8:27 am, June 1, 2016
Hi folks!
There are so many specific forums. I hope I chose the correct one to address this issue (for lack of a better term).
So, many of the modifiers on gear can vary. As we all know, the develope [..]
8:27 am, June 17, 2015
How does one calculate TTL only using these 3 variable.
Passive Damage Negation from Powers (Generally 25% for melee)
Defense Stat Damage Negation (Generally from 50%-60%)
Health Pool.
Dodge... Don't [..]
8:27 am, September 16, 2014
Yeah...don't know if it is intended or a bug...Wasted 1 Doop rune for this mistake/error.
Make sure you always use a NEW uru when enchanting with Doop related recipe.