Item Upgrades and Affix Scaling - Developer Update
As everyone here should be aware, we've recently released the Genosha Hub that has a reputation vendor. On that vendor are recipes that are purchasable with raid currency after a certain reputation level is reached. I am here to specifically address the scaling of affixes on these recipes.
With previous upgrades, we did not give increases to certain affixes (such as Pet and Summon Damage). With the release of Medallion and Insignia upgrades, the item design team will be revisiting non-scaling affixes and making a determination if those affixes should scale. This should allow certain items to be more competitive when comparing to similar items.
After identifying these affixes, we will implement changes to the existing curves for these affixes, which will retroactively cause your existing items that have these affixes to increase. Example:
Your Mr. Sinister Medallion currently has 20% pet damage. At level 66 after the changes are in, it will have 20% + x, and then at 69 it will have 20% + x + y.
Lastly, we will be looking at the other affixes to see if we can make small adjustments to make them scale more favorably. Please understand however, that Medallions and Insignias have a fraction of the relative power levels that Uniques have, and as a result, a 10% increase on an Insignia might not seem like much compared to a 10% increase on Fragment of Twilight.
I will be updating this thread with affixes that will be scaling. Feedback here is welcomed, but please understand that our priority is identifying these affixes quickly, so try to stay on topic. Until then, I give you: