January 2, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items
Jarvissteven’s Price Guide January 2, 2016
Market Watch
NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view:
Odin marks have been flowing like candy. Get five winter buffs, and out pops two 10 spots!! This overflow of small currency increases the amounts of hela available and that means small increases in Gok's value (4 hela=1 Gok). I have been seeing several WTB at 5 hela. Doop Runes are going for a premium, mostly at 3 hela lately. Its been awhile since a Cosmic Chaos event and it seems many are trigger happy to reroll Uru.
Danger Room has the potential to crash the generic item market. Not only has there been a lot of Crimson Boxes likely farmed, but so has the number of cores and insignia that have been flowing. Add into that the nice Danger Room artys and older stuff should be trending downward in value. What this likely means is the end of tradeable value to a lot of the low end items such as Black Tom. These items are still useful though not easy to sell (unless high to near perfect).
The most odd trend in the trading market is the sudden upward tick in trade requests for Pyro's Flamethrower. The item is heating up as an add-in for Scarlet Witch, the MOST played Hero in the game. Doesn't make sense at all to me why Pyro would be better than other items for SW. Enough people believe it to be so to drive demand.
Energy UEB is the 'new' item of the week. Drop rates are similar to P-UEB, and demand has already seemingly been met. I am increasing the initial price range as it doesn't seem many players are farming it.
I am beginning an overhaul during my Christmas break. Today's section are artifacts.
End of Market Watch Announcement
Disclaimer: I used to price MTG and YuGiOh! cards for a game shop. With anything collectable, markets can swing and change very quickly. These valuations were based on watching chat channels and the forums for several weeks. The prices may be accurate as of publication, but are very much subject to change. Keep this in mind before using this guide.
First I am going to tell the majority of players something they do not want to hear. Most of your stuff you think is valuable probably is junk to everyone else. It may be time for some stash clearing. Get rid of those excess cores, insignia and general artifacts that you do not plan to use on your own roster by heading over to the vendor and donating. Guides that told you that Pym’s Shrinking Serum, Raptor Stone, Advanced Latvarian Regalia or other common drops were worth something are more than a year outdated. If it isn’t used, is not something you would personally use than chances are probably no one is going to give you anything for it. Similarly Essence of Dread, which likely appears on most guides, is classified as junk since it is no longer readily bought. There are so many better choices out there that these are only in use on alts.
As a general rule core values for items in trade are valued in GoK (Gem of the Kurse) and Blessings (Hela—unless stated differently by the trader). Four blessings are roughly equal to one GoK.
Artifacts currently in high demand:
Values for these items vary depending how close they are to the max stat. There really is no such thing as a low roll for these items, since they are commonly rolled by owners to reach a desired stat range. In general a High rolled item will fetch a price double to quadruple the original item, and very high/near perfect items at least tenfold the common price. The closer the item is to perfection, the higher it would likely sell for. Two stat items are easier to reach high rolls than four stat items, so the more variance/luck required for a high roll will generally make the item worth even more. This is why a very high Gok (four stats) is valued over a hundred, while a near perfect liz (495/7.9) around fifty. If you think your item is worth more than these, by all means post it on the forums and let people's bidding dictate their actual value.
Item prices listed are for low/mid rolls. High rolls are just listed for reference as these generally are worth more.
Artifact Common Value High Rolls
Mane Sabertooth's Fury Mane 14-16 Gok
FDBS Fred Duke's Bodysuit 8-10 Gok
UEB M Ultron's Encephalo Beam (Mental) 12-14 GoK (550MD/32SAD)
Liz Lizard's Formula 7-8 GoK (475DR/7AS)
HPP Hulkbuster's Physics Package 8-9 Gok (255/1200HP/7%)
SCS Spiderclone Serum 7-8 Gok (4500RR/1200HP/300DR/5%)
ILAS Iron Legion Armor Sheath 3-4 Gok (7Int/375BSR/2000HP)
SWGN Sacred White Gorrila Necklace 5-6 Gok (600DR/400CDR/475D)
UEB E Ultron's Encephalo Beam (Energy) 7-10 Gok
Moleman Moleman's Staff 1-2 Hela
UEB P Ultron's Encephalo Beam (Physical) 1-2 Hela
Pyro Pyro's Flamethrower 4-6 Hela
Zola/Hyde Arim Zola's ESP Box/Hyde's Formula 4 Hela
GoK Gem of the Kursed 4-5 Hela (800CDR/200CHR/800BDR/200CHR)
Other Boss Artifacts commonly traded (High rolls only, otherwise they are worth a Loki or less)
ACOC Adv. Circlet of Cyrotack 1-2 Hela (675/125/125)
WSJ White Suit Jacket 1 Hela
Headband Mental Focus Headband 1 Hela
BC Hook Black Cat's Adv Hook 1 Hela
High GOK approximate values
775/775 200/200 2 Gok
800/800 200/200 5 Gok
820/820 200/200 10+
820/820 220/220 15+
840/840 220/220 20+
840/840 240/240 50+
850/850 240/240 75+
850/850 260/260 100+
850/850 270/270 150+
855/855 271/271 250+
Non-Boss Drop Artifacts
Advanced Meta-sensory Array with rolls above 320 DR/7%AS still sell for a Hela. Perfect ones go for 30 Gok+.
Reserve Section
Artifacts that are worth holding onto but are considered 'junk' currently for trading purposes unless near perfect stats:
Hand of Nimrod
Black Tom's Shillegag
Hand of Doom
Task Master's Guide (high ones are worth QUITE a bit, most are junk--see below)
Essence of Dread
Magneto Was Right T-Shirt
High approximate Task Master's Guide (TMG)
With so many stats TMG is by far the most difficult to hit high range (green and yellow percentages), yet worth anything from junk to quite a bit. The four most important stats for TMG are the crit ratings, then the damage to bosses, then damage.
415/415 220 6% 150+ Gok
410/410 220 6% 120+ Gok
400/400 220 6% 100+ Gok
400/400 200 6% 50+
400 Range or Melee 220 6% 20+
400 Range or Melee 200 6% 10+
I chuck any core that doesn’t have Invulnerability on it. Without that stat it is very unlikely anyone would value it even for an alt. The next stat everybody seems to value is 3000HP/100Spirit on medkit. If an item has both its called a bifecta. The third most sought after stat is 400 Life on Hit and having all three makes a trifecta. While there certainly are other strong stats available, it is very much up to individual taste/preference making it both difficult to buy and sell items lacking these stats quickly. Armored cores are getting to be more common, but still are much more valuable than any other cores listed.
Non-Armor Cores may roll up to four random affixes, though energy/mental/physical hybrid rolls make it seem that they are rolling more. Hybrid rolls give different, up to 200 rolls of two of the three stats. It is also possible to double roll (up to 400) a particular damage type or health regeneration rate roll. The most stats listed on a core that I have ever seen was a 7 stat armored cored (rolled all three damage types+armor, LOH, RIF and range). The first random affix always rolls RIF/SIF or Credit.
Cores for the most recent or soon to be released character are always on the high end of values.
Trifecta RiF/SiF 11-14 Gok
Trifecta Credits 7-8 Gok
Bifecta+Fighting 3-4 Gok
Bifecta+Int/Eng/Str 1-2 Gok
Bifecta 1 Hela
Inv+LoH 1 Loki
Armored Cores
Trifecta 120-150 Gok
Bifecta+Fighting 50-75 Gok
Bifecta+ 195+ attack 35-50 Gok
Bifecta+ Int/Str/En 25-35 Gok
Bifecta+ 90%+ Reg 25-35 Gok
Bifecta+ 180+ attack 15-25 Gok
Bifecta+ 150+ attack 10-20 Gok
Bifecta 3-5 Gok
Even if a rune is quite rare such as Odin, it doesn’t have any trade value unless it is being frequently used. I’d still recommend holding onto it, just don’t expect someone to buy it off of you. That leaves just a few runes, Loki, Doop, Tyr and Surtur being readily tradeable. Once maybe twice a day someone puts a wtb (wants to buy) message for one of the other rare runes (Thor/Odin/Serpent/Etc.) but it happens so infrequently. They are worth roughly equal to each other.
Zod 24-30 Gok
Surtur 5-6 Gok
Tyr 1 Gok
Doop 3-4 Hela
Loki 3-4 Lokis = 1 Hela
Day Rune Troll Prices--almost as bad as getting Rick-Rolled
With the added percentage feature it is very easy to tell how good an insignia is making it harder for people to get ripped off. If you are a buyer I would keep in mind a few things. You can usually get a usable insignia farming in CMM, Limbo or Danger Room using the character you seek to equip with a better insignia. Ones that are much better will take some time to acquire, and hence higher prices (upwards of fifty GoK on the message boards).
If you are a seller I suggest offering high valued insignia on the boards with a bidding reserve and no buy out. When the reserve has been met, have the auction end time appear either 24 or 48 hours after the reserve has been met.
The second thing to consider is that Insignia are ridiculously hard to set prices on. There are three things to consider, the aura and the two affixes. If all three are good, then the insignia may have demand, and therefore a high valuation. If the affix is bad such as Doop, Herbie, or Quicksilver, then it has to be near perfect on its affixes to get someone to buy it. Even then, don’t expect too much, maybe a blessing or two. This is because an insignia without a useful aura is something players would only use on an alt. Would you pay premium prices for an alt? No you wouldn’t unless you are an alt-aholic.
Case in point, a player had been offering an i63 Captain America insignia for two days before I bought it the first week of September. Its first affix was a max roll CDR (1071). The other affix was a middling defense roll Def (611), so its value should have been based on the perfect CDR, being a good insig and not hurt by the defense roll, right? I was the only offer giving a White Suit Jacket--equal to two Hela at the time. I am happy with using this on an alt much more than my Herbie with a high CDR and low AS roll also sitting in my stash.
There are plenty of mass insignia sellers on the boards. I have noticed nearly all of them upgrade to i66 and then expect high prices when one of the stats is in the red or low yellow. Find out what the percentages are before deciding to buy. 85% is the general rule of what to look for.
The affixes in highest demand for i63 insignia are first 1K CDR/ 300 CHR, and second 1K CDR/1K BDR.
High rolled Affixes (i63)
1000+ CDR/BDR
300+ BHR/CHR
350+ Boss Dam
375+ Melee/Ranged
450+ Area
+1 All
7%+ AS
Highly prized insignia such as Wasp, Nick Fury, Mockingbird are readily traded from anywhere from a couple Hela to 350 Gok. I would suggest putting up auctions for most insignia that have useful aura and two quality affix. In general, if they have all three they should be worth at least 10-25 Gok.
What seems to drive the insignia market values is who is the most popular character in the game. Right now, Wanda is. Wasp happens to be the most favored insignia for her builds, and hence the most valuable item in the game would be a Wasp-with perfect stats of Range/Area/CDR. High Wasp typically go for 100 or more, with really high ones crossing the 250 mark.
The only used recipe that can be traded right now drops from Loki. He is a pain to farm. Vice and Unstoppable Force are not too hard to get. Most often these two are dropped in hubs for newer players to pick up. GOM is starting to be dropped/given away more frequently. It really has no present trade value because of this.
The most often listed ring (mostly people selling) is a cosmic “mini Gok” ring (CDR/BDR/CHR/BHR). With how easy it seems to get a good ICP signet, there isn’t a lot of demand for these items anymore. These in theory should still trade, but suffer from the same stigma many other formally great items have—there is something better and newer in the game.
Mini Gok (500/140/500/140) 25-35 GoK