Unstable Molecules - The Precious Vanishing Crafting Item
When the crafting system got it's very much needed QoLU, I was a very happy person. No longer did Hood and Mag's medallions consume 4 bins. Gone is the time consuming clicky, clicky, craft item mechanic. Nor are we required to tediously collect all of the elements that drop since a lot of them come bundled in 3's when they do drop. But man, making it so the UM's are a part of unbinding artifacts and gear, as well as randomizing uniques (this takes 2!) and artifacts has ****** my stash of 250+.
Admittedly, I didn't really see much use for them prior to this change while simultaneously thinking that they were too valuable to use or toss, and I didn't even realize this change had been made until yesterday when I happened to glance at them and saw that I had only 4 left! I am constantly trying to satiate the perfect re-roll habit which has my OCD tapping it's finger all the time. The paranoid "I've been hacked," thought immediately screamed at me to search out the answer to where they had all gone. Patch 1.04 is where the crime has been committed and I am an unwilling accomplice. Now, with only 4 left and roughly three dozen more heroes to g(rind)ear up, I am effectively at a stand still with them. I only have one more hero to get (Magik) and after that, I can use splinters to get the UM's. But it's 25 splinters per 1 UM, so I'm not sure how that's gonna work out for me since I use the splinters on new heroes. So it looks like, at least for now, I will just be able to play a select few and possibly settle on who my mains are going to be and hope that this gets looked at in the short term future.
Just out of sheer curiosity, did this change sneak by anyone else? Or was I the only one too blindly happy about not having to farm Hood and Mags medallions anymore to notice?