Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




One last patch or maybe reset the old codes for one last blowout. To anyone left.

6:27 pm, November 26, 2017 If there is anyone left at the work shed please reset the old game code or un expire them or even put everything old in the store to buy. (this may just echo down abandoned hallways but maybe one ex [..] View

I think its really dead

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 [..] View

Refund on Gs?

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 So you must have been aware that you were shutting down for some time now and yet you were actively pushing G transactions with sales and coupons. What are your plans for unspent Gs? Do you even have [..] View

SOld Car to play MHO Now sad

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 let me start to say a sadend hello soo yeah hi im on a fixx income and i stay at home most of the time do to my dissability i really LOVE marvel heroes omega soo much i ened up selling my car just so [..] View

Gaz didn't even made a formal announcement on the forum?

6:27 pm, November 15, 2017 Looking at all the latest devs posts, the announcement area... They just didn't even thought of posting an official "Hey, Marvel Heroes is closing, thanks for all your time, bye, etc" statem [..] View

Return of AgentPilot

7:27 am, November 15, 2017 does @AgentPilot return only to close topics? no enlightenment from hell what is the future of this wonderful game ?? if the return to close topics is for a note then what is to happen ... well ... W [..] View

Did the company give up on PC?

7:27 am, November 12, 2017 Originally I thought they are making all these cool changes to PC, then they wanna launch Console and those Omega Items never arrived. Then I feel like they may need to dedicate resource to help conso [..] View

Are we going to have a new future female characters?

6:27 pm, November 8, 2017 Reason I asked, on this PlayStation have most male characters than female and was hoping that in the future they added Rouge, Jessica Jones, Mystique, Emma Frost, Jubilee, and some other female charac [..] View

To Those Who Tried The Console Version

7:27 am, November 6, 2017 Why did you stay PC or do you play both? I have been playing since it released on XBOX but now I am playing the PC version just to **** time while we wait to see what the heck is going on at Gazillion [..] View

what is happening with marvel heroes?

7:27 am, November 6, 2017 Hello! it's spiderfan81 again, this is very important. marvel heroes omega hasn't been all that active latley and it's very concerning. there was supposed to be a thor ragnorok pack releasing last wee [..] View

Normal & Heroic Differences in missions

7:27 am, November 4, 2017 In doing missions like GLF or Legendary is there a difference (besides difficulty) in terms of completing them? I was doing them on heroic but switched to normal mode like in midtown patrolling it see [..] View

Need to know everything about Infinity points

7:27 am, November 3, 2017 I need to know everything about Infinity points. Basically give me a guide. I have one specific question on the matter, if I spend points is it for the whole account or just for that specific hero? [..] View

Dupe Defaults and Dupe Store Costumes question (Closet)

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I'm a bit unclear on what exactly happens with the duplicate costumes. I've got some questions I can't seem to find anyone with a credible answer to or any post pertaining to them. I know about the ru [..] View

Trade Legendary for Odin marks @ crafter not working

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I have an unused Shield of Perseus I want to trade for 300 Odin marks at the crafter but it is not accepting it. This legendary is available from Asgard so I figure i should be able to do this, not l [..] View

How can I have a character ?

6:27 pm, October 31, 2017 I play since 3 days at this game and they i receive splinters but i'm still at 9 splinter so i can't deblock any character. I can't play to this game because all the characters are blocked at level 10 [..] View

Cannot vacuum cosmic gear to feed pet

6:27 pm, October 30, 2017 I can vacuum greens, blues, purples, but not yellow gear to automatically feed my pet. I have to pick it up and drop it manually. But under options, gameplay, i have the "Vaporize slot 1-5 gear [..] View

Stuck and need help!

7:27 am, October 30, 2017 I am doing the daily bugle events for legendary marks. I’m stuck on chapter 7: Sinisters Lab. The objectives are: Chapter 7: Sinister Lab (incomplete) Defeat Mister Sinister (complete) Defea [..] View

Why can't we be able to see the information on the costumes we purchase anymore?

7:27 am, October 29, 2017 I remember in the beginning the the game's launch we were able to click the "info" button to see the history of a hero's particular costume in the store but for years now we've been unable t [..] View

Hand incursion & Rise of the cult eye

7:27 pm, October 28, 2017 There are past threads talking about how these are bugged, are these working fine now? If so, can you tell me some tips on how to complete these please. Any tricks or short cuts? I have to complete [..] View

What to do at 60 (other than Prestige)…?

8:27 am, October 28, 2017 I played the game when it released (or shortly after), played only a little, and I've recently come back and leveled the following to 60: • Silver Surfer • Hawkeye &bul [..] View

Bug or intended?

8:27 am, October 27, 2017 So I hit level 60 with Shulkie (Cosmic Prestige). However, I just realised I am getting 96k per big EXP orbs in Cosmic Midtown Manhattan, and I am pretty sure I was getting way more before. So does [..] View

ZOD RUNES, Doops, surters bought during anniversary event, Insignias going away? so should I make co

8:27 am, October 26, 2017 Hi, I have so much to ask but just going to ask few things for now? What happens if we own every outfit for every hero and we have multiple dups of same outfit? also are runes really going away, do [..] View

Do people even raid anymore?

7:27 pm, October 25, 2017 So I was on like 4 month hiatus and I remember people were doing **** ton of Tri-Raids on reset days before. But not anymore and I can't say I don't understand why. With that being said, does anyone [..] View

Something about uru going away after Omega-gear patch?

8:27 am, October 24, 2017 I barely spend time here since it caused me great irritation in the past, but I saw some vague mention that uru-forged will not be part of the game after the final Omega patch (adding in the Omega gea [..] View

How do I transfer artifact visual to costume?

8:27 am, October 24, 2017 I see where in the crafter I can transfer an artifact visual to a catalyst, but not how to do it to a costume or add catalyst with visual to costume. What is it called specifically and what is the cr [..] View

Question about Curse Terminals for Cosmic Prestiging

8:27 am, October 22, 2017 Hey everyone. So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..] View

Been playing for a month but still can't find an answer for this

8:27 am, October 21, 2017 I've leveled up three characters to 60, one to 25 and yet I'm still a noob. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to get Spiderman's base melee damage up from 6% Also, by melee powers is that also [..] View

Big 10 Caches o' Loot & Bounty Hunter Boxes, post Omega?

8:27 am, October 20, 2017 What will replace Uniques in the Big 10 Caches o' Loot & Bounty Hunter Boxes after the Omega update? I found this post which suggests they will drop Cosmics, but they are not listed with the o [..] View

Arrow Heads fix & Please More Stashes Added, Players been asking for years

8:27 am, October 19, 2017 hi can you please add a lot more stashes please, I know many players have asked for this over the passed years, I have to delete something I don't want for each item I pick up, I have maxed inventor [..] View

Omega Jean Grey/Phoenix

7:27 pm, October 17, 2017 I bought Jean and then I bought Omega. It's saying I have to buy Jean again to get her past level 10. Trash Panda! ?! So I have to buy the character 3 times? Is this a glitch? Someone please help me. [..] View

Account banned for no reason

8:27 am, October 17, 2017 Hello, today while playing i was disconnected from the server and when i tried to log in again, a red message "this account has been banned" poped up, i was just doing inventory checks and p [..] View

How to cosmic prestige without boosts? (having 200% hero exp synergy)

8:27 am, October 16, 2017 So please, title! I did not play this game because of some JAIL problems, and my Shulkie is (my first cosmic ever) around level 30. What should I do to level her up without any boosts other than hero [..] View

Are Omega Items In-game?

7:27 pm, October 15, 2017 Hello everyone. So I was on hiatus for 3-4 months (was in jail, not guilty). Came here and I know there were speculations about Omega Items being released at the end of September, so I just want to k [..] View

Need Civil War Event info

8:27 am, October 15, 2017 My first Civil War event is coming up and want to know some things and how it works. My main goal is to collect the achievement titles for pro-registration and anti-registration. For that I need 2 t [..] View

What heroes have an energy dmg spam attack.....

8:27 am, October 13, 2017 Looking for heroes that have an energy dmg spam attack, that doesnt have a cooldown or need spirit. For example, currently i am loving Human Torch with his homing flares attack. HT starts with no sp [..] View

How do you prestige a character PC?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi, I know it shouldn't be so hard but how does one prestige a character on PC? I know a gourd can be bought from Clea but I can't figure out how to get her tokens. Also seems to be different for co [..] View

Should I farm Omega or Cosmic?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi there first time posting here. I play on ps4 and i've been farming the event on omega but I'm not getting the cosmic artifacts to drop at all, so I was wondering, do cosmic artifacts drop more on c [..] View

purchasable prestige a real thing coming? (happy question)

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 I keep hearing in social chat about being able to purchase prestige all the way to omega level 1 in Omega patch? Normally I just whatever with social says. but this keeps coming up. I have not seen an [..] View

Any advantage to equipping uniques?

7:27 pm, October 11, 2017 To me, there are a lot of hero specific uniques that are not better in stats than a cosmic item. Is there a benefit to equipping them? Like a synergy bonus if you equip all your heroes unique items? [..] View

Effect of Omega Update on Non-Toon Unqiues

8:27 am, October 11, 2017 Okay, this has been going around the forum on various threads and I have seen (and some responded to) to almost all of them. However, the question remains a mystery, as Gaz has still not responded so [..] View

Rare Item Find and Cosmic Artis.

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 Does RIF affect drop rates of specific cosmic artifacts from bosses? I apologize if this has been asked many times. I did mouse it over the stats page, and it does say something about cosmics, unique [..] View

How long will items stay in the delivery box / when will gaz start removing all items from inventory

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 My inventory and all of my STASH are full of items. So, I have a bunch of items sitting in my delivery box, waiting for free space. Anyone know if those items will disappear after being there so lon [..] View

Help with working out damage formulas

7:27 pm, October 8, 2017 So straight to it, I'm basically trying to improve my build as much as possible and the easiest way for me to do this is to break down how the damage is calculated but I'm at a stand point. Basically [..] View

Prestige Event

8:27 am, October 6, 2017 I'd appreciate an official statement, but maybe there has been one already and I am not aware of it. @AgentVapor @AgentFenixion @Asros Is the prestige event still planned for PC or does it have the sa [..] View

Confused about damage rating.

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 There was a guy with deadpool who had a damage rating of over 10000 while he was in my group and standing next to me in avengers tower. I have never seen that high of a rating from well geared charact [..] View

Need help concerning new costume closet and costume unlocks

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 According to my understanding, every basic costume gets unlocked for free on every hero. Now if I have 1 copy of the basic costume, this will get used as an unlock as well. So, I am currently taking [..] View

Profile picture

7:27 pm, October 4, 2017 I got a question. it's simple, nothing too difficult. Of the list of profile pictures available, old as well as updated, I noticed 1 was missing. Unless I'm blind, which I'll fix my eyes and hold my [..] View

Hi i am playing marvel heroes since 5

7:27 pm, October 4, 2017 My problem is that when i downland for pc the game just played for 15 fps and very times when iam playing they low lag 15-9,i downland a program name razer cortex that optimized games i played marvel [..] View

What is with the boss / fight changes? Weren't they the only legitimate reason to change dashes?

7:27 pm, October 2, 2017 I've tried the official channels through the dev questions, but either this question is beeing avoided on purpose by the GAZ ppl like @Winterthur @AgentVapor or I might be completely off. Afaik the on [..] View

A Question about Prestige and Cosmic Patrols

8:27 am, October 2, 2017 I currently have my Deadpool having passed the Cosmic Trial, so he can do Cosmic Patrols. However, he has never been prestiged, and I am wondering, if I DO prestige him and get back to level 60, will [..] View

Crossover Players

8:27 am, October 1, 2017 This is for PC players who have tried the console version. Basically what did you think? How does it compare to console. Who is strong on console? I'm fairly certain the PC version is on it's last day [..] View

Will the current prestige level be counted as one level in the omega system?

8:27 am, September 28, 2017 Currently it takes 25x more exp to get cosmic prestige or prestige level 6 in the game. When omega comes out will prestige level 6 just count as one level or will we get some consideration for the 2 [..] View

Does damage by summons trigger Power Doop & artifacts?

8:27 am, September 24, 2017 I'm working on a build for Rogue and I'm wondering if using Magik's summons counts for dealing Mental damage to trigger the Mental part of Power Doop and artifacts that have "gain x when you deal [..] View

Omega items. Omega Prestige.. Confused,help?

7:27 pm, September 23, 2017 Okay.. I knew Omega Items are a thing planned last year, which are coming "soon".. but I am lost on some things. Do you have to Omega Prestige to use Omega items? I am seeing tons of complai [..] View


7:27 pm, September 22, 2017 When you dl a patch does that dl to your computer. Just thinking logically the recent patch is 16GB and if other patches continue eventually it would fill up your harddrive. If my understanding is wro [..] View

What should my total xp bonus be during the Big 10 event...

8:27 am, September 22, 2017 ...if I have the 200% TU synergy bonus, 200% xp boost (5 boosts,) 20% for God Killer, 9% for a catalyst, and the 100% Cosmic Chaos boost? What my simple minded brain is telling me this adds up too is [..] View

What counts as "Vulnerable"?

7:27 pm, September 21, 2017 Specifically, I am thinking about items like the Cobra's Hood or Anti-Metal Ammunition. Items that have the trait: "Enemies hit by your attacks take 10% extra damage for 3s". The reason I a [..] View

Please explain what this means about omega prestige

7:27 pm, September 21, 2017 Here is a quote pulled straight from this blog, "Similar to the traditional Prestige system, un [..] View

Is the Buy One Get One event (started Sept.7th) still on?

7:27 pm, September 17, 2017 Sorry, this may sound like a stupid question to some the event page for it is very helpful: but the one thing it doesn't [..] View

FF related so please help me lol

8:27 am, September 15, 2017 Will we still be able to get FF through Random Boxes? Because when I was playing, I checked the global chat and a certain player bought a random box. He (or maybe a she) got Silver Surfer. And I was s [..] View

Question and Discussion: Quicksilver? Has this been asked? Sorry ... ;)

8:27 am, September 9, 2017 I know that this has probably been a topic of discussion, and a question for quite sometime, but when are we going to get Quicksilver as a playable character? I've looked through the discussion forums [..] View

What About Marvel Heroes Omega Changings On Console?

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 Do we have some changings on PC version as well too like Symbiote Enhanced Spider-Man Costume? It has been changed on the console version. It is black colored now instead of purple colored like most o [..] View

About Daily Login Cards' Rewards

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 If I click on any card then close the card screen or directly close the card screen before the reward appears that means I have already received the reward without even see or I didn't, lose the chanc [..] View

Say Like I Am Shopping On This Site?

7:27 pm, September 7, 2017 Say like I am trying to buy Gs, I added what I want in my cart...and I come to an end point, and I see an option that reads, " enter promotional code," say like I used a 20 dollar Subway car [..] View

Sending artifacts as gifts?

7:27 pm, September 5, 2017 Is it possible to send an artifact, or other non G store item like uniques as well, to a player who is not online at the same time? Or is the only way to give those types of things is when you both a [..] View

Cosmic Difficulty after Prestige?

7:27 pm, September 4, 2017 Hi, on console when I prestige and try to change the difficulty, Super Heroic is the highest I can select, Cosmic is re-locked until I reach level 60 again. This makes releveling much slower as cannot [..] View

Using new heroes

7:27 pm, September 3, 2017 I just started playing the game last night, and I noticed then when I want to play as a new hero, the game will not let me continue in the story where my last character left off. It is making me start [..] View

Defender of New York title

8:27 am, September 3, 2017 I know the Defender of New York title achievement is pretty new, but I was wondering if it will be added to the Title Holder achievement list. Is it likely? I see the Maximum Carnage achievement mad [..] View

Welcome Gift?

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 Hi guys I want to start first by apologizing as I'm sure this is a repeat post, but my forum surfing abilities are minimal and I'm having difficulty finding anything on my own. With that out of the [..] View

Confused about the damage stat

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 So when you look at your hero it shows a damage stat but then on the stats page it shows 4 different kinds of damage and none of them line up with the damage number on the first tab. I am so confused [..] View

Fastest Advanced Tech Hero Farmer Opinions?

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 Each Catalyst type has those obvious heroes that deal amazing area damage to clear content and **** counts fast (Genetic: Storm; Mystical: SW; etc.), but what's your opinion on Advanced Technological [..] View

How do I contact a forum moderator?

8:27 am, August 29, 2017 I made a fairly lengthy post yesterday with a link to a spreadsheet I wanted to share. It posted OK and was viewed by two people. I then noticed a typo and edited it. When I tried to save the edite [..] View

Perfect Idea To Add A Bunch of Pets in Game & New Heroes

8:27 am, August 29, 2017 I bet nobody thought of this, A way to add a bunch more pets to game for us to have fun using & Gazillion making money profits, All Scottie Young Variants as pets, Use all The marvel Heroes [..] View

Hero with the largest brutal strike damage potential

8:27 am, August 26, 2017 Hey guys this is going to sound superficial but I love big numbers popping up on my screen. That usually determines what character or build etc. I end up playing in ARPGs etc. I was wondering which he [..] View

Why do I not have a defenders event mission?

7:27 pm, August 24, 2017 I have spoken to Misty in avengers tower but I have no events? I have double checked everything is ticked and can see all missions/events going on but nothing. I also can't seem to earn any Order of t [..] View

can we update cap marvel's.....

8:27 am, August 24, 2017 slot 5 unique mask, the proc of radiant cascade, since its no longer her signature can we change it to glimpse of binary? and this becomes an issue bcoz of limiting the skill bar to just 8 powers. ty. View

Low level artifacts (Mental)

8:27 am, August 23, 2017 What are the low level mental artifacts level 30 and below. I checked the MH items data base but searching "mental" came up empty. I can think of one off hand and it is the Amulet of Agamott [..] View

Question regarding Uniques and Bounty Hunter's Box!

7:27 pm, August 21, 2017 Is there such a thing as a personal unique item? If it is a yes to the previous question, does it appear out of a Bounty Hunter's Box? If it is a no to the previous question, sorry for asking a stup [..] View

Controller Use

8:27 am, August 21, 2017 Can I or is it possible to use a PS4 Controller on my PC for the game? I am used to playing on PS4 and in other PC games using the WASD keys to move, but in this game, you use the Mouse to move around [..] View

Team Up Power Reset?

7:27 pm, August 19, 2017 I can't find the answer anywhere. The help popup says that Team Up Powers can be switched freely out of combat and active. The powers seem to be locked. Is there something I am missing that I need [..] View

Question about extra pets

7:27 pm, August 17, 2017 Since I've been farming some SSB lately, my pet army is now around 80. Wondering if there is some use for excessive pets in the game? Would be awesome if we could trade a completed pet in for a case o [..] View

S.H.I.E.L.D - Omega Acces Files

7:27 pm, August 16, 2017 I'm sorry, but how the heck am I supposed to get them, I just can't figure it out myself. I know that at some points there are "events" over a particular period of time, in which it's possib [..] View

Marvel Help Line on Discord

8:27 am, August 16, 2017 I have started a Discord channel to help new players to Marvel Heroes Omega on PS4 and PC. If you are interested in joining the community just let me know and I will get you an invite. I am on daily [..] View

Varible damage dealt

8:27 am, August 14, 2017 this is a big problem for me......against the same enemy I would Brute strike for like 25k or maybe 200k This variable makes it very hard to calculate DPS builds.... is there an "item" any [..] View

Video tapes & Crafters

8:27 am, August 14, 2017 I'm a lvl 10 Blade and I have two (2) questions: 1. I acquired an "Old Videotape" in inventory from a forgotten battle the note of which suggests I bring it to Shield. My question is who? [..] View

Stat Boost Based Upon Number of Characters Completed?

8:27 am, August 12, 2017 I know you get XP boost (up to 200%) for having several characters leveled to 60, however, I recently read somewhere that you also gain stat increase for each character that has completed the storylin [..] View


7:27 pm, August 11, 2017 @Asros Raid loot is just behind the times, after cosmic artifacts were released and with the impending release of omega artifactsi was just wondering whats in store for raids! These need to be made m [..] View

More Stashes in Game Please, Need More Stashes Added As Soon As Possible Please

8:27 am, August 11, 2017 Please more stash spaces at least a dozen more, I would buy them all, If it is a lot of work to add more maybe a lot can just be added all at once, I don't have a single spot open and I purchased a [..] View

Can anyone help me out??

8:27 am, August 10, 2017 Everytime I zone into castle doom and walk a bit into it I get the blue screen of *****. Below is the video of it happening. It ONLY does it when zoning into castle doom. I have had it check all files [..] View

Qns about Summon Duration & Summon Power!

7:27 pm, August 9, 2017 Summon Duration: For artifacts/medals/items/legendaries/relics/rings/catalysts/insignias/uru-forgeds that boost summon durations, does these effects also apply to my team-up heroes' summons, or does i [..] View

Gaz please check this

8:27 am, August 9, 2017 My elements seem to be losing in half of the original amount if i reroll some unique items or artifacts, i started with 1k each element, now i only have 200 something just after a few retools, this ha [..] View

story mod for every time i change hero?

7:27 pm, August 8, 2017 ok so i started with gambit cuz i like him the most (between the heroes that cost 400 ES),but i really want to play with spider-man and deadpool. do i really have to do the all story mod for each char [..] View

Limits to health on hit per second?

8:27 am, August 8, 2017 This thread mentions that catalyst health on hit is limited to 400 per second: (see @Rasetsu - Patch 2.42 (22 April 2014 - Li [..] View

Qns Regarding Artifacts!

7:27 pm, August 6, 2017 Hi, I would like to clarify if it is possible to get any artifact more than once? Or is there some artifacts that are tied to completing certain achievement(s) that you will only get one once in a lif [..] View

question about first free character

8:27 am, August 6, 2017 My friend just got Marvel Heroes and I told him that as far as I know you can pick any one hero for free. I haven't had this choice since the game first came out years ago, and I know a lot has change [..] View

Shield Supply Boxes Stacking in Inventory & Stash. Stash Not Enouph, SSB's Stacked Please, No Ro

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 Hi I have about 6 stashes filled with Shield Supply Boxes (SSB's) I am maxed out & purchased every single stash space there is & will not allow me to buy anything more & I hav [..] View

Text filters for LFG

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 @AgentVapor @KomoriMan I'm not sure who to include in this, and I doubt it's an original idea but just in case, here goes. Can you give players the ability to ignore messages that contain a designate [..] View

Looking at buying a new laptop...will it run MH?

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 Hi, I'm looking at buying a new laptop, my old PC is getting ready to be put out to pasture. I'm just wondering if this will run MH. The main specs are as follows: Windows 10 Home AMD Quad-Core A8-7 [..] View


8:27 am, August 4, 2017 am planning a high-health build and a '% chance to create a shield' one too, plus another one for 'when below % health' situations which hero would be good for which? venom, hulk, she-shulk, thing, co [..] View

Returning player in need of some help.

7:27 pm, August 3, 2017 Hello, I recently returned to the game after being away since late 2015. To say Im lost would be a bit of an understatement. I've taken a week just getting a feel for the new mechanics and messing aro [..] View


Returning Player with questions.

May 7, 2015, 12:15 am <p>Ill admit, ive TRIED to love Marvel heroes, I got a few 60's, even a legendary or two and some fancy uniques but I can never just stick with the damn game, ever. Its been about 6 months since I la[..] View

Skill progression

Apr 4, 2015, 10:30 pm <p>Do skills level linearly throughout all 50 levels? I know for at least the first 20, you get the same addditional "X damage rating" when going from 1 - 2 as you do 19-20. Does this hold true all t[..] View


Apr 3, 2015, 11:14 pm <p>&#2616;&#2632;&#44053;&#45224;&#54400;&#49912;&#47217;&#2616;&#2632;&#44053;&#45224;&#54400;&#49912;&#47217;&#2616;&#2632;&#44053;&#45224;&#54400;&#49912;&#47217;&#2616;&#2632;&#44053;&#45224;&#544[..] View

Ultimate upgrade question

Apr 3, 2015, 2:01 pm <p>Long ago I use to be able to see upgrade stats by hovering over the icon. It doesnt seem to do that anymore. I know that leveling it up reduces cooldowns. Does it do anything else like more stats o[..] View

What's better? Health regen per minute, or health?

Mar 24, 2015, 1:28 am <p>I'm not the best min/max'er and only loosely follow build from the hero forums, and I finally found a windreaver pendant for Storm that's comparable to what I have equipped.</p> <p>The new one has[..] View

What mean those things around the profile picture in discussions?

Mar 22, 2015, 9:23 pm <p>I have few questions:</p> <ol><li>Why home people have different pictures( pictures that can't be found in edit profile )?</li> <li>What means that under the picture( Asgardian, True believers, Mu[..] View

Could Doc Ock be believably playable?

Mar 22, 2015, 8:55 pm <p>Asking all you comic aficionados out there, since most/all the villains playable seem to have helped or been a hero at one point. Has Doctor Octopus helped any/enough to be playable?</p> <p>If so [..] View

Please could someone tell me the opening selection of characters when you first log in?

Mar 22, 2015, 4:52 am <p>A friend is asking me as they're interested in trying the game. When I first started playing I had no idea that when you pick one, it was a one time choice. ;x Anyway, I cannot remember who they al[..] View

damage vs specific type of damage

Mar 21, 2015, 7:10 pm <p>hey,</p> <p>Is it better to increase a specific type of damage (Mental/Energy/Physical or Melee/Area/Range..) over increasing the damage (with the same amount of course)?</p> <p>Dr. Strange powe[..] View

Reliable source of max rolls on items?

Mar 21, 2015, 7:10 pm <p>Hey, is there a clear place that has the max rolls for items in the game? the compendium (the google doc anyway) is wrong. I know that database website (can't recall the name right now) has numbers[..] View

Didn't get credit for Mission.

Mar 21, 2015, 7:10 pm <p>Beat Magneto with X-23. Afterwards went to speak with Prof. X as instructed. However, once I did, I didn't get credit for doing so. That final notch towards the level is the final approval that I r[..] View

Is there a pic or vid for the X-Men blue spotlight visual?

Mar 21, 2015, 11:09 am <p>Stan Lee was nice enough to give me an Uncanny fortune card for his quest today, and as luck would have it I got the X-Men blue spotlight visual artifact!</p> <p>I googled it but can only find a p[..] View

Any Suggestion?

Mar 21, 2015, 11:09 am <p>I want to add another hero to my collection. I want to find a agil hero who can put a good fight without dying so easily. And no, I don&acute;t want any one-click-and-win hero. :)</p> <p>I am tryi[..] View

How to get Eternity Splinter faster?

Mar 20, 2015, 6:56 pm <p>Hi Everyone, please help me. i love this game so much but just miss 1 option : why i can't choose the hero i like to play. i love Hulk so much but i can't choose at the first time! So could anyone [..] View

spring cleaning

Mar 20, 2015, 11:57 am <p>so i have 4 empty stashes with completly nothing in them. i wanna hoard odin boxes. can mysterious crismon box drop from there and is their a lv requirement on the boxes {started downloading patch [..] View

Where can I find the international Bounty Schedules?

Mar 20, 2015, 11:51 am <p>Last time the Bounty schedule was released, we were given a number of options so you could choose one relevant to your local time zone.</p> <p>Does anyone know where I can find them again for this[..] View

Cosmic Math

Mar 19, 2015, 10:25 am <p>during cosmic events (or the upcoming big 10) we get double xp when doing cosmic prestige. how is it calculated? worded as it is, i assumed that all your buffs/synergies etc were calculated as norm[..] View

As time goes on, will all 'spirit' regen gear become useless?

Mar 19, 2015, 10:25 am <p>I think it started with Wolverine, where he had to work to regen what used to be spirit. Latest one is Punisher, where apparently no matter what regen gear I put on him, I have to tap the Reload p[..] View

"Raid Party" to complete a shared quest

Mar 18, 2015, 7:02 pm <p>Hello,</p> <p>I wanted to know if there were any downsides in converting a party to a "raid party", in order to complete Patrol shared quests faster ?<br> Sometimes when I do it, people immediatel[..] View

Noob Question regarding the story mode

Mar 17, 2015, 10:05 pm <p>Hey, so I just recently got into the game after seeing my favorite comic book hero Ghost Rider was a playable character! I have only played for a total of around 4-5 hours, and right now I am level[..] View

Prerequisites before going to the road to prestige?

Mar 17, 2015, 8:27 pm <p>Hi there,</p> <p>As said in title, is there any real prerequesite before prestiging any hero?</p> <p>For example, is it mandatory to do the whole story to get bonuses such as Skills points etc? W[..] View

End-game hero

Mar 17, 2015, 10:27 am <p>Hello. I started this game week ago and thinking about my hero.</p> <p>I picked Cyclops, but im not sure he will be able to do everything in this game (I don't like spending time to make something[..] View

Noob question

Mar 17, 2015, 7:58 am <p>Got first toon to 60 but my question is, is there an experience boost added to my account for every toon I get to 60? There is no indication in game that I can find that says that. Also what is the[..] View

Is there a way to disable ability queuing?

Mar 17, 2015, 5:28 am <p>I'm using a basic with LMB and a spirit spender with RMB. So I hold left click and weave in right clicks. If I run out of spirit while holding left click, my character stops attacking until he ha[..] View

Active team ups and summoner

Mar 16, 2015, 11:56 pm <p>Does having an active team will result in him benefit from any "+% summon ally duration/healt/damage" of items/skills?</p> <p>Is it convenient for a summoner (like Loki), having a team up always a[..] View

What are the requirements for 200% Bonus XP?

Mar 15, 2015, 10:45 am <p>The tooltip says you can receive a maximum of 200% Bonus XP for levelling characters less then level 60.<br> What are the requirements for getting to this limit?<br> I assume it has something to do[..] View

Method of progression?

Mar 15, 2015, 10:45 am <p>Hey, I'm wondering what the path of progression when gearing up. I hit 60 and don't really know where to go next, where do the best artifacts come from, am I done with green modes? Should I just fi[..] View

Need help on level 9

Mar 15, 2015, 4:13 am <p>So I'm playing as the Surfer. Since my settings were sent to allow me to enter into parties when joined, I didn't beat Malikith initially (first skirmish) , but handled him in the second battle. B[..] View

Starter heroes

Mar 15, 2015, 4:13 am <p>I came across the "tips" in the loading screen where it says after playing the starter heroes to lvl 10 i can choose my starter heroes and there are quite a few of them.</p> <p>My question is, i g[..] View

Why I can't teleport to Jersey Dock?

Mar 14, 2015, 12:22 pm <p>Everytime that I'm trying to teleport to Jersey Dock, it can't be done.<br> I don't know what happens but I waited so long and a loading gauge seem to not stop running.<br> Please help (Sorry for m[..] View

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