Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




To Those Who Tried The Console Version

7:27 am, November 6, 2017 Why did you stay PC or do you play both? I have been playing since it released on XBOX but now I am playing the PC version just to **** time while we wait to see what the heck is going on at Gazillion [..] View

Trade Legendary for Odin marks @ crafter not working

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I have an unused Shield of Perseus I want to trade for 300 Odin marks at the crafter but it is not accepting it. This legendary is available from Asgard so I figure i should be able to do this, not l [..] View

ZOD RUNES, Doops, surters bought during anniversary event, Insignias going away? so should I make co

8:27 am, October 26, 2017 Hi, I have so much to ask but just going to ask few things for now? What happens if we own every outfit for every hero and we have multiple dups of same outfit? also are runes really going away, do [..] View

Question about Curse Terminals for Cosmic Prestiging

8:27 am, October 22, 2017 Hey everyone. So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..] View

Arrow Heads fix & Please More Stashes Added, Players been asking for years

8:27 am, October 19, 2017 hi can you please add a lot more stashes please, I know many players have asked for this over the passed years, I have to delete something I don't want for each item I pick up, I have maxed inventor [..] View

How to cosmic prestige without boosts? (having 200% hero exp synergy)

8:27 am, October 16, 2017 So please, title! I did not play this game because of some JAIL problems, and my Shulkie is (my first cosmic ever) around level 30. What should I do to level her up without any boosts other than hero [..] View

How do you prestige a character PC?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi, I know it shouldn't be so hard but how does one prestige a character on PC? I know a gourd can be bought from Clea but I can't figure out how to get her tokens. Also seems to be different for co [..] View

Should I farm Omega or Cosmic?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi there first time posting here. I play on ps4 and i've been farming the event on omega but I'm not getting the cosmic artifacts to drop at all, so I was wondering, do cosmic artifacts drop more on c [..] View

Help with working out damage formulas

7:27 pm, October 8, 2017 So straight to it, I'm basically trying to improve my build as much as possible and the easiest way for me to do this is to break down how the damage is calculated but I'm at a stand point. Basically [..] View

Need help concerning new costume closet and costume unlocks

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 According to my understanding, every basic costume gets unlocked for free on every hero. Now if I have 1 copy of the basic costume, this will get used as an unlock as well. So, I am currently taking [..] View

What should my total xp bonus be during the Big 10 event...

8:27 am, September 22, 2017 ...if I have the 200% TU synergy bonus, 200% xp boost (5 boosts,) 20% for God Killer, 9% for a catalyst, and the 100% Cosmic Chaos boost? What my simple minded brain is telling me this adds up too is [..] View

What About Marvel Heroes Omega Changings On Console?

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 Do we have some changings on PC version as well too like Symbiote Enhanced Spider-Man Costume? It has been changed on the console version. It is black colored now instead of purple colored like most o [..] View

Confused about the damage stat

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 So when you look at your hero it shows a damage stat but then on the stats page it shows 4 different kinds of damage and none of them line up with the damage number on the first tab. I am so confused [..] View

Perfect Idea To Add A Bunch of Pets in Game & New Heroes

8:27 am, August 29, 2017 I bet nobody thought of this, A way to add a bunch more pets to game for us to have fun using & Gazillion making money profits, All Scottie Young Variants as pets, Use all The marvel Heroes [..] View

Hero with the largest brutal strike damage potential

8:27 am, August 26, 2017 Hey guys this is going to sound superficial but I love big numbers popping up on my screen. That usually determines what character or build etc. I end up playing in ARPGs etc. I was wondering which he [..] View

Shield Supply Boxes Stacking in Inventory & Stash. Stash Not Enouph, SSB's Stacked Please, No Ro

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 Hi I have about 6 stashes filled with Shield Supply Boxes (SSB's) I am maxed out & purchased every single stash space there is & will not allow me to buy anything more & I hav [..] View

Returning player in need of some help.

7:27 pm, August 3, 2017 Hello, I recently returned to the game after being away since late 2015. To say Im lost would be a bit of an understatement. I've taken a week just getting a feel for the new mechanics and messing aro [..] View

Am I missing something around Chapter 9-10?

8:27 am, August 1, 2017 Here's the dealio -- my first runthrough of the game thus far was with Hawkeye. After I beat Loki, I got the whole cut scene with the demons coming to invade Asgard, etc. But then I got "Nick&quo [..] View

Skills, TTK and TTL

8:27 am, July 30, 2017 @KomoriMan @Asros @MichaelMayhem @zWolfiez i think a general pass over all toons in game is needed to ensure they have the right damage tags i mean blade is still 1 hitting bosses with both his signa [..] View

What is "Focus?" - IW

8:27 am, July 29, 2017 I Probably should have asked this here first rather than IW's forum but the jist is this. I'm dustin off ol' Sue and noticed that her slot one refers to "Focus" but I don't see it mentioned [..] View

What to do now?

7:27 pm, July 23, 2017 Hey so ive been around since closed beta pretty much ,and ive came to the point where i dont know what to do in this game really.This is truly a post without an hate or whatsoever cuz i fancy this gam [..] View

Coming back after a year hiatus... I has questions

8:27 am, July 19, 2017 I am coming back after basically taking a year off the game. Everything seems semi familiar but also very strange. . is there a certain path to take to get to level 60? . should I focus on leveling or [..] View

What character would you recommend for me?

7:27 pm, July 18, 2017 First things first, I'm playing on console so I don't have everybody available yet. I currently have storm, Jean, wolverine, psylocke, Iceman, and Scarlet witch unlocked. I like to play with a ranged [..] View

Haven't played in a long time, trying to figure out what I should be doing right now

8:27 am, July 12, 2017 I haven't played since sometime in 2015. I think I may have played a little in 2016. I have several level 60 heroes but want to first just focus on Spider-Man. I have a maxed out legendary weapon and [..] View

Requirements for Post-BUE Axis Raid?

8:27 am, July 11, 2017 For most of my time playing before the BUE, I steered clear of the Axis Raid, as most of my heroes weren't anywhere near geared up enough to survive (not to mention I had very few omega points, back w [..] View

Marvel Heroes Omega 2.13 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, July 7, 2017 MARVEL HEROES OMEGA Starting today July 7, 2017, Marvel Heroes 2016 (the PC version) becomes Marvel Heroes Omega to better align with the recently released Xbox One and PlayStation 4 console releases [..] View

Xbox One Founder’s Packs Announced!

7:27 pm, June 30, 2017 The wait is nearly over! Marvel Heroes Omega will launch on June 30 for Xbox One, the same date the game transitions out of Open Beta for PlayStation 4. Xbox One players looking to hit the ground r [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.12 Patch Notes

8:27 am, June 29, 2017 EXTRA! EXTRA! Daily Bugle Overrun by Sinister Six! J. Jonah Jameson has claimed to have uncovered the identity of Spider-Man, but he’s only teased his readers with this and hasn’t [..] View

Complete newb overwhelmed

8:27 am, June 25, 2017 Ok, so I'm no MMO newb.. been playing years... But this game blows my mind! In short... What am I supposed to do with all the openable chests and bags.. Worldstone caches, mysterious boxes... Annive [..] View

Questions from a new player

8:27 am, June 18, 2017 Hello, Sorry this will seem lazy but I spent a lot of time reading a lot of posts and I can't find proper or updated answer to a lot of questions I'm asking myself. So here I am, doing a post for it [..] View

What are the cardboard boxes for?

7:27 pm, June 15, 2017 Are they just for fun, or am I supposed to do something with them? They pop up everywhere, and are fun to look at, and picking them up and throwing them at various things and people is fun too, for a [..] View

Danger room tournament rewards?

7:27 pm, June 10, 2017 Hello all, I placed in the top 50% in the first week danger room tournaments and received the visual artifact but none of the danger room merits as a reward. If I am correct I believe I should have re [..] View

Prestige Suggestions

7:27 pm, June 5, 2017 I just recently saw the benefits of prestiging heroes. Go figure Gaz would rework it and I won't get any default costumes anymore (I also just started using the Random Costume recipe from the crafter) [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 MARVEL HEROES ANNIVERSARY EVENT Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes! BOHZE MOI! A canin [..] View

Leveling and Hero-Unlocking Questions

8:27 am, June 1, 2017 I am brand new to the game, and have some questions. The first is about leveling. I googled leveling tips, and it sounds like most people are leveling way faster than I am. I saw people say they go [..] View

Gearing to do better in Red and higher

7:27 pm, May 26, 2017 Apologies if there is another discussion like this already, I have found similar questions but not quite what I was looking for as they all discussed farming in Cosmic Areas. I recently got all of my [..] View

Old Items, Artifacts, Danger Room, Crafting, low level Cosmic

8:27 am, May 24, 2017 Hey Guys! First of all I am German and play on a German Client so I hope Ill translate everything right. So I donated my old stuff which I didnt need to the crafter and he is now level 20. Which Mer [..] View

Can't Miss Talent - Hawkeye question

7:27 pm, May 19, 2017 There are talents that say +10% critical chance. Hawkeye's Can't Miss talent is supposed to add 10% critical on all Non-Trick Arrow skills. Well, I tested against red dummy with just Serrated Arrow [..] View

Completely new to the game

7:27 pm, May 12, 2017 Recently downloaded the game on my MBP pro. Almost done with the story mode and curious where to go from there. Seems to be a ton of stuff to do...not really sure what my focus should be after all thi [..] View

Heroic is too easy, Cosmic is too hard. What to do?

8:27 am, May 12, 2017 I played the open beta, then played for a few weeks after the game went public. My first hero was Hawkeye, and at some point I also got Storm, but never played her. Only played for a bit, and then sto [..] View

Are Terminal Bosses supposed to be able to drop pets?

8:27 am, May 6, 2017 As per title, I was doing a few Cube Shard runs through Green and Red Terminals, and I punched Kurse so hard he dropped a velociraptor (Old Lace). Is that something that is supposed to be possible, o [..] View

State of the Game.

7:27 pm, April 27, 2017 To me Marvel Heroes is in a state of broken. Difficulty to reward are completely off. I see the same issues in the Algorith dealing with leveling and general difficulty here and omega. Having said t [..] View

Stacking dodge for Lunar Eclipse enchantment

7:27 pm, April 24, 2017 Is stacking dodge worth it for this enchantment and if yes, is 20% dodge enough or should I only use this for high dodge talent heroes like Squirrel Girl, Spider-ma [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.08a Patch Notes

7:27 pm, April 18, 2017 Hero Changes Iron Fist Radiance Stacks will now fall off when you deactivate the Mastery of Many Styles talent. Nova Fixed an issue where Cosmic Convergence and Personal Magneton was not triggering [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.08 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, April 11, 2017 Event: The Wealth of King’s County Returns Maggia have stolen armored cars full of tax refund cash and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recov [..] View

Did Gaz Grandfather In Size Increase?

8:27 am, April 10, 2017 I haven't found a drop in a long time with a visual size increase or decrease, and I thought they were being removed a while back. But when costume visuals got moved to the slot beside it, I have some [..] View

Now I'm asking about melee's

8:27 am, April 8, 2017 So I spent 200 splinters on scarlet witch for a new ranged, I have around 250 more to spend on a melee. Should I go for a cheap 200 splinter melee, or should i save for something more expensive? How [..] View

Story mode improvement

8:27 am, April 6, 2017 I hope I am posting this suggestion in the right forum, sorry if it is not. I do like the story mode and the new revamps so far. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the general consensus among pla [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.07 Patch Notes

8:27 am, April 1, 2017 OPERATION OMEGA EVENT S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by HYDRA! Agent Coulson, Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan have put OPERATION OMEGA in to effect, calling all heroes to help stop HYDRA! Players wil [..] View

Cosmic or Uniques Since update?

8:27 am, March 30, 2017 since the update making cosmic gear ridiculously powerful with the right rolls. What should we be using now hero unique or cosmic gear? i noticed some heroes have certain slot gear where uniques are [..] View

Questions about xp and boosts

7:27 pm, March 27, 2017 Hi! I have a few questions i want to ask, but i can't find a clear answer for some of them. Is midtown patrol the best way to get xp (apart from the story)? Normal or Heroic? Should one focus on boss [..] View

Unique items question

6:27 pm, March 22, 2017 Hello everyone, got a question related to unique items. I had a 2 years break from playing this game, and I've noticed that A LOT of things have changed. I'm still adapting and not gonna bother you al [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.06 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 16, 2017 Saint Patrick’s Day Event Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Marvel Heroes this year! These bonuses will be active starting Thursday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 22nd at 11: [..] View

Back after a break with questions ...

6:27 pm, March 9, 2017 Hi, I last played this over a year ago (managed to get around 10 characters to 50+ for the synergy bonuses) but had to leave the game due to RL issues. Now I am back and have a few questions I am wond [..] View

Normal Levels

6:27 pm, March 4, 2017 Are we ever going to go back to having normal levels in the Challenges option such as Industry City and the other option below that? I grow tired of having to use the Heroic level pretty much some o [..] View

Roll back and its consequences !!

6:27 pm, March 4, 2017 Hi I was affected by this recent roll back , i lost my costume , items , buffs and ES , like everyone else did I made ticket about my lost things and the answer was ( be patience we will fix everythi [..] View

Can't pick quest line back up

7:27 am, March 3, 2017 So, I'm just returning from a break predating the recent big shake up. But I have a level 34 Psylocke, and I don't seem to have a story quests that's being tracked. I should be around the jungle/mist [..] View

Story Mode for Cosmic Prestige

7:27 am, March 3, 2017 Hi, With the cosmic chaos event I'm doing my first and probably unique Cosmic Prestige (Silver Surfer) and I was wondering at which level should I start to do story mode ? (assuming lvl 1-20 : holo-s [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.05 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Old Man Logan Event Alongside the Cosmic Chaos event this week, we’re doing a small bonus event in celebration of our Adamantium-laced heroes! Both event will run from Thursday, March 2nd u [..] View

Best Cosmic Team Up gear affixes after BUE?

7:27 am, March 2, 2017 I was gone for a year or so and I'm just wondering what are the best cosmic affixes on team up gear? It seems to drop as often as misspelled tweets from the Trump twitter account so it should be easy [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.04 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 23, 2017 New Hero: Black Bolt Black Bolt has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Experiencing terrigenesis before he was born, Blackagar Boltagon was granted frighteningly destructive powers. With [..] View

Spiderman - why does Noir Costume + Back in Black TU = Scarlet Spider TU?

7:27 am, February 23, 2017 I can understand why the Back in Black costume cancels out the Back in Black TU making the TU turn into Scarlet Spider. Timeline continuity and all I guess. I do not understand why the Noir costume do [..] View

Beast and Jubilee problem

7:27 am, February 23, 2017 My brother, Spiderman9000 is his in-game account has bought the beast and Jubilee bundle, but only have Beast stash and beast default costume. THe astonishing X-men Beast isn't there and Jubilee is st [..] View

Question on Yellow Prestige

6:27 pm, February 22, 2017 Why does Yellow Prestige have to take longer than the other prestige colors? Can we do without the longevity of all things and make it the same at the others are, please? It is taking the fun out of [..] View

[Target Lock] Will All Heroes Get A Pass On Their Powers' Target Lock?

7:27 am, February 22, 2017 An example of a fixed character that had changes to their power kit with a target lock: Deadpool. Deadpool's Powers that received Target Lock (not sure what the dev team officially calls this feature [..] View

How long do tickets take?

7:27 am, February 21, 2017 Hey guys, I dont think this is the correct section to post this but I couldn't find the section it should be in. On Dec. 31st 2016 I made a ticket because I accidently deleted a costume I had and wan [..] View

Leveling AFTER the story is done

7:27 am, February 21, 2017 So I have noticed that leveling through story mode nets you a significantly smaller EXP gain compared to if you have a decent EXP boost. Now I 'completed' (you cannot go to hightown unless you are lev [..] View

Should I invest in Fragment of Twilight with omegas coming?

6:27 pm, February 20, 2017 I'm just wondering if I plunk down all my shiny commendations on the FoT I'll immediately regret it as it's obsolete with the new Omegas? Since we know they are coming is there anything to warn playe [..] View

Crit Hit Soft Cap

7:27 am, February 18, 2017 So I'm currently experimenting with various gear for my Spider-Man, and I've found that I can get a ton of Critical Hit Rating. I was just wondering if there was a certain soft cap as far is it goes w [..] View

How does aquiring default hero costume while unlocking by random hero box work exactly?

6:27 pm, February 13, 2017 I ask what is the exact progression of costume aquisition because one week ago i randomed capt. Marvel and got no costume, today i randomed Beast and again no costume... so can anybody or GAZ member w [..] View

Catalyst recipe to level 60?

7:27 am, February 12, 2017 Are we getting a recipe to transform catalyst under level 60 to level 60 in the future? Just got my best catalyst drop since the BUP and it's level 54. No idea if I should vendor it or bank it and hol [..] View

Can someone explain the rationale behind ICP?

6:27 pm, February 10, 2017 Just came back after an unexpected year off. Back in the day, thought that ICP got a bad rap and was in there about as much as MM (and as Hightown was just being released when I dropped, would have pr [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.03 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 10, 2017 Valentine’s Day In addition to our normal event schedule, we'll also be running a Valentine’s Day event starting on February 10th and ending at 11:59pm PST, February 14th! Valent [..] View

Getting back into Marvel Heroes

6:27 pm, February 9, 2017 Greetings MH community. It has been awhile since I've played this and would really like to get back in! What I'am asking is where do I start? What are the best farming methods? Whats the best end game [..] View

Story mode Venom (drop rate issue)

6:27 pm, February 3, 2017 What with his artifact drop chance (symbiote infestation)? Seems it like zero because i **** him more than 700 times (its easy to farm, but boring & i gave up) & he drops nothing more [..] View

2016 had only ~4 heroes. How many heroes will be released in 2017 after Nick Fury?

7:27 am, February 2, 2017 From what I've red the pase of releasing heroes should sped up after BUE because it's easier now to design heroes. 2016 was year without many new heroes because of the big patch but will this changed [..] View

Need some guidance after the update

6:27 pm, January 31, 2017 Hey all! Started playing a bit again after the big update, and while I actually find the new changes interesting and fun (glad Squirrel Girl has a legitimate melee build), I'm having some serious tro [..] View

Exp bonus turned off

6:27 pm, January 28, 2017 Is there any way at all that I can turn off all the extra exp bonus? I like to grind Midtown, but the amount of exp has been huge for more than a year now in bonus given. I have no interest in using [..] View

10 Villains We Need! (no order)

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 Thanos (boss/raid boss & playable) Apocalypse (boss & playable) Galactus (raid boss only) Mephisto (boss/raid boss &) Dormammu (boss/raid boss) Sabretooth (already a boss, easy [..] View

Random questions from a returning beta player

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Hi Just got back to MH after not been playing since beta and I have a few questions. Are there other ways of acquiring heroes and costumes then buying them for G and Eternity Shards? What is the qui [..] View

Where are the challenge bonus from CHT Uniques?

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Uniques from Cosmic High Town no longer drops with challenge bonus... There's nothing about that on the patch note so I wonder if this was intended. It's literally the ONLY thing worth farming atm so [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Item Changes Artifacts: Magneto Was Right T-Shirt no longer rolls Area or Energy Damage Rating. Now rolls +1-3 Intelligence and +1-2 Durability. Luke's Lucky Chain has received a small buff. Increas [..] View

Things to do weekly?

7:27 am, January 25, 2017 Returning player here, was wondering what else besides raids should you log in and do every week? Haven't played in like a year so im not sure whats all new and what i should be working on, i quit rig [..] View

Survivability and DPS troubles compared to last login

6:27 pm, January 24, 2017 To be fair, I haven't played much in 2016 at all, so last login was months ago, I did get into a raiding guild for a bit, got a couple of the upgrade recipes worth of currency, but that's it. What ar [..] View

Hero Attributes

7:27 am, January 24, 2017 I read somewhere that each hero relies on one or two primary attributes for their damage and effectiveness. Is this written anywhere on the character? I feel stupid asking this like it's probably some [..] View

Do we no longer get daily log-in gifts?

7:27 am, January 22, 2017 I haven't received any since the Biggest Patch Evar. Just the "pick a card" thing. Which, interestingly, gave me the same gift as my login gift would've today, but yesterday I did NOT get a [..] View

Didn't get the 400 ES? (solved)

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 Hey guys, I logged in the first time one day prior to the update when getting the 400 Eternity Shards through daily logins was still a thing. With the revamp of the system that's no longer a thing. [..] View

Didn't get the 400 ES?

6:27 pm, January 20, 2017 Hey guys, I logged in the first time one day prior to the update when getting the 400 Eternity Shards through daily logins was still a thing. With the revamp of the system that's no longer a thing. [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0 Patch Notes

7:27 am, January 20, 2017 Index As this is our biggest game update ever, it's only fitting that these are also our biggest patch notes ever! To help you navigate these enormous patch notes, you can reference the index belo [..] View

Biggest Update of All time without the most important part?

6:27 pm, January 19, 2017 I just saw that today the biggest update of all time hit the live Server. But what is with the Omega items? the new item type that should be the item spiral and most motivating part in marvel heroes? [..] View

How to get ready for the Big Update?

7:27 am, January 18, 2017 I was looking for some insight @Asros to a few questions... First, about the catalysts, are the affixes all completed? I would hate to drop a few thousand ARMOR Drives Friday and then next week yall [..] View


6:27 pm, January 1, 2017 S.T.A.S.H.Problems It may be a bit too early to ask this, but as I find myself needing to clean out my STASH (again) and trying to figure out what artifacts to keep/drop/sell/etc. I know I've seen a [..] View

Farming omegas

7:27 am, December 30, 2016 On monday i'd assume MM is the best way to get omega, but other than that would should i do?, also whats some top tier heroes to farm with, that have good dmg and dont have to worry about dying to muc [..] View

Are Holiday H.E.R.B.I.E.s not being gifted this year?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2016 I got one from each of the last two years so I am wondering if I am not getting them because I have already gotten old ones. I am not sure if this is the case or if the schedule is just off. I logge [..] View

December 25, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

6:27 pm, December 25, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide December 25, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Auto loot

6:27 pm, December 21, 2016 The J button auto loots and auto donates to your pet. Is there a way to auto loot stuff to inventory? I was told about vaporize but that looks like it destroys everything and not loot. There should be [..] View


7:27 am, December 21, 2016 I think there should be a way to buy more inventory and not just stash. I don't see anything for inventory in shop. Is there anything and I'm overlooking it? I've played a lot of games where you could [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.34 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, December 20, 2016 Winter Holiday 2016 Event In the spirit of the holidays, during this event you will receive a mission that will allow you to collect gifts to surprise your fellow superheroes and allies, who in turn [..] View

What to do?

7:27 am, December 12, 2016 With the big update coming up and making massive changes on unique system I've got a question. I've got bunch of Mystic Mayhem coffers and coffer of Achievement lying around. What to do with them? Ar [..] View

Hero Stash - what is it for?

6:27 pm, November 30, 2016 So I finally managed to snatch a discount that is worth spending money on (50%) and I am wondering whether I should buy a couple of hero stashes or a general stash. What can I actually put in the hero [..] View


If they have mr.marvel then we should...

Mar 8, 2015, 12:16 pm <p>"If dc has a character named mr.marvel wouldn't it only be fair if we have a character named DC man does this also mean Ms.M is marred it Mr.M if they have the same super hero name AHHH"</p>[..] View

New Power Cosmic, who should I put it on?

Feb 24, 2015, 7:05 pm <p>Already have a PC on Rogue, Thor and Carol. Who should I put the next one on? Was leaning towards Gambit. Black Panther looked interesting. Who else should I be considering? Already ruled out [..] View

"Testing muliple lines this should be..."

Feb 9, 2015, 12:29 pm <p>Before anyone asks, I already posted this in one of the troubleshooting forums...</p> <p>I live in NorCal (Yay Giants!) and I tend to get my game on late at night. So when I log in for the first t[..] View

What Should I Farm Next?

Feb 5, 2015, 8:08 am <p>Hi everyone, I've given up on farming Batrocs Boots but don't know what to farm, I don't need ACoC as I have about 4 at the moment, same with GoKs and WSJs. I will list the characters I play most V[..] View

Uniques Should Have +1 to All Skills

Jan 24, 2015, 1:00 pm <p>Today I got my recipe to upgrade a slot one to ilevel 69. I am eyeing my Punisher's Hellfire Ammunition and thinking about just how much a loss the +2 to all skills is compared to say, a Dragonfan[..] View

Who should I level up?

Jan 19, 2015, 10:24 pm <p>Ok Marvel Heroes Universe I have a quick question: I have a level 20 Crafter and my Enchanter is level 15 all other vendors are at level 7. For a while I've been focused on leveling up some of my[..] View

Should I use Basic Attacks?

Jan 1, 2015, 7:47 am <p>Hello,</p> <p>So, I have been playing the game on-off since the day it launched. I have always enjoyed it, but now decided to really have a go at getting to endgame with a character. I have just g[..] View

Need Advice On Which Hero I Should Purchase During the Holiday Sale

Dec 31, 2014, 8:21 am <p>Hello all, I have the majority of heroes available (Ultimate Pack Founder plus multiple purchases since) and I'm looking to take advantage of the holiday sale before it expires. The heroes I don't [..] View

How long should it take for BOGO Awards to show up in your account?

Dec 25, 2014, 11:28 pm <p>I wasn't around for the last Costume/Hero BOGO. I bought four individual heroes a couple of days ago, and two more today. The heroes and their stashes, costumes, and fortune cards all showed up, bu[..] View

Where should I put this question ?

Dec 25, 2014, 11:37 am <p>Yesterday and today I did the Vibranium Mines (kill Man-Ape) and received zero drives along the trip. We have places in the forum to discuss about MM, X-Def, Raids, etc but there is no place to di[..] View

What should I be doing now at Max level?

Dec 20, 2014, 5:58 am <p>I have every hero to max level except (Luke Cage, Magento, Rogue, Deadpool) which are the characters I don't currently own. I have spend all my time basically just leveling up characters that I am [..] View

How should I spend my time?

Dec 15, 2014, 5:00 am <p>So I have not played since Asgard was added and at that time I was never really in tune with what to do in the game. I have uniques and a Legendary. How should I be spending my time in the current [..] View

Norn Stone should be buff.

Dec 13, 2014, 4:12 pm <p>Hi personally I thing Nord stone should be buff</p> <p>Stat: 1 Strengh 1 Durability 1 Speed 1 Fighting 2 lvl to all power.</p> <p>Spider man unique: 2 Strengh 2 Durability 2 Speed 2 Fighting 2 En[..] View

What should i do with xtra upgrade tokens for maxed character ultimate?

Nov 29, 2014, 5:55 am <p>I bought an upgrade token for a character that was maxed already on ultimate. This was a mistake...... Can i only trade for a unique or is there a way i can trade token for token for another charac[..] View

Which one of the following heroes should I lvl up?

Nov 28, 2014, 11:19 pm <p>Hello, i have plenty of fresh new heroes from random boxes but I don't know which one to lvl up.</p> <p>Here is the list:</p> <p>DareDevil</p> <p>HawkEye</p> <p>HumanTorch</p> <p>MoonKnight</p[..] View

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