Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




What to do at 60 (other than Prestige)…?

8:27 am, October 28, 2017 I played the game when it released (or shortly after), played only a little, and I've recently come back and leveled the following to 60: • Silver Surfer • Hawkeye &bul [..] View

Bug or intended?

8:27 am, October 27, 2017 So I hit level 60 with Shulkie (Cosmic Prestige). However, I just realised I am getting 96k per big EXP orbs in Cosmic Midtown Manhattan, and I am pretty sure I was getting way more before. So does [..] View

Question about Curse Terminals for Cosmic Prestiging

8:27 am, October 22, 2017 Hey everyone. So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..] View

How to cosmic prestige without boosts? (having 200% hero exp synergy)

8:27 am, October 16, 2017 So please, title! I did not play this game because of some JAIL problems, and my Shulkie is (my first cosmic ever) around level 30. What should I do to level her up without any boosts other than hero [..] View

purchasable prestige a real thing coming? (happy question)

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 I keep hearing in social chat about being able to purchase prestige all the way to omega level 1 in Omega patch? Normally I just whatever with social says. but this keeps coming up. I have not seen an [..] View

How do you prestige a character PC?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi, I know it shouldn't be so hard but how does one prestige a character on PC? I know a gourd can be bought from Clea but I can't figure out how to get her tokens. Also seems to be different for co [..] View

Prestige Event

8:27 am, October 6, 2017 I'd appreciate an official statement, but maybe there has been one already and I am not aware of it. @AgentVapor @AgentFenixion @Asros Is the prestige event still planned for PC or does it have the sa [..] View

Need help concerning new costume closet and costume unlocks

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 According to my understanding, every basic costume gets unlocked for free on every hero. Now if I have 1 copy of the basic costume, this will get used as an unlock as well. So, I am currently taking [..] View

A Question about Prestige and Cosmic Patrols

8:27 am, October 2, 2017 I currently have my Deadpool having passed the Cosmic Trial, so he can do Cosmic Patrols. However, he has never been prestiged, and I am wondering, if I DO prestige him and get back to level 60, will [..] View

Apocalypse Awakens!

7:27 pm, September 28, 2017 New Content Pits the Entire Marvel Universe Against New Original Horsemen Forms for Jean Grey, Storm, Psylocke and Magik; Also Introduces Omega Trial, Omega Difficulty and Omega Items! A new Age of [..] View

Will the current prestige level be counted as one level in the omega system?

8:27 am, September 28, 2017 Currently it takes 25x more exp to get cosmic prestige or prestige level 6 in the game. When omega comes out will prestige level 6 just count as one level or will we get some consideration for the 2 [..] View

Omega items. Omega Prestige.. Confused,help?

7:27 pm, September 23, 2017 Okay.. I knew Omega Items are a thing planned last year, which are coming "soon".. but I am lost on some things. Do you have to Omega Prestige to use Omega items? I am seeing tons of complai [..] View

Please explain what this means about omega prestige

7:27 pm, September 21, 2017 Here is a quote pulled straight from this blog, "Similar to the traditional Prestige system, un [..] View

Cosmic Difficulty after Prestige?

7:27 pm, September 4, 2017 Hi, on console when I prestige and try to change the difficulty, Super Heroic is the highest I can select, Cosmic is re-locked until I reach level 60 again. This makes releveling much slower as cannot [..] View

Introducing Omega Prestige!

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 We’re excited to introduce the Omega Prestige system, scheduled to launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 31! With the new Omega Prestige system, we will introduce “Omega [..] View

Explain Prestige.

8:27 am, July 26, 2017 What are the benefits of prestiging a hero? What's the point, what do I get? A name color change, what else? Are they stronger after the second time they hit 60? Something about getting a default cos [..] View

What to do now?

7:27 pm, July 23, 2017 Hey so ive been around since closed beta pretty much ,and ive came to the point where i dont know what to do in this game really.This is truly a post without an hate or whatsoever cuz i fancy this gam [..] View

Cosmic in normal mode.

8:27 am, July 22, 2017 As the title says. Was playing through the campaign (prestige 1) on "The savage lands", and I ****** a blue rarity raptor and it dropped cosmic pants (as Hulk). Is this something that happen [..] View

Couple o' Questions

7:27 pm, July 20, 2017 Back after a bit of a hiatus, and still unclear on a few things. Does no one group anymore? Last I played, it was common to have folks auto-join when you entered a dungeon. Doing the dailies freque [..] View

Dr. Doom's Default Costume

8:27 am, June 28, 2017 I heard it's getting removed. What if you're a big Doom fan and cosmic prestiged (prestige'd? prestiged?) him way before all this "removing fantastic four" nonsense happened and don't have h [..] View

Questions from a new player

8:27 am, June 18, 2017 Hello, Sorry this will seem lazy but I spent a lot of time reading a lot of posts and I can't find proper or updated answer to a lot of questions I'm asking myself. So here I am, doing a post for it [..] View

Question: Green, Orange, Red Enemies

8:27 am, June 16, 2017 So i just prestiged to cosmic level and i started doing the story again (this is how i usually lvl heroes to lvl 60). I rush story and around chapter 3 im 60 because of bonus exp and whatnot. But cosm [..] View

Prestige Suggestions

7:27 pm, June 5, 2017 I just recently saw the benefits of prestiging heroes. Go figure Gaz would rework it and I won't get any default costumes anymore (I also just started using the Random Costume recipe from the crafter) [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 MARVEL HEROES ANNIVERSARY EVENT Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes! BOHZE MOI! A canin [..] View

Newly 60 questions

8:27 am, May 31, 2017 Hi there, it may be a noobish question but I just finished my first cosmic prestige by making only history and legendary quests. I've seen a build for my toon and I 'd like to loot those items, but I [..] View

Choose Prestige Color Feature Being Added? Need help

8:27 am, May 10, 2017 Hello everyone, Wanted to ask the Devs and the community (if it was confirmed before or anything) if the feature will be added in the future to pick a prestige color you have already passed. For exa [..] View

ok so i have a couple questions im confused and lost

7:27 pm, April 27, 2017 I havent played in so long. So I seen the ps4 version bought the beta i love how the game has changed. Decided to come back and try pc version because there is more content and its dope. What are goi [..] View

Prestige Levels

6:27 pm, March 24, 2017 How many levels of prestige do exist? I was a little bit bored yesterday and did prestige my first character to green but I can't find any info on how many levels do exist after that? Don't want to do [..] View

Best point to start Story in Cosmic Prestige?

6:27 pm, March 23, 2017 With the newly limited XP boost situation, what's the best level to start Story mode in a cosmic prestige so that you can reach level 60 just as you wrap up Chapter 10? Assuming that all I use is my [..] View

What is the most efficient way to cosmic prestige

7:27 am, March 4, 2017 Title says it all, I am in the middle of cosmic prestige with Torch once I finish him up I am going to cosmic Laura, I would just like to know what Is the most efficient way to get it done? Please an [..] View

Story Mode for Cosmic Prestige

7:27 am, March 3, 2017 Hi, With the cosmic chaos event I'm doing my first and probably unique Cosmic Prestige (Silver Surfer) and I was wondering at which level should I start to do story mode ? (assuming lvl 1-20 : holo-s [..] View

Can't Bank Items (was a bug but ok now)

7:27 am, March 1, 2017 I logged in today for the first time in months. I got replace catalysts or something like cores? Ok, but I have two prestiged characters that aren't 60 yet and it won't let me bank theirs. That's t [..] View

Best way to level?

7:27 am, February 26, 2017 I just prestiged my Captain Marvel (she's orange now!), and with the xp boost I was able to get her to 60 in like an hour. I took her to 30 in Midtown while beating up Mindless Ones/Titans, then did t [..] View

Best way to cosmic prestige?

6:27 pm, February 25, 2017 Hi folks, So, I was wondering in these crazy post BUE times what the fastest way to level through cosmic prestige is? Story is completed and I've been wondering through some LQ etc and I've stalled a [..] View

Im not very happy I had Black Bolt In Cosmic Prestige

7:27 am, February 24, 2017 I was in the middle of the cosmic Prestige when the servers went down now it says I dont even own him or his stash or anything, not only did I lose my progress but I lost the hero/ pre order stuff and [..] View

Question on Yellow Prestige

6:27 pm, February 22, 2017 Why does Yellow Prestige have to take longer than the other prestige colors? Can we do without the longevity of all things and make it the same at the others are, please? It is taking the fun out of [..] View

cosmic event and cosmic prestige,quick question.

6:27 pm, February 10, 2017 at the moment im leveling my ghost rider which by the way since the update is a lot of fun,well anyway i was wondering something about the cosmic event and doing story. before i prestiged my first he [..] View

Cosmic Revert?

7:27 am, February 10, 2017 I know this is probably a silly question, but is there a way to revert my cosmic prestige to red prestige? I just don't have the time to keep grinding it out level wise and would like to be able to ju [..] View

Cosmic level help

6:27 pm, February 9, 2017 Just looking for some help. My Ultron is level 51 cosmic prestige (my first cosmic hero) and no matter what I do it is taking forever to level any higher. Now I know cosmic is suppose to take a lot lo [..] View

Question on having to Prestige

6:27 pm, January 31, 2017 I am having a hard time having to see the point of having to go through all colors needed for prestige, then when you come to the last one which is yellow and that one takes longer than the others. I [..] View

Exp bonus turned off

6:27 pm, January 28, 2017 Is there any way at all that I can turn off all the extra exp bonus? I like to grind Midtown, but the amount of exp has been huge for more than a year now in bonus given. I have no interest in using [..] View

Prestige and story mode

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 I was thinking, have a lot of heroes that need to go back into story to finish added segments that never got completed, as they didn't exist at the time of the first runthrough. So the question is, th [..] View

Hero/TU questions

7:27 am, January 26, 2017 So far I have 175% synergy exp bonus and 10 TUs. I'm wondering whether it'd be best to max out the exp synergy bonus first since I have several 200 ES heroes left to get, or go for some more TUs for t [..] View

How do you unlock cosmic difficulty?

7:27 am, January 24, 2017 Yeah, quick question, just wondering what is needed to unlock cosmic difficulty. I guess I'm missing something obvious. I ran Cyclops to 60 twice last night and think the extra XP might make the cos [..] View

Does the inifinity system xp move at the same rate as cosmic prestige xp?

6:27 pm, January 21, 2017 I am seeking confirmation on what I think I am seeing. If I cosmic prestige my character we know that the XP granted in smaller amounts. It appears that the Infinity System is only calculating that [..] View

Tips for Cosmic Prestige Post-Patch?

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 I main SW and had decided to start cosmic prestige some time before the patch. I was fine with the rate of leveling then, but now it just seems so incredibly tedious and I don't feel like playing on [..] View

Boost Bonanza vs MATH! Anyone calculated the ROG (Return on Gs) yet?

7:27 am, January 13, 2017 I've got a lot of Gs burning a hole in my STASH, and I'd like to get boosts: XP for fast leveling when the new heroes are out / prestige ES for new characters (Black Bolt!) Odins for Legendaries Other [..] View

Winter Holiday Event 2016!

6:27 pm, December 20, 2016 Celebrate the Holidays with Marvel Heroes 2016’s Winter Event! Log in anytime from Tuesday December 20 2016 through January 2, 2017 for a FREE Punisher Dead Winter Team-Up and Mini Mand [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.34 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, December 20, 2016 Winter Holiday 2016 Event In the spirit of the holidays, during this event you will receive a mission that will allow you to collect gifts to surprise your fellow superheroes and allies, who in turn [..] View

Holiday Big 10 Event

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Holiday Big 10 Event Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Novemb [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.33 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Event: Holiday Big 10 Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Nove [..] View

Heroes for Hire Event

8:27 am, October 1, 2016 To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Luke Cage, a Netflix Original Series, and also Luke’s long history in Marvel Comics, we are releasing a new event that will be available after [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.28 Patch Notes

8:27 am, October 1, 2016 New Event: Heroes for Hire To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Luke Cage, a Netflix Original Series, and also Luke’s long history in Marvel Comics, we are releasing a new event t [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.27 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, September 20, 2016 New Event: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Choose Your Side! S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by HYDRA! Will you help root out the traitors as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D or will you aid the [..] View


8:27 am, September 16, 2016 Nowadays, anytime I go to Hell's Kitchen South for a legendary mission or when I prestige someone, right at the arsonist entrance some character is standing there attacking... indefinitely. Not only [..] View

Should I, could I, Winter Soldier...

8:27 am, September 14, 2016 So, I would like to prestige my Winter Soldier cuz he's my favorite, but I've ran into some issues that make me unsure if I should. I've been researching builds and reading up on the forums, such as t [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.24 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Hero: Angela Angela joins the hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! When the Angels of the Tenth Realm, Heven, waged war on Asgard, Odin's daughter and heir to Asgard's throne was kidnapped by the [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.23 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Event: Cosmic Chaos The Cosmic Chaos event returns, starting Friday, August 19th and lasting until Friday, August 26th (12:01 AM PDT)! Cosmic Bosses Drop Double Loot - All cosmic Terminal and Patrol [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.20 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Event: Cosmic Chaos The Cosmic Chaos event returns, starting Friday, July 15th (12:01 AM PDT) and lasting until Friday, July 22nd (12:01 AM PDT)! Cosmic Bosses Drop Double Loot - All cosmic Terminal [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.16 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 3-Year Anniversary Event Continues This week kicks off our 3-Year Anniversary Tournament! For the remainder of the Anniversary event, this Tournament will reward points for participating in a wide va [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Team-Up: Rescue Rescue joins the Team-Up roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Originally a member of Stark Industries secretarial pool, Virginia “Pepper” Potts soon became an instru [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.05 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Team-Up: Archangel Archangel joins the Team-Up roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Warren Worthington III, aka Angel, was a founding member of the X-Men and spent his earliest years as a mutant traini [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.00 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Marvel Heroes 2016 Rebrand What better way to kick off the new year than a host of new content and new features? Take to the rooftops with Black Cat, team up with Agent Venom, take the new and impro [..] View

Costume Question

8:27 am, August 26, 2016 I have heroes leveled up to 60 with costume cores and high affix and was wondering, if I went to prestige these heroes, would these affixs reset as well. Do I need to buy another costume for these her [..] View

ES What To Do?

8:27 am, August 26, 2016 Currently I have 15 heroes (all of which are at level 60 with no prestiges) and 5 team ups (all at level 60). I'm about to reach 200 ES and was wondering which of the following would be a better choic [..] View

[Suggestion] When prestiging, all equipped items go to delivery box.

8:27 am, August 16, 2016 Currently, when you prestige a hero, all your equipped items go into your inventory and stash. This is annoying because clearing up space for items is difficult (since you obviously want to keep those [..] View

Are two accounts allowed?

8:27 am, August 2, 2016 I've been playing since beta, and by now I have all characters unlocked, all team-ups, plenty of characters prestiged and so on. I know the game should be a ton of fun by now (and for the most part, i [..] View

Just hit lvl 60...

8:27 am, July 24, 2016 So I"m VERY new to this game. I have 2 heroes, Cable and Deadpool fully unlocked. After i hit lvl 60 with Deadpool I had bought the Ancient Gourd of Prestige from Clea. I had initially thought, & [..] View

Show power points only?

7:27 pm, July 9, 2016 Is there a way to show just the power points you have on a character? i know when you move over top of the skill it show just the power points on a single skill but i need the whole screen at once so [..] View


7:27 pm, June 28, 2016 Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I have returned after a year trapped in limbo, and I have found things to be much different. Please help me obtain the maximum amount of power points that one can ach [..] View

Cosmic Chaos & Wealth of Kings County!

7:27 pm, June 10, 2016 Wealth of Kings County - Anniversary Edition Maggia have stolen CAKE SLICES and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recover these Cake Slices from Industr [..] View

How is quest completion exp amount determined in story mode ( while grouped )?

8:27 am, May 13, 2016 I recently had a friend start playing Marvel Heroes. So, I started a new prestige level, and have been grouping with him. When we were levels 35 and 37 we took them into the AIM facility in chapter [..] View


8:27 am, April 14, 2016 I'm having troubles with the "double check" window when trying to use the prestige thing. The second confirmation window is so long it travels off the bottom of the screen and the "yes& [..] View

Achievements and costumes.

7:27 am, March 2, 2016 I've really been getting into Achievement hunting lately and my Thor is quickly getting to 60. I have a Beta Ray Bill enhanced costume waiting for him when I prestige him, will I still be able to coll [..] View

Cosmic prestige

6:27 pm, February 16, 2016 How long will it take, to cosmic prestige iron man? Right now i have him at red prestige level 60 and considering cosmic, but i only buying things for game value (splinters, cubes, ...), so 800 % XP b [..] View

Cosmic Prestige Math during Omega event vs Cosmic event

7:27 am, February 10, 2016 So I'm hearing differing opinions about which event is optimal for cosmic prestige. Apparently there's the myth of how the last 2 days of omega are superior to cosmic chaos for yellow prestige, but th [..] View

What Is The Maximum Level Of Ultimate?

6:27 pm, February 3, 2016 I thought you just can upgrade your Hero's Ultimate once, but I heard from people, they can upgrade to level 20, even level 22. So I wonder the maximum level of it. And when you get prestige, what wil [..] View

i am confused.

7:27 am, January 21, 2016 I decided to prestige to green. So I started off with my 12 story mode points. (I previously had 162 points) Got to 60 again, yet I am short 6 points of 162, how is this possible? I have never done [..] View

prestige question

7:27 am, January 16, 2016 So I know it says that when you prestige, Story will not give you rewards you've already gotten before. So if you prestige, is it not possible to get back your 162 power points? This isn't very clear [..] View


7:27 am, December 30, 2015 I have prestiged a couple heroes to blue, but what is the benefit? is there any other than bragging rights for a yellow name? its very interesting to me but i just cant find answers . Thank you so muc [..] View

Holo-Sim 50 Wave Question

6:27 pm, December 29, 2015 I farmed MM boxes yesterday so that I could do a 50 wave run of Holo-Sim from a newly prestiged hero. I have a couple questions though: 1) some have suggested Odin's boxes, MM boxes, and shared boxes. [..] View

Synergy xp bonus

6:27 pm, December 25, 2015 Hi everyone,happy xmas! I was just wondering if prestiging hero will ever affect your synergy xp bonus. For example, suppose u have only two heroes, one of them is level 60, so when u level the seco [..] View

xp after cosmic prestige and i80's

6:27 pm, December 20, 2015 Hi i've just completed a cosmic prestige and now can invest in an i80 legendary, does the XP gained go back to pre cosmic prestige levels? just concerned that i'm going to get a legendary that will [..] View

Hero(es) that can handle the Cosmic Trial under-geared?

7:27 am, December 15, 2015 Since returning to the game recently, I've managed to get over a dozen heroes to 60 and have even gotten one of them all the way to red prestige. What I've yet to do is get one of them to pass the Co [..] View

RiF/SiF unique and theory

6:27 pm, December 10, 2015 been thinking of collecting a RiF/SiF item set. do yall think it would be worth / help? also hidden rolls on prestiged chars? confirmed droprates? i havent seen anything but i just started looking lo [..] View

Level 1 Costume Core vendor item.

6:27 pm, December 10, 2015 Is it possible to create a level 1 Costume Core item on a vendor? Just leave it blank, without stats. This would help quite a bit for when I, and others, prestige and would like to use certain costume [..] View

SUGGESTION: remove core from Costume recipes

7:27 am, December 10, 2015 can this be added to the next patch please? sometime i want to keep affixes (with out re rolling them on other costume) and use that costume on my cosmic prestige lvl 1 hero. is this doable? mighty [..] View

Pets for the holidays?

7:27 am, December 4, 2015 I know folks frequently ask what the best way to get a pet is. I've got quite a ways to go until I hit the 100 day gift. I've got one character up to 60, and I don't really want to prestige at this po [..] View

Ultimate and Prestege

7:27 am, November 29, 2015 I am about to level my first 60 and I had a question. When you prestige your character and everything resets do you lose any upgrades to your ultimate that you may have gained? I know you will lose ac [..] View

Question about story mission spirit & health bonuses

7:27 am, November 19, 2015 What I'm wondering here is how it works: Is it character specific so each character has to do the missions specifically or is it a one-time thing that covers all characters for the +spirit and health [..] View

Am I doing it right?

8:27 am, October 17, 2015 Hey guys, played in beta and for some reason not much after that. I think it was due to work schedule at the time but whatever. I came back just over a couple weeks ago. I wanted to throw this out [..] View

prestiging still maintains cosmic midtown unlock?

7:27 pm, August 8, 2015 has any unlocked cosmic midtown and then prestiged back to 60? Did you get your cosmic midtown privileges again? Just wanted to double check - the trial is annoying, don't want to do it twice because [..] View

Pet Affix issue

8:27 am, August 8, 2015 Hello guys, I want to ask if the unique affix in a pet are fixed to certain type of basic stats? The problem is I have re-rolled my prestige level 1 pet (pink iron robot) 4 times and it just stay in [..] View

Cosmic Chaos!

7:27 pm, August 7, 2015 Cosmic Chaos Cosmic Chaos is back and is bringing back your favorite cosmic level perks for the final week in our anniversary month. Here's a list of cosmic perks exclusive to Cosmic Chaos: Cosmic B [..] View

Show challenge mode level on minimap

7:27 pm, July 28, 2015 As it's now possible to level up really fast - I'm thinking prestige levelling on Monday in Midtown specifically - I often forget which level of MM I'm in. All my loot is being sucked up by vacuum (s [..] View

Pet questions

8:27 am, July 27, 2015 Hi again, Just wondering if all pets are born equal or are there different tiers of pet? Are there many possible Pet bonuses? My ones seem very week (I have the prestige 1 Iron Buddy). Thanks, Thu [..] View

Cosmic Chaos in July

7:27 pm, July 10, 2015 Cosmic Chaos Cosmic Chaos is back for Big Ten and is bringing back your favorite cosmic level perks for the final week in our anniversary month. Here's a list of cosmic perks exclusive to Cosmic Chao [..] View

Questions about Pets.

8:27 am, July 5, 2015 Are all pets the same? Meaning do all pets get the same table of stats on them, or do the prestige pets have higher stat tables? I ask this because, if they are all the same, what's the point of buy [..] View

Are Prestige Pets locked to Prestiged Characters?

8:27 am, July 1, 2015 I would like some clarification on the use of Prestige Pets. I was wondering if you buy a Prestige Pet (Red Iron Buddy), can it be freely transferred to a non-Prestiged character? Or does the game sa [..] View

Can someone explain what boosts stack and what don't?

7:27 pm, June 25, 2015 Want to get the most out of this big ten event as I'm about to cosmic prestige my first character. People keep saying to use the stackable buffs but no idea what those are. I bought some iboosts but [..] View


Prerequisites before going to the road to prestige?

Mar 17, 2015, 8:27 pm <p>Hi there,</p> <p>As said in title, is there any real prerequesite before prestiging any hero?</p> <p>For example, is it mandatory to do the whole story to get bonuses such as Skills points etc? W[..] View

Dumb question about prestige

Mar 8, 2015, 1:54 am <p>Ok, so I was just wondering when you prestige a character does that change the color of your name only when using that character or is it across the board?</p>[..] View

Prestige Thingie

Mar 5, 2015, 7:38 am <p>Do I need to reach unlock levels to use my skills again, or will my hotbar be left alone? I googled around but don't see a clear answer to this and the question was TL;DR for /social.</p> <p>After[..] View

Cosmic prestige levelling questions

Feb 17, 2015, 6:35 pm <p>1) At what point do artifacts drop from one-shots/terminals? Is it possible to farm Man-ape/Lizard at level 53? I've only had success at level 60 heroes and w/ nl. prestiges speed through those l[..] View

want to prestige during event

Jan 31, 2015, 7:45 am <p>with the xp bonus of this event i have considered getting another prestige level (or more if i can manage it) but wanted to know if there will be parts of this event that can only be achieved using[..] View


Jan 23, 2015, 3:41 am <p>So, I've looked about and asked in Social, but im not satisfied with the information so far. Hopefully this is the right place for my question :)</p> <p>I would like to prestige, especially on Rog[..] View

Things to prepare for prestige?

Jan 21, 2015, 8:16 am <p>I plan on prestiging when I hit 60, but before I do the reset I would like to compile a list of things to do before I start the prestige, I honestly don't know that much about the game and as a res[..] View

What happens with my items when i Prestige

Jan 19, 2015, 1:49 pm <p>Hi everyone, I am close to having my first lvl60 character, and was curious as to what happens with her gear when I prestige. Is all the level restricted items i have gathered on her unequipped? I'[..] View

What is total xp buff for cosmic prestige this week?

Jan 19, 2015, 12:43 pm <p>There is supposed to be double xp for cosmic prestige this week. Then live tuning added a 100% xp buff. Does that mean cosmic prestige receives a total of 200% xp this week?</p>[..] View

Pets Question and Prestige

Jan 14, 2015, 12:38 pm <p>Hello everyone,</p> <p>I have a Magneto Prestige level 1 with green iron pet. Me question is, if i buy a pet in the store (g credits) and want to prestige to level 2, do i have to buy the blue iro[..] View

Story mode rewards vs non story and prestige

Jan 12, 2015, 8:26 pm <p>Hello everyone.</p> <p>i am sure this has been asked a million times and i tried to search for it but i could never really find a good answer. as the title says, i am curious about peoples levelin[..] View

Bonus hp/spirit/power points for prestige heroes

Jan 2, 2015, 6:46 pm <p>Is there any shortcut method to find out if u have completed all the bonus quests for an old hero u're dusting off the shelves and havent touched for a while?</p> <p>The power points one is easy, [..] View

Prestige and power/health/spirit points

Dec 26, 2014, 11:57 am <p>So I just got my Rogue to 60 for the 2nd time without doing any story missions as I don't want to loose out on the points when I decide to stop levelling (I will be stopping before cosmic, I'm not [..] View

Cosmic Prestige XP Boost

Dec 26, 2014, 2:21 am <p>Just out of curiosity... Does the boost to cosmic prestige XP for cosmic week take the form of a server side 100% XP boost or is it simply a halving of the 25:1 XP penalty?</p>[..] View

Rogue Prestige Question

Dec 25, 2014, 7:54 pm <p>If you prestige Rogue does she lose all of the powers you stole from heroes and villains? I only ask because if the stolen abilities are still on the power tree after prestiging I'll organize them [..] View

Prestige Pets Questions

Dec 19, 2014, 3:05 pm <p>I'm perhaps considering to prestige one of my characters just to get that Green Iron Buddy Pet, so a few questions about it.</p> <p>1- Can I buy the Pet the moment I reset my character to lvl 1 or[..] View

After Cosmic Prestige I seem to be getting a lot less xp

Dec 12, 2014, 8:02 pm <p>So I Cosmic Prestiged my Deadpool and since then I seem to be earning a lot less xp. I checked today to see if I was missing something, went and did Doom on Red 798 from mob xp orbs.[..] View

About re-birth/prestige Level 1

Dec 12, 2014, 6:51 am <p>Hello all,</p> <p>I have a question regarding the prestige levels. If i want to reset to prestige level 2, Did i loose the 12 power points earned in the prestige level 1? Whats the upgrade/differe[..] View

what is prestige and why?

Dec 9, 2014, 5:43 am <p>I am a new player and would like to know what the prestige system is and why you would want to do it? It is simply a badge or something like in call of duty? Or is there an actual benefit for doing[..] View

Cosmic Prestige XP Intel or +?? XP

Dec 5, 2014, 10:54 am <p>Just curious on the following issue and if anyone knows the answer when you go cosmic is the +?? XP divided by 25 or does it stay at its flat rates?</p> <p>Just asking since if it stays at face va[..] View

Prestige costumes...

Dec 2, 2014, 10:08 pm <p>Been doing green level prestige on a lot of my roster lately. I notice you get a default costume for each one when you do the Gourd of Prestige. Do you get a separate default costume every time you[..] View

Prestige costumes

Dec 2, 2014, 3:25 pm <p>I recently started playing this game and got Rocket to 60 but I was more exploring his skills than going for the right build. I want to do that now but I don't want to reset his skill points, I wan[..] View

Cosmic Prestige affect on + xp on kill?

Nov 30, 2014, 8:26 pm <p>Since doing this reduces incoming experience by a factor of 25, does xp on kill items take the same hit? Making them utterly worthless? My level 54 cyclops has 455 xp on kill right now and wonder[..] View

Please Make Cosmic Iron Buddy Acount Bound to all heroes that is not Cosmic Prestiged.

Nov 30, 2014, 1:50 pm <p>As the Title says. Got +3 Energy Cybernetics unique bonus, thought of transferring it to one of my energy heroes, but cant because cosmic pet can only be used by Heroes that is Cosmic Prestiged. Ho[..] View

Does my mission log reset if I prestige?

Nov 29, 2014, 3:19 am <p>I've found some old threads about this but I just want to check current status. I like finishing all three runs of the story not just for the rewards but to get full check marks / reward indicator[..] View

Recovering missed skill point reward from story quests after doing prestige...

Nov 28, 2014, 10:17 pm <p>I was a noob back then, I didnt know that you cant get the rewards from the quest,( if you missed one ), after you prestige, so when I prestiged this hero of mine, I never realize that i missed 1 s[..] View

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