7:27 am, February 15, 2016
Hello. I am new here. I would like to ask the Developers a question. Have you on your mind to release Hercules as playable Character in Marvel Heroes? If yes will you release him this year? If no..... [..]
6:27 pm, February 14, 2015
Please o Please consider giving these a significant boost. Please add a strength bonus, spirit cost reduction and higher defense. Currently these are an almost unusable item.
P.S. Add Hercules to the [..]
7:27 am, February 11, 2015
Just for my own curiosity, there's a lot of characters in the comics who are basically just big brutes with superstrength. How hard was it to make Colossus, Hulk, Thing, the upcoming She-Hulk (and arg [..]
7:27 am, January 15, 2015
Doing an any-hero unique feedback tread, since so many of them are getting obsolete. It's pretty easy to reply, copy 6 uniques from the list, add a " * " in front of the unique so it becomes [..]
7:27 pm, September 23, 2014
I think it would be helpful to have a list of what any hero uniques (AHU) are BiS (or at least better than the character's uniques) for any viable hero builds and I don't think there is such a list so [..]