Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




SOld Car to play MHO Now sad

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 let me start to say a sadend hello soo yeah hi im on a fixx income and i stay at home most of the time do to my dissability i really LOVE marvel heroes omega soo much i ened up selling my car just so [..] View

Need to know everything about Infinity points

7:27 am, November 3, 2017 I need to know everything about Infinity points. Basically give me a guide. I have one specific question on the matter, if I spend points is it for the whole account or just for that specific hero? [..] View

Dupe Defaults and Dupe Store Costumes question (Closet)

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I'm a bit unclear on what exactly happens with the duplicate costumes. I've got some questions I can't seem to find anyone with a credible answer to or any post pertaining to them. I know about the ru [..] View

Stuck and need help!

7:27 am, October 30, 2017 I am doing the daily bugle events for legendary marks. I’m stuck on chapter 7: Sinisters Lab. The objectives are: Chapter 7: Sinister Lab (incomplete) Defeat Mister Sinister (complete) Defea [..] View

Hand incursion & Rise of the cult eye

7:27 pm, October 28, 2017 There are past threads talking about how these are bugged, are these working fine now? If so, can you tell me some tips on how to complete these please. Any tricks or short cuts? I have to complete [..] View

ZOD RUNES, Doops, surters bought during anniversary event, Insignias going away? so should I make co

8:27 am, October 26, 2017 Hi, I have so much to ask but just going to ask few things for now? What happens if we own every outfit for every hero and we have multiple dups of same outfit? also are runes really going away, do [..] View

Something about uru going away after Omega-gear patch?

8:27 am, October 24, 2017 I barely spend time here since it caused me great irritation in the past, but I saw some vague mention that uru-forged will not be part of the game after the final Omega patch (adding in the Omega gea [..] View

Question about Curse Terminals for Cosmic Prestiging

8:27 am, October 22, 2017 Hey everyone. So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..] View

Loki Joins Marvel Heroes Omega for PS4 and Xbox One!

7:27 pm, October 19, 2017 Today, Loki joins Marvel Heroes Omega on Xbox One® and PlayStation®4 as the console version’s 44th playable character. With an ensemble of spells ranging from arcane magic a [..] View

Are Omega Items In-game?

7:27 pm, October 15, 2017 Hello everyone. So I was on hiatus for 3-4 months (was in jail, not guilty). Came here and I know there were speculations about Omega Items being released at the end of September, so I just want to k [..] View

What heroes have an energy dmg spam attack.....

8:27 am, October 13, 2017 Looking for heroes that have an energy dmg spam attack, that doesnt have a cooldown or need spirit. For example, currently i am loving Human Torch with his homing flares attack. HT starts with no sp [..] View

Should I farm Omega or Cosmic?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi there first time posting here. I play on ps4 and i've been farming the event on omega but I'm not getting the cosmic artifacts to drop at all, so I was wondering, do cosmic artifacts drop more on c [..] View

purchasable prestige a real thing coming? (happy question)

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 I keep hearing in social chat about being able to purchase prestige all the way to omega level 1 in Omega patch? Normally I just whatever with social says. but this keeps coming up. I have not seen an [..] View

Rare Item Find and Cosmic Artis.

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 Does RIF affect drop rates of specific cosmic artifacts from bosses? I apologize if this has been asked many times. I did mouse it over the stats page, and it does say something about cosmics, unique [..] View

Black Bolt Now Available on Console!

7:27 pm, October 5, 2017 Strike from the shadows with Elektra! The master combatant launches on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 today! The king of Attilan may not have as much to say as the other 42 playable Marvel Heroes Ome [..] View

Confused about damage rating.

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 There was a guy with deadpool who had a damage rating of over 10000 while he was in my group and standing next to me in avengers tower. I have never seen that high of a rating from well geared charact [..] View

A Question about Prestige and Cosmic Patrols

8:27 am, October 2, 2017 I currently have my Deadpool having passed the Cosmic Trial, so he can do Cosmic Patrols. However, he has never been prestiged, and I am wondering, if I DO prestige him and get back to level 60, will [..] View

Omega items. Omega Prestige.. Confused,help?

7:27 pm, September 23, 2017 Okay.. I knew Omega Items are a thing planned last year, which are coming "soon".. but I am lost on some things. Do you have to Omega Prestige to use Omega items? I am seeing tons of complai [..] View

What counts as "Vulnerable"?

7:27 pm, September 21, 2017 Specifically, I am thinking about items like the Cobra's Hood or Anti-Metal Ammunition. Items that have the trait: "Enemies hit by your attacks take 10% extra damage for 3s". The reason I a [..] View

Please explain what this means about omega prestige

7:27 pm, September 21, 2017 Here is a quote pulled straight from this blog, "Similar to the traditional Prestige system, un [..] View

Venom Available on Console through Sept 27!

7:27 pm, September 14, 2017 For a Limited Time, Venom Unleashes the Power of the Symbiote in Marvel Heroes Omega on Consoles! Available now through Wednesday, Sept. 27, the Lethal Protector brings his own brand of anti-heroism [..] View

What About Marvel Heroes Omega Changings On Console?

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 Do we have some changings on PC version as well too like Symbiote Enhanced Spider-Man Costume? It has been changed on the console version. It is black colored now instead of purple colored like most o [..] View

About Daily Login Cards' Rewards

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 If I click on any card then close the card screen or directly close the card screen before the reward appears that means I have already received the reward without even see or I didn't, lose the chanc [..] View

Say Like I Am Shopping On This Site?

7:27 pm, September 7, 2017 Say like I am trying to buy Gs, I added what I want in my cart...and I come to an end point, and I see an option that reads, " enter promotional code," say like I used a 20 dollar Subway car [..] View

Defender of New York title

8:27 am, September 3, 2017 I know the Defender of New York title achievement is pretty new, but I was wondering if it will be added to the Title Holder achievement list. Is it likely? I see the Maximum Carnage achievement mad [..] View

Confused about the damage stat

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 So when you look at your hero it shows a damage stat but then on the stats page it shows 4 different kinds of damage and none of them line up with the damage number on the first tab. I am so confused [..] View

How do I contact a forum moderator?

8:27 am, August 29, 2017 I made a fairly lengthy post yesterday with a link to a spreadsheet I wanted to share. It posted OK and was viewed by two people. I then noticed a typo and edited it. When I tried to save the edite [..] View

Hero with the largest brutal strike damage potential

8:27 am, August 26, 2017 Hey guys this is going to sound superficial but I love big numbers popping up on my screen. That usually determines what character or build etc. I end up playing in ARPGs etc. I was wondering which he [..] View

Elektra Joins the Fight on Console!

8:27 am, August 25, 2017 Strike from the shadows with Elektra! The master combatant launches on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 today! Since her first appearance in DAREDEVIL #168 (January 1981), Elektra has proven herself on [..] View

Question about extra pets

7:27 pm, August 17, 2017 Since I've been farming some SSB lately, my pet army is now around 80. Wondering if there is some use for excessive pets in the game? Would be awesome if we could trade a completed pet in for a case o [..] View

Qns about Summon Duration & Summon Power!

7:27 pm, August 9, 2017 Summon Duration: For artifacts/medals/items/legendaries/relics/rings/catalysts/insignias/uru-forgeds that boost summon durations, does these effects also apply to my team-up heroes' summons, or does i [..] View

question about first free character

8:27 am, August 6, 2017 My friend just got Marvel Heroes and I told him that as far as I know you can pick any one hero for free. I haven't had this choice since the game first came out years ago, and I know a lot has change [..] View

Shield Supply Boxes Stacking in Inventory & Stash. Stash Not Enouph, SSB's Stacked Please, No Ro

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 Hi I have about 6 stashes filled with Shield Supply Boxes (SSB's) I am maxed out & purchased every single stash space there is & will not allow me to buy anything more & I hav [..] View

Text filters for LFG

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 @AgentVapor @KomoriMan I'm not sure who to include in this, and I doubt it's an original idea but just in case, here goes. Can you give players the ability to ignore messages that contain a designate [..] View

Returning player in need of some help.

7:27 pm, August 3, 2017 Hello, I recently returned to the game after being away since late 2015. To say Im lost would be a bit of an understatement. I've taken a week just getting a feel for the new mechanics and messing aro [..] View

Am I missing something around Chapter 9-10?

8:27 am, August 1, 2017 Here's the dealio -- my first runthrough of the game thus far was with Hawkeye. After I beat Loki, I got the whole cut scene with the demons coming to invade Asgard, etc. But then I got "Nick&quo [..] View

Black Cat Now Available on Consoles!

8:27 am, July 26, 2017 Black Cat joins the fight today in Marvel Heroes Omega on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! Black Cat is currently available as a timed exclusive by purchasing the Black Cat Pack on the PlayStation Store i [..] View

Explain Prestige.

8:27 am, July 26, 2017 What are the benefits of prestiging a hero? What's the point, what do I get? A name color change, what else? Are they stronger after the second time they hit 60? Something about getting a default cos [..] View

Can you still upgrade purple and gold gear? (in levels)

8:27 am, July 25, 2017 I found some purples, and a single gold item about level 45. I was wondering if there was still a way to upgrade them to 60? I remember doing it before (been playing since original launch, but just ca [..] View


8:27 am, July 23, 2017 hey folks, I have a question. I've recently returned to the game after a lengthy hiatus (I stopped a little after the Age of Ultron stuff) At the time I didn't look much into raiding due to bad experi [..] View

VIP Account Status for PS4 and Xbox One!

8:27 am, July 21, 2017 Announcing VIP Account Status, a permanent account upgrade for Marvel Heroes Omega for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! To qualify, all you have to do is purchase any amount of Gs or a Marvel Heroe [..] View

Carnage Joins Marvel Heroes Omega on PC!

7:27 pm, July 19, 2017 Carnage joins the fight in Marvel Heroes Omega! Harness the power of the symbiote with the latest character to join our growing roster of playable Heroes and Villains. Play Carnage today in Marvel He [..] View

Fps Recently went from around 60 to 20

7:27 pm, July 17, 2017 So, just a week ago my marvel heroes was fine, I was getting good frames and my settings were on high. Recently, I noticed when i was logging on to get the fortune cards that my game seemed really lag [..] View

Pre-Order Carnage on PC Now!

8:27 am, July 13, 2017 Carnage is coming to PC soon. Pre-order him today, and get 10% off his Hero Pack! His Hero Pack includes both his first costumes (Carnage Classic [Default Costume] and Carnage Spider-Carnage (ENHANCE [..] View

Qusetion,Why Silver Suffer Is Gone[No Exist Now In Game] And Why Invisible Woman Can's Buy?

8:27 am, July 12, 2017 First,I Notice Now,The Silver Suffer Is Gone. That Mean That Hero No Exist In Game. Second,Invisible Woman Can't Buy Can't Unlock In Game. Idk Why. But I Know Get Way One. Landom Hero Box,The Lucky Bo [..] View

Talk to me about Sutur runes

7:27 pm, July 10, 2017 After buying the teamups and ES with cake slices, I can spend the rest on 4th anniversary cakes or Sutur runes or whatever. Are Sutur runes worth it, what are the enchantments, how many are worth buy [..] View

Tanky and Tank. Need help over here! :)

7:27 pm, July 9, 2017 Hey everyone, I want to make a tank for tanking bosses and mobs in the game. But the tank type that I want has to be like a vampire. It has to regen or **** the health from mobs. I was playing with V [..] View

No enemies/chest upstairs in Lieber's Brewhouse?

8:27 am, July 7, 2017 I was looking up advice on the completing the Tomb Raider" achievement and read about Lieber's Brewhouse have a secret area upstairs and two chests. So i go upstairs and smash the wardrobe and fi [..] View

New and full of questions

7:27 pm, July 6, 2017 Greetings! I'm excited to start out, but i got a few questions before i do. Really appreciate if anyone could answer them. Max Lv.? Which server is the most popular/populated today? How would you def [..] View

New Computer?

8:27 am, July 3, 2017 I play MH with a Toshiba laptop from about 3 years ago, right now using Windows 10. Don't know much about computer names/what's best so I came to ask here. MH has slown down a lot since I first got [..] View

How Do You Get Artifacts to Drop

8:27 am, July 1, 2017 Hi all - I just want to say up front this is a serious question from someone who's been playing for years. Ever since the big game changeover in January I simply don't get artifacts to drop anymore. E [..] View

About musp and axys bosses powers for rogue.

8:27 am, July 1, 2017 There is any options besides running the raids for getting those powers for rogue?Any way around? I can't get a party...nobody seens up to it on lfg and the matchmaking never find trying [..] View

How many posts til signature?

8:27 am, June 29, 2017 I am wondering how I escalate from being a "New Agent" on the forum? I have spent a ton of hours in in game and all I want is to display my signature on the forum lol. Basically everything I [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.12 Patch Notes

8:27 am, June 29, 2017 EXTRA! EXTRA! Daily Bugle Overrun by Sinister Six! J. Jonah Jameson has claimed to have uncovered the identity of Spider-Man, but he’s only teased his readers with this and hasn’t [..] View

Are Legendary Mystic Scrolls Mystic Mayhem Coffers that critted and where do they drop?

7:27 pm, June 25, 2017 I heared this theory several times and now each time a coffer drops I am like "why no scroll!?". Is this theory true? If a Mystic Mayhem Coffer is supposed to drop (so no quest reward) can [..] View

Help with 3 thinks plz

7:27 pm, June 23, 2017 Is there a way to get more players besides the player free marble and the only player you can buy? If so how? That I'm trying to get into a task in a story or just a task it tells me that things are s [..] View

Suggestion about mark card 1 costume

7:27 pm, June 20, 2017 I'll post it in item forum but it's more a question I think or a suggestion. I've got an issues with Mark 1 card. The issues is the following, I'm trying to unlock the card costume. I don't have an i [..] View

Steambox, Steam pictures & How to Access & See Them, Please Help Anyone Know? Knowledge Anyone of th

8:27 am, June 19, 2017 Hi Everyone! Are there any Steam Player Professionals out there? I bought a Top High end Alienware Steambox only & just for Marvel Heroes & it looks amazing, I am so confused about [..] View

A few questions about gifting items and groups

7:27 pm, June 18, 2017 Hi, I played this game on my user, and then my son played it too. Since Lately I have created a new user for him, I wonder if I can transfer him the items he collected and my G balance (I bought it f [..] View

Questions from a new player

8:27 am, June 18, 2017 Hello, Sorry this will seem lazy but I spent a lot of time reading a lot of posts and I can't find proper or updated answer to a lot of questions I'm asking myself. So here I am, doing a post for it [..] View

Please Add More Inventory Stashed, Need more stashes Urgently, Maxed out on them

8:27 am, June 14, 2017 Hi, Can you please add more inventory stashes, I am maxed out on all Heroes & Regular Stashes, I can not buy anymore, I am maxed out, & I need a lot more please, I know your not goi [..] View

How do summons and damage bonus actually work?

8:27 am, June 11, 2017 I am curious about how damage bonus from Spear of White Gorilla is applied. I will use Rocket Raccoon as an example to try and understand. 1 - If I trigger the bonus and then summon the turrets, does [..] View

How exactly does the S.H.I.E.L.D. team up work?

7:27 pm, June 10, 2017 Ok, I read the patch notes about the S.H.I.E.L.D. team up: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Support Team-Up is a unique style of Team-Up that cannot be summoned directly like most Team-Ups. Instead, the [..] View

A question about the forum?

8:27 am, June 9, 2017 Not sure where else to post this... The other day, I spent a loong time crafting a lengthy post about the weaknesses of Cyclops in the game, and included a number of suggestions for how to make him b [..] View

Hi I have a question about Combination boosts etc.

7:27 pm, June 8, 2017 If i use 5 boosts at the same time it lasts for 2 hours 30mins. What if i use 1 boost then on 29 minutes use my second boost does that then give me 1 hours boost or will it just give another 30 mins a [..] View

Did Signature Size Change?

7:27 pm, June 6, 2017 Hey, I'm trying to fix my signature but I keep getting a error about size. I see people with these massive size signatures with all these links and what not; how are they able to put so much on? All I [..] View

questions about invemtory and crafter

7:27 pm, June 5, 2017 Been gone along time and I don't recall how to call that mobile person to sell or donate to upgrade a crafter. Seems fill up on stuff so fast, Ive asked in chat and I guess its a dumb question cause [..] View

Marvel Heroes 4th PC Anniversary!

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 This Sunday, June 4, marks the fourth anniversary of the launch of Marvel Heroes on PC – so we're celebrating all month long with events and sales! Throughout the month of June, we&rsqu [..] View

Level 57. Story mode wont let me continue :(

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 New account, new player. I bought Deadpool, with a carnage teamate, and ultron pet out of a box, I jumped straight into story at lvl 1....oh what a mistake that was . Now im lvl 57, and facing a HUGE [..] View

Leveling and Hero-Unlocking Questions

8:27 am, June 1, 2017 I am brand new to the game, and have some questions. The first is about leveling. I googled leveling tips, and it sounds like most people are leveling way faster than I am. I saw people say they go [..] View

Thor rune and chest of rare runes....

7:27 pm, May 30, 2017 I've got about 100+ AFD and decided to have a look at what I could buy with them. I'm curious to why Thor runes don't appear in the list of rare runes. I've got tons of runes including quite a few o [..] View

overall storyarc

8:27 am, May 27, 2017 ok, so I am new to the post 60 game, and have a storyline question. At the end of chapter 9, when you defeat Loki, The asgardians speak about how their forces are exhausted and Muspelheim is going to [..] View

question for you pc guys/gals

7:27 pm, May 18, 2017 I am going to be mainly playing on PS4 and sometimes PC. I started last weekend in the beta. I bought a founders pack and will have enough for two heroes after the tutorial. Of the heroes i've playe [..] View

Question on long term playing cost

7:27 pm, May 15, 2017 Good Morning, I picked this game up on PS4 over the weekend. I really enjoyed it but before i play longterm , i wanted to ask a few questions on cost. This isn't a complalint post, just that i really [..] View

Hulk need love, Hulk saddest one there is

8:27 am, May 14, 2017 Hi Marvel Heroes dev team, I know you guys are busy with consoles, and Omega, but I would really appreciate it if you gave Hulk some love. He has been my favorite Hero since I was about 4 years old. [..] View

Heroic is too easy, Cosmic is too hard. What to do?

8:27 am, May 12, 2017 I played the open beta, then played for a few weeks after the game went public. My first hero was Hawkeye, and at some point I also got Storm, but never played her. Only played for a bit, and then sto [..] View

Haven't played in 3 years, what do I do in the game?

8:27 am, May 11, 2017 The Marvel Heroes game I played in 2013/2014 isn't even close to the game it is now, I logged in about a month ago and had no idea where to start or pick up off of with my heroes. Could someone please [..] View

Is It Too Late To Purchase Founder Packs and Get Into Closed Beta Ps4

8:27 am, May 6, 2017 Hey heard about this game and checked it out. I saw that there was a closed beta going on until the 16th I believe? As a frequent closed alpha/beta participator, I definitely want to be a part of this [..] View

XP nerf to story mode?

8:27 am, May 5, 2017 I've been prestiging quite a lot and today prior to the shutdown, i started a red run for Doom. I used the same gearing etc I always do, but am much lower than my norm. Working out thus far to losing [..] View

Short question about the level

7:27 pm, April 27, 2017 Hello When I played yesterday. I have seen that I have reached level 10. I thought first of this rise for the hero I am currently playing. But then I saw that this hero is only level 8. Now my questi [..] View

Does the PC version offer, Controller support?

8:27 am, April 26, 2017 "sigh" I am sick and tired of waiting to hear about the Xbox beta:( So I assume I will have to download the PC client so I can play the game and not wait:( Because I am getting more and mo [..] View

What items can I discard? (returning after a lengthy hiatus)

8:27 am, April 24, 2017 I have tons of uniques, artifacts, legendaries, team insignias, cores, team up gear, and so forth in my inventory and in my stash. I've thought about returning to the game a few times, but every time [..] View

Another what about pc thread

8:27 am, April 22, 2017 I would like to know if the changes to legendaries that I see on console will be coming to pc. Also what about the new crafting system? The legendary changes seem like it would be an easy port over to [..] View

We need more communication from Gaz.

8:27 am, April 21, 2017 Instead of hurp drup we have stuff planned for PC this year. Nothing concrete yet but there's something I swear! I don't even care if they tell us it's something small or lightly tease us with small s [..] View

Who do I talk to about this?

8:27 am, April 21, 2017 Over the past month, I've gotten used to the forum eating my posts when I try to edit them. However, the more recent meal was a particular thorn in my side as it was a build thread I was editting. I [..] View

Founder's pack PS4 question

7:27 pm, April 20, 2017 Hello, I am new to this type of game and I am pretty excited about the closed beta starting tomorrow on PS4. It is said we can access the closed beta if we purchase a founder's pack. My question is, [..] View

I´m really disappointed.

8:27 am, April 20, 2017 All the time GAZ have wasted on console things and not making the PC version better, now we know you put co-op mode only for console versions, why not in both? Why don´t remake the PC IU an [..] View


7:27 pm, April 18, 2017 Hey, everybody! I would like to announce the new steam group that I have made, I would love it to become a massive community for people who play, they can communicate with each other and receive updat [..] View

About those new 10 O'Loot something boxes...

7:27 pm, April 16, 2017 Hello. So I got over the fact we don't have indicator when it drops. It's ok, you did what you could so we can farm for something Gaz. I have sound and that's what I need. But what frustrates me the [..] View

Returning play struggling with the changes.

8:27 am, April 16, 2017 So I've been gone for about a year and decided to jump back in today. It seems like everything about this game has changed, which isn't a bad thing necessarily, just causing me some issues. I've got [..] View

Question about the main page.

7:27 pm, April 14, 2017 Since the console release started, the homepage ( switched to german for me. How Do i switch it back to English? I already tried the little thing next to where you sign up, but that d [..] View


7:27 pm, April 11, 2017 I been playing Marvel Heroes for about a year now and have about 20 characters unlocked. My question is how on earth do I get more Allies to fight with me. I have seen giant ants, spiders, robots and [..] View

Rewriting artifact (can't remember full name now)

8:27 am, April 11, 2017 So what do you think about it? It gives you +3 to all attributes, revive when dead. It also knocks enemies when you are using signature, and then pulls them back in. Is it worth of using on some of th [..] View

What girl costume you guys would recommend?

7:27 pm, April 10, 2017 Already got a few girl costumes, i like them a lot and i just added 4k G to my account. I was thinking about buying Spider-Girl bundle + Spider Gwen TU or SG bundle+ stash+ smth or SG bundle+ Angela, [..] View

Now I'm asking about melee's

8:27 am, April 8, 2017 So I spent 200 splinters on scarlet witch for a new ranged, I have around 250 more to spend on a melee. Should I go for a cheap 200 splinter melee, or should i save for something more expensive? How [..] View

Title for Streamers?

8:27 am, April 7, 2017 Hello Dear Marvel Heroes Com. I was thinking about today to bring the game "bigger" and bring some nice content from streamers and video makers. What about a Title for Streamers like: as E [..] View

Marvel Heroes Omega

7:27 pm, April 6, 2017 Greetings, My name is David Von Dorman and I am the CEO here at Gazillion. On behalf of everyone in the Gazillion family, I’m proud to announce the next phase for Marvel Heroes&hell [..] View

How many Eternity Spliters for hero or team-up unlock?

7:27 pm, April 6, 2017 How do you find the Eternity Splinter cost to unlock a hero or team-up these days? I've been away from the game for about six months. I've read through the patch notes so I know Adam Warlock no long [..] View

How do I unlock my infinity points?

7:27 pm, April 6, 2017 I have several characters with 1-4 infinity points locked into the soul gem. I made a post about this in the UI bug section but since I did not get a single response, and do not believe I can be th [..] View

Team Up with Medusa!

8:27 am, April 1, 2017 Medusa is now available as the newest Team-Up in Marvel Heroes 2016, add her to your Team-Up roster today! About Medusa Growing up an Inhuman under the House of Agon, Medusalith Amaquelin&rs [..] View


Just a couple questions, been playing about 25 hours.

Mar 8, 2015, 10:50 am <p>I have a friend who is just beginning to play and I plan on joining him a couple times a week. My question is I have a few heroes in the lvl 10-20 range (Cable, Colossus) and a few higher level cha[..] View

Dumb question about prestige

Mar 8, 2015, 1:54 am <p>Ok, so I was just wondering when you prestige a character does that change the color of your name only when using that character or is it across the board?</p>[..] View

Question about "trading"

Mar 2, 2015, 6:44 pm <p>Is legal or acepted to trade in game items for cash shop gifts? I asked few people some said yes since gift is gift doenst matter the reason, others say it is not, so i am not sure so I am asking h[..] View

How about some 3:1 blender recipies?

Mar 2, 2015, 7:38 am <p>Cosmic rings: They're rare enough as is and generally suck. I'd like a shot at least at blending 3 of them for a chance at a random new one. The new one will probably also suck, but at least ther[..] View

About Relics

Mar 2, 2015, 7:38 am <p>I think there is some troubles with relics collection.</p> <p>Even with uniques exchanging it it is very difficult to collect the necessary relics you.<br> Maybe we can have some new exchanging re[..] View

A Few Questions about Characters and how to use the Team Up function.

Feb 27, 2015, 7:34 am <p>Greetings All,</p> <p>I bought Storm via the web store and started the game with a free Cyclops starter Character.</p> <p>I later switched to Storm but now it seems that I can't switch back to my[..] View

Questions about lvl 20 ult and ultimate guardian and/or +2 to ultimate powers on pet

Feb 23, 2015, 11:54 am <p>So i've been playing around for a while now with the idea to give a random hero 24 ranks in his ult. The question is, is this possible now? For instance if I have a rank 20 ult and +2 ult on a pet [..] View

Q. about "when you hit" summon(s)

Feb 14, 2015, 6:34 pm <p>I have Rocket Raccoon. Rocket's build utilizes both Big Flarkin' Gun and Photon Minigun. The mini-gun has a Rate of Fire (RoF) of 10 per second. He also has a plethora of "when you hit to summon[..] View

About Heroes

Feb 10, 2015, 7:46 am <p>hello guys,</p> <p>I am new at this game and would view your thoughts with what to do with 400 ES</p> <p>buy a hero? if so, what stronger at the moment?</p> <p>or buy two random heroes?</p> <p>[..] View

Queries about Upgrading Ultimate Power

Jan 30, 2015, 6:26 am <p>I only discovered just now that for around 200ES, you can buy a token for upgrading the Ultimate power on any character. Since I'm not purchasing any of the other items, this sounds like a good way[..] View

Question about inventory space

Jan 22, 2015, 8:44 am <p>Hey guys so I bought a few stash spaces, general and character specific stashes. I assumed that I could put most thing is the character stashes since a lot of the items are for all heroes. Artifa[..] View

Serious discussion about Ruby Topped Cane and how it ruins Omega event each time

Jan 21, 2015, 8:15 am <p>I play with about 5-10 people and it seems half our blue boxes contain this useless unique.</p> <p>Why wasn't this unique buffed when the other ones were? And does this thing have some higher cha[..] View

Noob question about the hero powers panel

Jan 19, 2015, 10:32 am <p>I was wondering if the three named sections of each hero's power panel have any kind of correlation to roles like damage, support, and tank?</p> <p>I'm used to games where these roles are shown a[..] View

Question about adding affixes to your costume.

Jan 12, 2015, 9:47 am <p>Okay, this may be a stupid question, but i just couldn't find an answer to this - Can i add a specific affix to my costume, or it's always random when you craft it? Because atm i'm playing with NC [..] View

Question about stats and gearing and how it affects abilities.

Jan 7, 2015, 7:39 am <p>For instance magneto's meat grinder ability has Ranged and area tag Along with being an energy attack.</p> <p>If I equip an insignia that gives +250 ranged power and +300 area power, will it apply[..] View

Question about running this game off a flash drive.

Jan 2, 2015, 8:40 pm <p>Does this game write a lot to hard drives? I don't want my flash drive to die prematurely. I read somewhere that someone tested the flash drive to have a 10 year life span at 5gb/day. Of course,[..] View

The Random Hero unlock, I have question about it.

Jan 2, 2015, 3:30 pm <p>I feel like I read this somewhere but I would love some clarification on it.</p> <p>On the Random Hero unlock, will you always get a starter character first, before receiving a random hero? I fee[..] View

A bit confused about Cybernetics

Dec 30, 2014, 8:10 pm <p>Are pets now part or the equipment due to that? I mean, are the bonuses available to a hero ONLY if equipped?</p> <p>Does it mean that each of my heroes should have his own pet or that I'm forced [..] View

How would you feel about item sockets?

Dec 28, 2014, 3:16 pm <p>It's a pretty common feature in MMORPGs and ARPGs these days: Gear drops with sockets that you can slot gems into, these gems have effects like +2% damage to a specific type or X life regenerated o[..] View

Question about purple tier on Cybernetic Pet.

Dec 26, 2014, 1:52 pm <p>So i have been working on getting the perfect rolls on my cybernetic pet. First off ugh, lol. For the purple tier i see most everywhere, everyone says 10% damage when brutally striking is best.</p>[..] View

Can I ask a really dumb question about Legendaries?

Dec 26, 2014, 12:32 pm <p>If I remove a Level 4 Gungnir from Wolverine, does it reset to Level 1? What about if I then equip a different legendary, say a Pot of Gold for example? Can I be leveling two different Legendaries [..] View

Question About Fortune Cards

Dec 26, 2014, 8:28 am <p>So I know the odds are slim, but I found an older post on the forums basically saying the odds of getting a costume from a Mark I fortune card are like 1 in 133.</p> <p><a href="https://forums.mar[..] View

Question about steam

Dec 23, 2014, 7:36 pm <p>So maybe this is a dumb question, but I don't use steam so I don't know. Steam has a pretty good sale going on right now, and I'd like to take advantage of it, but i don't play over steam, I just u[..] View

Question about Hero list.

Dec 21, 2014, 9:03 pm <p>Ok so i haven't been playing marvel for give or take 4 months, when i signed off last time i had Deadpool,Hulk,Black Widow,Human Touch, Ms Marvel Squirrel girl,Luke cage etc. Now i sign in i got Bl[..] View

Question about Heroes in Your Roster

Dec 20, 2014, 7:44 pm <p>Ok i have two Heroes in my roster that are playable but i did not buy them nor did i get them during a BOGO sale. When i got over to Domino though she says i can buy them, when i pull them out and [..] View

Question/Suggestion about gifting

Dec 19, 2014, 8:00 pm <p>So my understanding of gifting is just that you will be able to purchase an item from the g-store, but instead of activating it on your account, it can be activated on someone of your choosing.</p>[..] View

Question about cosmic procs.

Dec 18, 2014, 8:16 pm <p>What happens if you have the same proc on two different pieces of gear? I'm guessing the game uses the higher of the two percentages, but perhaps they stack? Would a 5% CTC might on one piece of ge[..] View

What can I do about the graphical lag?

Dec 18, 2014, 9:41 am <p>Hey guys, I would like to start out by saying that I have a decent PC -</p> <p>Intel core i7 Processor 12GB DDR3 system memory (12GB pagefile as well) GTX 770 video card 15Mbps internet connection[..] View

About Patch notes

Dec 16, 2014, 3:54 am <p>Every week, or so I believe, Gaz releases a patch (in this Case 1.13). Where can I find their notes? In the patch notes subforum I did not see any post about this patch and googling I found a post [..] View

Questions about Loki

Dec 15, 2014, 5:31 am <p>Does Power Duration from Items effect Loki's Ultimate Skill?</p> <p>Added question, does anybody know what Upgrading his Ult does? Like specifically what stats and aspects it improves during each [..] View

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