Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




Skills, TTK and TTL

8:27 am, July 30, 2017 @KomoriMan @Asros @MichaelMayhem @zWolfiez i think a general pass over all toons in game is needed to ensure they have the right damage tags i mean blade is still 1 hitting bosses with both his signa [..] View

Marvel Heroes Omega 2.13 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, July 7, 2017 MARVEL HEROES OMEGA Starting today July 7, 2017, Marvel Heroes 2016 (the PC version) becomes Marvel Heroes Omega to better align with the recently released Xbox One and PlayStation 4 console releases [..] View

Are Legendary Mystic Scrolls Mystic Mayhem Coffers that critted and where do they drop?

7:27 pm, June 25, 2017 I heared this theory several times and now each time a coffer drops I am like "why no scroll!?". Is this theory true? If a Mystic Mayhem Coffer is supposed to drop (so no quest reward) can [..] View

Damage reduction affixes.

7:27 pm, June 11, 2017 There are many affixes that sound very similar, like "less damage vs. all Attcks" [on blessings, some artifacts], "Damage Reduction" [on Shield Support TA], "Damage Resistance [..] View

Marvel Heroes 4th PC Anniversary!

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 This Sunday, June 4, marks the fourth anniversary of the launch of Marvel Heroes on PC – so we're celebrating all month long with events and sales! Throughout the month of June, we&rsqu [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 MARVEL HEROES ANNIVERSARY EVENT Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes! BOHZE MOI! A canin [..] View

No Double Loot CICP

7:27 am, March 7, 2017 Gonna try and ask this one more time a really hope to get an answer this time. Why doesn't CICP get double loot during cosmic week like CMM? Can anyone help me solve this? @MichaelMayhem @AgentFenixio [..] View

Enrage Field & Movement Skills: How do they work together?

7:27 am, February 6, 2017 So my Beast is jumping around a lot, which is great. Before that, I used to stand in enrage fields and my ranged main was shooting at bosses not minding if they are in the field or not. I guess that w [..] View

What to do?

7:27 am, December 12, 2016 With the big update coming up and making massive changes on unique system I've got a question. I've got bunch of Mystic Mayhem coffers and coffer of Achievement lying around. What to do with them? Ar [..] View

Holiday Big 10 Event

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Holiday Big 10 Event Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Novemb [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.33 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, November 22, 2016 Event: Holiday Big 10 Celebrate the start of the Holiday Season in Marvel Heroes this year with a cornucopia of events all week long! Starting Tuesday, November 22nd and running until Tuesday, Nove [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.29 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, October 6, 2016 Event: Mystic Mayhem Mystic Mayhem is now live, and will run until next week’s patch! Infernal Limbo - A game mode only available during Mystic Mayhem that sends players into Limbo to defe [..] View

Suggestion: About Uniques and everything related after the Omega Items come!!!

8:27 am, September 29, 2016 Well, everyone know about the news: in the future, Uniques will not drop anymore and a great range of new items, called Omegas, will born. I'm not here to complain: this will be a great change, to hel [..] View

Dev Blog: Biggest Systems Update Ever!

8:27 am, September 16, 2016 I am TheArtofRawr, Lead Systems Designer for Marvel Heroes 2016, and it is my special privilege to tell you about some of the exciting new developments we have under way. We’ve been quietly [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.00a Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Minor Changes & Bug Fixes Fixed the in-game Store icon for the Secret Invasion Fortune Card. The Achievement and Progression Leaderboards will now display the top 500 entries in both categori [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.15 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Marvel Heroes 2016 3-Year Anniversary Marvel Heroes’ 3-year anniversary event officially begins today! For the entire month of June, we’ll be celebrating the anniversary with a wi [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.18 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 3-Year Anniversary Event In celebration of the release of Ultron and the upcoming Independence Day holiday, we’ve decided to allow the anniversary event to continue through the 4th of July! [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.22 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Event: Mystic Mayhem Mystic Mayhem is now live, and will run until next week’s patch! Infernal Limbo - A game mode only available during Mystic Mayhem that sends players into Limbo to defe [..] View

Celebrate our 3rd Anniversary!

8:27 am, June 4, 2016 Saturday, June 4, marks the third anniversary of the launch of Marvel Heroes – now known as Marvel Heroes 2016 – and we invite everyone to join the celebration! The festivities be [..] View

Mayhem Question

7:27 pm, May 22, 2016 I'm going through the process of getting my entire roster to run through Mayhem the next time it comes around. All my characters have level 69 gear, mid range artifacts that are beneficial to them, an [..] View

Damage Reduction on Brutally Awesome Shades

8:27 am, April 25, 2016 Hello @Asros @MichaelMayhem I know you are busy with Well..everything but had a question regarding Damage Reduction, more specifically The Summer shades. Before defense re-work it was common to see [..] View

ES potion and Mystic Mayhem Q

7:27 pm, April 13, 2016 So I got some mystic crates and ended up with one of these. My question is, does the bonuses to ES drops make getting the mystic mayhem 63 splinter drop more likely, or is that seperate from what the [..] View

Unbind Item Recipe Nerf / Fix:

8:27 am, April 10, 2016 Because nobody else has mentioned it, or noticed yet - the "Unbind Item" recipe has, for the past few months, been missing the "Matrix of Unbinding" requirement, essentially making [..] View

Items that say 'Burn', 'Bleed' etc should work with items and powers with those synergies

7:27 am, March 14, 2016 @MichaelMayhem @Calypie This is really an issue I occasionally encounter in the game. I try to gear my character in what I consider to be a smart way but I find out that the synergies that I thought [..] View

Mystic Mayhem!

7:27 am, March 5, 2016 The Demon Lord N’astirh has opened a rift between Earth and Limbo. He is invading our world, causing mayhem, fear, and ruthless destruction. N’astirh has a purpose. He seeks to est [..] View

A question about duplicate team-ups

7:27 am, March 5, 2016 I opened a Mystic mayhem box and it came along with Magik team-up variant which i thought it was a ultimate upgrade token for magik... i clicked it and it insta gave me the team-up with out me realizi [..] View


6:27 pm, February 25, 2016 @Asros @MichaelMayhem @Ryolnir We have Skrull Avengers, Skrull X-Men, Skrull Defenders and Skrull Nick Fury medallions, what about a War Skrull Medallion? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Sugg [..] View

Buffing obsolete artifacts

7:27 am, February 19, 2016 @Asros said: Additionally, buffing old items sets a very bad precedent. Has it been done? Yes. Is it something we will do regularly? No. Giving players new items to go after is a core asp [..] View

I can't find my gift items??

6:27 pm, February 5, 2016 My brother sent me 10x Mystic Mayhem Mystery Boxes and after I click on the "Items to Receive" inventory on the right, I don't see it in my Inventory? Other small gifts I received were in my [..] View

Question about created bleed timer

7:27 am, February 4, 2016 Hi I have a Question to more advanced users and devs. So I was a bit annoyed about stopwatch to time bleeds near my PC so I used Java to create a program. It does following: it listens to keystrike's [..] View

Hightown and Crimson Boxes/Blue Boxes

6:27 pm, February 1, 2016 @Asros @Ryolnir Is there any word if the uniques/artifacts are going to be added to the box tables? Any word with respect to Dangerroom boxes? Any plans to add chapter 10 medals to mayhem boxes or c [..] View

January 3, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

6:27 pm, January 3, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide January 3, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

December 7, 2015 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, December 8, 2015 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide December 7, 2015 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View


7:27 am, December 7, 2015 I always had this thought, even when I first crafted it. Why was the "Blaster", chosen to be a slot 5 item? First of all it is a weapon, an energy blaster. Arm-attached. Not Helm-Head-hel [..] View

Halloween & Mystic Mayhem Event!

7:27 am, October 31, 2015 Halloween Comes to Marvel Heroes 2015 Don't have a Halloween party to go to? That's no problem, join ours! We're kicking off our Halloween event early, so come join us for some Halloween fun! We've m [..] View

Opening Cards & Boxes-Is there a best way

7:27 pm, October 9, 2015 I’ve been playing for a couple of months now, I am certainly no expert, or even well versed and am hoping for a couple of tips RE: opening stuff. Does it help to pop the Rare Item and/or Sp [..] View

When Mystic Mayhem is in rotation?

7:27 pm, October 3, 2015 That's probably dumb question but I missed every Mystic Mayhem Event... :( I can't log-in very often but I'd really like to complete this event. I would be very grateful if someone can point to a sch [..] View

How to reset the 2nd mystic mayhem event quest

7:27 pm, September 28, 2015 I need to **** ultron to complete my current follow-up quest. However, I'm new and still gearing. Has anyone found a way to reset/reroll that 2nd quest? I tried re-running the first/limbo quest and no [..] View

Mystic Mayhem Returns!

7:27 pm, September 25, 2015 MYSTIC MAYHEM RETURNS Mystic Mayhem is Back! The Demon Lord N’astirh has opened a rift between Earth and Limbo. He is invading our world, causing mayhem, fear, and ruthless destruction. N&am [..] View

Begone Demons! Achievement Question

7:27 pm, September 1, 2015 Is our progress on this achievement (6300 mayhem demon kills in MM) going to be reset to zero next time the Mystic Mayhem event happens because the Limbo bosses weren't supposed to be in MM this week? [..] View

Never mind. Ignore this.

7:27 pm, August 29, 2015 So I checked my server side boost when I logged in this morning and it says it's at 0%. It should be at least 100% for the ARMOR event. I re-logged just to make sure and it still said 0%. Is it just a [..] View

Help a noob choose his artifacts!

7:27 pm, August 27, 2015 Hi there, guys! So, I recently started playing, tried a few heroes and decided to play Jean. I'm loving her so far, so a friend got me some artifacts for her. The thing is, with these new artifacts d [..] View

Sharabus Neotum vs. IAS Artifacts on non-summoners [Math Inside]

7:27 pm, August 23, 2015 Part 2 of Limbo Item comparisons, the Sharabus Neotum artifact (part 1 right here) At first glance it looks like a summoner Item, and well, it is...however, people stated the same for ILAS when it ca [..] View

New Limbo Pets ...

8:27 am, August 23, 2015 I'm sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find it on the forums. How many Limbo pets are in the Mystic Mayhem boxes? I've landed two, but are they the only ones? Thank you in adv [..] View

Mystic Mayhem artifacts, rings etc

8:27 am, August 23, 2015 @Ryolnir @TheCosmicCupcake @doomsaw @AgentVapor do the Mayhem artifacts rings etc. come in Mental attributes all I have seen is melee, physical and energy. Also I have 5 New Magic team up tokens that [..] View

Mayhem Demonblood vs. other DPS/HP artifacts [Math Inside]

7:27 pm, August 22, 2015 G'day folks, New DPS item means it's time to crunch some numbers again, object of interest is the all new **** mayhem demonblood you might know, it comes in all 5 dmg types (melee/range [..] View

Mystic Mayhem Boxes!

7:27 pm, August 21, 2015 MYSTIC MAYHEM BOXES! In celebration of our new Mystic Mayhem event and Infernal Limbo zone, we’ve created another mystery box. This new mystery box specifically tied to Mystic Mayhem is one [..] View

Mystic Mayhem Begins!

7:27 pm, August 21, 2015 MYSTIC MAYHEM APPROACHES The Demon Lord N’astirh has opened a rift between Earth and Limbo. He is invading our world, causing mayhem, fear, and ruthless destruction. N’astirh has a [..] View

Boss Affix - Enrage Field

8:27 am, June 6, 2015 Could someone please explain to me the mechanic of "Enrage Field." It nearly insta kills me everytime it rolls. I do not see it in @MichaelMayhem 's Gameplay Guide thread. https://forums. [..] View

Commendation Question: Cap or Max Available in a Week?

8:27 am, April 28, 2015 I was wondering if the "You can acquire up to 250 each week" for commendations is the cap you're allowed to earn in a week or the amount at most you can earn per week by completing all tasks [..] View

Missed a surtur rune!

8:27 am, September 19, 2014 I was raiding last night and was the group leader. 2-3 minutes after raid ended I was still picking items but was zoned out automatically which resulted in the surtur rune fallen on the floor.. Can an [..] View

Plan for Level 52 reviews

7:27 pm, August 30, 2014 I am just curious if all the 52 reviews will be done this year. I heard Juggy is moved to January which is fine, but I am curious on the plan for the reviews. Not specific heroes just want to know if [..] View

Rogue is Coming - Are You Ready?

8:27 am, August 29, 2014 Rogue Showcase Monday, we live-streamed a showcase & teaser of our newest upcoming hero - Rogue! The hype behind Rogue is immense - Ryan "Ryolnir" Collins and Michael "MichaelMa [..] View

Can we please get larger stacks?

8:11 am, August 12, 2014 The pots you can craft via crafting are kinda useful, especially for leveling, but only being able to have 10 in a stack is overly cumbersome. Also crafting them is extremely tedious and boring. To [..] View


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