8:27 am, August 5, 2017
@AgentVapor @KomoriMan I'm not sure who to include in this, and I doubt it's an original idea but just in case, here goes.
Can you give players the ability to ignore messages that contain a designate [..]
8:27 am, July 8, 2017
Logged in today and my graphics look terrible. The marvelengineusersettings.ini looks fine.
UseVsync=True [..]
6:27 pm, February 6, 2017
This is especially apparant in the areas where you meet many players, but I'd really like to know if it's possible to filter or disable seeing other players attack animations?
When 20 people are attac [..]
8:27 am, September 28, 2016
I am TheArtofRawr, Lead Systems Designer for Marvel Heroes 2016, and in case you haven’t heard, we are working on the biggest systems update in the history of the game! Last week, [..]
7:27 pm, August 4, 2016
Following on a nice giveaway theme by @jujojoh I decided to post this again as suggestion. I wasn't following forum changes for some time but has dedicated suggestion forum been brought down? I couldn [..]
8:27 am, July 25, 2016
In the Chat Filter, what is the difference between Team and Party? They look the same and always seem to have the same chit chat shown.
Also, what is the Local chat filter for? Is that NPC dialogue [..]
6:27 pm, February 4, 2015
Curious to know how to do this given limited storage space. I know of discussions on more storage, I would like this to focus on choosing which items to hold onto and get rid of.
One example is costu [..]
7:27 am, January 6, 2015
I'm having a difficult time with chat. Either the prefix for [say] or [trade] or whatever never shows up in the chat box or the tabs won't appear/disappear.
People tell me they are sending PMs and th [..]
7:27 pm, August 24, 2014
So, with the recent news about the PetTech coming, I've got a few questions to ask. How many of us regularly look at purple gear for BiS style of rolls? Or even blue items for +1 all skills or somet [..]