Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




WARNING: Newbie Altoholics

7:27 am, February 4, 2017 Many years ago, my MMO-RPG journey began with Guild Wars. I got lucky on my first character [a ranger], as she ended up being my favorite. But that luck ran out when I switched to WoW. Sure, I liked t [..] View

Supergroup Explanation

8:27 am, August 14, 2016 Hi there. I'm new to this forum but have been playing MH for a couple years now. I am not currently in a supergroup and would love to be, but I have no idea how they work or how to set one up. So it's [..] View

Returning player questions (so confused)

6:27 pm, February 17, 2016 Hello, before I start, please note that this will likely be a long post and I apologize in advance. Hopefully someone is kind enough to read through (or just really bored at work). I played the game [..] View

How do I fix my selection of Chat Tabs in the game please?

7:27 am, December 31, 2015 I was wondering if someone could help me fix my chat tabs in the game? I have not only eaten a bowl of stupid, followed by a 2nd bowl, but now I have pretty much eaten the entire box. 8-} I am guilt [..] View

How to invite people over chat

6:27 pm, November 16, 2015 I get really fed up with LFG because there will be 20 people saying "inv green" or "inv red" but no one actually sending invites. I would love to take the initiative and set up the [..] View

How to find Supergroup membership

7:27 pm, September 15, 2015 A while ago, in the midst of a hectic battle, I had an invite to join a Supergroup pop-up and in the heat of things clicked accept. I have no idea what the name of the group was. Does it show Superg [..] View

Couple new guy questions

8:27 am, July 22, 2015 So, I have a few years of past experience with MMO games and was wondering is it is safe for me to assume Supergroups are what other games called guilds? Is there somewhere you find listings of Super [..] View

How do I change my Avatar from the default picture?

8:27 am, July 20, 2015 Like I said in my previous post I don't use forums much but since the supergroup I created has become large and very active I figure as the leader I should start using this site more, everything seems [..] View

Avengers Boosts...ok to trade to SuperGroup player?

8:27 am, June 17, 2015 Pretty much the title. I have a plethora of them and, while I can use them, my brother just started playing and I'd like to give him some (he is the only other player in my SG). Is this allowed, or d [..] View

Will the bugs only be fixed on new patch?

6:27 pm, February 7, 2015 Well i wont do red raids , or even greens the way the surtur fight is ... Also i did ws to 60 but i wont prestige him ... for the known bugs ... so he will just sit there on the shelve. Aside the la [..] View

Anyone see Red Skull's uniques drop since his loot table was 'fixed'?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2014 Ever since Red Skull was fixed to no longer drop Man-Ape's items, no-one in my supergroup has seen his uniques or artefact drop with over a thousand rif-boosted runs between us. Some of did see it dr [..] View

Are Supergroups exclusive?

6:27 pm, October 26, 2014 In exploring the game I decided to make a Supergroup. I've found that regardless of who I log in as, my social tab shows me as a member of said Group. I've also invited my girlfriend but it really is [..] View

What is the current limit for a Supergroup?

7:27 pm, October 2, 2014 I'm having trouble finding definitive information on the forums. Most is dated prior to Sept. '13. We are approaching the (what we believed to be) limit of 100 members. However I'm seeing some vague s [..] View

Unique Drop Drastically Reduced For My Account

8:27 am, October 2, 2014 Since the last two weeks my Account seems to have an issue with finding Unique Items basically I have been playing pretty much non-stop yet in these last two weeks I have had about 10 Unique Items dro [..] View

Turning off meaningless chat?

7:27 pm, September 29, 2014 Just wondering if there's a setting or INI file modification to get rid of the useless chat text like "Difficulty increased..." w/ X-def/Holosim as well as some of the villain boss quotes. [..] View

Is there a setting to block supergroup invites?

7:27 pm, September 27, 2014 This always happens to me in mmos, whenever I choose to not have a supergroup/fleet, I'm a spam target for random invites to supergroups. And yes, I know it's not me personally, anyone who is "un [..] View

Can we please have back our Shiny Epic Thingy? (replaced by patch 1.17 with Embers of Balthakk)

8:27 am, September 26, 2014 So when I was prestiging Rogue a week or so ago; in x-defense at level 11 Kingpin dropped a cool visual artifact for me: Item Name: Shiny Epic Thingy Visual: Golden Halo of Epicness Flavor text: Beca [..] View

Returning Player with questions.

8:27 am, September 24, 2014 Ill admit, ive TRIED to love Marvel heroes, I got a few 60's, even a legendary or two and some fancy uniques but I can never just stick with the damn game, ever. Its been about 6 months since I last [..] View

How can I give presents to members of Supergroup ?

7:27 pm, September 1, 2014 I would like to gift one of the members of my supergroup with a pack (Rogue or Magneto) on the anniversary of the Supergroup and would like to know if there is any way I can give away the gift and del [..] View

Exp Synergy on LV 60 Omega Leveling (Question Answered)

8:27 am, August 24, 2014 Me and a few members from my supergroup are curious about if the exp synergy affecting omega exp on a lv 60 hero. The tooltip states that it gives bonus exp to character LV 60 or below and we were uns [..] View

Is there a thread somewhere pertaining to the value of items being traded?

8:27 am, August 21, 2014 I have an Advanced Meta Array with 316 dr and 5.8 atk spd and just put it out there in general chat to see what I could get for it..couple of people said I might get a blessing for it, and a guy in my [..] View


How can I give presents to members of Supergroup ?

Jan 19, 2015, 10:33 am <p>I would like to gift one of the members of my supergroup with a pack (Rogue or Magneto) on the anniversary of the Supergroup and would like to know if there is any way I can give away the gift and [..] View

Is there a setting to block supergroup invites?

Dec 26, 2014, 12:08 pm <p>This always happens to me in mmos, whenever I choose to not have a supergroup/fleet, I'm a spam target for random invites to supergroups. And yes, I know it's not me personally, anyone who is "unat[..] View

What is the current limit for a Supergroup?

Dec 14, 2014, 9:09 pm <p>I'm having trouble finding definitive information on the forums. Most is dated prior to Sept. '13. We are approaching the (what we believed to be) limit of 100 members. However I'm seeing some vagu[..] View

Are Supergroups exclusive?

Nov 30, 2014, 2:04 am <p>In exploring the game I decided to make a Supergroup. I've found that regardless of who I log in as, my social tab shows me as a member of said Group. I've also invited my girlfriend but it really [..] View

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