[Suggestion] Listing items
Following on a nice giveaway theme by @jujojoh I decided to post this again as suggestion. I wasn't following forum changes for some time but has dedicated suggestion forum been brought down? I couldn't even find my past suggestions through my profile. Which is why I am posting this here under a [Suggestion] tag.
What would increase my interest in the game is a very simple way to showcase all things I want to trade, visible to everyone that's looking. That sounds like auction house but not necessarily. It can simply be a "listing page" ingame where you still have to contact the player for more info. Something as simple (for us I know) as have an option that marks one or more stash pages as "listed for sale" (like a toggle button in a corner of each stash page). We would then have everything available in that stash visible via a search listings functionality (a terminal placed somewhere in each hub).
Something like:
Freetext search: Gem of the_________ | Search |
Search results:
Item | Player | Online | Actions
Gem of the Kursed | xRitZx | Yes | Tell or Mail
Gem of the Wurst | John | No | Tell or Mail
Mail = send a mail received like gift receipt notification (in a separate tab for clarity)
Hovering over the Item name shows its stats
With time we could then add filters for precise search like specific stats and stats range or simply hide certain results.
I am someone that is self sufficient in the game but since I am a hoarder by nature and lazy, I end up with a lot of stuff that I would find enjoyable to trade with minimal effort. I strongly believe better trading is something that brings more value to a game in terms player interest. I remember my days in WoW where I sometimes would just spend time analysing opportunities in its auction house and spend my day selling stuff I collected previously. Believe it or not, that's exciting for people that like to process stuff.
For reasons unclear to me apparently we won't have AH ingame (despite that's what trade forum is exactly) but I think a listing facility is a good compromise.