Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions

7:27 am, February 24, 2017

Is it safe to purchase?


I tried logging in after purchasing some G's and realized the servers were down. Decided to take the family out to dinner instead, came back and noticed the servers are up but keep reading about a lot of store bought things being lost. Is it safe to purchase from the in game store now?



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Others in Marvel Heroes Questions and Answers

One last patch or maybe reset the old codes for one last blowout. To anyone left.

6:27 pm, November 26, 2017 If there is anyone left at the work shed please reset the old game code or un expire them or even put everything old in the store to buy. (this may just echo down abandoned hallways but maybe one ex [..] View

I think its really dead

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 [..] View

Refund on Gs?

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 So you must have been aware that you were shutting down for some time now and yet you were actively pushing G transactions with sales and coupons. What are your plans for unspent Gs? Do you even have [..] View

SOld Car to play MHO Now sad

7:27 am, November 16, 2017 let me start to say a sadend hello soo yeah hi im on a fixx income and i stay at home most of the time do to my dissability i really LOVE marvel heroes omega soo much i ened up selling my car just so [..] View

Gaz didn't even made a formal announcement on the forum?

6:27 pm, November 15, 2017 Looking at all the latest devs posts, the announcement area... They just didn't even thought of posting an official "Hey, Marvel Heroes is closing, thanks for all your time, bye, etc" statem [..] View

Return of AgentPilot

7:27 am, November 15, 2017 does @AgentPilot return only to close topics? no enlightenment from hell what is the future of this wonderful game ?? if the return to close topics is for a note then what is to happen ... well ... W [..] View

Did the company give up on PC?

7:27 am, November 12, 2017 Originally I thought they are making all these cool changes to PC, then they wanna launch Console and those Omega Items never arrived. Then I feel like they may need to dedicate resource to help conso [..] View

Are we going to have a new future female characters?

6:27 pm, November 8, 2017 Reason I asked, on this PlayStation have most male characters than female and was hoping that in the future they added Rouge, Jessica Jones, Mystique, Emma Frost, Jubilee, and some other female charac [..] View

To Those Who Tried The Console Version

7:27 am, November 6, 2017 Why did you stay PC or do you play both? I have been playing since it released on XBOX but now I am playing the PC version just to **** time while we wait to see what the heck is going on at Gazillion [..] View

what is happening with marvel heroes?

7:27 am, November 6, 2017 Hello! it's spiderfan81 again, this is very important. marvel heroes omega hasn't been all that active latley and it's very concerning. there was supposed to be a thor ragnorok pack releasing last wee [..] View

Normal & Heroic Differences in missions

7:27 am, November 4, 2017 In doing missions like GLF or Legendary is there a difference (besides difficulty) in terms of completing them? I was doing them on heroic but switched to normal mode like in midtown patrolling it see [..] View

Need to know everything about Infinity points

7:27 am, November 3, 2017 I need to know everything about Infinity points. Basically give me a guide. I have one specific question on the matter, if I spend points is it for the whole account or just for that specific hero? [..] View

Dupe Defaults and Dupe Store Costumes question (Closet)

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I'm a bit unclear on what exactly happens with the duplicate costumes. I've got some questions I can't seem to find anyone with a credible answer to or any post pertaining to them. I know about the ru [..] View

Trade Legendary for Odin marks @ crafter not working

7:27 am, November 1, 2017 I have an unused Shield of Perseus I want to trade for 300 Odin marks at the crafter but it is not accepting it. This legendary is available from Asgard so I figure i should be able to do this, not l [..] View

How can I have a character ?

6:27 pm, October 31, 2017 I play since 3 days at this game and they i receive splinters but i'm still at 9 splinter so i can't deblock any character. I can't play to this game because all the characters are blocked at level 10 [..] View

Cannot vacuum cosmic gear to feed pet

6:27 pm, October 30, 2017 I can vacuum greens, blues, purples, but not yellow gear to automatically feed my pet. I have to pick it up and drop it manually. But under options, gameplay, i have the "Vaporize slot 1-5 gear [..] View

Stuck and need help!

7:27 am, October 30, 2017 I am doing the daily bugle events for legendary marks. I’m stuck on chapter 7: Sinisters Lab. The objectives are: Chapter 7: Sinister Lab (incomplete) Defeat Mister Sinister (complete) Defea [..] View

Why can't we be able to see the information on the costumes we purchase anymore?

7:27 am, October 29, 2017 I remember in the beginning the the game's launch we were able to click the "info" button to see the history of a hero's particular costume in the store but for years now we've been unable t [..] View

Hand incursion & Rise of the cult eye

7:27 pm, October 28, 2017 There are past threads talking about how these are bugged, are these working fine now? If so, can you tell me some tips on how to complete these please. Any tricks or short cuts? I have to complete [..] View

What to do at 60 (other than Prestige)…?

8:27 am, October 28, 2017 I played the game when it released (or shortly after), played only a little, and I've recently come back and leveled the following to 60: • Silver Surfer • Hawkeye &bul [..] View

Bug or intended?

8:27 am, October 27, 2017 So I hit level 60 with Shulkie (Cosmic Prestige). However, I just realised I am getting 96k per big EXP orbs in Cosmic Midtown Manhattan, and I am pretty sure I was getting way more before. So does [..] View

ZOD RUNES, Doops, surters bought during anniversary event, Insignias going away? so should I make co

8:27 am, October 26, 2017 Hi, I have so much to ask but just going to ask few things for now? What happens if we own every outfit for every hero and we have multiple dups of same outfit? also are runes really going away, do [..] View

Do people even raid anymore?

7:27 pm, October 25, 2017 So I was on like 4 month hiatus and I remember people were doing **** ton of Tri-Raids on reset days before. But not anymore and I can't say I don't understand why. With that being said, does anyone [..] View

Something about uru going away after Omega-gear patch?

8:27 am, October 24, 2017 I barely spend time here since it caused me great irritation in the past, but I saw some vague mention that uru-forged will not be part of the game after the final Omega patch (adding in the Omega gea [..] View

How do I transfer artifact visual to costume?

8:27 am, October 24, 2017 I see where in the crafter I can transfer an artifact visual to a catalyst, but not how to do it to a costume or add catalyst with visual to costume. What is it called specifically and what is the cr [..] View

Question about Curse Terminals for Cosmic Prestiging

8:27 am, October 22, 2017 Hey everyone. So I saw plenty of people asking what's the best way to level your character through cosmic prestige and so many people told them (and me to) the best way is to do Red Curse terminal un [..] View

Been playing for a month but still can't find an answer for this

8:27 am, October 21, 2017 I've leveled up three characters to 60, one to 25 and yet I'm still a noob. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to get Spiderman's base melee damage up from 6% Also, by melee powers is that also [..] View

Big 10 Caches o' Loot & Bounty Hunter Boxes, post Omega?

8:27 am, October 20, 2017 What will replace Uniques in the Big 10 Caches o' Loot & Bounty Hunter Boxes after the Omega update? I found this post which suggests they will drop Cosmics, but they are not listed with the o [..] View

Arrow Heads fix & Please More Stashes Added, Players been asking for years

8:27 am, October 19, 2017 hi can you please add a lot more stashes please, I know many players have asked for this over the passed years, I have to delete something I don't want for each item I pick up, I have maxed inventor [..] View

Omega Jean Grey/Phoenix

7:27 pm, October 17, 2017 I bought Jean and then I bought Omega. It's saying I have to buy Jean again to get her past level 10. Trash Panda! ?! So I have to buy the character 3 times? Is this a glitch? Someone please help me. [..] View

Account banned for no reason

8:27 am, October 17, 2017 Hello, today while playing i was disconnected from the server and when i tried to log in again, a red message "this account has been banned" poped up, i was just doing inventory checks and p [..] View

How to cosmic prestige without boosts? (having 200% hero exp synergy)

8:27 am, October 16, 2017 So please, title! I did not play this game because of some JAIL problems, and my Shulkie is (my first cosmic ever) around level 30. What should I do to level her up without any boosts other than hero [..] View

Are Omega Items In-game?

7:27 pm, October 15, 2017 Hello everyone. So I was on hiatus for 3-4 months (was in jail, not guilty). Came here and I know there were speculations about Omega Items being released at the end of September, so I just want to k [..] View

Need Civil War Event info

8:27 am, October 15, 2017 My first Civil War event is coming up and want to know some things and how it works. My main goal is to collect the achievement titles for pro-registration and anti-registration. For that I need 2 t [..] View

What heroes have an energy dmg spam attack.....

8:27 am, October 13, 2017 Looking for heroes that have an energy dmg spam attack, that doesnt have a cooldown or need spirit. For example, currently i am loving Human Torch with his homing flares attack. HT starts with no sp [..] View

How do you prestige a character PC?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi, I know it shouldn't be so hard but how does one prestige a character on PC? I know a gourd can be bought from Clea but I can't figure out how to get her tokens. Also seems to be different for co [..] View

Should I farm Omega or Cosmic?

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 Hi there first time posting here. I play on ps4 and i've been farming the event on omega but I'm not getting the cosmic artifacts to drop at all, so I was wondering, do cosmic artifacts drop more on c [..] View

purchasable prestige a real thing coming? (happy question)

8:27 am, October 12, 2017 I keep hearing in social chat about being able to purchase prestige all the way to omega level 1 in Omega patch? Normally I just whatever with social says. but this keeps coming up. I have not seen an [..] View

Any advantage to equipping uniques?

7:27 pm, October 11, 2017 To me, there are a lot of hero specific uniques that are not better in stats than a cosmic item. Is there a benefit to equipping them? Like a synergy bonus if you equip all your heroes unique items? [..] View

Effect of Omega Update on Non-Toon Unqiues

8:27 am, October 11, 2017 Okay, this has been going around the forum on various threads and I have seen (and some responded to) to almost all of them. However, the question remains a mystery, as Gaz has still not responded so [..] View

Rare Item Find and Cosmic Artis.

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 Does RIF affect drop rates of specific cosmic artifacts from bosses? I apologize if this has been asked many times. I did mouse it over the stats page, and it does say something about cosmics, unique [..] View

How long will items stay in the delivery box / when will gaz start removing all items from inventory

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 My inventory and all of my STASH are full of items. So, I have a bunch of items sitting in my delivery box, waiting for free space. Anyone know if those items will disappear after being there so lon [..] View

Help with working out damage formulas

7:27 pm, October 8, 2017 So straight to it, I'm basically trying to improve my build as much as possible and the easiest way for me to do this is to break down how the damage is calculated but I'm at a stand point. Basically [..] View

Prestige Event

8:27 am, October 6, 2017 I'd appreciate an official statement, but maybe there has been one already and I am not aware of it. @AgentVapor @AgentFenixion @Asros Is the prestige event still planned for PC or does it have the sa [..] View

Confused about damage rating.

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 There was a guy with deadpool who had a damage rating of over 10000 while he was in my group and standing next to me in avengers tower. I have never seen that high of a rating from well geared charact [..] View

Need help concerning new costume closet and costume unlocks

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 According to my understanding, every basic costume gets unlocked for free on every hero. Now if I have 1 copy of the basic costume, this will get used as an unlock as well. So, I am currently taking [..] View

Profile picture

7:27 pm, October 4, 2017 I got a question. it's simple, nothing too difficult. Of the list of profile pictures available, old as well as updated, I noticed 1 was missing. Unless I'm blind, which I'll fix my eyes and hold my [..] View

Hi i am playing marvel heroes since 5

7:27 pm, October 4, 2017 My problem is that when i downland for pc the game just played for 15 fps and very times when iam playing they low lag 15-9,i downland a program name razer cortex that optimized games i played marvel [..] View

What is with the boss / fight changes? Weren't they the only legitimate reason to change dashes?

7:27 pm, October 2, 2017 I've tried the official channels through the dev questions, but either this question is beeing avoided on purpose by the GAZ ppl like @Winterthur @AgentVapor or I might be completely off. Afaik the on [..] View

A Question about Prestige and Cosmic Patrols

8:27 am, October 2, 2017 I currently have my Deadpool having passed the Cosmic Trial, so he can do Cosmic Patrols. However, he has never been prestiged, and I am wondering, if I DO prestige him and get back to level 60, will [..] View

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