Suggestion: About Uniques and everything related after the Omega Items come!!!
Well, everyone know about the news: in the future, Uniques will not drop anymore and a great range of new items, called Omegas, will born. I'm not here to complain: this will be a great change, to help the Gazillion has time to make more and more thing and make this game ever great!!!
I'm here because a point: the uniques still be here. They will not drop anymore, but they still in the game... maybe forever, in the hands of collectors (especially the any-hero uniques, who will not have an Omega substitute). But "not drop" is not the only thing who need to change: achievements, recipes, events, boxes... all this will be changed too.
But the Uniques still be here...
So, I'm here to suggest about every change because the uniques. My intent? Explore the possibilities to Unique Owners, until the uniques are finally deleted by Gazillion or discarded by the players. No, I'm not wanting the uniques still be relevant to the new gameplay. I want the player change his unique for a better omega; but, until then, I want the player still can do with uniques everything can be done now, even after the purge of uniques in the loot tables. Because the uniques will still exist.
Let's Start!!!
The Unique Purge
Then the Items review hits the live server, all Uniques will stop to be generated by the game. So, no unique will drop or can created by any recipe in the crafters. At same time, all boxes will not give uniques as reward (and the only uniques boxes probably will not be obtained) and all event vendor will not sell any uniques again. After that the number of the uniques in the live server will only drop, until only few ones exist, treasured for collector, eternally in his stash. This is waited, and necessary. But the uniques will not be purged.
Gazillion don't want purge the existed uniques. They said: you fight for this ones all this time, we don't want you lost all this work. And the uniques will make you still powerful to search the new omegas, until you exchange then all for omegas. And is because this points I will make some suggestions; because the uniques will still in the game for awhile...
Time for the first suggestion. I already said "the numbers of uniques will only drop", but my first suggestion is an exception. No, I will not suggest a way to get uniques after the omegas, and the number of then will not be increased... because they already are in the game: inside boxes!
The Boxes Suggestion
Yes, members of Gazillion. You guys don't want purge the uniques because we fight hard to get then. But this is true to an infinity of uniques still in the boxes, waiting for a better moment to be out, to serve a new character or waiting some one get the level 60. And for some boxes, this is a hard work: event boxes, specifics unique-in-a-box achievement rewards and even the common Coffer of Achievement. This one is the worst: the unique is a good prize in then, but the replacement can be better... but we already make a lot of then and will not get the new ones... and will lost the unique in then. Plus the Coffer can be stashed, wasting only one space. I know a lot of people collecting then to use in future. But, for now, they need open all then (and probably sell/destroy because the stash space).
So I will make a suggestion for this problem. But first we will put the boxes in two categories: The "only unique" and the "plus an unique":
The "only unique" category is for the boxes who exist only to drop a unique. Can be a specific one, like the "Hannibal Cannon Achievement Box", or drop from a list of uniques, like the famous Blue Box or the login reward unique box. I make a category for then because the one difference with the others: probably they will never drop/give again. So, the solution for then is easy: allow then exist without alter his loot table. Yes... they can "drop" an unique normally, generating a random one by his loot table. But only until one of then exist. After that, no more.
The "plus an unique" are more problematic because Gazillion will probably want to use the same item for the new content, purging only the unique from the loot table. In this category we have the Coffer of Achievement, the Mystic Mayhem Coffer, all the anniversary cakes and so on. For then, my suggest is simple, but will a little more work for Gazillion: Change the name of this boxes to "Old X Box" (Old Anniversary Cake, Old Mystic Mayhem Coffer...) and allow then exist in the game without change this loot tables, but never be drop/give again. And the new ones are created with the original name but without the uniques in this loot tables.
Of course: no more hero uniques will be created for the new heroes. So, if one of this boxes get opened by a new character only any-hero unique will be generated
Well... next suggestion.
The Recipes Suggestion
With the change in the items, a lot of actual recipes will be affected, mainly because the uniques: Gazillion will don't want the new players to see a recipe who then will never use anymore. So, all unique recipes will be purged. But again, the uniques will still live for some time and the recipe purge will cut a lot of possibilities from the unique owners. Yeah, purging the recipes will make the uniques became "useless" faster... but they already will became useless anyway... we don't need this be fast.
My suggestion is: Create a "Legacy Crafter" and give to hin all the unique recipes. With this, everyone who still want work in his old uniques can do it if they want, but the new players will not see any recipes about uniques in the common crafter.
For the mission to be the Legacy Crafter I call for Ozymandias to the role!
Of course we still has a problem: in the future, the new players will find the Legacy Crafter and will want use then until discover about the purge. This is truth even now, with new players looking for the Ancient Device to trade for items... will be true with the Legacy Crafter too. I don't have an idea to answer this, but got one to make hard the Legacy Crafter be find: put then in a map, hidden (the Nordic map is a good one.. a lot of ruins). The actual players will know about then and his localization, but the new ones will find this very rare.
Sadly, no more unique item can be created... so all the "create a unique item" recipe will be forever purged. But some recipes, like the "unique to money chest" can help to the unique in-game purge. But can be changed to another thing (like artifacts). Some exceptions can be made for uniquer who needs specific drops to be made (like the sentinel parts or Crossbones item) because the ingredients can stop do drop and creating a limit to "how much of this uniques can be created".
The Achievement Suggestion
Achievements are another system who will get a lot of changes. All ones with uniques in his prizes will probably change to another prize. Some of ones like the Firestar Classic Team-up stages who need any-hero uniques will probably change too. All the others will be purged. But, one more time, the uniques still here.
Some players has uniques waiting to play and complete some achievement. And there a lot of achievement who uses any-hero or hero-specific uniques, and there a good secret ones too. But this achievements needs to go away to the Feat section because the new players problem: they will see then in the normal section and wand to do...
So there is my suggestion: first then all (and probably who Gazillion already will do) is convert all possible achievement changing the mission to not use an unique and changing any unique in the reward for another thing. If the player already complete this achievement, they still completed. End.
For all achievement who cannot be converted, the end is the programmed one: became part of the Feat achievements. But not the same of the others: the craft items and the medkit ones became impossible to be done because the items don't exist anymore. But (you already know that) the uniques still here. So my suggestion is send this achievement to the Feat sector, purge his achievement points and retire the information about the prize. But still allow then be completed and even get the prize for anyone who still has the unique items to do it. Even the "Get all the uniques from a character" can still be done if the old boxes still dropping uniques. This allow the ones who still has uniques to has fun completing this ones without hint the new players with this possibility (because then will never get an unique to try, so, for then, this will forever a feat achievement lost in time).
Well... that's it. This is all my suggestion about this. I trying suggest something for the event uniques, but the point to "not create more uniques" don't permit. And changing all the event currency to allow the event uniques became limited is a lot of work to do, so better not...
I really wait this words get the attention from the Gazillion guys, so I will summon here @Asros @TheArtofRawr
And wait for the opinion from everyone about!
Thanks for the patience to read this Wall of Words.