Should I, could I, Winter Soldier...
So, I would like to prestige my Winter Soldier cuz he's my favorite, but I've ran into some issues that make me unsure if I should. I've been researching builds and reading up on the forums, such as this post,
Yet, I'm still wondering if I should prestige Winter Soldier or not, because there seems to be a lot of mixed views on this character.
1) I've been saving up hero and protector commendations to buy the recipes to upgrade my unique's level, also I got a maxed legendary axe and nullifier, my costume I added all offensive affixes, good artifacts with offensive blessings, uru-forged war plate with the power doop and level 60 team ups.
2) I'm doing what most people suggest and that's going for mainly offensive. I'm also going for a ranged build. So my offensive stats are pretty good and all, but I die very easily, can't even pass the cosmic trial without getting my Language! handed to me within seconds, lol. Plus, concealing myself and using medkits while running around are not helping.
3) So my question is, should I try to balance out the defense and offensive stats, or will that even help? Any tips to make Winter Soldier dangerous but survivable?
Appreciate the advice.