Couple questions [3x UPDATED]
Hello, everyone! I have two questions to ask you today:
1) I'm brazilian, and I've noticed that, on my chat board, there are only countrymates. So, I've been wondering...
Is there a way to open chat so I can talk to ANYONE, not only people from my own country?
Is everyone I play with (random party on instances, for example) also brazilian? I mean, does this game have different country servers, or can I play with whomever I want, no matter what country they're from?
2) What's this "Operation Omega" event?
3) What exactly changes when you change difficulties from Normal to Heroic (ou Superheroic)? Just the mission maps? Or Patrols and Terminals also?
4) I got a Unique equipment, but I did not like the stats. Is there a way to reroll them?
5) I've gone some Red and Green terminals, as well as One Shot stories. Since I'm just teleported to the beggining place, how do I join a random group? I just don't want to go solo sometimes...
6) Some vendors sell items that are the same, like two of the same boxes, for exampe. Why?
7) What's that "Refresh" button on vendors for?
8) I'm using the "Build Creator" on On slots 1-5, I can choose 6 affixes and something called Cosmic. How exactly do I add those affixes to my gear and what the heck is the "Cosmic" thing?
9) What exactly could be considered "procs"? When I was looking up what the heck was Legion, I found out you had to have as few procs as possible, but what are them?
10) I did not understand the Odin's Bounty event. Why does it tell you to open the boxes later? And what does that calendar mean?