from 500,000 Credits and 10 Cosmic Slot 1-5 items to 50,000 Credit and 1 Astral, 1 Genome, 1 Ionic and 1 Nano
Unbind an Artifact
Cost Change from Magneto Medallion and 1 Genome to 1 Genome and 1 Unstable Molecule
Random Artifact Affixes
Cost Change from 1 Hood Medallion, 1 Unstable Molecule and 1 Astral to 1 Astral, 1 Genome, 1 Ionic, 1 Nano and 1 Unstable Molecule
Rare Transformation I
Cost Change from 1 Genome to 1 Any Element
Rare Transformation II
Cost Change from 1 Genome to 1 Any Element
Rare Transformation III
Cost Change from 1 Genome to 1 Any Element
Rare Transformation IV
Cost Change from 1 Genome to 1 Any Element
Rare Transformation V
Cost Change from 1 Genome to 1 Any Element
Hero Changes
Iron Fist Update
Removed some excess information from power tooltips to make Iron Fist's powers a bit cleaner. Stances will no longer display their effects in both the upper and lower portions of their tooltips, and Stance/Stance Combo relationships are now displayed only in the associated Combo, instead of in both places.
Twin Styles now automatically applies Chi Overload when a Stance Opener is used while another Stance effect is currently active.
Fury of Five Forces now causes Iron Fist to dash to the location. Area size increased to 240 degrees (up from 90), causing the power to hit much more accurately, even if the target moves to the side a bit.
Chi Blast radius increased to 45 degrees (up from 30). The power now stuns all enemies hit.
Black-Black Poison Touch has received a new, more fluid animation.
Immortal Weapon now passively grants a moderate amount of health on hit. The active component now costs 200 Chi (down from 300) per second, and transitions into and out of the animation near-instantly. The minimum channel time for pressing and releasing is now sub-200 milliseconds. Damage negation effect increased to 75%.
Fixed a bug with Chi Overload (Dedicated Form) reducing cooldowns by 20% instead of 25%. Chi Overload will now also reset the cooldown of Chi Blast while in this spec.
Grandmaster no longer adds a cooldown to Stance Opener Chi Burst effects.
Chi Overload no longer persists the Team Buff portion of a Stance. This was to resolve issues with Team Buffs getting incorrectly added or not removed due to the constant shifting of which one was active.
New mechanics have been added to all Stance Combo powers, now triggering off of an additional stance.
Good Fortune Thunder Kick - While in Tiger Stance, this triggers a cooldown reset on all other Stance Combo powers.
Fury of Five Hundred Forces - While in Leopard stance, this triggers Leopard Slice on every hit of the combo.
Seven Armies Sundered - While in Dragon Stance, this grants a damage absorption shield when the attack ends.
Chi Blast - While in Serpent Stance, this power has bonus damage and a cooldown.
Black-Black Poison Touch - While in Crane Stance, this power heals a significant portion of Iron Fist's health.
Ghost Rider Update
NEW Power - Hellfire Beam - A new line attack has replaced Infernal Skull in Ghost Rider’s tree. Mechanically, it operates in the same manner, gaining bonus damage based on stacks of Hellfire.
NEW Power - Chain Flechette - A new chain-based large cone attack that shares a cooldown with Flay has been added to Ghost Rider. This allows a more pure physical or pure Chains build to still have a potent area clearing cooldown. The power has taken over the bonus Physical damage buff formerly found in Condemn.
Chain Snare - Immobilize Duration now a flat 4s, DoT Duration now a flat 8s. Range and projectile speed increased. The power now applies a stack of Hellfire on hit, allowing full-Chain builds to have easier access to the debuff.
Condemn - Range & Radius increased. Now tagged as Melee instead of Ranged. Cooldown & weaken removed.
Chain Lash - Now costs spirit and has increased damage, positioning it as a faster, more reliable STSS for Chains Ghost Rider. Bonus damage based on missing spirit has been replaced with bonus damage vs Hellfire-inflicted enemies. The power has taken the Area tag from Judgment to allow for existing item and omega builds to remain effective.
Items and Item Affixes that gave bonuses to or affected Judgment will now give those same bonuses to Chain Lash, and vice-versa, as Chain Lash has functionally replaced Judgment in the rotation for Chains Ghost Riders.
Judgment - Now has a cooldown and higher damage. Always delivers a brutal strike.
Inferno - Duration increased to 8s. Maximum concurrent areas reduced to 3.
Hellfire and Inferno are now considered Burn powers.
Whirling Chain - Now hits 4 times per second and enters/exits from the channel animation faster
Hellfire - Range and projectile speed increased. DoT now also weakens enemies, given Ghost Rider a wide variety of powers to apply the debuff with. DoT duration increased to 8s.
Penance Stare - Channel time slightly reduced. Cooldown reduced to 20s. Damage bonus increased to 2% per 1% missing health.
Flay - Range and Radius massively increased (matching visuals). Damage increased, Cooldown added, shared with Condemn. No longer consumes Hellfire. Power now resides in the Hellfire tree.
Damnation - Range and radius massively increased. This change also carries over to Rogue's stolen version of this power. Damage now scales with attack speed.
Spirit of Vengeance - Now provides Critical Rating and Spirit on Hit when striking Hellfire'd targets (from Chains Ablaze), and now grants all Damage Rating rather than just mental. The power now has 3 specializations, granting more customization options to Ghost Rider players. Each of these specializations changes Spirit of Vengeance into a different active effect. The former Infernal Contract's self-resurrection mechanic is now on Spirit of Vengeance.
Specialization 1 - Chains Ablaze - Increases Chain damage, and activates a Chain-based steroid when Spirit of Vengeance is activated, allowing Chain powers to auto-apply Hellfire. The active component also automatically triggers when Penance Stare is used, allowing Penance to have more purpose for Physical builds.
Specialization 2 - Hell's Angel - Increases Mental damage, and instantly explodes all Hellfire'd targets with Spirit of Vengeance is activated.
Specialization 3 - Infernal Contract - Increases damage and reduces incoming damage when health is low, and can be activated to temporarily reduce Ghost Rider's Maximum Health by 50% and force the "low health" benefits to be active for the duration, along with granting loads of Critical and Brutal stats.
Protect the Innocent - Power has moved to the Vengeance tree, and has been merged with Dread's Active effect. Constitution bonuses are now always on, not triggered on attack. Maximum Health affix moved from Spirit of Vengeance to Protect the Innocent. Maximum Health increased 50%. Total Deflect rating increased to 25%.
Burn the Treads - Now has a fixed animation time minimum and is not a "Charge Up" power, but can still be held for better aiming if desired. DoT duration increased to 4s/4s after leaving.
Hell on Wheels (Ultimate) - Ghost Rider is now invulnerable while channeling. Inferno areas are created faster. Hellfire trail from Ride is now applied during the Ultimate.
Dread, Infernal Contract, and Chains Ablaze have been removed from Ghost Rider.
Power Progression has been updated to reflect the changes and some powers may have had their points refunded as a result.
Almost all powers have had reductions in Spirit cost. Ride is now free.
Misc Changes & Bug Fixes
Dr. Doom's Doombots now correctly display their name instead of "Doom Bot".
Black Cat and Green Goblin now have a small chance to drop their playable tokens from their villain counterparts in Midtown Manhattan!
Punisher's The Davy Crockett damage over time now correctly scales once again.
Spider-Man's Web Shot will now trigger Stick Around's passive damage over time effect.
Black Cat’s Cat Scratch Fever is now properly considered a Bleed power for purposes of item interactions while Hunter & Hunted is enabled.
Rogue’s Loki Illusions will now deal damage with every melee hit. Previously they would sometimes do two attacks with only one dealing damage.
Black Cat’s signature bleed effect will now grant the increased damage to Grappling Whip.
Chapter 10’s Skrull X-23 no longer will have her Trigger Scent steroid throughout the entirety of her fight. Now only lasts 10s.