Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




New to mmo's

8:27 am, May 24, 2017 I'm new to mmo's and marvel heroes so I'm still figuring out the best way to develop my hero. I pick up items for my hero (boots, armor, gloves, etc.) but with co op we fill up the inventory quick. My [..] View

Frog-Man's Leap-Frog Suit Mask!

6:27 pm, November 7, 2016 Alright, so I'm only two unique's away from getting the Armorer and Collector titles, all I need is Batroc's Savate Boots and Frog-Man's Leap-Frog Suit Mask. Batroc's Savate Boots I know how to get, b [..] View

Dev Blog 2: Items

8:27 am, September 28, 2016 Greetings! I am TheArtofRawr, Lead Systems Designer for Marvel Heroes 2016, and in case you haven’t heard, we are working on the biggest systems update in the history of the game! Last week, [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.01 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Controller Changes The closest item on the ground will now have the interaction notification without having to use the loot stick. Removed the ability to map the gamepad modifier keys to anything bu [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.13 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Civil War: Part 2 Tensions have reached a breaking point. Lines have been drawn, and it’s time to choose a side in the conflict over the Superhuman Registration Act! The next step of the C [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.20 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Event: Cosmic Chaos The Cosmic Chaos event returns, starting Friday, July 15th (12:01 AM PDT) and lasting until Friday, July 22nd (12:01 AM PDT)! Cosmic Bosses Drop Double Loot - All cosmic Terminal [..] View

How many people/builds use all or most hero specific uniques? Which ones do you exchange most often?

7:27 pm, June 26, 2016 For most of my builds at this point in time I use all 5 hero specific uniques. Most of the time they give much more power levels than any other and only on few heroes I have "more than 50" l [..] View

Who are Nisanti's still BIS for?

7:27 pm, September 17, 2015 Hey, I got some Nisantis from cMM yesterday which brings me to a whopping total of 2. : ) With all the hero specific unique upgrades are there any heroes that the Nisantis really shine on? Right no [..] View

If you had two Coats of the Skull, who would you use them on?

7:27 pm, August 11, 2015 I have two coats that I am trying place and could use your help! I like to spread my good artis/uniques over lots of characters to make many strong, but I would like to pick some a few characters to & [..] View

Suggestion: Item roll percentage display

7:27 pm, August 3, 2015 Just throwing this out there without much deep thought - we've got so many items with so many different stats and so much variance that I feel as though it would be helpful to know at a glance the int [..] View

Which Boss Uniques Are BiS For Certain Characters?

7:27 pm, July 7, 2015 So I have an overabundance of boss uniques that have dropped over the last couple years. It's to the point where I've actually considered destroying some of them to open up STASH space since I can't t [..] View

Are Nisanti boots for Iron man really that good?

7:27 pm, May 12, 2015 I am trying to wrap my head around this but i don't really see the super significance that everyone seems to put on Nisanti Boots for iron man. I see some differences but it seems that the Boots of th [..] View


8:27 am, May 5, 2015 When I put a blue in the box, and the crafting material, then click craft it says: Crafting Failed your items have been returned to you. Also, sometimes it won;t let place items in the box, even thou [..] View

ilvl 69 Unique from Ultron mode

8:27 am, May 2, 2015 So I just got an A.I.M Space boots from Ultron mode, ilvl 69, however I can't put it in blender. It's like it's a separate unique from other A.I.M Space boots. Is this a known bug? Anyone else experie [..] View

Cant Craft

8:27 am, April 23, 2015 Hi, im running Iron Man @ level 21, crafter is at 18, everytime i go to convert a pair of blue boots i get "crafting failed". Is there something I'm missing? I have the credits and the appro [..] View

Taskmaster Insignia and SHEILD Meditech Support Boots.

7:27 pm, April 20, 2015 Taskmaster Insignia should have +1% move speed. Just, like other Taskmaster-inspired items and node. The insignia could use a 2%+ power boost as well. @amthuaShield Meditech Support Boots should hav [..] View

Top "Any Hero" uniques to keep?

7:27 pm, April 13, 2015 Today I arrived at that point of time again whereby the stash spaces I allocated for uniques were completely filled, and I did not want to wait for their 4th or 5th duplicates for exchange, deciding i [..] View

At what levels are these things available?

6:27 pm, March 23, 2015 Like too many people, I'm hunting for boss uniques and artifacts that have certain chances to drop in ICP and MM, if they're not downright exclusive. Specifically interested in Batroc's boots and Man- [..] View

Pelt of the Sacred White Gorilla - Max Strength and Speed Affix ?

7:27 am, February 20, 2015 Anyone happen to know if the +1 Strength and Speed affixes can be rolled up to +2 at level 66 or 69? I've seen the attributes of Batroc Savate Boots (Fighting and Speed) and Kiss of the Viper (Durabi [..] View

Question from a newb: Does the chance to invul/demonspawn/+%speed STACK?

6:27 pm, February 18, 2015 If I wear a cosmic bulwark boots that gives a 2% chance to become invulnerable for 4s, i have a 2% chance on hit. But if I wear 3 cosmic bulwark items, does the chance%percentage stack, giving me a 6% [..] View

New Boss Specific Artifact for Dr Octopus

6:27 pm, February 16, 2015 Poor Otto is in the only terminal that isn't worth doing the cosmic bounty at all, he doesn't have a Boss Specific unique, since the Octopus Arms are droppable everywhere (in fact they drop more often [..] View

Level requirement to drop boss arts and boss uniques?

6:27 pm, February 12, 2015 If we talk about the one shots, terminals, icp, and mm, the game offers a lot rare stuff we can get. I tryed to farm nisanti boots between level 20-59 cosmic prestige, and got nothing in more than 10 [..] View

Kiss of the Viper

6:27 pm, February 11, 2015 Hi, Iv been trying to max rolls on my main and could do with some help finding out the max rolls for some of the uniques I use on the build. I was lucky and manged to get 2 Kiss of the viper uniques t [..] View

What Should I Farm Next?

7:27 am, February 5, 2015 Hi everyone, I've given up on farming Batrocs Boots but don't know what to farm, I don't need ACoC as I have about 4 at the moment, same with GoKs and WSJs. I will list the characters I play most Veno [..] View

Another way for specific boss loot

6:27 pm, January 31, 2015 Hi all, After run and run and run again and again the same boss for hours I want to say STOP!!! Yes! Stop of this no brain farming! It's not fun, it's not interesting, it's not fair. For example so [..] View

ICP: Spider Clone Serum dropped from.... Mindless Titan ??

7:27 am, January 28, 2015 I just got an SCS drop in ICP, not from Superior Spider-Man, but from Mindless Titan. Is this normal, or is the artifact intended to only drop from the Superior Spider-Man boss? I have gotten 2 EoD [..] View

Best Terminals to farm for Artifacts and Boss Uniques

7:27 am, January 24, 2015 I've been running lots of cosmic terms this week for Nisanti Boots, Zola, HoD etc. sometimes I'll rotate between red and cosmic. Is there a more efficient one to farm between the 2 or should cosmics b [..] View

Spoiler - Raid Unique Review Teaser - Fragment of Twilight!

6:27 pm, January 15, 2015 Hello all, I was excited to see Fragment of Twilight has changed on Test Center! I have been looking at it for the last 3 Test Builds hoping for something, I went on today to see how other items have [..] View

"Unique - Any Hero" how would you improve them?

7:27 am, January 15, 2015 Doing an any-hero unique feedback tread, since so many of them are getting obsolete. It's pretty easy to reply, copy 6 uniques from the list, add a " * " in front of the unique so it becomes [..] View

Is there a point to hero-specific uniques anymore?

7:27 am, January 12, 2015 As of this writing, we are very close to seeing Winter Soldier come out. And as usual, he'll be released with his own unique gear, one piece for each slot. Three or four of which will be completely i [..] View

Nisanti Boots at Item Level 69: Question on Crit/Brutal Rating

6:27 pm, January 11, 2015 I used the level 63 item max rolls to estimate the level 69 max rolls using the item compendium spreadsheet v9.3, and I want to know if I'm doing it right since multiple re-rolls of this item have res [..] View

How many lills for your Boss unique?

7:27 am, January 4, 2015 So I've been grinding for some nisanti boots for my IM for a couple weeks now... no, not a couple runs a type. Im curious, I want to know what the worst streak anyone here has had grinding out a boss [..] View

keeping uniques competitive

6:27 pm, December 30, 2014 @amthua With the increase to level 50 for skills and the new trend of uniques with plus 2 to all skills (which is awesome btw!) Is there any plans to look at older uniques i.e. Footstigons, Dragonfang [..] View

Sinister's bioengineered cuirass droprate?

6:27 pm, December 26, 2014 I just did like 40 cosmic Sinister run, buffed with both 300 % RIF and SIF. I didnt get one single cuirass, and overall i got like 3-4 uniques. It's the first time i'm farming for a specific item, an [..] View

Batroc's Savate Boots

7:27 am, November 18, 2014 Can these boots get changed from +1/2 powers to always being +2? I've rerolled the ones i have over 30 times and trying to get +2 fighting, +2 speed and +2 skills is ridiculous. I've never even had a [..] View

[QUESTION] Any Hero Recipe

8:27 am, October 3, 2014 Hello, I have crafted a good amount of Any hero recipes since they were added (well, at least it looks like a good amount of them to me, since I have used uniques for that non-stop). I have got prett [..] View

When For Vision

8:27 am, September 26, 2014 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do not know how long I have been waiting for a playable Vision in well I guess in ANYTHING!!! and you did it [..] View

Best in Slot (or viable options) Any Hero Unique List

7:27 pm, September 23, 2014 I think it would be helpful to have a list of what any hero uniques (AHU) are BiS (or at least better than the character's uniques) for any viable hero builds and I don't think there is such a list so [..] View

Here's my haul after 8 hours straight of cosmic Doom farming (in a group)

7:27 pm, September 13, 2014 Time per run was 4-5 minutes, total run time was over 8 hours over separate 3 marathon sessions during last week's cosmic event. RiF was around 50% on the stat sheet (which was multiplied by server- [..] View

The GAZ RNGenerator is alive and has a wicked sense of humor

8:27 am, September 9, 2014 Decided to clear some MS. MARVEL STASH SPACE. I had some dupe Uniques, so I said to myself "Let's see what we get at the CRAFTER." Had 5 AIR FORCE FLIGHT SUITS, got back...AIR FORCE FLIGHT [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list.(Last updated Saturday, August 23rd, Omega drive added)

8:27 am, August 24, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Friday, August 22nd, Omega drive added)

7:27 pm, August 22, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Tuesday, August 19th, Armor event Arts)

7:27 pm, August 19, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Monday, August 18th, Armor event Arts)

8:27 am, August 19, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Sunday, August 17th, Armor event Arts)

8:27 am, August 18, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Friday, August 15th, Armor event Arts)

8:27 am, August 16, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View

[Compendium] All Uniques / Updated 13th August


[Compendium] All Uniques / Updated 12th August

8:27 am, August 13, 2014 - UNIQUE COMPENDIUM - UNIQUEs BY HERO ANY HERO - SLOT 1 ANY HERO - SLOT 2 ANY HERO - SLOT 3 ANY HERO - SLOT 4 ANY HERO - SLOT 5 MULTICHAR UNIQUEs All items are lvl60. Pls post your items and i [..] View

Can't exchange 3 Melanie's Magical Soccer Boots... WAD?

8:27 am, August 13, 2014 I have two MMSB uniques that dropped in-game and one that I got from Jocasta during the World Cup event. The crafter won't let me exchange 3 duplicate uniques using these - is this a bug or WAD? View

[Compendium] All Uniques

8:11 am, August 12, 2014 - UNIQUE COMPENDIUM - UNIQUEs BY HERO ANY HERO - SLOT 1 ANY HERO - SLOT 2 ANY HERO - SLOT 3 ANY HERO - SLOT 4 ANY HERO - SLOT 5 MULTICHAR UNIQUEs All items are lvl60. Pls post your items and i w [..] View

Max variable stat rolls for event items list. (Last updated Sunday, August 10th, cosmic event item)

8:11 am, August 12, 2014 I will be keeping this list updated with each new event. Please feel free to contribute by posting screen shots or linking me in game if you have a higher roll then is listed here. I will not change [..] View


Nisanti Boots at Item Level 69: Question on Crit/Brutal Rating

Jan 12, 2015, 7:03 am <p>I used the level 63 item max rolls to estimate the level 69 max rolls using the item compendium spreadsheet v9.3, and I want to know if I'm doing it right since multiple re-rolls of this item have [..] View

Can't exchange 3 Melanie's Magical Soccer Boots... WAD?

Dec 3, 2014, 8:12 pm <p>I have two MMSB uniques that dropped in-game and one that I got from Jocasta during the World Cup event. The crafter won't let me exchange 3 duplicate uniques using these - is this a bug or WAD?</[..] View

Batroc's Savate Boots

Nov 28, 2014, 1:14 pm <p>Can these boots get changed from +1/2 powers to always being +2? I've rerolled the ones i have over 30 times and trying to get +2 fighting, +2 speed and +2 skills is ridiculous. I've never even had[..] View

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