Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




Arrow Heads fix & Please More Stashes Added, Players been asking for years

8:27 am, October 19, 2017 hi can you please add a lot more stashes please, I know many players have asked for this over the passed years, I have to delete something I don't want for each item I pick up, I have maxed inventor [..] View

Account banned for no reason

8:27 am, October 17, 2017 Hello, today while playing i was disconnected from the server and when i tried to log in again, a red message "this account has been banned" poped up, i was just doing inventory checks and p [..] View

How long will items stay in the delivery box / when will gaz start removing all items from inventory

8:27 am, October 9, 2017 My inventory and all of my STASH are full of items. So, I have a bunch of items sitting in my delivery box, waiting for free space. Anyone know if those items will disappear after being there so lon [..] View

Video tapes & Crafters

8:27 am, August 14, 2017 I'm a lvl 10 Blade and I have two (2) questions: 1. I acquired an "Old Videotape" in inventory from a forgotten battle the note of which suggests I bring it to Shield. My question is who? [..] View

Shield Supply Boxes Stacking in Inventory & Stash. Stash Not Enouph, SSB's Stacked Please, No Ro

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 Hi I have about 6 stashes filled with Shield Supply Boxes (SSB's) I am maxed out & purchased every single stash space there is & will not allow me to buy anything more & I hav [..] View

Do Norn Stones work properly?

7:27 pm, July 19, 2017 On my Black Widow I never see the effect trigger; I open my inventory to look at my stats, then I let widows health drop to <50%, but I dont see the effect being triggered, no buff to be seen i [..] View

Marvel Heroes Omega 2.14 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, July 19, 2017 NEW HERO: CARNAGE Carnage has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes Omega for PC! Homicidal maniac, Cletus Kasady was serving out his life sentence in prison when a new cellmate moved in, Eddie Br [..] View

How to sell items?

7:27 pm, July 17, 2017 So my inventory is full and my S.T.A.S.H. is full too. I know you can Donate items but I want to SELL them so I get a currency back (I don't know what currency you get in return). How do you sell item [..] View

Can't find my costume

7:27 pm, July 9, 2017 I purchased a costume from the store and my inventory was full at the time. When I hit the purchase button the gold was taken from my account but I can't find the costume. It's not in my inventory. An [..] View

Marvel Heroes Omega 2.13 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, July 7, 2017 MARVEL HEROES OMEGA Starting today July 7, 2017, Marvel Heroes 2016 (the PC version) becomes Marvel Heroes Omega to better align with the recently released Xbox One and PlayStation 4 console releases [..] View

Please Add More Inventory Stashed, Need more stashes Urgently, Maxed out on them

8:27 am, June 14, 2017 Hi, Can you please add more inventory stashes, I am maxed out on all Heroes & Regular Stashes, I can not buy anymore, I am maxed out, & I need a lot more please, I know your not goi [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.11 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 9, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES & BUG FIXES Reduced the health of Cable in the Simulation #77 Tournament Danger Room scenario. Increased drop rate of new artifacts from the Simulation #77 and Trainyard [..] View

Any chance of old anniversary vendor appearing?

7:27 pm, June 7, 2017 I have a free hero ticket from the 2016 Marvel Heroes Anniversary event that I didn't notice because it was in my team up hero inventory. Is the vendor ever added back temporarily so that it can be tr [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.10 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, June 2, 2017 MARVEL HEROES ANNIVERSARY EVENT Marvel Heroes’ 4th anniversary is here, and the party is only just getting started! Join us as we celebrate four years of Marvel Heroes! BOHZE MOI! A canin [..] View

New to mmo's

8:27 am, May 24, 2017 I'm new to mmo's and marvel heroes so I'm still figuring out the best way to develop my hero. I pick up items for my hero (boots, armor, gloves, etc.) but with co op we fill up the inventory quick. My [..] View

Question! Starter uncap.

8:27 am, May 9, 2017 Hi all, sorry In advance as this has probably been covered many times before but I can't find an answer to my question, after searching the net I've come here. I started playing last year but stopped [..] View

What Omega Support will come to PC

8:27 am, May 3, 2017 Having played beta and noticing some difference, i feel the console is more streamlined and functional. Controller support is way better and more functional. UI seems functional. Costume closet expand [..] View

State of the Game.

7:27 pm, April 27, 2017 To me Marvel Heroes is in a state of broken. Difficulty to reward are completely off. I see the same issues in the Algorith dealing with leveling and general difficulty here and omega. Having said t [..] View

What items can I discard? (returning after a lengthy hiatus)

8:27 am, April 24, 2017 I have tons of uniques, artifacts, legendaries, team insignias, cores, team up gear, and so forth in my inventory and in my stash. I've thought about returning to the game a few times, but every time [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.06 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 16, 2017 Saint Patrick’s Day Event Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Marvel Heroes this year! These bonuses will be active starting Thursday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 22nd at 11: [..] View

Best source of information for day one noob?

7:27 am, March 12, 2017 I hate to be that person to post a new question that's probably been asked before but I was unable to find any resources for people just starting out. I'm looking for just the very basics (how to use [..] View

Vaccuum settings? (Not Auto-Loot)

6:27 pm, March 9, 2017 I just passed my Cosmic trial, and now, I'm noticing a LOT of cosmic stuff. Now, I'd like to upgrade my pet as much as the next guy, and I'm aware auto-loot does do this. However, I do want to pick th [..] View

Doop Sector

7:27 am, March 6, 2017 I have a 'Portal to Cosmic Doop Training Sector' in my inventory. Unsure where I got it from as it has been there along time. I am trying to trigger the portal, but am not having any luck. Tried righ [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.05 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Old Man Logan Event Alongside the Cosmic Chaos event this week, we’re doing a small bonus event in celebration of our Adamantium-laced heroes! Both event will run from Thursday, March 2nd u [..] View

Can't Bank Items (was a bug but ok now)

7:27 am, March 1, 2017 I logged in today for the first time in months. I got replace catalysts or something like cores? Ok, but I have two prestiged characters that aren't 60 yet and it won't let me bank theirs. That's t [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.04 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, February 23, 2017 New Hero: Black Bolt Black Bolt has joined the Hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Experiencing terrigenesis before he was born, Blackagar Boltagon was granted frighteningly destructive powers. With [..] View

Is It Possible To Have A Separate Audio Channel For 'Other Player Interactions'?

7:27 am, February 20, 2017 For example, turning off any other players interactions that make any sound such as dropping items, footsteps, powers, shifting items in their inventory, and anything that other players do in a public [..] View

Need some guidance after the update

6:27 pm, January 31, 2017 Hey all! Started playing a bit again after the big update, and while I actually find the new changes interesting and fun (glad Squirrel Girl has a legitimate melee build), I'm having some serious tro [..] View

Are the benefits of the Strength attribute good? How are they different?

6:27 pm, January 29, 2017 The Strength attribute when moused over on your hero inventory screen lists one of the benefits of Strength as 0.1% reduced damage from deflected attacks. The other attributes with similar components [..] View

Teamup Inventory

7:27 am, January 29, 2017 I didnt log in when the update hit and so all my teamup inventory stuff poofed somewhere and its not showing an overflow area to get the items from so is there anywhere i can find them? cause somehow [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, January 26, 2017 Item Changes Artifacts: Magneto Was Right T-Shirt no longer rolls Area or Energy Damage Rating. Now rolls +1-3 Intelligence and +1-2 Durability. Luke's Lucky Chain has received a small buff. Increas [..] View

Where did my costume visuals go?

6:27 pm, January 22, 2017 Okay, in the grand scheme of the huge updates it might not be such a big thing for some, but I realy liked the visuals I had gathered over the years and put on the different costumes. Now I see none o [..] View

Auto loot

6:27 pm, December 21, 2016 The J button auto loots and auto donates to your pet. Is there a way to auto loot stuff to inventory? I was told about vaporize but that looks like it destroys everything and not loot. There should be [..] View


7:27 am, December 21, 2016 I think there should be a way to buy more inventory and not just stash. I don't see anything for inventory in shop. Is there anything and I'm overlooking it? I've played a lot of games where you could [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.34 Patch Notes

6:27 pm, December 20, 2016 Winter Holiday 2016 Event In the spirit of the holidays, during this event you will receive a mission that will allow you to collect gifts to surprise your fellow superheroes and allies, who in turn [..] View

Mega Pack MK IV - 15% OFF!

7:27 am, December 10, 2016 All Heroes released through 2015! To help close out 2016. The Mega Pack MK IV is back on sale with a limited time discount of 15% on top of the already MASSIVE discount it originally contains! This p [..] View

What can you do with extra cybernetic pets?

7:27 am, November 20, 2016 I have about 20 unused pets, I have only bothered to grind the STASH Access Cards and Holographic Crafter pets because those are super valuable. I have one pet for each +3 stat... so I honestly have n [..] View

Is there any storage/bank in the game?

8:27 am, October 1, 2016 I just started playing this week and I can't find an answer to this question on the forums. It looks like your inventory is shared between all your characters which makes for not much inventory room o [..] View

About item related achievements...

8:27 am, September 22, 2016 specifically ones like Arm yourself, Very Special Things, or Guns and Ammo, do you need to keep all of the items in your inventory to get the achievement? as an example, for Very Special things, you n [..] View

[Suggestion] - colour-coded highlighting for items

7:27 pm, September 18, 2016 I'd be astounded if no-one has put this forward before but search found nothing so here goes.... Would it possible to have coloured highlights for items kept in our inventory and stash? Much like we [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.25 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Story Mode Changes Previously when you completed the Chapter 1 mission "Tablet of Life and Time" you were awarded a 75 Permanent Health Bonus. That Permanent Health Bonus is no longer awar [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.19 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 A.R.M.O.R. Incursion This week’s event is the A.R.M.O.R. Incursion! The event begins Thursday, July 7th and runs through Thursday, July 14th (11:59 PM PDT)! A.R.M.O.R. Intel Buffs - These [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.04 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 New Hero: Green Goblin Green Goblin joins the hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2016! Norman Osborn was never a very sane man. Growing up under an abusive father and the loss of his wife was enough to pu [..] View

Marvel Heroes 2016 1.00 Patch Notes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2016 Marvel Heroes 2016 Rebrand What better way to kick off the new year than a host of new content and new features? Take to the rooftops with Black Cat, team up with Agent Venom, take the new and impro [..] View

Hardcore new player looking for End-Game 'highly experienced' 2016 character advice.

7:27 pm, August 23, 2016 I did over 11 years of Diablo II and ever since then iv tried other games like Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Torchlight etc etc you name it...but ever since Marvel Heroes switched to this fantastic new bus [..] View

[Suggestion] When prestiging, all equipped items go to delivery box.

8:27 am, August 16, 2016 Currently, when you prestige a hero, all your equipped items go into your inventory and stash. This is annoying because clearing up space for items is difficult (since you obviously want to keep those [..] View

Ant-Mans Ultimate

7:27 pm, July 9, 2016 I got an Ultimate Upgrade Token, used it on my level 25 Ant-Man, because there is no level restriction on his Ultimate. I right-clicked in the inventory, and it said that his ultimate was already maxe [..] View

Starktech Power Cubes - Usable By Sorting

7:27 pm, July 8, 2016 Hello @Asros I just wanted to drop by and mention that I love using the sort option to keep my inventory organized, and it speeds things up soooo much in the mini game that is inventory management. [..] View

Fortune Cards, their individual currency, and why Clea is getting really tired of all these tokens.

7:27 pm, June 30, 2016 Alright, sooooo, all these different currencies is sort of putting a damper on my want to purchase more fortune cards. It's ballooned up to 11 different currencies rattling around my inventory and th [..] View

June 30, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 pm, June 30, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide June 30, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Just back - free hero? Free stash? Where am I missing these?

8:27 am, June 22, 2016 I've been away from MH for a little while, and I'm suddenly seeing "free stash' and "free hero" all over the place for the 3rd anniversary. By Aunt Petunia, what have I missed??? Should [..] View

I don't know which gear to equip

7:27 pm, June 17, 2016 I've been playing Marvel Heroes for a few days, and a thing that is stressing me out is which gear I should equip. I go through Midtown killing monsters, and lots of gear drops. My inventory gets full [..] View

Was the Unstable Molecule recipe from Clea changed?

7:27 pm, June 12, 2016 I bought the UM recipe from Clea for 200 cube shards which says the following on the tooltip: Transforms Cosmics into a single Unstable Molecule. Right-click on this recipe in your inventory to have [..] View

Missing Team-UP during BOGO Sale

8:27 am, June 11, 2016 So I logged into the game today to find that there is a BOGO sale on Team-Up, so I decided to buy Domino for my Deadpool for 250G's. It took my G's, then I got a message that said "hero unlocked& [..] View

Remove Exchange uneven recipe scaling

8:27 am, June 11, 2016 In the current crafter, under "exchange," you have the option to convert various items into various other items. Mostly this involves converting uniques into other things. Personally, my go- [..] View

Allow for Multiple Visual artifacts

8:27 am, June 7, 2016 Either by creating a sort of 'side inventory' where you swap them out, or allowing us to stick them onto other artifacts like cube slots. Then, maybe, make it so it costs to remove them per-hero, sim [..] View

Right click abilities going through menus

8:27 am, June 6, 2016 I haven't played in a few months, but since I came back I've been having some weird behavior. I always bind my movement abilities to right click, but for some reason, since I've come back when I have [..] View

Question about lag

7:27 pm, June 4, 2016 Hey guys, I recently started playing MH again after a long hiatus (I had played during beta). Anyway, I am playing on a laptop with:OS version: Windows 7 64-bit, CPU: Intel Core i7, Graphics card: NVI [..] View

Purchaseable vendor summons

8:27 am, May 26, 2016 I get only 1-2 in story mode. Which vendor has these so I can quit leaving extra credits on the floor due to low inventory space? (I can't even utilize the uniques exchange to get credit chests. But [..] View

Why can't sprays go in their perspective hero's stash?

8:27 am, May 24, 2016 The spray paints are kinda nice looking, but at the moment seem to be a complete waste. They waste a spot in the inventory and are only usable while the inventory is open. Beyond that, they can't be [..] View

Rif/sif and opening boxes/chests/reliquaries/cards

8:27 am, May 9, 2016 There is a lot of different boxes, chests and other things that either you open in you inventer and it changes place with an item or you open it [either from inventory or on the ground] and it explode [..] View

STASH Tab discount not appearing

8:27 am, May 3, 2016 I clicked on the 25% off STASH tab link on the splash screen when the game logs on, but nothing happened. I can't seem to buy STASH from there. So I went to the Splinter vendor, but it says 600G with [..] View

Civil War related items dropping early?

8:27 am, May 1, 2016 I've gotten several newspapers with Civil War related headlines and text dropping today. I'm assuming these weren't meant to be released yet. It would be nice to know if they're just something we can [..] View

Elements should be looted to S.T.A.S.H.

7:27 pm, April 28, 2016 If the player has any elements already in their S.T.A.S.H., then looted elements should automatically be added to that pile in the S.T.A.S.H. This would be a great quality of life improvement in the [..] View

15% OFF Mega Pack MK IV

8:27 am, April 22, 2016 All Heroes released through 2015! The Mega Pack MK IV is back on sale with a limited time discount of 15%! This pack includes all 54 Heroes released through 2015 at a massive discount.Included in thi [..] View

A few queries while the server is down. (For great boredom)

7:27 pm, April 8, 2016 While opening multiple boxxes (MM, ICP, Bounty etc) in your inventory, there is a cooldown on all the others, yet it doesn't actually prevent you from opening during this time. Is there a defecit to d [..] View

Switching Characters at level 10

8:27 am, April 2, 2016 I'm currently level 9 and have a few questions before I reach level 10. If you switch characters at level 10, do you start the story over? Can you pick the character you have already been playing to [..] View

Any reason to pick up useless gear?

7:27 am, March 10, 2016 I have not played in several years but have gotten back into the game in the last week. I have a bunch of old gear saved in my inventory from before. I vaguely remember that you used to be able to d [..] View

Make the vendor Buyback list longer

6:27 pm, February 23, 2016 I recently sold a unique item to the gear vendor after a rush of opening reward boxes and collecting up unwanted items to sell. In amongst my hero inventory was a unique acquired from an achievement [..] View

Populate Uniques for Crafting Chests

7:27 am, February 13, 2016 @Asros @Ryolnir I love the new crafting changes. While I rolled 94%+ costume stats on more than 20 characters the old way, this will make gearing alts so much more enjoyable. And the auto-populating [..] View

I can't find my gift items??

6:27 pm, February 5, 2016 My brother sent me 10x Mystic Mayhem Mystery Boxes and after I click on the "Items to Receive" inventory on the right, I don't see it in my Inventory? Other small gifts I received were in my [..] View

Orange Jack O' Lantern face.

7:27 am, February 1, 2016 I started playing this game briefly back in October and haven't had a chance to come back to it until recently. I am stuck with a presumably Halloween themed Jack O' Lantern face above my character. I [..] View

A solution for onerous Element grinding

6:27 pm, January 31, 2016 TLDR: have Elements drop in small stacks rather than individually I had predicted this when the Crafting 2.0 changes were announced...the cost of recipes in terms of Pure elements skyrocketed in a wa [..] View

Which artifacts can be trashed?

7:27 am, January 23, 2016 I'm trying to manage my inventory and I realize I have a LOT of artifacts. Unique items are never a problem. I can always exchange extras for relics and runes but I've got no such crafting outlet fo [..] View

Introducing the Mega Pack MK IV!

7:27 am, December 30, 2015 All Heroes released through 2015! $169.99, a 15% discount from the already amazing regular value of $199 for a limited time only so don't delay! Included in this pack: All Heroes released through 201 [..] View

Visual Artifact idea for 2.0

6:27 pm, December 28, 2015 I thought this might be an interesting idea for the new crafting system to have a tab for. All visual artifact can be crafted with crafting mats, maybe a medallion and partials (For the X-man spotligh [..] View

Is there any way to generate a report of your Marvel Heroes account?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2015 I wouldn't expect there to be, but on the chance that it exists and I'm missing it, I thought I ask. Something like a text file maybe, that contains exhaustive information on all progress in the game [..] View

Mega Pack MK III - 35% off for One Last Time

7:27 am, December 26, 2015 All Heroes from 2013 - 2014 at an 80% discount for the last time! The Mega Pack MK IV is around the corner, so we're discounting The Mega Pack MK III one last time! The Mega Pack Mk III will be avai [..] View

Danger Room Training Scenario

6:27 pm, December 17, 2015 So I was in the middle of doing the Danger Room Training Scenario when I got disconnected. I haven't completed the mission, but the scenario is no longer in my inventory, and Beast doesn't give me a [..] View

Upgrading and/or rerolling insigs and medallions

6:27 pm, December 5, 2015 Sometimes when prestiging or levelling I find some awesome rolls on gear, that I can't use for long because my 60 gear is better overall even though the rolls are worse. (Hopefully that made sense). [..] View

Crafting 2.0 Feedback (completely unofficial of course)

7:27 am, December 2, 2015 I have been thinking a lot about crafting lately. What is the problem with the current system? The first and foremost complaint I have with the current system is the time it takes away from more enj [..] View

Relic drop from Training Dummy?

6:27 pm, November 23, 2015 So I was just shooting and obliterating some training dummy and a relic dropped from one of them. This is the second time it happened so was wondering if anyone else is getting loot from dummy. Gonna [..] View

Got an Enhanced Spider-Gwen costume

7:27 am, November 14, 2015 I just got an Enhanced Spider-Gwen costume in my inventory when I logged in. I'm just curious as to why? Does anyone know what I might have done to earn it? The S.H.I.E.L.D. Delivery manifest only [..] View

How to use Starktech Power Cubes?

7:27 am, November 7, 2015 How to use Starktech Power Cubes? When I try to drag them onto an artifact, they simply swap positions in my inventory. If I try to insert the cube in the artifact already equipped, it says it cannot [..] View

What makes a good...

6:27 pm, November 5, 2015 Hello all, Been playing a month (and bought the mega pack 3 yesterday) and starting to accumulate a lot of items as I'm unsure what makes a good item. Are there any basic rules that state what makes [..] View

Mega Pack MK III is Back on Sale!

8:27 am, October 9, 2015 Mega Pack MK III - 35% off! All Heroes from 2013 - 2014 at an 80% discount! The Mega Pack MK III is back on sale once again! The Mega Pack Mk III will be available for $129.99, a 35% discount from t [..] View

Challenge bonus tokens?

7:27 pm, September 21, 2015 I am not to sure about these tokens, what can I do with them? How do I attach them? I have a few just sitting around taking up some space. I would like to get them out of my inventory and do some g [..] View

Unable to donate items to vendors

8:27 am, September 17, 2015 Hi, I have a metric buttload of items in my inventory that I would like to donate to vendors to increase their vendor level. But right now when i drag something into the "donate" area of ven [..] View

Can't "Reset an Artifact's Variable Numbers"?

7:27 pm, September 16, 2015 There seems to be something wrong with it at the moment. I've logged out 3-4 times and also exited the game completely 2 times. Nothing changed. What's happening is I place all the materials, I click [..] View


8:27 am, September 12, 2015 Hello. I've been playing Marvel Heroes 2015 for two weeks now. My inventory is full and I have found that I need to drop/destroy items in order to make room for new items. I have yet to find a hub, [..] View

Cosmic items jumping to different stashes

7:27 pm, August 30, 2015 So im a little confused on why this is happening, ive got a couple of stashes because im a long time player and i enjoy this game, recently got cable and i want to reroll some artifacts so i have this [..] View

Introducing S.T.A.S.H. 2.0

7:27 pm, August 28, 2015 Introducing S.T.A.S.H. 2.0 S.T.A.S.H. 2.0 has arrived, making storage of all your favorite items much easier and streamlined. This overhaul includes an updated user interface that gives you more cust [..] View

What does the red vs grey border around items mean?

7:27 pm, August 23, 2015 It seems like these two borders are being used inconsistently. If not, then I don't understand what they mean. It looks like sometimes grey means it's specifically for a different hero, and red means [..] View

Not Working

8:27 am, July 30, 2015 I've returned to the game after a year or so off. I maxed the Asgardian and the crafting vendors, but when I try to donate to the weapon or armor vendor, the item just jumps back into my inventory. [..] View

Cannot upgrade gear

8:27 am, July 9, 2015 Anyone else unable to upgrade gear at the crafter? I have the right elements and enough credits but it just keeps saying crafting failed items returned to inventory. I've tried this on multiple heroes [..] View

Mega Pack Mk III 35% Off

7:27 pm, June 25, 2015 Mega Pack MK III - 35% off! All Heroes from 2013 - 2014 at an 80% discount! We've updated our Mega Pack to be bigger and better than ever, including all Heroes released in 2013 and 2014! Mk III inclu [..] View

Items are gone?

7:27 pm, June 22, 2015 Hey, well, I logged in the game normally, then I clicked in the pink gift box to get my itens, my inventory was full so I just drop a few things to get the items like the Anniversry Box, but... I didn [..] View

Sort option

7:27 pm, June 18, 2015 I don't know about anyone else but i would really love a soft option for storage & inventory space. I find that there are way to many items to manual arrange & rearrange for both & [..] View

Gaz said free hero tokens until the 17th, then ninja edited their post to the 14th. Why?!

8:27 am, June 17, 2015 I left for my wedding Friday then come back from my wedding/honeymoon yesterday, expecting a free hero token today only to find that Gaz jerked the rug out from underneath many of us. They ninja-edite [..] View

Delivery Manifests, Costume Changes, and Crafting with Hank Pym?

7:27 pm, June 13, 2015 I hope no one minds me asking but so far searches have not provided any help? What happens to a costume that says it binds to the character when I want to change to a different costume? Do I lose the [..] View



Feb 7, 2015, 4:20 pm <p>Hello I figured I would ask the community about this before putting in a ticket to support,</p> <p>I have purchased multiple each of all the stashes, inventory,crafting, and vendor a long time ago[..] View

Question about inventory space

Jan 22, 2015, 8:44 am <p>Hey guys so I bought a few stash spaces, general and character specific stashes. I assumed that I could put most thing is the character stashes since a lot of the items are for all heroes. Artifa[..] View

Team Up Inventory

Dec 15, 2014, 12:08 am <p>hi, i was wondering if there was an option i should be checking to be able to see my team up inventory when i hit "i" to bring up my hero inventory as well. currently, hitting "i" brings up the he[..] View

[BUG] Hogun vendor inventory not updating correctly after purchase

Dec 14, 2014, 11:49 pm <p>So there's a bug where after buying a crafting token, the entry isn't removed from his inventory, although you can't purchase it. This throws off the other entries and as a result, I bought what I [..] View

Team-Up Inventory

Nov 30, 2014, 9:29 pm <p>I have a few friends that have told me that when they open their inventory, it also opens their team-up's inventory automatically. This only happens for me when I open my STASH. Otherwise, I have t[..] View

Cybernetic pet progress in inventory was reset with the patch

Nov 29, 2014, 5:43 am <p>Pretty much what the title suggests. I have my main pet that I'm filling out and equipping to my heroes but uniques were one of the first tiers I completed so I started keeping another pet in my in[..] View

Using Pots from team up inventory.

Nov 28, 2014, 12:03 pm <p>Ok.. so... i used a collectors bounty and a credit boost bar with a rare/special item bar chucked in. They were used straight from my team up inventory and not my heroes.</p> <p>They all disappear[..] View

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