Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




Marvel Heroes 2016 2.05 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Old Man Logan Event Alongside the Cosmic Chaos event this week, we’re doing a small bonus event in celebration of our Adamantium-laced heroes! Both event will run from Thursday, March 2nd u [..] View

Best way to level?

7:27 am, February 26, 2017 I just prestiged my Captain Marvel (she's orange now!), and with the xp boost I was able to get her to 60 in like an hour. I took her to 30 in Midtown while beating up Mindless Ones/Titans, then did t [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Item Changes Artifacts: Magneto Was Right T-Shirt no longer rolls Area or Energy Damage Rating. Now rolls +1-3 Intelligence and +1-2 Durability. Luke's Lucky Chain has received a small buff. Increas [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.31 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, October 28, 2016 Event: Invaders of the Dark Dimension - Phase 1 An unknown source has started flooding Midtown Manhattan with Mindless Ones through a portal from the Dark Dimension! Doctor Strange’s ally, [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.12 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Civil War: Part 1 Tensions are on the rise in the world of Marvel Heroes as the world fills up with more and more superheroes and supervillians, whose battles grow ever more dangerous to the world ar [..] View

Iron Fist: Developer Interview

6:27 pm, December 18, 2015 For over two years, Danny Rand has been channeling his chi, waiting for the proper time to burst into Marvel Heroes 2015 with the strength of his devastating punch. That time is now, as Iron Fist join [..] View

Let's Talk Cosmic Medallions

7:27 pm, July 23, 2015 While I'm not a completionist it certainly bothers me being just 3 medals away from a big achievement, so far only Hulk, Gorgon and Mindless Titan cosmic medallions are left for me to get. However it [..] View

Another way for specific boss loot

6:27 pm, January 31, 2015 Hi all, After run and run and run again and again the same boss for hours I want to say STOP!!! Yes! Stop of this no brain farming! It's not fun, it's not interesting, it's not fair. For example so [..] View

ICP: Spider Clone Serum dropped from.... Mindless Titan ??

7:27 am, January 28, 2015 I just got an SCS drop in ICP, not from Superior Spider-Man, but from Mindless Titan. Is this normal, or is the artifact intended to only drop from the Superior Spider-Man boss? I have gotten 2 EoD [..] View

Spider Clone Serum Dropped From Mindless Titan?!

7:27 am, December 6, 2014 As the title says, today I was playing on ICP and after defeating the Mindless Titan boss, a spider clone serum dropped. Whoohoo lucky me right, but is this normal? Will it drop from all ICP event bos [..] View

Mindless Titan Medallion

7:27 am, November 15, 2014 I love this medallion. Its amazing on a lot of characters. There is one MAJOR problem with this medallion. Its only in IC. The fact that cosmic medallions never drop in a patrol zone add that to the f [..] View

New Game Mode - Industry City Patrol

6:27 pm, November 14, 2014 Madness has erupted in Industry City! Industry City Patrol is recruiting Heroes level 12 and higher to join the continually running fight against evil. Located on the industrial waterfront section of [..] View

Day 13 Login reward.

7:27 pm, October 22, 2014 Does the unique actually appear in your inventory, or do you get a bounty box. The reason I ask is I only had 3 spaces at the time, the unique was last apparently on the list of items. (100 Medkits, [..] View


ICP: Spider Clone Serum dropped from.... Mindless Titan ??

Jan 28, 2015, 8:26 am <p>I just got an SCS drop in ICP, not from Superior Spider-Man, but from Mindless Titan. Is this normal, or is the artifact intended to only drop from the Superior Spider-Man boss? I have gotten 2 E[..] View

Spider Clone Serum Dropped From Mindless Titan?!

Dec 8, 2014, 2:14 am <p>As the title says, today I was playing on ICP and after defeating the Mindless Titan boss, a spider clone serum dropped. Whoohoo lucky me right, but is this normal? Will it drop from all ICP event [..] View

Mindless Titan Medallion

Nov 28, 2014, 6:52 pm <p>I love this medallion. Its amazing on a lot of characters. There is one MAJOR problem with this medallion. Its only in IC. The fact that cosmic medallions never drop in a patrol zone add that to th[..] View

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