Marvel Heroes 2016 1.05 Patch Notes
New Team-Up: Archangel
Archangel joins the Team-Up roster of Marvel Heroes 2016!
Warren Worthington III, aka Angel, was a founding member of the X-Men and spent his earliest years as a mutant training under Professor Charles Xavier. But as with all students, the original X-Men strove to make a way for themselves out from under their teacher. Masquerading as the mutant hunters X-Factor, they hoped to find young mutants that needed their help before more sinister forces could reach them. Under just such an operation, Warren lost both his wings. Sensing his desperation, the villain Apocalypse offered Warren new wings under the condition that he would serve him as his Horseman of *****. Agreeing to the terms, Angel was no more, and the violent Archangel was let loose upon the world to rain razor sharp ***** from above!
Archangel is exclusive to Team-Up Advance Pack 2 owners until April 2016.
Omega System UI Changes
In this update, the Omega System UI now allows you to more easily change your Omega point allocation:
You can now right click any node to reduce the current rank of that node by 1. When the Shift key is held, right click will remove up to 10 ranks.
You can now hold Shift when left clicking to increase a node by up to 10 ranks at a time.
- Omega node tooltips have been updated to indicate when it is possible to use left or right click to increase or decrease your rank in that node.
Cosmic Hightown Zone Changes
Added a STASH to the S.W.O.R.D. Landing Zone in Hightown.
Changed Skrull S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ranks from Miniboss to Elites (this is a temporary change while we work to identify why Coulson and team have such high outgoing damage and high health).
Loot drops have been adjusted slightly within Cosmic Hightown:
Cosmic Rings removed from loot table.
Cosmic War Skrull Medallion will now drop correctly.
- Godkiller will drop slightly less frequently. Now correctly has a Unique beam and off-screen edge pointer.
- Skrull Medallion of Bravery will drop slightly less frequently.
- Relics will drop slightly less frequently, but in stacks of 1-5.
- Danger Room Scenarios will drop slightly less frequently.
- Starktech Cubes will drop slightly less frequently.
Crafting Changes
S.H.I.E.L.D. Med Kit is now S.H.I.E.L.D. Med Kits (5) with a critical chance to give 10. Cost has been reduced to 1 any element.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Med Kits (6) is now S.H.I.E.L.D. Med Kits (10) with a critical chance to give 20.
Dynamic Serum now gives players 2 Serums, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Health Balm now gives players 2 Balms, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Adrenal Formula now gives players 2 Formulas, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Spirit Booster now gives players 2 Boosters, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Energetic Serum now gives players 2 Serums, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Health Tonic now gives players 2 Tonics and, with a critical chance to give 4, costs 1 any element
Spirit Enhancer now gives players 2 Enhancers, with a critical chance to give 4, and costs 1 any element.
Updated stack amounts on most store boosts to 100. The following boosts still have a lower stack cap, but will be increased in the next update:
Special Item Find - 1 Hour
Iridium Penta Boost - 2 Hours
- Iridium Quadra Boost - 2 Hours
- Iridium Triple Boost - 2 Hours
- Iridium Triple Boost - 4 Hours
Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could cause powers to fail to fire (but still potentially go on cooldown) in cases where you buffered the power activation while holding down another power.
Team-Ups will no longer be dismissed if they are active when you are defeated, and will not require being re-summoned. Your Team-Up will only be dismissed if the Team-Up is defeated or if their duration expires.
Fixed an issue where the Craft Again button could cause Relics not removed in the crafting window to be destroyed with the Unbind Relic recipe.
Fixed an issue that could cause Green Goblin to appear to continuously throw out pumpkin bombs if interrupted when attempting to use Impaling Boost.
Fixed a tooltip issue with Green Goblin’s Impaling Boost power.
Fixed an issue with the Progression Leaderboard that resulted in displaying incorrect progression totals. It should now correctly show the total number of hero levels across your entire account (including Prestige levels).
Fixed an issue that prevented the mouse cursor from changing icons when hovering over interactable objects when the "Use OS Mouse Cursor" option was enabled.
Known Issues
Kirigi is currently not spawning in Cosmic Hightown, another Gorgon is spawning in locations Kirigi should appear.