Leveling Crafter + Enchanter (Guide)
Hello everyone, I recently maxed out both my Crafter and Enchanter. I had a very slow and hard time at first but with reading up and trying different things, it flew by. I wanted to create this post so ALL the information and tips are in one place. I have played 31days and this as a new player is my genuine best advice. I hope it helps some new players that were also having this frustration.
When I started looking up fast ways to level up my Crafter and Enchanter it was becoming necessary to have my toons raid ready and hit that MAX on them.
I searched the forums and other webpages and found awesome information: "Cube Shards & Armour Drives are fantastic for leveling them up" "Have a lot of credits? Buy Prestige pets and other expensive items to donate for alot of xp". REF: http://levelupguides.com/marvel-heroes/level-marvel-heroes-crafters-fast/
I thought great! :D... Oh Wait... Cube Shards are in my currency tab now? Hmm... Okay well I'll try buying something expensive... Oh hold on, I need that 100k to re-roll legendaries quests for leveling up my Wolverine. It's a long haul and very frustrating right? New player, not alot of money and the money you do have is essential to progress with your characters. So I sat back and thought...
ADVICE: Games like Marvel Heroes, nothing gets handed to you it's a grinding game. This is the initial reason why I downloaded Marvel. This is also the reason why I haven't been able to play another game for love of this one.
So I decided the best way is to keep leveling my Wolverine but along the way just pick up everything that drops. BUT ONLY DONATE ITEMS KEEP ESSENTIALS SUCH AS RUNES, CRAFTING ITEMS ETC...
Naturally different items gain more xp: Common, Green, Blue, Purple, Cosmic. Obviously Unique also but I like to keep them or normally will be equipping them whilst leveling.
So if I have a full inventory when the time comes I swap out some greens for purples when I **** a boss, swap out that last blue for a cosmic. Before I know it in no time I have a full inventory for purples and cosmics ready to donate kindly to the Crafter ;)
I made a point of each time going to the Crafter when donating to not look at his Experience bar and just donate everything, stash my runes etc... And back to leveling.
In no time my Wolverine was level 50 and my Crafter level 16. It went so fast and if your enjoying leveling a toon then the time will fly.
Last week it was Midtown Madness, I had been getting my Iron Man Raid Ready and had collected a hell of alot of Uniques. All Iron Man uniques. His slot 1 I have 10 of them. His slot 2 I had 5 of them. I had also collected the same amount of his other slots. I had so many duplicates!
When I dinged 16 on my Crafter I had remembered reading about donating credit chests. 5 seconds later I was MAXED out on him. REF: http://www.reddit.com/r/marvelheroes/comments/27mccu/level_a_crafter_from_15_to_20_with_5_uniques/
I had still had loads of uniques left over and was left with some nice cash for leveling :D
So my advice is pick up EVERYTHING, enjoy the grind. When donating don't take notice of your Crafters xp bar, its like watching a clock tick for an hour. When you ding 16 hit those chests up! If your not fortunate enough to have all them uniques. Pick them up from events or keep donating all those items.
I thought when picking my first inventory of items up that this will be boring and take forever. As you have read above this wasn't the case :) It was awesome and the sense of accomplishment of having a nice 2M stack and a levelled up Wolvie was ace!
Thanks everyone :)
I can see that this post has fast become my first novel. Apologies for the length hopefully new players will read through and feel motivated to keep on going! :D