Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




What heroes have an energy dmg spam attack.....

8:27 am, October 13, 2017 Looking for heroes that have an energy dmg spam attack, that doesnt have a cooldown or need spirit. For example, currently i am loving Human Torch with his homing flares attack. HT starts with no sp [..] View

Can anyone help me out??

8:27 am, August 10, 2017 Everytime I zone into castle doom and walk a bit into it I get the blue screen of *****. Below is the video of it happening. It ONLY does it when zoning into castle doom. I have had it check all files [..] View

About musp and axys bosses powers for rogue.

8:27 am, July 1, 2017 There is any options besides running the raids for getting those powers for rogue?Any way around? I can't get a party...nobody seens up to it on lfg and the matchmaking never find trying [..] View

Xbox One Founder’s Packs Announced!

7:27 pm, June 30, 2017 The wait is nearly over! Marvel Heroes Omega will launch on June 30 for Xbox One, the same date the game transitions out of Open Beta for PlayStation 4. Xbox One players looking to hit the ground r [..] View

Where is sinister?!

8:27 am, May 21, 2017 I've been running all over the savage land trying to find him. Went through his lab 3 times and nothing. What am I missing? Also, while gearing up before starting the sinister hunt, I changed my equip [..] View

Whats up with optimization ?

8:27 am, May 7, 2017 This thing rly pissin me off as hell made me left on 5 months before .... I was checking some game settings before on new laptop and this happens again, no matter what resolution or settings i set up [..] View

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

7:27 pm, May 4, 2017 To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 releasing in theaters this Friday, May 5th, we’ve prepared some cosmically-enhanced event bonuses and new Guard [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.09 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, May 4, 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 releasing in theaters this Friday, May 5th, we’ve prepared some cosmically-enhan [..] View

Unique Drop Question

7:27 am, March 13, 2017 Hey guys, Just a quick question and I can't really find it quickly so I figured I would ask. Since the big update, the drops have changed, and I have noticed that Uniques don't really drop any more [..] View

How come the shared quests reset at Midnight but not the Teminals One-shots?

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Like the titles says. It would make it a lot easier to get all my daily terminal/one-shot runs done to farm currency I need if I didn't always have to wait till almost the same time I ran them the day [..] View

Cosmic Trial

6:27 pm, February 13, 2017 Any help regarding Cosmic trials. I am always running out of time, this is the only problem. Currently I am trying with Deadpool. His status are as follows: Damage: 6356, Health: 31386. Team-up: Deadp [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.03 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 10, 2017 Valentine’s Day In addition to our normal event schedule, we'll also be running a Valentine’s Day event starting on February 10th and ending at 11:59pm PST, February 14th! Valent [..] View

Eternity Splinter farming post BUP (terminal vs patrol)

6:27 pm, January 28, 2017 Wondering if some additional players would be willing to spend a little of their own time with a digital timer or stopwatch to measure their own eternity splinter drop rates while running multiple ter [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Item Changes Artifacts: Magneto Was Right T-Shirt no longer rolls Area or Energy Damage Rating. Now rolls +1-3 Intelligence and +1-2 Durability. Luke's Lucky Chain has received a small buff. Increas [..] View

What is different than a year ago?

7:27 am, January 8, 2017 Been away for a bit, looking around I see a number of changes. Used to be you had to go through the Chapter 1-9 story 3 times to hit Level 60, now there are all these mini-missions and it looks like [..] View

Is Operation Omega still running?

7:27 am, December 31, 2016 Is Operation Omega still running? I am concerned with the "faster omega leveling" that is usually on with that event. I know cosmic chaos is currently running, however coulson is still givi [..] View

December 25, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

6:27 pm, December 25, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide December 25, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

how to take screenshot?

7:27 am, December 12, 2016 when i press print screen or F12, then i alt-tab to paste it in paint it shows up a big black screenshot with nothing, i'm running on steam. does anyone know what the problem is or how i am suppose [..] View

Random friendly M.O.D.O.K. with spider legs?

6:27 pm, November 27, 2016 I saw someone today running around with what i think was mini M.O.D.O.K. with spider legs that i haven't seen before. can anyone tell me what that was? was it an item you can equip? where can you find [..] View

Holiday Big 10 Event

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Holiday Big 10 Event Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Novemb [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.33 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Event: Holiday Big 10 Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Nove [..] View

November 16, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, November 17, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide November 16, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Cosmic Jackpots - How often they fall now? Was it changed?

6:27 pm, November 14, 2016 I didn't have Cosmic Jackpot for few weeks now. Even with busy Monday's in Midtown and running with high sif and rif. In the past Cosmic Jackpot happened for me at average once in two days. How it lo [..] View

November 6, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, November 7, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide November 6, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

November 5, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

6:27 pm, November 5, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide November 5, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Dark Dimensions Event Part 1

7:27 pm, October 28, 2016 Inspired by Marvel's Doctor Strange, it's time for the Dark Dimension event! Dark Dimension Event Details An unknown source has started flooding Midtown Manhattan with Mindless Ones through a portal [..] View

October 10, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 pm, October 10, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide September 10, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Rebooting issues...

7:27 pm, October 1, 2016 My computer has rebooted every time I play this game. Is anyone else haviing this problem and how do I fix it? I'm running Win10, Nvidia 660 graphics card w/latest update, 2/3 fans running(one doesn't [..] View

September 25, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

8:27 am, September 26, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide September 25, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

No bridge in the Jersey Docks?

7:27 pm, September 18, 2016 I've been running around in the Jersey Docks for a long time now, and I can't find any way to move forward. I looked up that there's supposed to be a crossway somewhere, but I've been all the way arou [..] View

Should I, could I, Winter Soldier...

8:27 am, September 14, 2016 So, I would like to prestige my Winter Soldier cuz he's my favorite, but I've ran into some issues that make me unsure if I should. I've been researching builds and reading up on the forums, such as t [..] View

September, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

8:27 am, September 7, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide September 6, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.13 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Civil War: Part 2 Tensions have reached a breaking point. Lines have been drawn, and it’s time to choose a side in the conflict over the Superhuman Registration Act! The next step of the C [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.09 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Event: The Wealth of King’s County Maggia have stolen armored cars full of tax refund cash and are hoarding it in Kings County, New York where Industry City Patrol is located! Recover s [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Team-Up: Rescue Rescue joins the Team-Up roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Originally a member of Stark Industries secretarial pool, Virginia “Pepper” Potts soon became an instru [..] View

August 21, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 pm, August 21, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide August 21, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

August 8, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

8:27 am, August 8, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide August 8, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

August 1, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 pm, July 31, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide August 1, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Commendation question

7:27 pm, July 27, 2016 What is the commendation cap? How do I know when I hit the commendation cap? 2a. Is there a way, besides running content, to see how close to the cap I am? When does the cap reset? Is it rolling or is [..] View

Cosmic Chaos: Eternity Splinter Drop Rate Lowered?

8:27 am, July 20, 2016 I usually net about 2-3 ES per level up in this game, but ever since cosmic chaos started I seem to be getting less ES drops. (around 1-2 for every 2 level ups) Has ES drop rate been lowered for Cosmi [..] View

July 17, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

8:27 am, July 18, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide July 17, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Cap and the Cosmic Trial

7:27 pm, July 4, 2016 I'm running out of time on the first wave, with Madame Hydra being almost dead...this is using my ult too, I have about 1000 Omegas, and a fully leveled Ares Axe, Power Doop Armor, and good rolls Cap [..] View

Do Cosmic Patrol bosses count for Shared Quests and GLF Missions?

7:27 pm, June 17, 2016 Finally got some guys running doing Cosmic Patrols (yea me!) and I noticed that when I ****** Sinister and 2 other bosses it did not count towards the "**** Cosmic Sinister" GLF Weekly Missi [..] View

June 12, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

8:27 am, June 13, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide June 12, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Prologue Quests (Trouble at the Raft)

8:27 am, June 6, 2016 I've searched around a bit to see if I could find someone running into this issue (it may not even be an issue, I could be crazy...), but I haven't had any luck so I thought I'd just ask. I am return [..] View

Can you get rid of the spray paint?

8:27 am, June 4, 2016 I've got like 5 of one item. Particularly from the Civil War event. All I know is that you can't sell them, donate them, drop them or really anything. Is there a way to get rid of them? I've got them [..] View

Marvel's Women of Power

7:27 am, March 26, 2016 In celebration of Marvel’s Women of Power month, we’ve got some amazing sales to close out the month of March. Receive 25% OFF every female Hero, Team-Up, or Costume this weekend! [..] View


7:27 am, March 24, 2016 Good afternoon. How much of the items in the store are giftable? Hero bundles? The $200 starter pack? I'm thinking about running a giveaway next month, and don't want to make promises I can't delive [..] View

Disconnection Issue

6:27 pm, March 11, 2016 I have been playing the game, recently joined, the downloads went smooth everything was OK and well into place. Until the game started disconnecting me constantly. I have authenticated properly via ma [..] View

what happened to the command button to keep players from joing your party?

7:27 am, March 2, 2016 hey guys,i have been running with a few friends teaching them and hopeing to get them into marvel heroe's. I know under the options command there use to be a box to check to keep people from joining [..] View

Getting around an error

7:27 am, February 28, 2016 I received the error message "Site Config Not Available Due to HttpRequest Error: 1". What can I do to bypass this? To resolve this issue, please try the following: Reset your Internet [..] View

So how does the "contagious" affix work on confused mobs?

7:27 am, January 13, 2016 Setup. I go into a CDR with Emma and start casting Frenzied Confusion left and right. All the mobs have the Contagious affix. Err...what happens to the Contagious DoT? In other words, let's say you h [..] View

Is It Possible to Hotkey Specific Abilities?

7:27 am, January 4, 2016 Hey all, I keep running into a problem with some characters (Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, & Dr. Strange mostly) in that there are more than 8 abilities that have short-ish cooldowns that I like [..] View

How to make the game smoother?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2015 I was searching around trying to find out how to make the game run smoother because I have the minimum and maximum requirements to run the game smoothly but ingame im lagging or client freezing or whe [..] View

Howard the Duck Achievement - How do you unlock him?

7:27 am, December 20, 2015 I have seen many Howard the Duck Team Ups running around. I checked my achievement tab and found it under Events re ARMOR I have 2 out of 4 already done under Howard the Duck Achievement but I have [..] View

Question about upcoming updates

7:27 am, December 19, 2015 Hello! I haven't played for 6 months, and before I left, I remember a thread about upcoming heroes/costumes/game modes. Is this thread still running? Because I can't find it. It's good to be back in [..] View

Bounty Boxes in Cosmic Taskmaster

7:27 am, December 17, 2015 I'm currently running Cosmic Taskmaster terminals to farm Omega Points (is there a faster way to farm Omega Points?) and every three or four terminals I receive a bounty box, even though I'm not stopp [..] View

Is it always worth picking up XP orbs?

7:27 am, December 9, 2015 So, here's the scenario. You are running around in MM blasting packs of enemies with area attacks, perhaps even using "fire and forget" damage over time effects. Do you gain experience fas [..] View

November 23, 2015 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, November 24, 2015 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide November 23, 2015 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Blessed by Odin Qs

7:27 pm, September 30, 2015 So I was chasing down Kirigi in ICP for a Limbo follow-up mission yesterday and got blessed by Odin. Which raised a few questions: Why did that happen during a Limbo event rather than Odin's Bounty [..] View

How to reset the 2nd mystic mayhem event quest

7:27 pm, September 28, 2015 I need to **** ultron to complete my current follow-up quest. However, I'm new and still gearing. Has anyone found a way to reset/reroll that 2nd quest? I tried re-running the first/limbo quest and no [..] View

Who are Nisanti's still BIS for?

7:27 pm, September 17, 2015 Hey, I got some Nisantis from cMM yesterday which brings me to a whopping total of 2. : ) With all the hero specific unique upgrades are there any heroes that the Nisantis really shine on? Right no [..] View

Will they be back? Sad Panda here!

8:27 am, September 7, 2015 I don't know if this has been asked before, does Gaz recycle Sale/Event costumes? I recently joined and missed Mk43 Ironman, Metal gear solild snake Punisher (Omega punisher?), Maskless AoU Cap, Justi [..] View

Team-Up Keeps "Running" away?

8:27 am, August 18, 2015 I recently decided to throw a couple of G's towards a team up hero. I've been eyeing Arachne since I started playing the game last week. All was great! She looks awesome and has been one of my favour [..] View

Armor Enchant Advice: Area Reduction or Health

7:27 pm, July 26, 2015 I doubt there's a hard and fast answer, but any general thoughts on weighing Area Reduction vs. Health? I'm running content where Area effects are a big concern, but I still like having the unrestri [..] View

Double Token Random Hero Boxes!

8:27 am, July 25, 2015 Get a Random Hero, Twice! Want a hero but not sure which one to buy? Looking to expand your roster but could also use some Ultimate upgrade tokens for your favorite heroes? Then the Double Token Rand [..] View

Those with Ultron Encephalo Beam (UEB) - how long did it take?

8:27 am, July 24, 2015 Been trying to get this darn thing to drop since trade prices are ridiculous at the moment. Generally running 150% boost, no luck after about 50 runs. Plenty of Keys To The City, EMP Devices, two ILAS [..] View

Experience points

8:27 am, July 23, 2015 Hello everyone, i have a quick question. I play the game since a while now and have a couple of heroes at lvl 60. Around two days ago my wife got into the game too. I started a new hero so i could te [..] View

SIF Build is it worth it and does SIF work properly ?

7:27 pm, July 21, 2015 Hi guys. I am a fairly new player, i have arround 230 hours play time. I was wondering if there is any point to create a SIF build character. Currently i have Loki with 120 % SIF + another 25 % from t [..] View

Need advice concerning team-ups

8:27 am, July 19, 2015 So here's the deal I've got a pretty decent roster with 20 hero's, of them I main Scarlet Witch for the time being. However I am missing Squirrel Girl, and Wolverine as well as their beneficial synerg [..] View

Will the vibranium ticket drop from grey mobs? a level 60 running normal story. still drop chance?

8:27 am, July 16, 2015 @Doomsaw so grey mobs will drop tickets too? I want to get some skill points but i've outleveled all the chapters. will the tickets drop from grey mobs and bosses? You said underleveld content will d [..] View

It's Time for Big Ten

7:27 pm, June 25, 2015 2nd Anniversary, 2nd Big Ten As we close out our anniversary month, we're going completely bonkers by bringing back Big Ten for a second time this year! From now until June 30th, we'll be running some [..] View

Visual Effects stacking?

7:27 pm, June 11, 2015 I recently saw someone running around as Phoenix Force Scott, and they had the Blood artifact visual, fire head visual, and fiery orb visuals all active at the same time. However, when I try to add mo [..] View

Terminology, lingo, and subsequent abbreviations?

7:27 pm, June 11, 2015 Good Thursday morning and evening to the MH community! It is about time I ask this since I've been using boost pots and just running shared midtown and industrial and am about to have both my 60 DP a [..] View

How long will the current G sale last?

7:27 pm, June 6, 2015 Hi, I haven't been around here in some time and I had a question. Currently they are running a 15% bonus G sale event. Is it stated somewhere as to how long it will last? Is it only through this we [..] View

Returning player story mode question.

7:27 pm, May 31, 2015 Hey I haven't played since achievements and Genosha and all that. I started running through story mode with a fresh Doc Strange since it has been a while and I was just wondering is there any way to j [..] View

Port Forwarding MH

7:27 pm, May 26, 2015 Hi there, just wanna ask a few questions about port forwarding the game. 1). I live in South East Asia regions where >300 ms is the normal latency. So my question is would port forwarding be a [..] View

Basic attack with shift + leftclick problem

8:27 am, May 17, 2015 Hi, my problem is quite clear: If I press shift + leftclick none of my characters are using their skill set on left click. What I want to do is use the basic attack to avoid missclicking on the target [..] View

Dropped crafting material for daily influence

8:27 am, May 4, 2015 I was running the Daily Genosha mission in Axis, and had collected all crafting items, but my inventory was full... So I decided to drop the Starktech casing needed for crafting on the ground, collect [..] View

Question about One Shot Shared in Zoo

8:27 am, April 29, 2015 Hey guys, I've been away from the game for about a month and since Friday I've began doing the new -for me at least- One Shot Shared quests. Axis and Wakanda are pretty simple. What about those mon [..] View


7:27 pm, April 27, 2015 Is Quicksilver going to be playable? I remember them talking about it a while back and saying it might be too hard to give the character justice on screen. But do we even really care about running 10 [..] View

Brood Hybrid?

7:27 pm, April 25, 2015 I managed to get 5/10 quite by accident in MTM as I was working on my daily GLF. Now that all the other steps are done to this point, and I'm trying to get the remaining 5, I'm finding myself not kno [..] View

G.L.F. Weekly Mission Resets

7:27 pm, April 25, 2015 I was working on my GLF Weekly Mission which included running about 6 Cosmic terminals. I completed all the terminals except for Dr. Doom and found the following day the mission was removed from my l [..] View

Cant Craft

8:27 am, April 23, 2015 Hi, im running Iron Man @ level 21, crafter is at 18, everytime i go to convert a pair of blue boots i get "crafting failed". Is there something I'm missing? I have the credits and the appro [..] View

Looking for suggestions for leveling priority

8:27 am, April 22, 2015 Ok, first of all, here's my current stable: Cyclops 60 Daredevil 30 Deadpool 50 (Dat SiF) Hawkeye 30 (Stabled till QoL) Ironman 14 (Just got random) Scarlet Witch 15 (Stabled till 52) Spiderman 36 (S [..] View

Are Influence missions always about the shared maps?

8:27 am, April 16, 2015 The one thing I hate to do most in this game is Midtown (except when Midtown Madness is running) and Industry City. So far, the Influence missions keep sending me to these maps. Do the Influence miss [..] View

How do you negate Power Cosmic Boss buff?

8:27 am, April 13, 2015 I've been running cosmic terminals a lot now and the fact that it automatically grants Bosses Power Cosmic is a severe problem! For those unfamiliar with it, it generates two mobile fields of cosmic [..] View

Power cube drop rate

8:27 am, April 4, 2015 Ok, yes, I realize that they've only been in the game less than 12 hours. But running cosmic terminals and CMM with over 1000% rif and sif for hours without a single drop is a bit too rare. I wouldn' [..] View

is this intended?

7:27 pm, April 1, 2015 so running my cube shards today for the 1st time in a while i noticed you can't teleport through Castle Doom like you used to be able too. There used to be a spot about half way through right after th [..] View

Big Ten Extended!

6:27 pm, March 27, 2015 Big Ten Is Back for 2015 Ten Big Events and Sales Big Ten last year was such a blast, we figured why not bring it back for 2015? From now until the next patch, we'll be running some of our favorite p [..] View

Bigger and Better! We're Bringing Back Big Ten!

6:27 pm, March 19, 2015 Big Ten Is Back for 2015 Ten Big Events and Sales Big Ten last year was such a blast, we figured why not bring it back for 2015? From now until the next patch, we'll be running some of our favorite p [..] View

Why I can't teleport to Jersey Dock?

7:27 am, March 14, 2015 Everytime that I'm trying to teleport to Jersey Dock, it can't be done. I don't know what happens but I waited so long and a loading gauge seem to not stop running. Please help (Sorry for my bad Engli [..] View

How to get High End Artifacts/Gear

6:27 pm, March 13, 2015 Hi, I am currently at about 300h on this game, mostly playing the same toon, but leveling others for the synergy. I'm now at a point in the game where I'm fully geared with lvl 60 high-rolled Unique, [..] View

Eternity Splinters not dropping?

7:27 am, February 25, 2015 I've read that ES are supposed to drop every ~8 min as long as you're in a appropriately leveled area. I'm getting drops far less frequently than that (it's closer to 15-30 min per drop), even though [..] View

Vice runeword and farming for rare boss artifacts and uniques

6:27 pm, February 23, 2015 Was wondering if anyone has experience using the Vice runeword specifically for farming the rare boss artifacts and uniques? Does it seem to make any notable difference? I'm not as interested in the [..] View

Can a ONDA V975W run Marvel Heroes?

6:27 pm, February 14, 2015 Hey guys. This tablet is on my country by a different name, KUBO in Portugal. I want to know if anyone have a ONDA V975W (Intel Atom Z3735F, 2GB ram, 20GB/actual space,up to 64gb MicroSD card) and te [..] View

15% Bonus G

6:27 pm, February 13, 2015 15% Bonus G Sale - Back for a Limited Time Bonus G has returned for the Valentine's Day Weekend! Now's the perfect time to stock up on a little extra G with all the special sales including: Sweethear [..] View

Valentine's Day with Marvel Heroes 2015!

6:27 pm, February 13, 2015 Celebrate Valentine's Day with Marvel Heroes 2015! Whether you're celebrating Valentine's or "Pal"entine's, Marvel Heroes has you covered for an amazing weekend and some super sweet gifts. [..] View

Building a special item find char

6:27 pm, January 26, 2015 I thought about building a special item find char only for running the one shots and increase my chances for one of those rare artifacts. Which char would be the best one to use? I know Rogue can ste [..] View

Create Random Costume - RNG based? Or is there a costume pool?

7:27 am, January 26, 2015 Just wondering how "random" this crafter recipe works exactly when inputting costumes. Maybe I've hit the same bad luck with RNG that many others have, but I figured I'd make a post about it [..] View


Anyone else having a problem running the game today?

Jan 19, 2015, 10:51 pm <p>Just last night, I patched the game and played with Spider-Girl for a while. No big deal, everything was fine and dandy. But when I tired to log on today, it doesn't quite work. I can log on fine e[..] View

Question about running this game off a flash drive.

Jan 2, 2015, 8:40 pm <p>Does this game write a lot to hard drives? I don't want my flash drive to die prematurely. I read somewhere that someone tested the flash drive to have a 10 year life span at 5gb/day. Of course,[..] View

Value in Running Story Mode When Re-Leveling

Dec 28, 2014, 1:17 am <p>I get a number of "+5 this or that" while leveling. I recall getting that even when I am on the next color re-level, like this guy here (blue lvl 22 as I write this). Is it any long term value to[..] View

Are potions/pots etc still running down even in HUB?

Dec 3, 2014, 8:19 pm <p>So I was in the Hub and all my boosts froze like they should and I went AFK for 15 mins. But when I returned and went into a terminal the timer reduced by about 15 mins on each of them? Is it a kno[..] View

Running through bronx zoo

Nov 28, 2014, 6:04 pm <p>A while back I joined a group for a Bronx zoo run. And that was exactly what it was. They ran right through all the mobs and straight to each boss. Is this common for Bronx zoo, or did I just get a[..] View

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