Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.09 Patch Notes


New Event: The Wealth of King’s County

Maggia have stolen armored cars full of tax refund cash and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recover stacks of stolen cash from Industry City Bosses in both Normal and Cosmic difficulties.

Show your heroic side and turn them into the proper authorities so the deserving citizens of New York can get their tax refunds on time! You can turn the stacks in to the Special Event vendor in Avengers Tower.

If you are feeling more sinister, you can also exchange the stolen stacks of cash at any vendor for credits and keep the money for yourself!

This event will be active once the servers come out of maintenance on Thursday, April 14th and run through 11:59pm Monday, April 18th!

For more information about the Wealth of King’s County event, please see the following thread on the official forums:

Emma Frost Design Update


Emma's design was last touched in an age where cooldowns weren't something we were really exploring. In the modern age, most heroes deserve some big, heavy hitting impactful powers, and this was the perfect opportunity to draw from the community suggestions.

Psychic Spear, Astral Whip, The True Queen, and Show Off are all brand new offensive powers added to Emma Frost's kit. Running in Heels, her dedicated travel power, has also been added.


The Stepford Cuckoos replace Grand Nightmare as Emma Frost's new Ultimate power. On activation Emma will summon mental projections of the Stepford Cuckoos, who unleash a torrent of psychic devastation to everything in the area. R.I.P. Sparklebot.


  • Psychic Spear (NEW) is a powerful single-target ranged attack with Emma creating a spear out of raw psychic energy and hurling it directly into the enemy. This power has the Execute modifier, and shares a 4 second cooldown with The True Queen.

  • Astral Whip (NEW) has Emma lash out at her enemies with a deadly whip of psychic energy. Enemies hit with this power take 25% more damage from any following Mental attacks for 8 seconds. Shares an 8 second cooldown with Show Off.

  • The True Queen (NEW) delivers a massive diamond backhand to anyone not showing Emma the respect she is due. This power has the Execute modifier and additionally scales in damage from Emma’s Defense Rating. Shares a 4 second cooldown with Psychic Spear.

  • Show Off (NEW) has Emma leap into the air and come crashing down in Diamond Form, causing a shockwave around her landing point. Applies Weaken and additionally scales in damage from Emma’s Defense Rating. Shares an 8 second cooldown with Astral Whip.

  • Psi Bolt is now a Spirit spender. Radius of splash damage increased. Deals bonus damage to the enemy directly hit by the projectile.

  • Psychic Blast now scales with attack speed, and applies a debuff that applies Weaken and causes enemies to damage themselves whenever they attempt to make an attack. The power no longer applies a damage over time effect.

  • Telepathic Mastery is now located in the Hellfire Headmistress tree, and shifts between a Diamond variant of the power when entering Diamond Form. Many passive effects located in other powers have migrated to the passive effect. The power has also gained an activated Cleanse effect.

  • Mental Cloaking's effects have been migrated to Diamond Mind (Mental version of Diamond Form), and has been removed from Emma as a standalone power.

  • Telepathic Torment & Astral Bolt unchanged.

  • Drain Psyche now scales in damage with attack speed.

  • Unlock Potential has migrated to the Hellfire Headmistress tree, and also provides the Protected team-wide shield. Aura passive effect migrated to Force of Will (the Diamond Form version of Telepathic Mastery). On activation it will also cause Emma to project a Mental damage aura around herself and increase the damage of her powers for 10 seconds.

  • Psychic Domination is now a non-scaling (Rank 1 only) power.

  • Inspire Minion has been made into a more powerful cooldown layer, integrating Mental Overload and Inspire into one power. Activating will cause the minion to become tougher and have a larger mental projection damage aura, and explode at the end of his lifespan. He'll come back after his normal respawn timer and is no longer permanently destroyed (no longer necessary now that you can right-click Domination to dismiss the minion).

  • Sudden Dread is now a ranged attack.

  • Perfection has been removed from Emma and its effects migrate elsewhere (mostly to Telepathic Mastery).

  • Kneel Before Me now makes you invulnerable, and grants Health and Spirit restoration during the power. Area of effect radius significantly increased. Cooldown increased to 30 seconds.

  • Frenzied Confusion animation speed increased. Now has a 4 second cooldown.

  • All offensive Diamond Form powers now scale their damage with defense rating, making Diamond Emma's build path more diverse.

  • Diamond Form is now a full-fledged defensive passive with an active steroid component (formerly found in Diamond Heart). When not in Diamond Form, the power becomes Diamond Mind, and still grants defensive bonuses to Emma. Diamond Mind can be activated to allow Emma to become invisible rather than gaining a defensive buff.

  • Force of Will & Telepathic Mastery now grant standard Damage Rating rather than Physical or Mental Damage Rating.

  • Diamond Whirlwind now scales in damage with attack speed.

  • Diamond-Bladed Spin Kick now applies Vulnerability.

  • Diamond Smash has been removed from Emma. Gleaming Strike now restores Spirit on hit.

  • Diamond Crush no longer deals bonus damage to Bleeding enemies.

  • Diamond Heart and Glittering Lure has been removed from Emma, as its effects have been migrated elsewhere (mostly to the active of Diamond Form).


To go along with Emma’s design update, all of Emma Frost’s hero-specific Uniques have been reviewed by the items team and updated with new affixes to support her new design.

Item & Crafting Changes

The following items have been added to the GLF Vendor:

  • Stark Sentinel Adaptive Reactor Recipe - 25 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Mask Of The Goat Recipe - 25 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Mzee's Hardened Shell Recipe - 25 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Essence of Jinn Recipe - 25 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Red Onslaught Medallion Recipe - 100 Protector’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Reroll Red Onslaught Medallion - 50 Protector’s Commendations (Legend Influence)

  • Reforged Sentinel Armor Scrap - 625 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Reforged Sentinel Armor Scrap - 250 Protector’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Psychic Imprint - 625 Hero’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Psychic Imprint - 250 Protector’s Commendations (Trusted Influence)

  • Upgrade Medallion to Item Level 63 - 200k Credits (Legend Influence)

Psychic Imprints will also drop from Red Onslaught. These will be tradeable with other players. The vendor bought Imprints are not tradeable or droppable.

We have made Surtur Runes purchasable with Raid Commendations from Hogun in Odin's Palace. These are also not tradeable or droppable.

Cosmic Midtown Boss Drop Updates:

  • Increased drop rates of Midtown Patrol Signet and Patrol Badge.

  • Reduced drop rate of Hand of Nimrod.

  • Increased drop rate of Strong Costume Cores.

  • Increased drop rate of Starktech Cubes.

  • Reduced drop rate of Insignias.

  • Increased drop rate of single Unique from CMM boss waves.

  • Increased the drop rate of Cosmic Reliquaries, but decreased the amount per boss.

  • Relics can now drop in stacks of up to 5.

  • Increased the amount of uncommon, rare, epic and cosmic slot 1-5 items that drop.

  • Reduced the amount and frequency of Team-Up item drops.

Cosmic Hightown Boss Drop Changes:

  • Increased the amount of Odin Marks that drop per Boss Trio with an Odin's Boost.

  • Fixed issue that caused the guaranteed unique not drop off each boss wave.

Minor Changes & Bug Fixes

Fixed issue where Cosmic Jackpot was using the same display banner & chat message as Odin Blessing

Fixed an issue with Elektra’s synergies where they would not properly stack with others on the Synergies page.

Fixed an issue which allows Elektra to have more Chaste Warriors summoned than intended.

Fixed an issue where percentile score was not being displayed correctly for tournaments.

Fixed an issue wherein the Business as War event in Industry City Patrol could not be completed properly.

Fixed an issue causing crashes for Mac users in many cases.

Corrected the edge pointer icons for Elektra’s Uniques.



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