Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes
Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes!
A canine visitor from Knowhere has traveled to Earth, but was quickly kidnapped! Help him escape captivity by looking for a remote notification upon logging in - complete the new mission and you will be rewarded with a brand new companion!
Joining the Team-Up Roster for Marvel Heroes 2016 is… the Helicarrier itself!
The S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Support Team-Up is a unique style of Team-Up that cannot be summoned directly like most Team-Ups. Instead, the Hellicarrier will be called in to support you in combat with various air strikes and strafing runs - activating the summon ability will call in a huge missile strike in your area.
This new Team-Up can be purchased from the Anniversary Event Vendor in Avenger’s Tower for 100 Cake Slices. Be sure to grab yours during the Anniversary event this month!
Throughout the month of June, we’ll be kicking off various events and bonuses for everyone to enjoy! For the entire month, you’ll be able to collect Cake Slices from defeating any enemies throughout the game, which you can exchange at the Anniversary Event Vendor in Avenger’s Tower for all kinds of Anniversary goodies, including:
- Anniversary Crafting Box - 75 Cake Slices
- Weapon X Catalyst - 100 Cake Slices
- Leveling Artifact Box - 50 Cake Slices
- Crimson Box - 150 Cake Slices
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Support Team-Up - 100 Cake Slices
- Danger Room Black Box - 150 Cake Slices
- Iron Man Mk. II Team-Up - 365 Cake Slices
- Captain America (Classic) Team-Up - 365 Cake Slices
- Marvel Heroes 1-Year Anniversary Cake - 100 Cake Slices
- Marvel Heroes 2-Year Anniversary Cake - 125 Cake Slices
- Marvel Heroes 3-Year Anniversary Cake - 250 Cake Slices
- Marvel Heroes 4-Year Anniversary Cake- 365 Cake Slices
- 500 Eternity Splinters (two purchases available per account) - 365 Cake Slices
- Cake Flourish - 100 Cake Slices
- Confetti Flourish - 100 Cake Slices
- Anniversary Balloons Flourish - 100 Cake Slices
- Box in a Box (500,000 Credit Chest) - 100 Cake Slices
- Personal Surtur Rune - 100 Cake Slices
- Captain America’s Cosmically Enhanced Silver Star - 300 Cake Slices
- Cosmically Enhanced Improved Arc Reactor - 300 Cake Slices
Each different Anniversary Cake contains a variety of sweet loot inside; our 4-Year Anniversary Cake has some new goodies in it such as one of the new Weapon X Unique Catalysts, so spend your Cake Slices wisely! Don’t forget to save some Cake Slices for the brand new Captain America & Iron Man Cosmic Artifacts also available on the Anniversary Vendor!
In addition to Cake Slices, you can also acquire Anniversary Power-Ups as random drops from enemy defeats - collecting 5 of these buffs will result in an instant loot explosion with additional Cake Slices, chances for Crimson & Blue Boxes, random currencies, and more!
Event Schedule & Server-Side Bonuses
All Month:
- Daily Login Gift of 50 Cake Slices
- 150% Experience Bonus
- Cosmic Prestige Leveling Bonus
- Anniversary Tournament Leaderboard
- Trainyard Danger Room Scenario Tournament Leaderboard
June 2nd - 7th:
- Mystic Mayhem Event
- Cosmic Chaos Event
- Bonus Gs with any Gs purchase
- 50% off all Heroes
- Variant Costumes on sale
June 8th - 14th:
- Midtown Madness
- A.R.M.O.R. Incursion
- Mystery Sale #1
June 15th - 21st:
- Odin’s Bounty - Active in all regions!
- Operation Omega
- Mystery Sale #2
June 22nd - 28th:
- Ending the Anniversary Celebration with a bang… with all Events and Sales from previous weeks active all at once!
The Anniversary tournament leaderboard will run for the duration of the Anniversary event, and will reset every 4 hours.
You can earn points towards the Anniversary tournament leaderboard for any the following:
- Pick up a Cake Slice - 1 Point
- Holo-SIM Wave Completion - 1 Point
- X-Defense Wave Completion - 1 Point
- Patrol Civilian Rescued - 1 Point
- Defeat Normal difficulty Terminal or Patrol Boss - 2 Points
- Defeat Heroic difficulty Terminal or Patrol Boss - 3 Points
- Defeat Cosmic difficulty Terminal or Patrol Boss - 5 Points
- Complete any Legendary Mission - 5 Points
- Complete any Daily Shared Mission - 5 Points
- Complete a G.L.F. Daily Mission - 10 Points
- Complete a G.L.F. Weekly Mission - 50 Points
- Complete any Infernal Limbo Mission - 10 Points
- Defeat N'Astirh within Infernal Limbo - 25 Points
- Defeat Ultron within Age of Ultron - 25 Points
- Complete an Epic or lower difficulty Danger Room Scenario - 5 Points
- Complete a Cosmic difficulty Danger Room Scenario - 15 Points
- Complete an Epic or lower difficulty Simulation #77 Scenario - 10 Points
- Complete a Cosmic difficulty Simulation #77 Unique Scenario - 20 Points
- Complete an Epic or lower difficulty Trainyard Unique Scenario - 25 Points
- Complete a Cosmic difficulty Trainyard Unique Scenario - 50 Points
Once the Anniversary tournament leaderboard resets every 4 hours, rewards are granted for the following rankings on the leaderboard:
- Top 10% Prize - 50 Cake Slices
- Top 20% Prize - 30 Cake Slices
- Top 50% Prize - 20 Cake Slices
- Placement Prize - 10 Cake Slices
In addition to the Anniversary Tournament, a new Unique Danger Room Tournament Scenario will be available for players to test their mettle and compete for the fastest completion times!
The Trainyard Unique Scenario will be available on the Event Vendor within the Danger Room hub, in both Epic and Cosmic difficulties. Leaderboards will be available for both versions of this new Danger Room Tournament scenario. In it, you’ll be tasked with stopping the Purifiers from deploying their latest creation - a terrifying new model of Sentinel that must be stopped before the Purifiers can unleash it on mutantkind! Note that you can acquire a brand new Medallion and Two new Artifacts from the boss of this scenario, so be sure to check it out!
The Trainyard Danger Room Tournament will run for the duration of the Anniversary event, and each leaderboard will reset once each week. Each reset, rewards are granted for the following rankings on the leaderboard:
1st Place Prize:
- HoloBody Visual Artifact
- Danger Room Portal Visual Artifact
- Xavier's School Visual Artifact
- 2,500 Danger Room Merits
Top 10% Prize:
- HoloBody Visual Artifact
- Danger Room Portal Visual Artifact
- Xavier's School Visual Artifact
- 1,000 Danger Room Merits
Top 20% Prize:
- Danger Room Portal Visual Artifact
- Xavier's School Visual Artifact
- 1,000 Danger Room Merits
Top 50% Prize:
- Xavier's School Visual Artifact
- 1,000 Danger Room Merits
Any Leaderboard Placement Prize:
- 1,000 Danger Room Merits
Cable is not one to be outdone by the Sentinels, and has come prepared with some new items to help in the fight!
As such, for the duration of the Anniversary event the Simulation #77 Unique Danger Room Scenario will also be available on the Event Vendor within the Danger Room hub, where you can test yourself against a simulation of Cable in one-on-one combat. If you want these powerful new items, you’ll have to prove to Cable you can earn them!
New items available from the Simulation #77 Scenario:
- Cable Medallion
- Hyper-Viper Generator
- Cosmically Enhanced Hyper-Viper Generator
In addition to the new Captain America and Iron Man Artifacts on the Anniversary Vendor, we’ve added the following new Cosmic Artifacts:
- Siege’s Cosmically Enhanced Targeting System
- Cosmically Enhanced A.R.M.O.R Alternate Reality Chaos Portal
- Cosmically Enhanced A.R.M.O.R M-26 Anti-Reality Grenade
- Cosmically Enhanced A.R.M.O.R. Issued Nano-Poison
- Cosmically Enhanced A.R.M.O.R. Supercharged Power Cell
- Cosmically Enhanced A.R.M.O.R Dimensional Power Portal Generator
- Cosmically Enhanced Doop Ectoplasm
These Artifacts can be acquired from Jocasta in exchange for A.R.M.O.R. Research Drives, or in the case of Cosmically Enhanced Doop Ectoplasm, from Moondragon in exchange for Cosmic Worldstones.
Other item changes:
- Reduced cooldown on Cosmic Movement affix to 6 seconds.This affix no longer unintentionally resets Cooldowns on Movement Powers without charges.
Fixed an issue where Cat Nap would sometimes only strike once if used immediately when it came off cooldown.
Updated some tooltips to better reflect their functionality.
- Blue of Blades and Close Combat Mines now properly describe the added effects granted to Cryo-Dagger.
- Killer Glaive will now properly increase the damage of Unleash Glaive.
True Comrade also adds tooltips to their respective summon powers.
Solitary Pillar disables summon-related tooltips from affected powers.
Seismic Stomp now adds the Critical & Brutal Strike Chance to Demolition Stomp.
Osmium Courage adds all buff effects to Heroic Challenge's tooltip.
Fixed an issue where the buff granted from Maximum Optics wasn’t lasting the full duration, and added a buff icon to track when the buff expires.
Fixed an issue where the bonus from Visor Off with Maximum Optics enabled wasn't applying to Focused Beam or Optic Beam.
Fixed an issue where Devil’s Due wouldn’t generate combo points against close targets with Let The Devil Out selected.
Fixed an issue where Club Sweep, when assigned to LMB, would activate once before moving to a target.
- Fixed an issue where some bosses couldn't be Marked For *****.
Added a Terrify Duration tooltip to Trick Card.
Ace of Spades will now show a channel bar.
Edited Dead Man's Hand tooltip for clarity.
Fixed an issue where Iceman's Ultimate would summon many more clones than what the tooltip indicated.
Fixed an issue where Iceman could move during Absolute Zero, breaking the animation for this power. Movement during this power will be restored once this animation issue can be corrected.
Fixed an issue where Iceman would slide along the ground when activating Ice Golem.
Fixed an issue where the Ice Golem snowball attack could sometimes fail to activate.
Renewing Cold now properly increases the cooldown of Ice Slick.
Reworded Flash Freeze and Frost Nova’s Vulnerability tooltip to better explain the effect.
Leveling up while playing as Jean Grey in Phoenix Form will no longer revert her back to non-Phoenix form.
Fixed a bug where Jean Grey's powers would revert to the Telepath version after a region change while in Phoenix form.
Fixed a visual bug where Jean Grey’s Phoenix-form wings would disappear upon levelling up with the Unleash the Phoenix talent enabled.
Fixed an audio issue where Jean didn’t speak when performing the Hello emote.
Fixed an issue where Misty Knight would actually summon Iron Fist while wearing the Classic or Skrull costumes.
Follow-Through will no longer list Dempsey Roll in its tooltip if Knockout Punch is selected.
Elbow Drop will now list the Critical Hit Chance granted by Lethal Fists.
Fixed an issue where Cage Was Here sometimes wouldn’t fire if you tapped the associated hotkey while attacking an enemy with Lethal Fists selected.
Take To The Streets now shows the correct amount of charges granted to Cold Shoulder and Elbow Drop.
Fixed an issue where Harlem Street Kick would let you slide while the power was active.
- Mister Fantastic's Unique Invisible Woman proc summon now properly stays at range when attacking.
Nick Fury now has charges on several powers that used to cost ammo. Powers affected:
Fresh Clips now restores charges of the following powers: Fire in the Hole! (and its close quarters remap), Target Down, Molecular Destabilization Grenade, Fire and Forget, End it. All of these powers have also had their cooldowns and Ammo costs removed.
Fire in the Hole! & Heads Down have 2 charges each by default.
Fire and Forget has 1 charge.
Molecular Destabilization Grenade has 1 charge.
End It has 1 charge.
Target Down has 1 charge, which is restored if this power defeats a target.
The Bandolier Talent adds +1 charges to Molecular Destabilization Grenade, Heads Down & Fire in the Hole!.
Blitz still refreshes all cooldown powers when you use your signature, re-enabling your Fresh Clips power and allowing you to gain back all charges on other powers.
All Fireteam summons have had their durations extended by 50%.
Damage increased for the following powers:
- Heads Down
- Fire in the Hole!
- Target Down
- Molecular Destabilization Grenade
- Fire and Forget
- Open Fire
Let ‘Em Have It’s cooldown will now properly scale down at higher ranks.
Fixed an issue where Eyes Everywhere was not resetting the cooldown of Lola On Loan with Blitz active.
Fixed an issue where X-Slash could sometimes be used outside of its hit radius and adjusted its tuning.
Fixed an issue where Sabre Swipe, when assigned to LMB, would activate once before moving to a target.
- Fixed an issue where Pulsar Cascade wasn’t refunding 60% of a Pulsar’s power cost when you detonated it with a power.
Moloid Leapers will now be more engaging with enemies.
Moloid Hurlers will no longer move next to an enemy while attacking them.
Crashing Hail will replace areas when used multiple times, and the max summon areas has been added to the tooltip.
Electro-Blast will replace the area when used before the first one expires.
Fixed an issue where some Traits were being treated as Enhancement powers for Enhanced Shockwave.
Dash Powers are now properly also considered Cooldown Powers.
Lavalanche is now properly treating as a Burning effect.
Fixed an issue where Focused Barrage was consuming more Spirit than intended.
Five Finger Rogue Punch now displays the duration in the tooltip.
Curse Of Hellfire’s tooltip now properly states it increases Mental Damage, not Physical.
Removed erroneous Movement Speed tooltip from Invisibility.
Fixed an issue where Knockdown Sweep wasn’t receiving the bonus damage while in Stealth or Invisible.
Magnetic Attraction now increases Orb Pickup Radius by 100% for 4 seconds
Mental Devastation now displays the slow duration on the tooltip
Damage Bonus of Molecular Transport reduced to 175%. Note - The first stack was designed not to affect the explosion damage, meaning you could have a max of 800% bonus damage, which is unintuitive. Now each stack grants a bonus of 175%, for a total of 875% at max stacks.
Psychokinetic Barrier now displays separate durations for the wall and the Damage Over Time effect, and displays the correct maximum areas that can exist at once.
Fixed an issue where Pyrotechnic Burst was being considered a Ranged Power
- Dark Matter will now properly show the reduced cooldown of Event Horizon.
- Fixed an issue where Swift Smasher could generate charges of Unlimited Class Slam and Rockslide Charge indefinitely.
- Adjusted Swift Claws tooltip to explain the Critical Hit Chance effect if a buff, not part of the power.
Edge pointers will now show up behind HUD elements, so they don't block players from using them.
Special Issue Emergency Communicator's S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent proc now scales to player level. It will show as a level 1 agent but the damage will be accurate.
Players will no longer gain Odin Marks from the Bosses in X-Defense, instead they will get them from the victory chests
Currency Boost now grants Odin Marks from completing waves in X-Defense and from the end of mode chests instead of from bosses.
Removed the region restriction for Cable Achievement 'Soldier of the Future'.
Fixed an issue where Cosmic Bounty Hunter: Mister Sinister achievements could not be completed.
Fixes an issue with the target lock visual effect changing color incorrectly when using a gamepad.
Fixed an issue where Magneto's 'Welcome to Die' Achievement could not be completed.
Fixed an issue where Pyro's Cosmically Enhanced Flamethrower was not rolling with a Cosmic affix when acquired from a loot box.
Fixed an issue where Cosmic Bounty Hunter achievements for Mister Sinister and Ultron were not viewable.
Fixed an issue where Kl'rt's Cosmic Bounty Hunter achievement would not track opened chests.
Fixed an issue where the Drax and Gamora Vol. 2 Team-Up Variants were not correctly being tracked for the purposes of Guardians of the Galaxy related Achievements.
Fixed an issue where entering the Times Square Terminal would cause character dialogue audio to stop playing.
Fixed an issue where the 100-point Time Gem Mastery bonus was not applying its effects to certain Dash powers (such as stolen Dash powers for Rogue).
Time Flux now properly states that it only affects Dash Powers.
Fixed an issue where activating the Bodyslider and travel power together would cause a desync issue on the client.
Fixed an issue with Balloon Flourish not working in hubs.
Fixed an issue with summon logic on several item procs which should result in summons such as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents correctly staying at range when attacking.
Updated the description of the Asgardian Fortune Card to include mentions of the portal to Bovenheim drop.
We are investigating issues where certain items may not be displaying in the Anniversary Event Vendor's inventory for some accounts.
Players using the latest version of Sierra MacOS may experience a crash upon attempting to launch the game. We are continuing to investigate the cause of this issue and will update as soon as possible.