7:27 am, November 16, 2017
So you must have been aware that you were shutting down for some time now and yet you were actively pushing G transactions with sales and coupons. What are your plans for unspent Gs? Do you even have [..]
8:27 am, August 30, 2017
We’re excited to introduce the Omega Prestige system, scheduled to launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 31!
With the new Omega Prestige system, we will introduce “Omega [..]
7:27 pm, June 30, 2017
The wait is nearly over! Marvel Heroes Omega will launch on June 30 for Xbox One, the same date the game transitions out of Open Beta for PlayStation 4. Xbox One players looking to hit the ground r [..]
7:27 pm, June 10, 2017
So my guess this is a mission that introduces players to the pvp? How to start it? Because I'm level 60, I've been all over the Odin's Palace and it doesn't seem to trigger. I also tried starting the [..]
7:27 pm, June 8, 2017
If i use 5 boosts at the same time it lasts for 2 hours 30mins.
What if i use 1 boost then on 29 minutes use my second boost does that then give me 1 hours boost or
will it just give another 30 mins a [..]
8:27 am, June 1, 2017
I am brand new to the game, and have some questions. The first is about leveling. I googled leveling tips, and it sounds like most people are leveling way faster than I am. I saw people say they go [..]
8:27 am, May 25, 2017
Ever since I started playing MH, I've been implementing custom controls. Started with customizing mouse and keyboard to be the most intuitive and then focused on using a controller playing on PC. Love [..]
7:27 pm, April 6, 2017
My name is David Von Dorman and I am the CEO here at Gazillion. On behalf of everyone in the Gazillion family, I’m proud to announce the next phase for Marvel Heroes&hell [..]
7:27 pm, March 29, 2017
Hi newish player here,
I have leveled Squirrel Girl (range/summons) to 60, got her a Legendary Trident and most of her gear is either physical damage or summon related.
I have being farming red Term [..]
7:27 am, March 25, 2017
i was trying to get this achievement today and i managed to only get about 900 kills in 9 minutes how is this even possible? i used Scarlet witch thinking using her sig every 20 seconds would be best. [..]
7:27 am, March 16, 2017
Who clears terms the fastest I wanna full clear juggs terminal in under 1:40 seconds im currently clearing anywhere from 1:36 1:42 full clear both bounties and just wanna make sure no one can do it fa [..]
7:27 am, February 27, 2017
Before you ask, yes the issue ONLY happens while playing marvel heroes.
Yes, the PC playing the game is the only device on the network losing internet access.
I never had this issue in my 3+ years o [..]
6:27 pm, February 21, 2017
I know there's a lot to take into consideration when building for a very potent TTK, such as itemization and what team-up you're using at the moment. but I just want a simple answer to this. I suppose [..]
6:27 pm, February 16, 2017
13minutes 30 Seconds to recharge all 9 lives (passively)
10Minutes, at rank 1 Ultimate Power, to restore all 9 lives (using the Ultimate Power)
Will Black Cat be getting a change to her 9 lives regen [..]
6:27 pm, February 10, 2017
Valentine’s Day
In addition to our normal event schedule, we'll also be running a Valentine’s Day event starting on February 10th and ending at 11:59pm PST, February 14th!
Valent [..]
7:27 am, February 4, 2017
Many years ago, my MMO-RPG journey began with Guild Wars. I got lucky on my first character [a ranger], as she ended up being my favorite. But that luck ran out when I switched to WoW. Sure, I liked t [..]
7:27 am, January 29, 2017
Is there a way to get this in the form of a code, or gift it at this time? I am doing a hero pack giveaway on stream in a few minutes and it is the most requested. Was wondering if this is possible ye [..]
7:27 am, January 29, 2017
I used the 7 event items and after a while the items on the floor were removed.
The time past was only one minute.
I am a little angry that the blue boxes and artifacts have been removed.
The results [..]
6:27 pm, January 28, 2017
Wondering if some additional players would be willing to spend a little of their own time with a digital timer or stopwatch to measure their own eternity splinter drop rates while running multiple ter [..]
6:27 pm, January 24, 2017
To be fair, I haven't played much in 2016 at all, so last login was months ago, I did get into a raiding guild for a bit, got a couple of the upgrade recipes worth of currency, but that's it.
What ar [..]
7:27 am, January 13, 2017
Take advantage of our LAST EVER Boost Bonanza Sale! Many our our special boosts are being vaulted. Stock up on as many of these special boosts while you can.
The Biggest Systems Ever is approaching [..]
7:27 pm, August 30, 2016
Civil War Continues
New daily Influence missions will now be available as the battle over the Superhuman Registration Act grows more intense!
Pro-Registration Missions:
Wakandan Loot [..]
8:27 am, July 2, 2016
Today I was playing around in the Shield Training Room and I noticed on a few threads that people were taking out the non-boss dummies in under 15 seconds. Since it took me about 5 minutes, I am wonde [..]
7:27 pm, June 17, 2016
What's happen? Before Anniversary's event, everything were normal, but now, everytime i move to this map, nothing i can do. I try to use /ping command and always see Total ping: --, and after 3, 4 min [..]
8:27 am, April 24, 2016
Doop tournament came suddenly into the game. I tried it and after many deaths I did it in over 18 minutes of pain. But there is no leaderboard in game and I can't find anything on the forums. On the s [..]
6:27 pm, March 15, 2016
Hi, I am new and I would like to know the best way to farm for eternity splinters
And I have read some of the other Discussions about this subject and From What I gathered there is no "Best Plac [..]
7:27 am, March 10, 2016
Noob here, I have a question about getting new heroes. I am playing Black Panther and am at level 48. I am obviously playing slowly, which doesn't help, but I'm starting to get a little bored with the [..]
6:27 pm, March 6, 2016
I'm currently in midtown lvl60 I have deadpool kid killing mobs around me whilst I afk and check back every 8 minutes to get Eternity Splinters.
Is deadpool kid getting exp while I'm away and he's ki [..]
6:27 pm, February 27, 2016
I get the fact that ES is only supposed to drop every eight minutes or so. This isn't about that.
So I was playing Punisher on the lowest skill level in the Savage Land. I was ripping through it (due [..]
6:27 pm, February 23, 2016
Good day all together, i want to ask the community and maybe some of the devs. How does SiF affect the drop of Eternity Splinters? So theres still a 6-8 / 7-8 Minute block which stop dropping it. But [..]
7:27 am, February 6, 2016
I'm a new player and currently playing The Punisher and having a blast. Problem is, I'm level 26 and I'm still doing Story Content in Chapter 3. Pretty much everything in here is a cakewalk, one burst [..]
6:27 pm, February 3, 2016
7:27 am, February 2, 2016
Stripped down MK to check this out...
I have an 8% Brooch which should give me decent uptime if I use Spiked Gauntlets which hits just over 2x/s. I recorded wailing on the dummy for 1 minute. It proc [..]
7:27 am, February 1, 2016
i guess as much as everybody was hyped for the crafting changes , as much was it a downfall because they didnt adapt drop/buildcostrates
before u were credit starved now u cant spend them at [..]
6:27 pm, January 30, 2016
Okay here's what happened. I was playing story mode for chapter 10. STORY MODE, not cosmic trial.
I've got through fury and Elektra then the three choices appear: Avengers, H.K., and Xavier's schoo [..]
7:27 am, January 21, 2016
Just out pf curiosity, has there ever been a discussion about a system where you can choose specific parameters on rings that drop and the rest just get gobbled up by the pet according to their color? [..]
6:27 pm, November 22, 2015
Now that we have the ability to see the server time... it is not matching to the time for time.windows.com or NIST time.
by a few minutes it would be nice to standardize on the same time their server [..]
7:27 am, November 21, 2015
Now that we have the ability to see the server time... it is not matching to the time for time.windows.com or NIST time.
by a few minutes it would be nice to standardize on the same time their server [..]
7:27 pm, October 8, 2015
All Boosts on Sale for a Limited Time!
Our Boost Bonanza Sale is back once again with almost all of our boosts back in the store for a limited time! Also included is our updated Boost Blowout Bundle! [..]
8:27 am, October 4, 2015
This is largely out of curiosity, for the technical side of Marvel Heroes. I've been meaning to ask this and I hope I'm putting this in the right section of the forums.
I've been wondering why the de [..]
8:27 am, August 24, 2015
I don't know if it was ever brought up. But, Moowbe this medal needs some much needed boost.
How about chance to summon a Mad Cow for 30 seconds with one minute cool down. Summon either ranged or mel [..]
7:27 pm, August 14, 2015
All Boosts on Sale for a Limited Time!
Our Boost Bonanza Sale is back with all your favorite boosts back in the store for a limited time! And that’s not all; we’re including the Bo [..]
7:27 pm, August 11, 2015
I have two coats that I am trying place and could use your help! I like to spread my good artis/uniques over lots of characters to make many strong, but I would like to pick some a few characters to & [..]
8:27 am, August 2, 2015
With all of the unique reviews coming out, cosmic items have gotten less and less viable. The excitement of finding a BIS cosmic was incentive for me to play often, and the current theory of character [..]
7:27 pm, July 27, 2015
At first, my expectation was that the Cosmic Trial opens the Midtown Cosmic and the Industry city Cosmic to that particular hero only.
That expectation was met when Rocket Racoon swept it for [..]
7:27 pm, July 24, 2015
I wanted to know if the changes to the story mode has affected the most efficient way to level. I recently came back because I enjoy leveling and tried out Black Widow but it seems like all of the le [..]
8:27 am, July 2, 2015
Does anyone know how many times a second the 400 LOH core can trigger. For instance if you have a DOT that does damage twice per second, does the core grant 800 per second or is it maxed at once per [..]
7:27 pm, June 29, 2015
Are all hero Ultimates supposed to have their CDs reduced as you raise their level, or is that only for some heroes?
I ask this because I noticed that for instance on my Human Torch, there has been n [..]
7:27 pm, June 18, 2015
With the stacking xp I'd like to maximize my leveling ability. I usually have friday afternoons off and made plans to spend all last friday leveling with the sick xp buffs but I got about 15 minutes [..]
7:27 pm, June 9, 2015
I'm missing something or I'm just not good at it. I'm looking for some ideas on how to help. I've spent WAY more than I ever wanted or intended to on this game, so I'm not dropping a lot of money on b [..]
8:27 am, June 8, 2015
So I have been playing since day one and absolutely love this game to pieces. I just got Iron Man to level 60, my second 60 woot! Now working on Spiderman who is 56 :) Anyway I have a few questions [..]
7:27 pm, May 27, 2015
I've been a player for years but I mostly just redeemed the codes in the newsletter from the past 2 years and logged in once and a while. I now have a lvl 60 Hulk and own a bunch of level 1 characters [..]
7:27 pm, May 12, 2015
Well, my problem is when I am playing for some minutes my pc turns off. This just happends with this game, I have played Heroes of the storm, lol, dc universe, assassin's creed, etc
I tried pu [..]
7:27 pm, May 7, 2015
iBoosts Return, Boost Blowout Bundle, and Fortune Card Sale!
iBoosts are now available for a limited time in the store! These amazing boosts grant +150% to XP, RIF, and SIF, +50% to Orb Attracti [..]
8:27 am, May 5, 2015
I first played this game when it was new, but I could never really get into it for a variety of reasons.
I was pulled back when I heard that the Hulk would be free for a limited time (being my favori [..]
8:27 am, April 29, 2015
Hey guys,
I've been away from the game for about a month and since Friday I've began doing the new -for me at least- One Shot Shared quests. Axis and Wakanda are pretty simple.
What about those mon [..]
8:27 am, April 25, 2015
Any particular reason that steam keeps queuing the download? it gets about 500MB and then pauses for 5 minutes becoming scheduled and then does another 500MB or so.
Very frustrating since my speed is [..]
8:27 am, April 24, 2015
Hello, I just started playing MH2015 yesterday. There are a few things I'm unclear about:
Why does it sometimes say "event starting in 0:xx" at the top in some maps? What event? I googled b [..]
6:27 pm, March 26, 2015
I am not sure where to put this and who to ask to help me but my question is that when I prestiged my rogue just a few minutes ago and I didn't have enough room for all my gear, so I clear my inventor [..]
7:27 am, March 22, 2015
I'm not the best min/max'er and only loosely follow build from the hero forums, and I finally found a windreaver pendant for Storm that's comparable to what I have equipped.
The new one has ~400 more [..]
7:27 am, March 8, 2015
Farmed Juggernaut Cosmic Terminal for 3 hours at 332% Sif, and only received 1 double ES drop.
Seems low, is there something wrong with how ES's drop in terminals because of timer resetting every ti [..]
7:27 am, March 1, 2015
...or am I a just that unlucky?
I leveled my unique affix on my pet 3 times (after re-rolling of course), all within 5 minutes of each other and all 3 times I ended up with +1 Intelligence...this has [..]
7:27 am, February 22, 2015
How many people have signed up to play and actually played the game, even just for a few minutes?
And how many active players do MH have?
Is there a site I can go to to see daily and monthly totals?@R [..]
7:27 am, February 14, 2015
How does anyone do it? I'm new to the game and I got to my legendary mission Go to Lowtown. I ran around that zone for over 45 minutes and eventually just turned on my travel mode and reconned... nev [..]
7:27 am, February 10, 2015
Hi guys,
I hit 60 (my first), yesterday and now i want to get more into trading.
I already found some threads about prices etc.. but still i am unsure what to keep/sell or what is simply a "dona [..]
7:27 am, February 1, 2015
On the Marvel Heroes Info database website, it lists 5,991 HP regeneration per minute as the maximum. Every time I've gotten a level 60 core it's been between 3-5K. But a couple of weeks ago I got o [..]
6:27 pm, January 28, 2015
If there are multiple ones in effect on the same hero, which one will trigger first?
Can multiple ones be used in a row?...in other words, can a hero be revived like 1 minute after the last resurrecti [..]
7:27 am, January 18, 2015
Ok as juggs with a 10 minute TTK on the raid dummy I could **** cosmic kurse easy but my iron man has a 2:50 TTK yet can't **** kurse because of the adds kurse makes.
If I stand still long enough to [..]
7:27 am, January 18, 2015
Just last night, I patched the game and played with Spider-Girl for a while. No big deal, everything was fine and dandy. But when I tired to log on today, it doesn't quite work. I can log on fine enou [..]
6:27 pm, January 16, 2015
iBoosts Come to the Boost Blowout Bundle!
iBoosts are now available for a limited time in the store! These amazing boosts grant +150% to XP, RIF, and SIF, +50% to Orb Attraction Range, +10% to Mo [..]
7:27 am, January 16, 2015
I'm a relatively new player--only been at it the last couple months and haven't done any raid content yet. I discovered the joys of farming cosmic terminals and have picked up some decent items: a Go [..]
7:27 am, January 7, 2015
Why cuz we can do dis?
Any other forum I use, I can go to a thread and click on it and it brings me to the next unread comment. Here, it brings me to Page 1, Comment 1, even if I've already read the [..]
7:27 am, January 6, 2015
It'd be nice if say the Gear vendor would offer some costume cores to buy. Especially since Jarvis in Avengers Tower says that they should have something in my size in the husky line for the Thing. I [..]
7:27 am, December 25, 2014
So this happened twice to me now, at first I thought I was just going crazy.
First Instance:
After logging out in a Hub I came back to see that i still had my 50% rif/sif buffs from my Odin Potion t [..]
7:27 am, December 23, 2014
Spider-man alternating frequencies costume recipe:(50 eternity splinters) In my opinion, the big time suit is one costume with different modes and colors. So I thought of and idea for a recipe with al [..]
6:27 pm, December 22, 2014
I was playing normally up to an hour ago, then tried to switch to Emma to donate some loot to her Blackbird pet.
For half an hour, I had to logout and back in everytime I wanted to switch characters, [..]
7:27 am, December 22, 2014
Hey guys,
I've been playing for about 5 minutes and I'm already hopelessly stuck. I'm supposed to save some hostages in a bank, but first I have to talk to a Lt. Higgins. I watched a tutorial online [..]
6:27 pm, December 19, 2014
I have every hero to max level except (Luke Cage, Magento, Rogue, Deadpool) which are the characters I don't currently own. I have spend all my time basically just leveling up characters that I am uns [..]
7:27 am, December 16, 2014
As the subject says, what is the best way to get pets? I got the free blackbird pet earlier this month, and have it mostly set up for my Storm, but I'd like to get another pet so I can focus on melee [..]
7:27 am, December 11, 2014
Like if you have a Adv Super-Soldier Serum that gives you 100 Spirit / Minute. Will that 100 per be delayed just like your "natural" regen?
Or is only natural (ungeared) regen affected by [..]
6:27 pm, November 20, 2014
Boost Bonanza Returns
We thought it was time to have another Boost Bonanza, we've brought back all the special non exclusive boosts for you to stock up on. We're also keeping in our newest limited t [..]
7:27 am, November 17, 2014
Hello all , i have been trying to get the Crafter Summon to get all the items i can get from all 3 difficulties. I have been looking for over 30 minutes , and can not seem to find him. I also did it i [..]
7:27 am, November 2, 2014
Hi can anyone explain the multiple ways to add pictures in these question and answer post boxes, I am looking to add moving
pictures with and without sound, Pictures of gameplay while I play, I would [..]
6:27 pm, October 28, 2014
I wanted to share some thoughts I had on the crafting system, since I think it's one of the areas of the game that could really be improved upon.
The first thing is the problem of the current craftin [..]
7:27 pm, October 24, 2014
Hi all,
I am getting sick of see-ing people in my guide keep on getting stuff like Odin's Blessings, uniques at a constant rate, rare artifacts, etc.
While I spam cosmics and rush bosses like crazy [..]
8:27 am, October 5, 2014
We really need a place on the MH2015 homepage that lists the bonuses we can expect from SIF %. No one has any concrete information and most people don't think it is even worth boosting your SIF, or b [..]
7:27 pm, September 24, 2014
I just opened my Crimson Box and, as predicted, it was another Mental Focus Headband.
Now, as bad as that is, the artifact itself is so weak it's not even worth using on an actual AoE-focused Mental [..]
8:27 am, September 24, 2014
Over the past week, I've been playing quite happily, gleefully donating all 'junk' loot to my pet and manually picking up anything left behind that looked useful. Having played earlier in the summer, [..]
8:27 am, September 19, 2014
I was raiding last night and was the group leader. 2-3 minutes after raid ended I was still picking items but was zoned out automatically which resulted in the surtur rune fallen on the floor.. Can an [..]
8:27 am, September 19, 2014
So I got the 100 s/m affix on my pet and noticed the Lizard medallion grant spirit regen. Do the spirit regen stops when using spirit powers? How about Wizards pasive for Rogue, tooltip doesn't mentio [..]
8:27 am, September 19, 2014
I'm still trying to work this out, since I'm getting mixed results.
The first TeamUp I bought (Domino) levelled to 1 in minutes, was level 2 an hour later.
But the second one (Firestar) isn't going t [..]
8:27 am, September 19, 2014
Ok, so my little SIF farmer Moon Knight has 1219% SIF and he still only gets 1 conch shell every 2 minutes. This is the same rate as any of the my other characters.
So, I need to understand. Special [..]
8:27 am, September 17, 2014
I know cosmics have a better chance of dropping it... but they take longer to finish (I can finish one red terminal Kurse run in less than a minute, cosmics take around 5 minutes for me). Is the chanc [..]
8:27 am, September 14, 2014
Hi. I was going through my inventory and saw my rune collection tab, and I thought for a moment, "Wow, that's a lot of Runes." And then I remembered that I only play 20-40 minutes on weekn [..]
7:27 pm, September 13, 2014
Time per run was 4-5 minutes, total run time was over 8 hours over separate 3 marathon sessions during last week's cosmic event. RiF was around 50% on the stat sheet (which was multiplied by server- [..]
8:27 am, September 12, 2014
I started playing the game a few days ago, and I picked Luke Cage as my starting hero. So far, I'm not won over, which I suspect means I'm doing something wrong. So far, it comes down to a few things: [..]
8:27 am, August 24, 2014
I will be keeping this list updated with each new event.
Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..]
7:27 pm, August 22, 2014
I will be keeping this list updated with each new event.
Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..]
8:27 am, August 21, 2014
Lady Luck was on my side tonight. Over 800 hours and many Kurse runs later, I finally got my first GOK (in MM)! But that wasn't the end of it. A couple minutes later, my friend invited me to do a cosm [..]
7:27 pm, August 19, 2014
I will be keeping this list updated with each new event.
Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..]