Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Discussions




Gaz didn't even made a formal announcement on the forum?

6:27 pm, November 15, 2017 Looking at all the latest devs posts, the announcement area... They just didn't even thought of posting an official "Hey, Marvel Heroes is closing, thanks for all your time, bye, etc" statem [..] View

Confused about damage rating.

8:27 am, October 5, 2017 There was a guy with deadpool who had a damage rating of over 10000 while he was in my group and standing next to me in avengers tower. I have never seen that high of a rating from well geared charact [..] View

About Daily Login Cards' Rewards

7:27 pm, September 8, 2017 If I click on any card then close the card screen or directly close the card screen before the reward appears that means I have already received the reward without even see or I didn't, lose the chanc [..] View

Text filters for LFG

8:27 am, August 5, 2017 @AgentVapor @KomoriMan I'm not sure who to include in this, and I doubt it's an original idea but just in case, here goes. Can you give players the ability to ignore messages that contain a designate [..] View


8:27 am, July 23, 2017 hey folks, I have a question. I've recently returned to the game after a lengthy hiatus (I stopped a little after the Age of Ultron stuff) At the time I didn't look much into raiding due to bad experi [..] View

50% Off Coupon From Spider Man Event

7:27 pm, July 8, 2017 hello when you log in you get to pick 1 card and when I did I got a card for 50% off from store and is good for 2 days but when I bought something from the store it didn't work.How do you use the coup [..] View

Can you please put the stash tab icons back that you took out?

8:27 am, June 29, 2017 @asros @komoriman @orren @jessedev Ok guys that's just wrong to take the stash icons out for the costumes getting removed. Can you please put the doom FF icon, the ghost rider FF icon, the bag man ico [..] View

Any chance of old anniversary vendor appearing?

7:27 pm, June 7, 2017 I have a free hero ticket from the 2016 Marvel Heroes Anniversary event that I didn't notice because it was in my team up hero inventory. Is the vendor ever added back temporarily so that it can be tr [..] View

Free Hero Ticket usable?

8:27 am, June 3, 2017 I still have a free hero ticket from last year's anniversary event (I didn't realize I had it until after the event vendor disappeared last year). I have been waiting patiently for the anniversary eve [..] View

Custom Console Controls

8:27 am, May 25, 2017 Ever since I started playing MH, I've been implementing custom controls. Started with customizing mouse and keyboard to be the most intuitive and then focused on using a controller playing on PC. Love [..] View

New to game with questions

8:27 am, May 13, 2017 Been playing the game since 5/7/16 so pretty new to the game. Have some various (random) questions and figured it would be best to put things in one discussion instead of posting each question in a s [..] View

Heroic is too easy, Cosmic is too hard. What to do?

8:27 am, May 12, 2017 I played the open beta, then played for a few weeks after the game went public. My first hero was Hawkeye, and at some point I also got Storm, but never played her. Only played for a bit, and then sto [..] View

Aren't I supposed to get my first hero for free??

8:27 am, April 20, 2017 Hi I i'm new to the game, and just started testing the heroes today. I really liked Ghost rider playstile, but when i tryed to unlock him, I didn't have enough gold or shards for it. Doesn't everyone [..] View

2 Wks in - main questions

7:27 pm, April 18, 2017 Today was day 13, and I got some question that need resolution. 1) Hopefully after whatever server update/patch etc., my computer will not need me to authorize an update overtime I sign in. I didn't [..] View

Are there hero comments to story scenes in chapter 9 or 10?

8:27 am, April 15, 2017 When playing through the story with Deadpool (to mid chapter 10 so far) I noticed he didn't comment on cutscene/story events anymore in chapter 9 and 10. Is this the same with all heroes or do other/n [..] View

Can you only spend ES on Random Heroes?

8:27 am, March 28, 2017 I've been off the game a couple months, come back to a stash full of ES. Went to Adam Warlock and I can't spend them on specific heroes anymore. Am I missing something? I checked patch notes, but d [..] View

Items from vendors missing

7:27 am, March 11, 2017 while i was playing today I saw someone complaining in chat that items were missing from the armor vendor. I didn't pay any mind to it but, I have been trying to save 600 eternity splinters for the st [..] View

Is there a specific Earth this game is based on?

7:27 am, March 7, 2017 I don't read the comics but I've occasionally heard of Earth-This Year or Earth-That Year. So I recently heard someone in-game mention Jean's Battle of the Atom costume. So I looked up Battle of the A [..] View

How come the shared quests reset at Midnight but not the Teminals One-shots?

6:27 pm, March 2, 2017 Like the titles says. It would make it a lot easier to get all my daily terminal/one-shot runs done to farm currency I need if I didn't always have to wait till almost the same time I ran them the day [..] View

Muspelheim Heat Vents

7:27 am, February 14, 2017 I apologize if this has already been mentioned but I didn't see it. The heat vents at the first bosses are doing insane damage. My hulk can take Rhino and Fisk's charges to the chin and laugh, but if [..] View

Avenger's Tower a more happening place every day

7:27 am, February 11, 2017 so log in for the day bam! start in the luxurious Avenger's Tower where the awesome Tony Stark has everything set up you need so ready to get some gaming in? WRONG get your butt to Hammer Bay 1st to g [..] View

Hightown Lacks Unique Drops Now?

6:27 pm, February 3, 2017 I don't get it, you take away the one thing that makes this game something for people to look forward to logging on to, the drop rate as it was before Hightown got nerfed. You fix what wasn't broken. [..] View

+2 to Ultimate Power still rollable on Cybernetics pets?

7:27 am, January 28, 2017 As far as I can tell, the Biggest Update Ever patch notes didn't mention what happened to the +2 to Ultimate Power bonus at the cosmic tier on Cybernetics pets. Is that bonus still rollable, and can i [..] View

Stats. Before and after.

6:27 pm, January 27, 2017 So, I really didn't pay much attention how stats used to work before, Fighting was way to go and there was no other option. Now after update, it seems like all stats equally sucks. Right now, as Elek [..] View

Prestige and story mode

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 I was thinking, have a lot of heroes that need to go back into story to finish added segments that never got completed, as they didn't exist at the time of the first runthrough. So the question is, th [..] View

Pet Attributes

7:27 am, January 27, 2017 Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. I did a quick forum search and didn't find what I was looking for. I was probably using wrong key words (I blame caffeine deficiency). Anyway [..] View

Didn't get the 400 ES? (solved)

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 Hey guys, I logged in the first time one day prior to the update when getting the 400 Eternity Shards through daily logins was still a thing. With the revamp of the system that's no longer a thing. [..] View

Cosmic Terminal Bounty Chests

7:27 am, January 21, 2017 Where did they go? There's also no tracker for enemy count anymore. And all the achievements for collecting bounty boxes seem to be gone as well. Is this a bug or as intended? I have a buddy who unde [..] View

Didn't get the 400 ES?

6:27 pm, January 20, 2017 Hey guys, I logged in the first time one day prior to the update when getting the 400 Eternity Shards through daily logins was still a thing. With the revamp of the system that's no longer a thing. [..] View

how to get the x-men title?

7:27 am, December 30, 2016 i am brazilian, sorry if my english is not correct. Playing the game, i see a lot of players using the title "X-Men". I searched about it in the forums, searched about how to get this title, [..] View

Are Holiday H.E.R.B.I.E.s not being gifted this year?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2016 I got one from each of the last two years so I am wondering if I am not getting them because I have already gotten old ones. I am not sure if this is the case or if the schedule is just off. I logge [..] View

Are there different Dazzling Incandescence?

7:27 am, November 29, 2016 I ask because I was desperately searching for it's visual effect and didn't know it is on this arti because on the known site it looks different from live. I was looking for the yellow and orange sta [..] View

How To Start Out

7:27 am, November 24, 2016 Hello, everyone. Pretty new guy here. I apologise if this was already posted; I searched a while and couldn't find anything similar to my question, so I'm hoping I didn't miss it. So, I just got the [..] View

How to do quest "Secrets of AIM" (Lore) if I missed it back in chapter 2

6:27 pm, November 20, 2016 You supposed to speak with Jessica Jones in chapter 2, which I didn't. Talking with after finishing story does nothing. I tried changing to level 1 hero and talk with her at his chapter 2 and it also [..] View

Cosmic Jackpots - How often they fall now? Was it changed?

6:27 pm, November 14, 2016 I didn't have Cosmic Jackpot for few weeks now. Even with busy Monday's in Midtown and running with high sif and rif. In the past Cosmic Jackpot happened for me at average once in two days. How it lo [..] View

Change payment method with Steam

7:27 pm, October 26, 2016 I play with Steam and for the lucky draw coupons I need to use the ingame shop, right? (I didn't get one but want to be prepered for the future) My payment method there is the Stem-wallet, which work [..] View

Help with download

7:27 pm, October 9, 2016 I recently downloaded the game but when I open it, it just go to the screen with the logo and the loading bar (with PLAY on the left) and that's it. It doesn't actually load. I have tried uninstalling [..] View

Game specials, boosts, et.

7:27 pm, September 22, 2016 Where can I keep up to date on what specials are going on in game? Web Calendar? New player with not a ton of free time, finding it difficult to make progress. Missed the XP boost day I think. Didn' [..] View

New Unique Rings and Legendary

8:27 am, September 21, 2016 I've not been able to find anything about these items I picked up tonight. Are they new? Legendary: Special Issue Emergency CommunicatorRank 1: +1 FightingRank 2: +1 DurabilityRank 3: 5% on Hit, summ [..] View

Changes to Blessing System - Is there a guide ?

7:27 pm, August 2, 2016 I searched through three pages of the Questions, Guides, and General tabs and didn't see a posting on the changes to the Blessing system. My search-foo is obviously weak. Does a guide/posting of som [..] View

Will Brood Wolverine Team-up return this Halloween?

7:27 pm, July 31, 2016 I started playing near the end of last year. After some reading, I am heart broken that I didn't get a chance at brood wolverine. I saw that you brought back Ironman MKII and it brought me back into t [..] View

Kirigi location?

8:27 am, July 30, 2016 Hi all, could anyone please tell me if there is a fixed location to find Kirigi? I ploughed through Google for the answer, and the most common answer seems to be in ICP, but I spend the last hour or [..] View

Just hit lvl 60...

8:27 am, July 24, 2016 So I"m VERY new to this game. I have 2 heroes, Cable and Deadpool fully unlocked. After i hit lvl 60 with Deadpool I had bought the Ancient Gourd of Prestige from Clea. I had initially thought, & [..] View

[Feedback Request] Upcoming Blessing Changes

8:27 am, July 20, 2016 Hey folks, This past week in Test Center we showed some upcoming changes to Blessings that will be rolling out in an upcoming patch. The overall goal of the Blessings rework is to equalize the relat [..] View

Team-Up BOGO's?

7:27 pm, July 19, 2016 Since it's currently buy one get one free? I've been playing pretty much since day one, and haven't ever actually bought a team up hero as much as be given one just by logging in every day. Got Wolve [..] View

Steal Money And Ban Accounts?

8:27 am, July 12, 2016 Hello again. Deleting my topic and perm banning my account is just showing that how miserable money stealer you are. Please don't be like your government, who kills hundreds of thousands people, just [..] View

Don't Steal My ~ 668,93 $ Please

8:27 am, July 11, 2016 Hello again. Sorry moderators but your support team is just having fun with me. So be it... I've spent 1765 hours in Marvel Heroes and i am addicted of your game. All heroes level 60 etc... From your [..] View

More Level 60 Questions

8:27 am, July 8, 2016 I still can't beat the cosmic trial, and I have two revives, an artifact and an omega, but they didn't help at all. I didn't even **** all 40 enemies. I have 2855 damage and 28500 health. My BP feels [..] View

New player, leveled to 60 but didn't do story.

7:27 pm, July 5, 2016 My question is should I go through this on my 60 or just level a new character through it and do what I need on my 60 once ports are open? I was planning on leveling a new character once I hit 60 anyh [..] View

Commendations and Raids

7:27 pm, July 3, 2016 I found out that the best way to improve gear was with commendations, but raids are so hard to organize, and then I did a Muspelheim Green Raid and didn't get anything. I have tried multiple times to [..] View

Who is most like Captain America?

7:27 pm, June 30, 2016 Just started playing a few days ago. Got the Captain America/Iron Man pack and since Cap is my favorite superhero anyway I have been using him. I love the whole bash, throw shield, melee thing. I also [..] View

sent a ticket on Friday about my G bonus sale refund, 5 days later, still no answer from Gaz.

7:27 pm, June 30, 2016 Title. What is happening? First time by the way that one of my tickets haven't been answered. But this time I'm this close to lose the sale is going on, gladly Asros extended the sale until Monday. B [..] View

Gear for Black Panther/ Obtaining Boss Uniques

7:27 pm, June 29, 2016 I have the unique level 60 gear on Black Panther, about 28k health and 2700 damage. I got squished on the cosmic trials, and sometimes on cosmic terminals. How do I avoid this? Also, how many times do [..] View

How does Gaz usually handle the ending of events?

8:27 am, June 28, 2016 Every other MMO I've ever played before handled events with special currency the same way. They'd keep the event shop up for a week or 2 after the event ends, just in case there are people that got sc [..] View

Havester King

7:27 pm, June 18, 2016 Yup. It's a mission I"ve done countless times before in level 7 of the game, but it didn't come up for me last night. I, and several others wound up camped outside the Towering Eyrie (Which I bel [..] View

mysterious old video tape

7:27 pm, June 17, 2016 so i noticed this a few days ago while my daughter was playing through chpt 2 that she got the tape to drop and the guy to hand it in wasn't there i didn't think much of it as she kind of turbos throu [..] View

Missing Team-UP during BOGO Sale

8:27 am, June 11, 2016 So I logged into the game today to find that there is a BOGO sale on Team-Up, so I decided to buy Domino for my Deadpool for 250G's. It took my G's, then I got a message that said "hero unlocked& [..] View

Critical Success

7:27 pm, June 7, 2016 I have been churning out crafted costumes forever and I just had two costumes pop out of the crafter. I didn't even know this was possible; for once the RNG gods favored me. Enhanced Hank Pym and Ta [..] View

Right click abilities going through menus

8:27 am, June 6, 2016 I haven't played in a few months, but since I came back I've been having some weird behavior. I always bind my movement abilities to right click, but for some reason, since I've come back when I have [..] View

third year anniversary log in gift?

8:27 am, June 5, 2016 yesterday i logged in and didn't recieve anything then i re started the game and got the login daily box, but that's all i received. today i received the box and a cake. I'm just making sure that thei [..] View

Power Doop Q&A

8:27 am, May 24, 2016 Is there already details for this runeword? I checked some of the other threads and didn't find anything. **Adds the The Power Doop runeword to any Uru-Forged item, replacing any existing runeword al [..] View

Civil war Events, I messed up bad

7:27 pm, May 23, 2016 So uh, I kinda screwed up. Last week I was on iron man's side, didn't really play much cause I didn't have a lot of motivation to. This week I joined caps side and found out that there's a document gi [..] View

[Newbie] Level 10?

7:27 pm, May 21, 2016 Hey everyone, i've been playing Marvel Heroes since 2 or 3 days. I played as Nightcrawler and i hit level 10 yesterday. There is a new orange button in the place where i press another orange button to [..] View

CW MB sale duration

8:27 am, May 7, 2016 Not sure if it was covered, and if so I can't remember where, maybe someone can help please? Was it stated exactly how long the CW Mystery Boxes would be on sale for? I got a few, and didn't get a tea [..] View

A Recipe to "Craft A.R.M.O.R. Costume Core"?

8:27 am, April 23, 2016 Suggestion: A recipe added to vendor that costs 800-1000 drives (one time purchase) The recipe will allow you to add the 1000 defense to any core, it costs 10 ARMOR runes (to still keep the event re [..] View

LvL 80 Event Legendaries.

8:27 am, April 22, 2016 Hello there, idea on the move more than a question but meh. I just droped my first Godkiller just earlier and I wondered about something : the no-odin worth Legendaries (Gold Pot, Godkiller and Power [..] View

Secondary Account

7:27 pm, April 2, 2016 I've read the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct (both for the forums and for in game) and didn't see anything against people having a secondary account. The only things I saw was that you aren' [..] View

Unstable Molecules - The Precious Vanishing Crafting Item

8:27 am, April 1, 2016 When the crafting system got it's very much needed QoLU, I was a very happy person. No longer did Hood and Mag's medallions consume 4 bins. Gone is the time consuming clicky, clicky, craft item mechan [..] View

Ultron Spawn Location and Power Duration

6:27 pm, March 14, 2016 Hi! Two quick questions: Where are Ultron's Spawn locations? Specifically looking for his medallions. I know of the Ultron mode, and in Midtown. Anywhere in the story mode perhaps? Maybe a terminal? [..] View

March 11, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, March 12, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide March 11, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Trading blessings (stupid question)

6:27 pm, March 11, 2016 Hello, First and foremost, yes this is a stupid question and I should probably know this by now but I never trade. Two part question: 1. How do you trade blessings? 2. What do you actually gain from [..] View

March 9, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, March 10, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide March 9, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

March 6, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

6:27 pm, March 6, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide March 6, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

My friend stuck at lower level.

7:27 am, March 4, 2016 Hi. I started playing Marvel Heroes few days ago with a group of friends. We didn't take much care about levels, but suddenly we noticed that one of us has still 16 level, while the rest has 23-25. W [..] View

What the ?!? (Enterinty splinters)

6:27 pm, February 27, 2016 I get the fact that ES is only supposed to drop every eight minutes or so. This isn't about that. So I was playing Punisher on the lowest skill level in the Savage Land. I was ripping through it (due [..] View

Help, Items have been replaced

6:27 pm, February 23, 2016 Hello, I didn't play quite active for some time and just had to find out that at least one stash has been almost completely exchanged its content with Odin chests and other items just disappeared. As [..] View

Buffing obsolete artifacts

7:27 am, February 19, 2016 @Asros said: Additionally, buffing old items sets a very bad precedent. Has it been done? Yes. Is it something we will do regularly? No. Giving players new items to go after is a core asp [..] View

February 18, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, February 19, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide February 18, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View

Hero Specific Stashes (forgive the noobie question)

7:27 am, February 19, 2016 There are a number of heroes that i am after so i started farming for splinters but i didn't realize until yesterday that that method might not be the best. my goal is to have hero specific stashes fo [..] View

Returning player questions (so confused)

6:27 pm, February 17, 2016 Hello, before I start, please note that this will likely be a long post and I apologize in advance. Hopefully someone is kind enough to read through (or just really bored at work). I played the game [..] View

February 14, 2016 Guide to commonly traded items

7:27 am, February 15, 2016 Jarvissteven’s Price Guide February 14, 2016 Market Watch NatureWalk has provided a handy spread sheet to make things easier to view: [..] View


7:27 am, February 7, 2016 It says my last logon was yesterday, I didn't even login yesterday. I'm starting to think my account was hacked. I sent a ticket for the time being hoping they can help me. I even have around 3.5k G' [..] View

Question about created bleed timer

7:27 am, February 4, 2016 Hi I have a Question to more advanced users and devs. So I was a bit annoyed about stopwatch to time bleeds near my PC so I used Java to create a program. It does following: it listens to keystrike's [..] View

Newbie looking for teacher.

6:27 pm, February 1, 2016 Hi, i played in Marvel heroes back in 2014 for about a month, but enough to say i didn't learn much, plus i remeber even less. Recenlty i've been thinking about coming back. And here is my question - [..] View

Issues with the new elements and costume rolling

7:27 am, January 31, 2016 Rolling costume affixes has become a extremely annoying because of all the elements being one tier. Before you could break down a pure into 50 or more ordinary elements and roll that many times to get [..] View

Is this possibly a bug, or some intentional game play challenge?

6:27 pm, January 30, 2016 Okay here's what happened. I was playing story mode for chapter 10. STORY MODE, not cosmic trial. I've got through fury and Elektra then the three choices appear: Avengers, H.K., and Xavier's schoo [..] View

Steam Trading Cards

6:27 pm, January 30, 2016 Hello everyone, I saw that MH has Steam Trading Cards, but how do we get them? I know that in some other games we get them just by playing a game, but what about here? I purchased $10 worth G's yeste [..] View

Team-Up with Agent Venom!

7:27 am, January 30, 2016 Flash Thompson fights beside you as Agent Venom, the first Team-Up to be added to Marvel Heroes 2016. About Agent Venom Alien symbiote? Check. Hardened military experience and impressive arsenal? [..] View

How to know who invited you to a party?

6:27 pm, December 28, 2015 Today while playing solo I was invited by someone to a party. A line in the chat said "avengersallianc invited you to a party". I wanted to briefly chat the player, and I had never used ch [..] View

Procs on DoT and AoE attacks?

6:27 pm, December 27, 2015 First i would like to apologize if the answer already exists and my search-fu was too weak to find it. I was wondering about affixes that have a chance to activate "on hit" for instance 1% c [..] View

Procs on DoT and AoE attacks

6:27 pm, December 26, 2015 First i would like to apologize if the answer already exists and my search-fu was too weak to find it. I was wondering about affixes that have a chance to activate "on hit" for instance 1% c [..] View

Howard the Duck Achievement - How do you unlock him?

7:27 am, December 20, 2015 I have seen many Howard the Duck Team Ups running around. I checked my achievement tab and found it under Events re ARMOR I have 2 out of 4 already done under Howard the Duck Achievement but I have [..] View

Kitty Pryde Age of Apocalypse

6:27 pm, December 10, 2015 If you didn't catch this summer's lighthearted STAR-LORD AND KITTY PRYDE comic that tied into the Secret Wars event, maybe you remember this classic Kitty Pryde costume from the Age of Apocalypse era [..] View

Lvl 80 Legendary

7:27 am, December 8, 2015 I just bought and leveled up a level 80 legendary for the first time. Is it a bug for it not to change my damage rating in the character window? I hope the game didn't allow me to buy something I ca [..] View


7:27 am, December 3, 2015 How much is needed (or as some have said useless to boost either) to see any results. Also it's listed that sif increases Eternity drop rate, people say it's just based on timer. What does sif actuall [..] View

synergy experience

7:27 pm, October 17, 2015 I keep seeing people saying they're working on getting 200% synergy experience bonus. I didn't see this in the synergy box in game so i'm assuming I'm just missing something somewhere. Anyone mind en [..] View

Opening Cards & Boxes-Is there a best way

7:27 pm, October 9, 2015 I’ve been playing for a couple of months now, I am certainly no expert, or even well versed and am hoping for a couple of tips RE: opening stuff. Does it help to pop the Rare Item and/or Sp [..] View

Honey Badger Medallion

8:27 am, October 1, 2015 Is it possible to get another Honey Badger Medallion? Some people got it nearly perfect, but some (as me) got it low rolled. It's kind annoying since it's my very favorite medal and I just didn't get [..] View

Where to Harvest Eradicator King

7:27 pm, September 26, 2015 Chapter 7 has decided to become painful like chapter 1-4... now I have a question: What is this? (Screenshot: [..] View

Build a tank?

8:27 am, September 2, 2015 If you didn't care about dps at all, who would you start with. Thing because of his slot 5? Jugger because of his on demand invun? Capt? What artifacts would you use? health regen, health, avoidance? [..] View


Didn't get credit for Mission.

Mar 21, 2015, 7:10 pm <p>Beat Magneto with X-23. Afterwards went to speak with Prof. X as instructed. However, once I did, I didn't get credit for doing so. That final notch towards the level is the final approval that I r[..] View

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