Need help concerning new costume closet and costume unlocks
According to my understanding, every basic costume gets unlocked for free on every hero. Now if I have 1 copy of the basic costume, this will get used as an unlock as well.
So, I am currently taking a couple of my heroes to red and in doing so I earn extra basic costumes. Now before the Omega patch hits I wanna use the optimal amount of costumes to profit the most and to do so I am not 100% sure how I can get the optimal number for my specific case.
My idea is doing an excel with 3 different columns: hero / Amount of basic costumes / Amount of non basic costumes (only duplicates)
Now the formula to determine the optimal amount for basic costumes would be "total of basic costumes - ( 1 x amount of heroes on the sheet) / 3 and if u get an even number, try to achieve 1 more costume, so the last costume will yield a free non duplicate costume too.
Now for the non basic costumes I should only count the duplicates and try to get the sum divided by 3 and if I get an even number, try to get one more or blend 2 more before the Omega patch hits.
I am not sure if this is the correct or the smartest way to handle it and I'd like to get input from you guys -> How are you approaching this. Further more I think if you have a red prestiged character, you shouldn't go for the cosmic one, because you will only have 1 basic costume which will not be helpful concerning the unlocks.
Thanks in advance for your help!