Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




ZOD RUNES, Doops, surters bought during anniversary event, Insignias going away? so should I make co

8:27 am, October 26, 2017 Hi, I have so much to ask but just going to ask few things for now? What happens if we own every outfit for every hero and we have multiple dups of same outfit? also are runes really going away, do [..] View

Been playing for a month but still can't find an answer for this

8:27 am, October 21, 2017 I've leveled up three characters to 60, one to 25 and yet I'm still a noob. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to get Spiderman's base melee damage up from 6% Also, by melee powers is that also [..] View

Loki Joins Marvel Heroes Omega for PS4 and Xbox One!

7:27 pm, October 19, 2017 Today, Loki joins Marvel Heroes Omega on Xbox One® and PlayStation®4 as the console version’s 44th playable character. With an ensemble of spells ranging from arcane magic a [..] View

What heroes have an energy dmg spam attack.....

8:27 am, October 13, 2017 Looking for heroes that have an energy dmg spam attack, that doesnt have a cooldown or need spirit. For example, currently i am loving Human Torch with his homing flares attack. HT starts with no sp [..] View

Black Bolt Now Available on Console!

7:27 pm, October 5, 2017 Strike from the shadows with Elektra! The master combatant launches on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 today! The king of Attilan may not have as much to say as the other 42 playable Marvel Heroes Ome [..] View

Apocalypse Awakens!

7:27 pm, September 28, 2017 New Content Pits the Entire Marvel Universe Against New Original Horsemen Forms for Jean Grey, Storm, Psylocke and Magik; Also Introduces Omega Trial, Omega Difficulty and Omega Items! A new Age of [..] View

Does damage by summons trigger Power Doop & artifacts?

8:27 am, September 24, 2017 I'm working on a build for Rogue and I'm wondering if using Magik's summons counts for dealing Mental damage to trigger the Mental part of Power Doop and artifacts that have "gain x when you deal [..] View

Venom Available on Console through Sept 27!

7:27 pm, September 14, 2017 For a Limited Time, Venom Unleashes the Power of the Symbiote in Marvel Heroes Omega on Consoles! Available now through Wednesday, Sept. 27, the Lethal Protector brings his own brand of anti-heroism [..] View

Introducing Omega Prestige!

8:27 am, August 30, 2017 We’re excited to introduce the Omega Prestige system, scheduled to launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 31! With the new Omega Prestige system, we will introduce “Omega [..] View

can we update cap marvel's.....

8:27 am, August 24, 2017 slot 5 unique mask, the proc of radiant cascade, since its no longer her signature can we change it to glimpse of binary? and this becomes an issue bcoz of limiting the skill bar to just 8 powers. ty. View

Marvel Heroes Omega 2.16 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 23, 2017 DEFENDERS EVENT The Hand has returned to New York! Talk to Misty Knight in the Avengers Tower, then head to Midtown or Hightown Patrol to suppress The Hand incursion. Once you’ve spoken to [..] View

Team Up Power Reset?

7:27 pm, August 19, 2017 I can't find the answer anywhere. The help popup says that Team Up Powers can be switched freely out of combat and active. The powers seem to be locked. Is there something I am missing that I need [..] View

Qns about Summon Duration & Summon Power!

7:27 pm, August 9, 2017 Summon Duration: For artifacts/medals/items/legendaries/relics/rings/catalysts/insignias/uru-forgeds that boost summon durations, does these effects also apply to my team-up heroes' summons, or does i [..] View

Text filters for LFG

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 @AgentVapor @KomoriMan I'm not sure who to include in this, and I doubt it's an original idea but just in case, here goes. Can you give players the ability to ignore messages that contain a designate [..] View

Skills, TTK and TTL

8:27 am, July 30, 2017 @KomoriMan @Asros @MichaelMayhem @zWolfiez i think a general pass over all toons in game is needed to ensure they have the right damage tags i mean blade is still 1 hitting bosses with both his signa [..] View

Black Cat Now Available on Consoles!

8:27 am, July 26, 2017 Black Cat joins the fight today in Marvel Heroes Omega on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! Black Cat is currently available as a timed exclusive by purchasing the Black Cat Pack on the PlayStation Store i [..] View

Carnage Joins Marvel Heroes Omega on PC!

7:27 pm, July 19, 2017 Carnage joins the fight in Marvel Heroes Omega! Harness the power of the symbiote with the latest character to join our growing roster of playable Heroes and Villains. Play Carnage today in Marvel He [..] View

Pre-Order Carnage on PC Now!

8:27 am, July 13, 2017 Carnage is coming to PC soon. Pre-order him today, and get 10% off his Hero Pack! His Hero Pack includes both his first costumes (Carnage Classic [Default Costume] and Carnage Spider-Carnage (ENHANCE [..] View

Cosmic Artifacts : Are cosmic affixes additive ?

7:27 pm, July 11, 2017 If four of my cosmic items has same affixes , is going to add all ? For example - If all four items has - reduce signature cooldown by 10% Does it mean I have total 40% cooldown reduction to my sig [..] View

Requirements for Post-BUE Axis Raid?

8:27 am, July 11, 2017 For most of my time playing before the BUE, I steered clear of the Axis Raid, as most of my heroes weren't anywhere near geared up enough to survive (not to mention I had very few omega points, back w [..] View

4K broken with Omega?

8:27 am, July 8, 2017 Logged in today and my graphics look terrible. The marvelengineusersettings.ini looks fine. [SystemSettings] UseDefaultUISize=True UISizeOverride=3 MaxAnisotropy=16 ResX=3840 ResY=2160 UseVsync=True [..] View

Question for power damage

7:27 pm, July 4, 2017 Hi heroes. I'm not good at English, so I wanna easy English answer pls.(if you can) And im sorry if my English is wrong or bad. I can't understand passive power damege. It's not looks effect poer dam [..] View

About musp and axys bosses powers for rogue.

8:27 am, July 1, 2017 There is any options besides running the raids for getting those powers for rogue?Any way around? I can't get a party...nobody seens up to it on lfg and the matchmaking never find trying [..] View

Mole Man and Rogue's power

8:27 am, June 30, 2017 I asked in game chat, but wanted to ask on here for a more official response. Is Mole Man gone for good? Did he leave with the events or with the Fantastic Four? I was told in chat that he is gone per [..] View

Question from novice player

8:27 am, June 26, 2017 Hi heroes. I have many question for this game. But I'm not good at English, so I wanna easy English answer pls.(if you can) And im sorry if my English is wrong or bad. 1. I knew artifacts are can rer [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.11 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 9, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES & BUG FIXES Reduced the health of Cable in the Simulation #77 Tournament Danger Room scenario. Increased drop rate of new artifacts from the Simulation #77 and Trainyard [..] View

Is Signature Cooldown Tied To Login Session Or Is It Client Side?

7:27 pm, June 8, 2017 I know Ultimate powers are server side and not based on the login session, but if my signature for Nova doesn't activate the cooldown reduction talent, I can logout and log back in to reset it the sig [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 MARVEL HEROES ANNIVERSARY EVENT Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes! BOHZE MOI! A canin [..] View

What is "Bond of the Bloodline" referring to?

7:27 pm, May 29, 2017 Colossus has a unique item "Dynasty of the Rasputins" which refers to this, "when you activate bond of the bloodline" +2500 health for next medkit, expiring 20s. I have been diggin [..] View

Need Guidance on Attribute Comparison (Returning Player)

7:27 pm, May 27, 2017 Its been tough to search-Fu the correct answers Im looking for on Attributes here as a returning player. So prime example of whats confusing for a new player trying to make sense of the BUE regarding [..] View

Custom Console Controls

8:27 am, May 25, 2017 Ever since I started playing MH, I've been implementing custom controls. Started with customizing mouse and keyboard to be the most intuitive and then focused on using a controller playing on PC. Love [..] View

Hulk need love, Hulk saddest one there is

8:27 am, May 14, 2017 Hi Marvel Heroes dev team, I know you guys are busy with consoles, and Omega, but I would really appreciate it if you gave Hulk some love. He has been my favorite Hero since I was about 4 years old. [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.09 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, May 4, 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 releasing in theaters this Friday, May 5th, we’ve prepared some cosmically-enhan [..] View

How do you compare damage output of gear

7:27 pm, April 24, 2017 I'm struggling a bit on how to compare two pieces of gear for how they affect damage output. Now, I understand that items that increase the primary attributes for a character will increase base damage [..] View

PlayStation 4 Closed Beta Launches Today!

7:27 pm, April 21, 2017 Gazillion, a leading video game developer and publisher, announced that the closed beta for Marvel Heroes Omega on PlayStation®4 begins today! Inspired in part by popular action-RPGs and m [..] View

Items Help

7:27 pm, April 18, 2017 Hello, I have 2 issues a. I own an insignia of o grady, ive cosmiced it 3 when cosmicing insignias was enabled, that means over than 2 years ago. Somehow that insignia is item grade 65 , and that mea [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.08a Patch Notes

7:27 pm, April 18, 2017 Hero Changes Iron Fist Radiance Stacks will now fall off when you deactivate the Mastery of Many Styles talent. Nova Fixed an issue where Cosmic Convergence and Personal Magneton was not triggering [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.08 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, April 11, 2017 Event: The Wealth of King’s County Returns Maggia have stolen armored cars full of tax refund cash and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recov [..] View

So confused

8:27 am, April 7, 2017 Can someone explain the changes to me. Is there a link to FAQ??? I'm so confused where are power points why are some powers different what are talents what's the deal with the @flourish" think an [..] View

Team Up with Medusa!

8:27 am, April 1, 2017 Medusa is now available as the newest Team-Up in Marvel Heroes 2016, add her to your Team-Up roster today! About Medusa Growing up an Inhuman under the House of Agon, Medusalith Amaquelin&rs [..] View

Nick Fury Joins Marvel Heroes 2016!

8:27 am, April 1, 2017 Nick Fury has joined Marvel Heroes 2016! Add the 62nd playable Hero and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to your roster now! Costumes Preview: Click an image below to get a closer look at Nick Fury's first [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.07 Patch Notes

8:27 am, April 1, 2017 OPERATION OMEGA EVENT S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by HYDRA! Agent Coulson, Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan have put OPERATION OMEGA in to effect, calling all heroes to help stop HYDRA! Players wil [..] View

Cosmic or Uniques Since update?

8:27 am, March 30, 2017 since the update making cosmic gear ridiculously powerful with the right rolls. What should we be using now hero unique or cosmic gear? i noticed some heroes have certain slot gear where uniques are [..] View

Pre-Order Nick Fury Now!

7:27 am, March 25, 2017 Pre-order Nick Fury today, and get 10% off his Hero Pack! Prepare for Nick Fury's arrival, the 62nd playable Hero and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is available for preorder now. His Hero Pack includes bo [..] View

Enhancement suggestion : unlocked Team-Up Heroes show their powers preview

7:27 am, March 25, 2017 I'm pretty sure the proposal has already been done. While clicking on an unlocked Team-Up Hero in the Hero Roster, it would be nice to see his/her powers. Today the page is black/empty. But I'm convi [..] View

Team-UP synsrgy

6:27 pm, March 24, 2017 How is this exactly work? It hase "whily is away" icon but telling about "Base damage" and nothing more. Foe example I have current TU lvl 44 and 8 more TU of lvl 60. Currently I h [..] View

Can Signatures' Tags Be Changed To Only 'Signature' And Are Treated Like New Summon Powers?

7:27 am, March 23, 2017 Since tagging and balancing tags are a huge issue, is it possible to make 'Signature' powers act like summon powers? Meaning, the signature will take the highest damage type + critical hit type + bru [..] View

Can Buff Powers Turn The Icon Of The Power Gold (or some other color)?

7:27 am, March 23, 2017 Instead of buffs going to the buff bar where the buff bar can only show so many buffs, can the icon change to a gold color or some color (other than green for purposes of combo points) to show that th [..] View

How Do I Get A Travel Power To Work?

7:27 am, March 17, 2017 Been gone a while. Logged in today and am unable to get any of may character's travel powers to work. Mousing over the power states that I just push 'hotkey' to use, but I have no idea which one that [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.06 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 16, 2017 Saint Patrick’s Day Event Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Marvel Heroes this year! These bonuses will be active starting Thursday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 22nd at 11: [..] View

Runes and your enchanter

6:27 pm, March 10, 2017 I noticed something odd today. When I want to craft the power-doop, the game wants to me put my own doop rune in ( it usually auto assigns the runes for crafting) which, to me, seemed to make sense. [..] View

A few more questions...

6:27 pm, March 10, 2017 An old timer returning with a few more questions... 1, When I last played, I had a great costume core on my character, since logging back in it appears just to be normal costume? What happened to my [..] View

The case of the awesome mysterious disappearing character models

6:27 pm, March 8, 2017 so i log on today and swap my hero to emma to go farm some shield boxes, much to my surprise she has learned a new trick while the servers were down for emergency maintenance and i was asleep she now [..] View

Does Casket of Ancient Winters proc the energy portion of the power doop?

7:27 am, March 8, 2017 Pretty much the thread title. I'm doing some theorycrafting, and wondering if the rank 5 snowstorm effect of the casket of ancient winters that does energy damage will proc the energy damage portion [..] View

Powers with Crit/Brut Chance modifiers

6:27 pm, March 6, 2017 Let's say I currently have 30% chance to crit (based on the Critical hit rating tooltip in my Character sheet). How does the power with the modifier affect my current Critical hit rating? Does it add [..] View

Normal Levels

6:27 pm, March 4, 2017 Are we ever going to go back to having normal levels in the Challenges option such as Industry City and the other option below that? I grow tired of having to use the Heroic level pretty much some o [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.05 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Old Man Logan Event Alongside the Cosmic Chaos event this week, we’re doing a small bonus event in celebration of our Adamantium-laced heroes! Both event will run from Thursday, March 2nd u [..] View

Need some precision about summons damage buff

7:27 am, February 27, 2017 Hello, and sorry if my english is not perfect, I'm not a native speaker. I'd like some precisions about some summons and how they can/cannot use the +summon power buffs, and the "benefit of the [..] View

Black Bolt Joins Marvel Heroes 2016!

6:27 pm, February 23, 2017 Black Bolt, the King of the Inhumans and our 61st playable Hero has joined Marvel Heroes 2016! Costumes Preview: Click an image below to get a closer look at Black Bolt's first costumes in Marvel [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.04 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 23, 2017 New Hero: Black Bolt Black Bolt has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Experiencing terrigenesis before he was born, Blackagar Boltagon was granted frighteningly destructive powers. With [..] View

[Target Lock] Will All Heroes Get A Pass On Their Powers' Target Lock?

7:27 am, February 22, 2017 An example of a fixed character that had changes to their power kit with a target lock: Deadpool. Deadpool's Powers that received Target Lock (not sure what the dev team officially calls this feature [..] View

Is It Possible To Have A Separate Audio Channel For 'Other Player Interactions'?

7:27 am, February 20, 2017 For example, turning off any other players interactions that make any sound such as dropping items, footsteps, powers, shifting items in their inventory, and anything that other players do in a public [..] View

Pre-Order Black Bolt Now!

7:27 am, February 17, 2017 Pre-order Black Bolt today, and get 10% off his Hero Pack! Prepare for Black Bolt's royal arrival, the 61st playable Hero and King of the Inhumans is available for preorder now. His Hero Pack include [..] View

[Black Cat] 9 Lives Restore Slower Than Ultimate Power Cooldown

6:27 pm, February 16, 2017 13minutes 30 Seconds to recharge all 9 lives (passively) 10Minutes, at rank 1 Ultimate Power, to restore all 9 lives (using the Ultimate Power) Will Black Cat be getting a change to her 9 lives regen [..] View

Can You Make Cow Portals Easier?

6:27 pm, February 15, 2017 I was playing on my 200 Infinity Point account and was getting face rolled by the classified cow portal. Playing Deadpool: Catalyst - Life on Hit, Durability, 50% Shield All 63 unique gear decent rol [..] View

Damage rating for powers with multiple tags: how does it work?

7:27 am, February 14, 2017 For example, a power is marked as Area, Ranged and Blue and deals Energy damage. I have 2500 Energy Damage Rating, plus extra 700 Ranged Damage Rating, 200 Area Damage Rating and 95 Damage Rating for [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.03 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 10, 2017 Valentine’s Day In addition to our normal event schedule, we'll also be running a Valentine’s Day event starting on February 10th and ending at 11:59pm PST, February 14th! Valent [..] View

Will Reduction To Resource Also Apply To Health Spending Powers?

7:27 am, February 10, 2017 Tooltip on Venom and Ghost Rider don't reduce Health spending costs with reduction to resource. The resource of the power is dependent on health. Health then becomes the resource with respect to the [..] View

How Do We Tell The Difference Between Flat Increases And Multipliers?

7:27 am, February 10, 2017 Some talents use a flat increase to powers, whether damage modifier or critical hit chance rating. How do we tell the difference other than flip flopping power and character windows? Is it possible [..] View

Selected \ Active Traits

6:27 pm, February 6, 2017 Is there anyway you can manually change the colour of selected traits on the powers screen. I have slight blue \ yellow colour-blindness and thus find it really hard to see which is currently selecte [..] View

Team Up Synergy only while away? Why?

6:27 pm, February 4, 2017 This power says benefits while the team-up is away. So you don't get the synergy damage bonus if your using companion style? This seams wrong. I like having them out, love the flavor it brings. Bu [..] View

How do you activate talents?

6:27 pm, February 3, 2017 I feel so dumb asking this, but I haven't found any answers via search and I'm completely lost about this. I can't get the talents panel to do anything, on any of my characters. Whatever I click on, [..] View

Beast Joins Marvel Heroes 2016!

6:27 pm, February 2, 2017 Oh My Stars and Garters, Beast, a member of the original X-Men has finally joined Marvel Heroes 2016! Hank McCoy is the 60th playable Hero available, add him to your Hero roster today! Costumes Pre [..] View

Team Up with Jubilee!

6:27 pm, February 2, 2017 Jubilee is now available as the newest Team-Up in Marvel Heroes 2016, add her to your Team-Up roster today! About Jubilee Jubilation Lee’s parents gave their daughter a comfortable lif [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.02 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 2, 2017 New Hero: Beast Beast has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Born with his mutation, Henry McCoy's high intellect and unusually enlarged limbs brought him much hardship before seeking ref [..] View

Intermediate Player Feedback to Devs

7:27 am, January 30, 2017 I want to first thank all the devs, artists, and support staff who made these updates possible. It has been very fun to rediscover the characters I already have. I think this is one of the most acti [..] View

Infinity system and summoners.

6:27 pm, January 28, 2017 Why are summoners left out of the new infinity scale of power with the new system? If the minions damage cant scale anymore with an attribute the damage scale is finite and limited to purely the gear [..] View

+2 to Ultimate Power still rollable on Cybernetics pets?

7:27 am, January 28, 2017 As far as I can tell, the Biggest Update Ever patch notes didn't mention what happened to the +2 to Ultimate Power bonus at the cosmic tier on Cybernetics pets. Is that bonus still rollable, and can i [..] View

Pet Attributes

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. I did a quick forum search and didn't find what I was looking for. I was probably using wrong key words (I blame caffeine deficiency). Anyway [..] View

Lack of power slots and summons

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 Hi! Love the update! One of the changes I noticed was that you only get 1 power bar. For Iceman - I now need to have a power slot dedicated to Ice Golems. I was wondering if there's a fix or soluti [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Item Changes Artifacts: Magneto Was Right T-Shirt no longer rolls Area or Energy Damage Rating. Now rolls +1-3 Intelligence and +1-2 Durability. Luke's Lucky Chain has received a small buff. Increas [..] View

New Power System & Traits and Talents

7:27 am, January 23, 2017 Hi guys. Quick question: How exactly does this new talents and traits system work? When a trait/talent is blue does that mean its activated? & can I have all traits and talents activated or ca [..] View

Switching between power sets.

7:27 am, January 23, 2017 With the most recent game update we appear to have lost the ability to toggle between power sets or bindings by clicking 1 or 2 on a pic. Was this intentional? Is there a way to do this through some o [..] View

Am I missing something here? (About Skills)

6:27 pm, January 22, 2017 I'm looking at the power tree and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to power up skills. Is the choices on the right side of the screen really the only way to change things? The Help question [..] View

Pre-Order Beast Now!

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 <a href=""></a> Pre-order Beast today, and get 10% off his <a href="https://store.mar [..] View

Vision Density Shift bug?

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 @Asros I've been playing Vision yesterday and whenever I tried using the power to switch between the two densities, but the powers would either not switch or would just grey out, and would have to man [..] View

iam missing 20k dmg rating . wtb adjusted enemy hp

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 thx for the terribad patch ... iam just question myself who did acknowledge this patch ? iam missing roughly 20,000 DMG Rating on every hero i own . how come ? max omegas = roughly 10k dmg rating [..] View

Biggest Update Ever!

7:27 am, January 20, 2017 The BIGGEST UPDATE EVER has finally arrived to Marvel Heroes 2016. We've overhauled almost every Super Hero and many of our core systems, and we're really excited for you to try them out! Check out ou [..] View

What will happen to our current power loadouts?

7:27 am, January 20, 2017 After the game is patched, what will it look like for my heroes when I come back? Will they be defaulted back to no powers in the hotbar and will we have to redo our current builds and figure out the [..] View

Once upon a time....

7:27 am, January 20, 2017 I think I spent about 60-70 euro's on this 'free to play' game. Reason: because I liked it. I can't consider the changes as improvements because the time and effort I spent for 'finetuning' my omegapo [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0 Patch Notes

7:27 am, January 20, 2017 Index As this is our biggest game update ever, it's only fitting that these are also our biggest patch notes ever! To help you navigate these enormous patch notes, you can reference the index belo [..] View

Sys Update Mission Power Points and Spirit??

7:27 am, January 18, 2017 I **** at using the search feature on the forums, sorry if this question's been repeated many times :( But what happens to the power points we won from doing the missions like killing Bullseye in chap [..] View

Angela , Thor or Iron fist ???

7:27 am, January 12, 2017 wondering wich heroe to get next :-? what i like , multi-attacks like Arachnid assault , or Seven league step , blink strike, i love teleports , but have all the heroes with teleports already ( i th [..] View

What is different than a year ago?

7:27 am, January 8, 2017 Been away for a bit, looking around I see a number of changes. Used to be you had to go through the Chapter 1-9 story 3 times to hit Level 60, now there are all these mini-missions and it looks like [..] View

omega powers

7:27 am, January 4, 2017 can someone plz explain exactly what omega powers are? ive looked but I couldn't find a clear my mind, it is a power that a character can acquire from omega gear that is unique? for e [..] View

please help; not a shallow inquiry

6:27 pm, December 16, 2016 hola what is/are the best 'toon for these following items? -power cosmic -power doop -doop ectoplasm -A.R.M.O.R. M-26 anti-reality grenade which heroes use these to the fullest, which have all 3 typ [..] View

Level 52 Power

7:27 am, December 7, 2016 Sorry if this has already been asked. Haven't been able to find it on the forum. How do you add points to the level 52 power ? I don't see a + sign or anything. Does it just increase on its own as [..] View

Deadpool's canadian devil area dmg - synergies

7:27 am, December 3, 2016 In Deadpool's power point description of Canadian Devil (Pineapple surprise specialization) it says area damage on grenades. I tried using Magneto and Human Torch's synergies on him but it doesn't wor [..] View

Holiday Big 10 Event

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Holiday Big 10 Event Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Novemb [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.33 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Event: Holiday Big 10 Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Nove [..] View


DIference between bonus for power and for attack

Mar 7, 2015, 8:26 am <p>While looking for itens to my build, i've come across this thing:<br> "+ xyz for <em>energy powers</em>"<br> "+ xyz for <em>energy attacks</em>"</p> <p>Considering that you have 3 types of damage [..] View

Can I access a 2nd tool bar of powers?

Mar 4, 2015, 8:16 am <p>The interface allows limited slotting of powers on hot keys. Is it possible to have a 2nd bar on screen adjacent to the first so I can access those powers (hot keys) without scrolling away from the[..] View

Limited Edition The Power Cosmic

Feb 27, 2015, 6:42 pm <p>I thought I could swap The Power Cosmic for Odin Marks to then go get a different legendary so I got an extra one, but apparently it's "Limited Edition" even though it has nothing on it labeling it[..] View

+Power points on gear question....

Feb 26, 2015, 7:36 am <p>Is it true you can only get +30 total power points from gear max? I have +33 to my sig and +32 to my powers, but I'm only getting +30 total. Tested this out by taking uru off, resetting powers wi[..] View

The Power Cosmic...still not sure how it works?

Feb 25, 2015, 4:58 pm <p>So my main attack is Mental damage [Malekith]...I am setting it up using an energy attack then getting my +1500 mental boost.<br> But when I then hit with my mental power, won't my boost automatica[..] View

Best Enemy Gather Power?

Feb 25, 2015, 12:26 pm <p>I'm aware there are a good number of powers that technically gather up and move around enemies in the game, but most of them seem crappy to "meh" effectiveness. The ones that have been better have [..] View

New Power Cosmic, who should I put it on?

Feb 24, 2015, 7:05 pm <p>Already have a PC on Rogue, Thor and Carol. Who should I put the next one on? Was leaning towards Gambit. Black Panther looked interesting. Who else should I be considering? Already ruled out [..] View

Bug with Power Doop Runeword

Feb 24, 2015, 10:27 am <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">@Ryolnir</a> or whoever is in charge of crafting...<br> There seems to have been some kind of bug when crafting the Power Doo[..] View

Questions about lvl 20 ult and ultimate guardian and/or +2 to ultimate powers on pet

Feb 23, 2015, 11:54 am <p>So i've been playing around for a while now with the idea to give a random hero 24 ranks in his ult. The question is, is this possible now? For instance if I have a rank 20 ult and +2 ult on a pet [..] View

Addtional Powers Pages?

Feb 9, 2015, 6:38 pm <p>Normally, I just allocate power points on one page but have noticed I can use a second page maybe for allocating points differently and if I pay G, I can open pages 3-5. How exactly does this work?[..] View

Who gets to say a Character is Overpowered????

Feb 4, 2015, 7:06 pm <p>The recent one is Silver Surfer; it is said the TOP SS players said SS is overpowered... Was it the top GR players that said he as OP? Was it the top Emma's players that said she was OP? was it the[..] View

Melee Heroes Can Attack With Ranged Powers?

Feb 1, 2015, 8:47 am <p>So to the best of my recollection I've seen the melee Heroes can attack his ranged abilities as writing or I was understand as wrong what I've seen and I'm don't remember what I've reading before. [..] View

Queries about Upgrading Ultimate Power

Jan 30, 2015, 6:26 am <p>I only discovered just now that for around 200ES, you can buy a token for upgrading the Ultimate power on any character. Since I'm not purchasing any of the other items, this sounds like a good way[..] View

Question: Revive from Defeat Powers?

Jan 29, 2015, 6:22 pm <p>If there are multiple ones in effect on the same hero, which one will trigger first? Can multiple ones be used in a row? other words, can a hero be revived like 1 minute after the last resurre[..] View

Noob question about the hero powers panel

Jan 19, 2015, 10:32 am <p>I was wondering if the three named sections of each hero's power panel have any kind of correlation to roles like damage, support, and tank?</p> <p>I'm used to games where these roles are shown a[..] View

Missing Power Point

Jan 18, 2015, 10:44 pm <p>I recently completed all 4 quests across all three difficulties to get my additional 12 power points. However, upon completion I noticed my power point total will only be 161 not the 162 it is sup[..] View

Power cosmic

Jan 11, 2015, 8:11 am <p>So the cosmic chaos event is introduced again! Yeey! Since I recently started playing, I can't wait to see it.. But for the legendary item: "power cosmic".. Will I be able to buy this one again? Si[..] View

Mental Proc on the Power Doop/Power Cosmic

Jan 11, 2015, 1:32 am <p>often characters will be Mental / physical or Physical/ Energy. Leaving one proc of the Power Cosmic Legendary or Power DOOP unable to be activated.</p> <p>My question is if i were to couple an it[..] View

What's the purpose of moving channeled powers?

Jan 6, 2015, 8:11 pm <p>For the record, I'm asking about power's like Gambit's All-in, MK's nunchuck bulldoze, and Wolvie's not-Berserker Barrage. Honestly, it seems like there are always better options than using powers [..] View

Ultimate Power Upgrade Question

Jan 3, 2015, 5:41 pm <p>Good Afternoon guys, I understand that you can buy a Ultimate for 200 ES or by receiving a duplicate of that hero from a random box. I am aware that you can apply it at level 30. My question is how[..] View

Bonus hp/spirit/power points for prestige heroes

Jan 2, 2015, 6:46 pm <p>Is there any shortcut method to find out if u have completed all the bonus quests for an old hero u're dusting off the shelves and havent touched for a while?</p> <p>The power points one is easy, [..] View

Power/Damage Types?

Jan 2, 2015, 6:30 am <p>I'm on my first prestige with my Loki and have made him stronger than he was on my first 60 with him. I'm more used to the power/damage types but I'm still confused in some ways.</p> <p>Are powers[..] View

The power cosmic not working?

Jan 2, 2015, 1:27 am <p>I was curious, I purchased the power cosmic on ms. marvel during the last event and just got it to level three where any energy attack is supposed to increase melee rating by a 1000 or something li[..] View

Does teleport = movement power?

Dec 30, 2014, 8:16 pm <p>When I started Nightcrawler a little while ago, I was under the assumption that an ability tagged as "teleport" (i.e. Flash and Grab) also counted as "movement", so I happily picked up gear that ga[..] View

Prestige and power/health/spirit points

Dec 26, 2014, 11:57 am <p>So I just got my Rogue to 60 for the 2nd time without doing any story missions as I don't want to loose out on the points when I decide to stop levelling (I will be stopping before cosmic, I'm not [..] View

WILL ROGUE BE A TANK IN GAMEPLAY, All her powers are different in film, animation, comics

Dec 25, 2014, 11:09 pm <p>Does anyone know if Rogue will be a tank?</p> <p>because in so many comics, animations, feature films, all over she is different, She can fly and have super strength and is a monster tan, others s[..] View

2015 Maximum power points & mission relevance?

Dec 25, 2014, 9:07 pm <p>To ensure that a Hero receives every possible power point, do we still need to complete specific chapter missions at specific levels of difficulty? I am ashamed to admit that although I play quite [..] View

Anyone else unable to roll Regenerate Health on hit with a basic power?

Dec 25, 2014, 11:36 am <p>Just sank quite a bit of mats and money into trying to roll this affix at several grades on Gambit's Forever City costume; no core in it, nothing in the UI indicates whether this would make a diffe[..] View

AoE powers using ground target?

Dec 16, 2014, 7:24 am <p>just wondering dunno if its possible but when u mouse over powers and click them u can then move a ground target and then click to cast that spell</p> <p>there is a option to make it that the defa[..] View

+ Base Damage with Thrown Powers | Kraven's Medallion

Dec 15, 2014, 12:10 am <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">@Ryolnir</a> <a rel="nofollow" href="">@Doomsaw&zwnj;</a></p> <p>I wa[..] View

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