6:27 pm, October 31, 2017
I play since 3 days at this game and they i receive splinters but i'm still at 9 splinter so i can't deblock any character. I can't play to this game because all the characters are blocked at level 10 [..]
8:27 am, October 28, 2017
I played the game when it released (or shortly after), played only a little, and I've recently come back and leveled the following to 60:
• Silver Surfer
• Hawkeye
&bul [..]
8:27 am, October 27, 2017
So I hit level 60 with Shulkie (Cosmic Prestige).
However, I just realised I am getting 96k per big EXP orbs in Cosmic Midtown Manhattan, and I am pretty sure I was getting way more before.
So does [..]
8:27 am, October 22, 2017
Hey everyone.
So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..]
8:27 am, October 21, 2017
I've leveled up three characters to 60, one to 25 and yet I'm still a noob.
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to get Spiderman's base melee damage up from 6%
Also, by melee powers is that also [..]
7:27 pm, October 17, 2017
I bought Jean and then I bought Omega. It's saying I have to buy Jean again to get her past level 10. Trash Panda! ?! So I have to buy the character 3 times? Is this a glitch? Someone please help me. [..]
8:27 am, October 16, 2017
So please, title!
I did not play this game because of some JAIL problems, and my Shulkie is (my first cosmic ever) around level 30. What should I do to level her up without any boosts other than hero [..]
8:27 am, October 12, 2017
I keep hearing in social chat about being able to purchase prestige all the way to omega level 1 in Omega patch? Normally I just whatever with social says. but this keeps coming up. I have not seen an [..]
8:27 am, October 2, 2017
I currently have my Deadpool having passed the Cosmic Trial, so he can do Cosmic Patrols. However, he has never been prestiged, and I am wondering, if I DO prestige him and get back to level 60, will [..]
7:27 pm, September 28, 2017
New Content Pits the Entire Marvel Universe Against New Original Horsemen Forms for Jean Grey, Storm, Psylocke and Magik; Also Introduces Omega Trial, Omega Difficulty and Omega Items!
A new Age of [..]
8:27 am, September 28, 2017
Currently it takes 25x more exp to get cosmic prestige or prestige level 6 in the game. When omega comes out will prestige level 6 just count as one level or will we get some consideration for the 2 [..]
7:27 pm, September 21, 2017
Here is a quote pulled straight from this blog, https://marvelheroes.com/news/news-articles/introducing-omega-prestige-system-featuring-spider-man
"Similar to the traditional Prestige system, un [..]
7:27 pm, September 4, 2017
Hi, on console when I prestige and try to change the difficulty, Super Heroic is the highest I can select, Cosmic is re-locked until I reach level 60 again. This makes releveling much slower as cannot [..]
8:27 am, August 30, 2017
We’re excited to introduce the Omega Prestige system, scheduled to launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 31!
With the new Omega Prestige system, we will introduce “Omega [..]
8:27 am, August 30, 2017
Hi guys
I want to start first by apologizing as I'm sure this is a repeat post, but my forum surfing abilities are minimal and I'm having difficulty finding anything on my own.
With that out of the [..]
8:27 am, August 23, 2017
What are the low level mental artifacts level 30 and below. I checked the MH items data base but searching "mental" came up empty. I can think of one off hand and it is the Amulet of Agamott [..]
8:27 am, August 12, 2017
I know you get XP boost (up to 200%) for having several characters leveled to 60, however, I recently read somewhere that you also gain stat increase for each character that has completed the storylin [..]
8:27 am, August 6, 2017
My friend just got Marvel Heroes and I told him that as far as I know you can pick any one hero for free. I haven't had this choice since the game first came out years ago, and I know a lot has change [..]
7:27 pm, August 3, 2017
I recently returned to the game after being away since late 2015. To say Im lost would be a bit of an understatement. I've taken a week just getting a feel for the new mechanics and messing aro [..]
8:27 am, August 2, 2017
My friend played marvel heroes at that time when story mode only made you to level 20 or something. Now he is stuck at level 20. Is there anyway to level up fast or reset story mode or else he is gonn [..]
8:27 am, July 25, 2017
I found some purples, and a single gold item about level 45. I was wondering if there was still a way to upgrade them to 60? I remember doing it before (been playing since original launch, but just ca [..]
7:27 pm, July 23, 2017
Hey so ive been around since closed beta pretty much ,and ive came to the point where i dont know what to do in this game really.This is truly a post without an hate or whatsoever cuz i fancy this gam [..]
7:27 pm, July 20, 2017
Back after a bit of a hiatus, and still unclear on a few things.
Does no one group anymore? Last I played, it was common to have folks auto-join when you entered a dungeon. Doing the dailies freque [..]
7:27 pm, July 19, 2017
So I know that you can get better stuff on harder game modes in story mode levels (I'm nearly done with story mode anyway) but I have never gotten anything from story mode better than a purple backgro [..]
7:27 pm, July 19, 2017
Carnage has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes Omega for PC!
Homicidal maniac, Cletus Kasady was serving out his life sentence in prison when a new cellmate moved in, Eddie Br [..]
8:27 am, July 19, 2017
I am coming back after basically taking a year off the game. Everything seems semi familiar but also very strange.
. is there a certain path to take to get to level 60?
. should I focus on leveling or [..]
8:27 am, July 15, 2017
Hi, i've just started to come back to the game. the last time i played was in 2015. back then i had 2 heroes at level 60 and both have completed the story mission. Now i leveled 2 more heroes to level [..]
8:27 am, July 12, 2017
I haven't played since sometime in 2015. I think I may have played a little in 2016. I have several level 60 heroes but want to first just focus on Spider-Man. I have a maxed out legendary weapon and [..]
8:27 am, July 12, 2017
I recently started playing MHO again after a long time and really enjoy the game as it is until the very end game. For me, that part of the game could give us a lot more fun things to do than it is gi [..]
8:27 am, July 11, 2017
For most of my time playing before the BUE, I steered clear of the Axis Raid, as most of my heroes weren't anywhere near geared up enough to survive (not to mention I had very few omega points, back w [..]
8:27 am, July 8, 2017
Logged in today and my graphics look terrible. The marvelengineusersettings.ini looks fine.
UseVsync=True [..]
7:27 pm, July 7, 2017
So, I am a level 60 Black Widow and I was wonder how I can unlock the Danger Room.
Apparently I am supposed to talk to beast, but when I talk to beast in Xavier's school he can only take me to genosha [..]
8:27 am, July 7, 2017
I was looking up advice on the completing the Tomb Raider" achievement and read about Lieber's Brewhouse have a secret area upstairs and two chests. So i go upstairs and smash the wardrobe and fi [..]
7:27 pm, July 6, 2017
I'm excited to start out, but i got a few questions before i do.
Really appreciate if anyone could answer them.
Max Lv.?
Which server is the most popular/populated today?
How would you def [..]
7:27 pm, July 4, 2017
why cant I change characters? i just started act one but i am playing as hulk, would like to switch to one of the other free ones but the square button is darkened as if not available. do I have to ge [..]
7:27 pm, June 30, 2017
The wait is nearly over! Marvel Heroes Omega will launch on June 30 for Xbox One, the same date the game transitions out of Open Beta for PlayStation 4. Xbox One players looking to hit the ground r [..]
7:27 pm, June 30, 2017
Marvel Heroes Omega today for PlayStation®4 and Xbox One®. ! Join over one million new players in Marvel's free-to-play game for consoles, battle the forces of evil, level-up, and ear [..]
8:27 am, June 29, 2017
EXTRA! EXTRA! Daily Bugle Overrun by Sinister Six!
J. Jonah Jameson has claimed to have uncovered the identity of Spider-Man, but he’s only teased his readers with this and hasn’t [..]
8:27 am, June 18, 2017
Sorry this will seem lazy but I spent a lot of time reading a lot of posts and I can't find proper or updated answer to a lot of questions I'm asking myself.
So here I am, doing a post for it [..]
8:27 am, June 16, 2017
So i just prestiged to cosmic level and i started doing the story again (this is how i usually lvl heroes to lvl 60). I rush story and around chapter 3 im 60 because of bonus exp and whatnot. But cosm [..]
7:27 pm, June 10, 2017
So my guess this is a mission that introduces players to the pvp? How to start it? Because I'm level 60, I've been all over the Odin's Palace and it doesn't seem to trigger. I also tried starting the [..]
8:27 am, June 8, 2017
Why are some user names in different colors?? I've seen blue and green, random levels. Is this a pay feature or experience only?? I've looked in the game manuel and the options menu, I can't find any [..]
8:27 am, June 7, 2017
Do you need to complete it to see chapter 10 of the story? I'm level 60 Thor and it's just a nightmare. Also looking for buddies for in game things (danger room) etc..
Xyphoid_process PS4
Metal potato [..]
7:27 pm, June 5, 2017
I just recently saw the benefits of prestiging heroes. Go figure Gaz would rework it and I won't get any default costumes anymore (I also just started using the Random Costume recipe from the crafter) [..]
7:27 pm, June 2, 2017
This Sunday, June 4, marks the fourth anniversary of the launch of Marvel Heroes on PC – so we're celebrating all month long with events and sales! Throughout the month of June, we&rsqu [..]
7:27 pm, June 2, 2017
New account, new player. I bought Deadpool, with a carnage teamate, and ultron pet out of a box, I jumped straight into story at lvl 1....oh what a mistake that was . Now im lvl 57, and facing a HUGE [..]
7:27 pm, June 2, 2017
Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes!
A canin [..]
8:27 am, June 1, 2017
I am brand new to the game, and have some questions. The first is about leveling. I googled leveling tips, and it sounds like most people are leveling way faster than I am. I saw people say they go [..]
7:27 pm, May 26, 2017
Apologies if there is another discussion like this already, I have found similar questions but not quite what I was looking for as they all discussed farming in Cosmic Areas. I recently got all of my [..]
8:27 am, May 24, 2017
Hey Guys!
First of all I am German and play on a German Client so I hope Ill translate everything right.
So I donated my old stuff which I didnt need to the crafter and he is now level 20. Which Mer [..]
7:27 pm, May 18, 2017
I am going to be mainly playing on PS4 and sometimes PC. I started last weekend in the beta.
I bought a founders pack and will have enough for two heroes after the tutorial.
Of the heroes i've playe [..]
8:27 am, May 17, 2017
Not sure if its a glitch or something but do team ups now share the same mastery levels? I'm asking because the other day I was playing as Rocket Raccoon with Drax team up. I remember Drax was level 5 [..]
8:27 am, May 16, 2017
Where do artifacts drop from now? I have several characters i have leveled since coming back a week or so ago and i have not had a single artifact drop (meaning they lack gear in important slots). I d [..]
7:27 pm, May 15, 2017
Hi All,
So I have been farming influence for a while now and got the "Allied" level. However, the quartermaster still only offers me "Magistrate's Diary". I would have expected to [..]
8:27 am, May 13, 2017
Been playing the game since 5/7/16 so pretty new to the game. Have some various (random) questions and figured it would be best to put things in one discussion instead of posting each question in a s [..]
8:27 am, May 12, 2017
I played the open beta, then played for a few weeks after the game went public. My first hero was Hawkeye, and at some point I also got Storm, but never played her. Only played for a bit, and then sto [..]
8:27 am, May 10, 2017
Hello everyone,
Wanted to ask the Devs and the community (if it was confirmed before or anything) if the feature will be added in the future to pick a prestige color you have already passed.
For exa [..]
8:27 am, May 8, 2017
Hey, brand new player this is my first day with the game and have a few questions of the bat. I have only played one other mmo, and i dont want to get in trouble violating any terms.
1) Found informa [..]
8:27 am, May 5, 2017
I've been prestiging quite a lot and today prior to the shutdown, i started a red run for Doom. I used the same gearing etc I always do, but am much lower than my norm. Working out thus far to losing [..]
7:27 pm, May 4, 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 releasing in theaters this Friday, May 5th, we’ve prepared some cosmically-enhan [..]
7:27 pm, May 1, 2017
Rerolling medaillions can really burn through your materials. Is there any place where they drop more frequently? In the past the cow level was great as it dropped tons of the materials. But after the [..]
7:27 pm, April 27, 2017
When I played yesterday. I have seen that I have reached level 10. I thought first of this rise for the hero I am currently playing. But then I saw that this hero is only level 8. Now my questi [..]
7:27 pm, April 27, 2017
I havent played in so long. So I seen the ps4 version bought the beta i love how the game has changed. Decided to come back and try pc version because there is more content and its dope.
What are goi [..]
7:27 pm, April 27, 2017
To me Marvel Heroes is in a state of broken. Difficulty to reward are completely off. I see the same issues in the Algorith dealing with leveling and general difficulty here and omega. Having said t [..]
8:27 am, April 23, 2017
If i own a founders pack and my son owns a founders pack why cant we play as our own characters during local splitscreen. it only lets my son pick from my characters even though he bought a founders p [..]
7:27 pm, April 21, 2017
Gazillion, a leading video game developer and publisher, announced that the closed beta for Marvel Heroes Omega on PlayStation®4 begins today! Inspired in part by popular action-RPGs and m [..]
7:27 pm, April 19, 2017
Curious wether you going to get Marvel Heroes? Want to know what Heroes are good for the play style you like? Interested in what the endgame is? Need advice on what items are best on certain charac [..]
8:27 am, April 17, 2017
I'd like to participate in this event, but I can't find HYDRA Representative Baron Von Lind or S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Rose Solomon in Avengers Tower.
Is there a level requirement? or is this event over?
8:27 am, April 15, 2017
Good evening. I have been playing this game for a week now, and my first hero is Doctor Strange. I completed Story Mode all the way to Chapter 10 (I can't go to Hightown since I need to be level 60) a [..]
7:27 pm, April 11, 2017
Event: The Wealth of King’s County Returns
Maggia have stolen armored cars full of tax refund cash and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recov [..]
8:27 am, April 6, 2017
I hope I am posting this suggestion in the right forum, sorry if it is not. I do like the story mode and the new revamps so far. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the general consensus among pla [..]
8:27 am, April 1, 2017
1) New character, stuck at chapter 3 / chapter 9 bug, cannot progress in story, where do I go? (Elektra lvl 55)
2) New character, not wanting to do story at all, where do I go?
Also do XP boost help [..]
8:27 am, April 1, 2017
S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by HYDRA! Agent Coulson, Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan have put OPERATION OMEGA in to effect, calling all heroes to help stop HYDRA!
Players wil [..]
8:27 am, March 30, 2017
Elements, maybe maybe 1 every 2 hours. Not enough to craft with.
Artifacts below lvl50, are they just gone ? Even 800% RIF got 1 in 2 days.
Relics as well have reduced down to about 1 hour.
Unique [..]
7:27 pm, March 29, 2017
Hi newish player here,
I have leveled Squirrel Girl (range/summons) to 60, got her a Legendary Trident and most of her gear is either physical damage or summon related.
I have being farming red Term [..]
7:27 pm, March 27, 2017
Hi! I have a few questions i want to ask, but i can't find a clear answer for some of them.
Is midtown patrol the best way to get xp (apart from the story)? Normal or Heroic? Should one focus on boss [..]
6:27 pm, March 24, 2017
How many levels of prestige do exist? I was a little bit bored yesterday and did prestige my first character to green but I can't find any info on how many levels do exist after that? Don't want to do [..]
6:27 pm, March 23, 2017
With the newly limited XP boost situation, what's the best level to start Story mode in a cosmic prestige so that you can reach level 60 just as you wrap up Chapter 10? Assuming that all I use is my [..]
7:27 am, March 19, 2017
It's been a while since I played. Now that the new system overhaul is in I was wondering what the fastest way to level is. Back when I used to play I was told to do Midtown Manhattan until 20 then s [..]
7:27 am, March 18, 2017
I'm not sure why, but lately I have been seeing so many rings from level one up, that have level requirements lower than the level needed to unlock the ring slot. Am I missing something that will a [..]
6:27 pm, March 16, 2017
Saint Patrick’s Day Event
Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Marvel Heroes this year! These bonuses will be active starting Thursday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 22nd at 11: [..]
7:27 am, March 13, 2017
Hey guys,
Just a quick question and I can't really find it quickly so I figured I would ask. Since the big update, the drops have changed, and I have noticed that Uniques don't really drop any more [..]
6:27 pm, March 11, 2017
Is everyone gonna farm a set of uniques for every single character? Im thinking about leveling everyone to 60 and getting at all uniques for every character seeing as though it seems like everyone is [..]
7:27 am, March 11, 2017
Been away from Cosmic terminals for awhile and noticed the change in Bosses and damage. Is level 80 legendary weapon and artifacts with 4 Blessings excluding Infinity Points required to output enough [..]
6:27 pm, March 9, 2017
Hi, I last played this over a year ago (managed to get around 10 characters to 50+ for the synergy bonuses) but had to leave the game due to RL issues. Now I am back and have a few questions I am wond [..]
6:27 pm, March 7, 2017
i mean,there is silence about everything :D
biggest update ever imho was an HUGE improvement and i like it a lot
its an half update
can we at least know a roadmap,what are you doing? an "e [..]
7:27 am, March 6, 2017
@Asros @KomoriMan I don't know who else to tag with this question.
I was wondering if there was anything in the works for the fortune card ingredients, like Forge's Research Notes, the Level 7 ID Lan [..]
6:27 pm, March 4, 2017
Are we ever going to go back to having normal levels in the Challenges option such as Industry City and the other option below that? I grow tired of having to use the Heroic level pretty much some o [..]
7:27 am, March 3, 2017
So, I'm just returning from a break predating the recent big shake up.
But I have a level 34 Psylocke, and I don't seem to have a story quests that's being tracked. I should be around the jungle/mist [..]
7:27 am, March 3, 2017
With the cosmic chaos event I'm doing my first and probably unique Cosmic Prestige (Silver Surfer) and I was wondering at which level should I start to do story mode ? (assuming lvl 1-20 : holo-s [..]
6:27 pm, March 2, 2017
Old Man Logan Event
Alongside the Cosmic Chaos event this week, we’re doing a small bonus event in celebration of our Adamantium-laced heroes! Both event will run from Thursday, March 2nd u [..]
6:27 pm, February 27, 2017
So, I started playing after a long while and A LOT has changed. Leveling seems to be way easier than before. Artifacts rarely drop. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the changes and am hoping to be enlight [..]
7:27 am, February 27, 2017
I have been playing for years and love the game. It took a little bit to adjust to the big update, but it is growing on me. I would like to see COSMIC level introduced to the story mode slider. [..]
7:27 am, February 26, 2017
I just prestiged my Captain Marvel (she's orange now!), and with the xp boost I was able to get her to 60 in like an hour. I took her to 30 in Midtown while beating up Mindless Ones/Titans, then did t [..]
7:27 am, February 26, 2017
Using Cosmic Affixes to define Slot 1 - 5 items aren't really working right now. The 3rd Affix is great but there isn't any upgrading going on from Unique items. Yes, unique items are going away. So [..]
6:27 pm, February 25, 2017
Hi folks,
So, I was wondering in these crazy post BUE times what the fastest way to level through cosmic prestige is? Story is completed and I've been wondering through some LQ etc and I've stalled a [..]
7:27 am, February 24, 2017
I was in the middle of the cosmic Prestige when the servers went down now it says I dont even own him or his stash or anything, not only did I lose my progress but I lost the hero/ pre order stuff and [..]
6:27 pm, February 23, 2017
Can the side-by-side comparison be disabled? And rather just the red or green numbers. Also, can those numbers be dynamic and upgrade its item level to match the one it is comparing itself to? Of c [..]
6:27 pm, February 23, 2017
New Hero: Black Bolt
Black Bolt has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016!
Experiencing terrigenesis before he was born, Blackagar Boltagon was granted frighteningly destructive powers. With [..]
7:27 am, February 21, 2017
Been away from the game for about two years or so, and just jumped back in. What's best to spend the ARMOR research drives on? Right now I have a little over 1k of them, and three fresh (i.e. never ge [..]